Strap-on wearing basketball player arrested for domestic abuse

You sound really pathetic.

I see it as efficiency. Since I have no respect for human life....... especially female, feminist, lesbian life; there would be no more likelihood that I'd respect these two than the raccoon I had to pop with the rifle at my in law's house a couple weeks back.

You have also done a great job exempting yourself from intelligent conversation. Nobody could possibly take you seriously.
[Further confirmation you are pathetic. No respect for human life? Thats very sad. You must be very sad and lonely.

For me, respect is earned and 99% of modern humanity has no chance of ever doing so because of their actions and their beliefs. I'm sad to see humanity fail in its only job but my wife provides more than sufficient company for me.
You have also done a great job exempting yourself from intelligent conversation. Nobody could possibly take you seriously.

What you call intelligent conversation I call a waste of time. I'm as serious as a heart attack.
[Further confirmation you are pathetic. No respect for human life? Thats very sad. You must be very sad and lonely.

For me, respect is earned and 99% of modern humanity has no chance of ever doing so because of their actions and their beliefs. I'm sad to see humanity fail in its only job but my wife provides more than sufficient company for me.

Pretty sure nobody cares about getting the respect of a nut like you. Lots of people in jail qualify I bet though.
You are deranged, and I'm willing to bet top dollar you are a top shelf pussy as well.

You are free to have your opinion. If we ever meet irl, maybe you'll find out.

Except you just made it very clear that you would hide behind your firearm as a means to defend yourself if one of them college girls tried to fight you for runnin' your mouth.

(Earlier in the topic)-

One of them is 6"4, the other is 6"8. They are both great athletes. Imagine the beating they could give you if you tried tellin them that to their face.

I know who at least one of them is as my mother follows women's college basketball.
I also know that a .45 ACP and/or 12 ga slug/buckshot is not going to care about their size. I don't do fist fights. If you've gotten that close my defensive plans have already failed
Except you just made it very clear that you would hide behind your firearm as a means to defend yourself if one of them college girls tried to fight you for runnin' your mouth.​

The firearm is a consideration any time any individual approaches me.
Its like you take someone you dont like already. find the worst situation you can find and apply their actions to that of the entire community.
Which the exact same thing you and your fellow libturds would be doing if it was a conservative story, hypocrite much?
Just another proof that dykes and tomboys/female athletes have no place in proper society.

I was waiting for this post.

Its like you take someone you dont like already. find the worst situation you can find and apply their actions to that of the entire community.

Nice job, asshole
Which the exact same thing you and your fellow libturds would be doing if it was a conservative story, hypocrite much?

And its so terrible that you excusing it now right? right?
Just another proof that dykes and tomboys/female athletes have no place in proper society.

I was waiting for this post.

Its like you take someone you dont like already. find the worst situation you can find and apply their actions to that of the entire community.

Nice job, asshole
Which the exact same thing you and your fellow libturds would be doing if it was a conservative story, hypocrite much?

And its so terrible that you excusing it now right? right?
I am not excusing anything I am just pointing out your selective outrage, hypocrite.
Except you just made it very clear that you would hide behind your firearm as a means to defend yourself if one of them college girls tried to fight you for runnin' your mouth.​

The firearm is a consideration any time any individual approaches me.

So let me get this straight. You start runnin' your mouth to a college girl, sayin' she has "no place in society" (even though she a kick ass athlete) and she walks up to you ready to kick your ass if you keep on, and you piss your pants and pull a gun on her as a means to defend yourself.

Except you just made it very clear that you would hide behind your firearm as a means to defend yourself if one of them college girls tried to fight you for runnin' your mouth.​

The firearm is a consideration any time any individual approaches me.

So let me get this straight. You start runnin' your mouth to a college girl, sayin' she has "no place in society" (even though she a kick ass athlete) and she walks up to you ready to kick your ass if you keep on, and you piss your pants and pull a gun on her as a means to defend yourself.

That about sums it up. He would defecate himself also.

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