Stressed Out

The limited job opportunities for the lower grads has a lot to do with it also.
There was a thread earlier in the week where I pointed out that Finland and South Korea regularly score at the top of the world in education. In Korea the kids have homework piled on all year, and in Finland they don't have any at all. So it makes you wonder whether high stress is what creates the success.
If only we had Korean discipline in this country. Damn what a world ours would be.
The following indicate the problems South Koreans have because of their educational rank.

  • [paste:font size="4"]With jobs scarce, South Korean students linger on campus CNBC
    Jan 1, 2015 - South Korean students take their College Scholastic Ability Test at a ... A later career start often means starting families later, exacerbating a low birth rate. ... with freshly graduated college students for the entry-level jobs....and ...
  • [paste:font size="4"]Skip College Is Top Advice for World-Beating Koreans: Jobs ... Bloomberg L.P.

    Sep 12, 2012 - With almost three out of four high school students going to college in ...South Korean students are pushed to study more than 12 hours a ... She's training to provide consulting services to poorer families with low credit ratings.
  • [paste:font size="4"]Education in South Korea: Glutted with graduates | The ... The Economist
    Nov 3, 2011 - THE vast majority of South Korean youngsters graduate from high school, and of ... into college is bringing huge losses to families and the country alike. ... But that perpetuates low social mobility and the class/caste system.
  • [paste:font size="4"]Education in South Korea - WENR World Education Services
    Jun 1, 2013 - At 103 percent (UNESCO: 2010), South Korea has the highest tertiary ... The government has introduced reforms in recent years designed to reduce the emphasis on rote ... Seoul National University 59th and Korea Advanced Institute of ... Across all levels, some 100,000 Korean students are currently in the ...
  • [paste:font size="4"]Unemployment Crisis Among College Graduates in Japan
    Aug 27, 2014 - This gap between the high number of college graduates and the lownumber of ... However, the unemployed in South Korea choose slightly different ... of the highest levels of fear of business failure among the public with 49.3 ...
  • [paste:font size="4"]High performance, high pressure in South Korea's ...
    Jan 23, 2014 - What's driving these levels of investment? As reported in The Economist, it's competition for college places: ... South Korean students consistently rank at the top of the Programme ... And although they perform well on international tests, South Korean students' interest in school and satisfaction rate is low, ...

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