Struggling Lewiston Maine and the invasion of culture that refuses to assimilate

Our country was formed by ethnic neighborhoods

That's true, however, it was also formed by people with certain core beliefs, one of which was Christianity, and the other of which, was a dream to be part of a new country, with a new culture. Not bring the cultures they came here to escape, and make that same culture here.

The Know Nothings and their ilk have whined every few generations.
You responded with rhetoric, you offer no proof no evidence just blabber.

You’re too ignorant of history to even understand what I’m talking about.
I’m In it, they have no Similarities with Americans. WE DONT SPEAK SPANISH

The irrational fear of an ignorant little boy. Pathetic.

You do NOT know what you’re talking about.
Our country was formed by ethnic neighborhoods

That's true, however, it was also formed by people with certain core beliefs, one of which was Christianity, and the other of which, was a dream to be part of a new country, with a new culture. Not bring the cultures they came here to escape, and make that same culture here.

The Know Nothings and their ilk have whined every few generations.
Have you ever told someone to speak English?

Lots of times - in English class.
So they were speaking Spanish and you said speak English?

Lots of languages.
That's true, however, it was also formed by people with certain core beliefs, one of which was Christianity, and the other of which, was a dream to be part of a new country, with a new culture. Not bring the cultures they came here to escape, and make that same culture here.

The Know Nothings and their ilk have whined every few generations.
You responded with rhetoric, you offer no proof no evidence just blabber.

You’re too ignorant of history to even understand what I’m talking about.
I’m In it, they have no Similarities with Americans. WE DONT SPEAK SPANISH

The irrational fear of an ignorant little boy. Pathetic.

You do NOT know what you’re talking about.
Your the one In Fear.. I hold nothing back,, you hide your feelings
....l they are not speaking English! .......

Yes, they are. Better than you do.
No one agrees with you

That has no bearing on the truth, you illogical little turd.
I’m one of the few Americans that stayed in Boston after bussing, I’m just telling you what I saw. All proud Americans are conflicting with Latinos..
just a fact. You can’t not accept the new countries culture and think your going to grow a small Latin country inside a country lol nope not going to happen
Our country was formed by ethnic neighborhoods
----------------------------------- find some of the oldest Census data and you will find that most of those counted even before the USA was formed were Welsh and English or British and Black slaves for the most part RWinger .
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Lewiston Maine, a one thriving mill town is now a welfare town. As the factories closed many families moved many stayed and accepted benefits. As word got out Africans decided to jump on this opportunity, so by the thousands they moved in, immediately causeing Trimble, taking welfare destroying the school system.

They brutality jumped a 10 year old girl, they killed a white man. They have taken Over a park threatening natives not to enter. They wear hoodies trying to intimidate the locals.

When will he have merit based immigration to help this town?

Lewiston Maine WAS a milltown until all the mills closed and the city was on its last legs, losing population, poverty level skyrocketing, until 7,500 new people moved into town and gave it the huge boost it needed. It works so well in Lewiston, our governor is encouraging as many as can make it here to come. Yes, she is.

Lewiston has an extremely low violent crime rate, way below the national average. I have shared these stats with you in another thread. You are smearing a town that is trying to get back on its feet and you are slandering the immigrants who have settled there. They are completing high school at higher rates than the "natives," and they are attending college, working in the community, becoming part of the town. There will be a few "they's" in any group. Adolescent boys congregating in "gangs"--ever heard of that before?
They didn't move here because of welfare benefits, folks; they moved here because they met such hostility down in the state where they had come originally. They have not turned it into a violent crime ridden town. Catholic Charities had a lot to do with helping these folks get settled, learn English, find work. I have a friend who worked for them there at the time. She said they did "beautifully." She was there, on the front lines.

You really are doing a major disservice to Lewiston and to the Somalis. Shame.

I'm confused by your statement.

If the jobs left, because the mill closed, and you have a ton of unemployed and impoverished people are there....

How does dumping in 7,500 people into the town....... magically create jobs, when you already have dozens of unemployed there due to the mill closing?

Do you not see that this doesn't make sense? If you have people who are poor, and unemployed.... how does dumping more people into the town help this?

Now if you had told me they imported 7,500 wealthy business developers, who created tons of jobs..... now I get it.

But just dumping a bunch of migrants? How does that help anyone? Did all the migrants employ all the poor people? How'd that happen?

That said.....

When you have too many people immigrate too fast, you end up with problems.
Here in Ohio, a guy was leaving the condo area, and a Somali hit him. Before the police showed up, this Somali rounded up all the other Somalis, and convinced them, that this guy hit him. When the police showed up, everyone defended the Somali driver, and said the other guy hit him.

This is so well known in my area, that nearly everyone now has dash cameras.... because you can't trust these guys to be honest and truthful. They'll form a mob, and get the police to cite you, instead of them.

Just saying.....

----------------------------------------- THEY STICK together to lie cheat and steal as they laugh at the Gringo .
Yes, they are. Better than you do.
No one agrees with you

That has no bearing on the truth, you illogical little turd.
I’m one of the few Americans that stayed in Boston after bussing, I’m just telling you what I saw. All proud Americans are conflicting with Latinos..
just a fact. You can’t not accept the new countries culture and think your going to grow a small Latin country inside a country lol nope not going to happen
Our country was formed by ethnic neighborhoods

That's true, however, it was also formed by people with certain core beliefs, one of which was Christianity, and the other of which, was a dream to be part of a new country, with a new culture. Not bring the cultures they came here to escape, and make that same culture here.
------------------------------------------- the earliest to the America were mostly all WESTERNERS especially those that had the most influence in forming the USA . Westerners and Christian and certainly not a hodgepodge of third world imports that we see nowadays Andy .
The Know Nothings and their ilk have whined every few generations.
You responded with rhetoric, you offer no proof no evidence just blabber.

You’re too ignorant of history to even understand what I’m talking about.
I’m In it, they have no Similarities with Americans. WE DONT SPEAK SPANISH

The irrational fear of an ignorant little boy. Pathetic.

You do NOT know what you’re talking about.
Your the one In Fear.. I hold nothing back,, you hide your feelings

What feelings are you imagining, pothead?
No one agrees with you

That has no bearing on the truth, you illogical little turd.
I’m one of the few Americans that stayed in Boston after bussing, I’m just telling you what I saw. All proud Americans are conflicting with Latinos..
just a fact. You can’t not accept the new countries culture and think your going to grow a small Latin country inside a country lol nope not going to happen
Our country was formed by ethnic neighborhoods

That's true, however, it was also formed by people with certain core beliefs, one of which was Christianity, and the other of which, was a dream to be part of a new country, with a new culture. Not bring the cultures they came here to escape, and make that same culture here.
------------------------------------------- the earliest to the America were mostly all WESTERNERS especially those that had the most influence in forming the USA . Westerners and Christian and certainly not a hodgepodge of third world imports that we see nowadays Andy .
----------------------------------------- as a clue I always look at the names of the Founders and the explorers , frontiersmen and then a little later on I look at the names of the industrialists , rail roaders , Captains of Industry and other movers and shakers as just the names tell a story about where MOST of the Formers and Builders of the USA came from .
and the third worlder in Lewiston Maine get their cash and sustenance from taxpayer funds or welfare is my GUESS . Then they spend that cash in Lewistons businesses is my other guess and that make business owners happy .
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The effort, determination, and perseverance of so many of today's immigrants in learning English and adapting to live in America is truly inspiring. People - young and old - facing challenges that would crush most of you whiners, are trying so hard to learn and adapt that you have to admire them and admire America.
The effort, determination, and perseverance of so many of today's immigrants in learning English and adapting to live in America is truly inspiring. People - young and old - facing challenges that would crush most of you whiners, are trying so hard to learn and adapt that you have to admire them and admire America.
They are not assimilating.. they are divided. .. it’s why crime is so huge in multi cultural neighborhoods
The effort, determination, and perseverance of so many of today's immigrants in learning English and adapting to live in America is truly inspiring. People - young and old - facing challenges that would crush most of you whiners, are trying so hard to learn and adapt that you have to admire them and admire America.
They are not assimilating.. ...ds

Yes they are, you ignorant, frightened little dope.
The effort, determination, and perseverance of so many of today's immigrants in learning English and adapting to live in America is truly inspiring. People - young and old - facing challenges that would crush most of you whiners, are trying so hard to learn and adapt that you have to admire them and admire America.
They are not assimilating.. they are divided. .. it’s why crime is so huge in multi cultural neighborhoods
How did we get MS-13? Some stupid ass American refugee settlement expert thought El Salvadorans would assimilate and get along peachy keen with Mexicans.
The effort, determination, and perseverance of so many of today's immigrants in learning English and adapting to live in America is truly inspiring. People - young and old - facing challenges that would crush most of you whiners, are trying so hard to learn and adapt that you have to admire them and admire America.
They are not assimilating.. ...ds

Yes they are, you ignorant, frightened little dope.
Ad hominem.. you are a joke
already in 'texas' public schools there are moves for the History of the ALAMO to be changed for the purpose of being inclusive of 'mexicans' as hero's . This push is being done by elected school board members that don't like the story / history told by the American Gringo teachers Jits .

Why can't both sides be presented? The Mexican government did allow European folks to settle there. They were there by the sufferance of the Mexican government. Were people like Sam Houston actually right? How come?

Lewiston Maine, a once thriving mill town is now a welfare town. As the factories closed many families moved many stayed and accepted benefits. As word got out Africans decided to jump on this opportunity, so by the thousands they moved in, immediately causeing Trouble, taking welfare destroying the school system.

They brutality jumped a 10 year old girl, they killed a white man. They have taken Over a park threatening natives not to enter. They wear hoodies trying to intimidate the locals.

When will we have merit based immigration to help this town?

What is meant by the assertion that some immigrants refuse to "assimilate"? When one comes from another country, one makes efforts to integrate into the community, learn the language, find work, establish a home, get educated. Generally, establish roots and join the community. My maternal grandparents did this. My Irish ancestors did this before.I do not understand what this condemnation is about.I think that folks whose ancestors were from Japan, China, Korea, India, the African continent, the central and south American countries will all agree. I hope that I did not leave anyone out, but I know I did.
The effort, determination, and perseverance of so many of today's immigrants in learning English and adapting to live in America is truly inspiring. People - young and old - facing challenges that would crush most of you whiners, are trying so hard to learn and adapt that you have to admire them and admire America.
They are not assimilating.. they are divided. .. it’s why crime is so huge in multi cultural neighborhoods
How did we get MS-13? Some stupid ass American refugee settlement expert thought El Salvadorans would assimilate and get along peachy keen with Mexicans.

they all look alike to Democrats; as long as their votes can be bought cheaply enough, that's all that matters to them, though.
already in 'texas' public schools there are moves for the History of the ALAMO to be changed for the purpose of being inclusive of 'mexicans' as hero's . This push is being done by elected school board members that don't like the story / history told by the American Gringo teachers Jits .

Why can't both sides be presented? The Mexican government did allow European folks to settle there. They were there by the sufferance of the Mexican government. Were people like Sam Houston actually right? How come?

Because Mexico was full of shit when it claimed all that territory in the first place, and ended up relying on European immigrants to settle it since few Mexicans would be caught dead north of Tampico, and then after they got those Euros here, like typical Mexicans they then welshed on their deal and sent an army north to plunder Texas. They lost, and they've whined about it ever since.

Anybody care to guess just how many 'Mexicans' actually lived north of the Rio Grande, or north of what is now the border?
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The effort, determination, and perseverance of so many of today's immigrants in learning English and adapting to live in America is truly inspiring. People - young and old - facing challenges that would crush most of you whiners, are trying so hard to learn and adapt that you have to admire them and admire America.
They are not assimilating.. they are divided. .. it’s why crime is so huge in multi cultural neighborhoods

Democrats want to set up and embed a whole lot of little foreign mini-states and micro-states in key political districts, run by their old Tammany Hall style hacks, is all.

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