Struggling Lewiston Maine and the invasion of culture that refuses to assimilate

Yes they all
Assimilated to American culture.....

Just like immigrants are today. I see it up close and personal every single day.
Do you know the definition of assimilation?

Not only do I know what it is, I see it and participate in it every single day. You just sit around being scared and ignorant, pretending that political science is nothing more than wearing team colors. I have seen (and played some small part in helping) thousands of immigrants and the children of immigrants acculturate, assimilate, and succeed in America.
If you believe in free speech and we Americans walk up to people speaking Spanish like we used to, and tell them to speak English or get out,, is that assimilating?

Luckily for you, there is no law against being a douchebag. Just don't cry about consequences.

Say what you want. You can pick up your teeth and go back to washing dishes right after.
We’re you any where near Boston I the 70’s? Lol or 60’s? If you were caught speaking Spanish you got your ass kicked
Lewiston’s finest hour

Wow, you’re stupid. It means city hall has changed.
So immigrants have changed lol hello myfly

No, you illogical little turd.
Huh why post in different languages now and not then?

In 1776, the first newspaper to report on the signing of the Declaration of Independence was a German-language newspaper published in PA.
And the founding fathers HATED GERMANS, because they didn’t assimilate
Ummm it was because the Hessians fought with the British.
Yes they all
Assimilated to American culture, unlike Latinos and Afros .. I know 20 something Bulgarians who came here 15 years ago they spoke no English they all is own business or working on degrees.. dating and have American friends..

Latinos stay together, refuse to speak English, refuse to assimilate to American culture,, it’s not there fault it’s our politicians for letting them in..

I just talked to
Roofer he said he Irish would assimilate but the Spain is here refuse. And they hire there friends at lower wages so Americans can’t work
The immigrants today demand that Americans speak their language respect their culture. If anything it's Americans assimilating into their culture.

That is incorrect. That kind of nonsense is just a form of paranoia because you are buying into the crap a small group for far left, pasty, guilt-ridden dopes and their media dogs are pushing on you. Don't be a sucker.
You do understand this is why America conquered Mexico, Mexicans refused to assimilate with the Texans, ....

Ridiculously wrong.

You're as ignorant of History as you are of every other topic.
It is.. conflict, just like today, Latinos don’t assimilate to our culture
Not only do they not assimilate but they are quite proud of it. Schools are happy to celebrate cinco de mayo and prohibit the American flag. Assimilation isn't about them speaking English. It's YOU speaking Spanish. I have lived among these people since 1965. They go into child care and will speak to your child exclusively in Spanish. Whether you want it or not. You have no say.
...... Latinos don’t assimilate to our culture

They are doing so every day all across my beautiful nation. If anything, faster and more completely than most of those who came before them.
So you think speaking a foreign language, not assimilating to the customs of the natives ....l

Immigrants today ARE learning English and ARE assimilating culturally, socially, economically, politically, and academically. Just because YOU are a loser doesn't mean everyone else is.
Just like immigrants are today. I see it up close and personal every single day.
Do you know the definition of assimilation?

Not only do I know what it is, I see it and participate in it every single day. You just sit around being scared and ignorant, pretending that political science is nothing more than wearing team colors. I have seen (and played some small part in helping) thousands of immigrants and the children of immigrants acculturate, assimilate, and succeed in America.
If you believe in free speech and we Americans walk up to people speaking Spanish like we used to, and tell them to speak English or get out,, is that assimilating?

Luckily for you, there is no law against being a douchebag. Just don't cry about consequences.

Say what you want. You can pick up your teeth and go back to washing dishes right after.
We’re you any where near Boston I the 70’s? Lol or 60’s? If you were caught speaking Spanish you got your ass kicked

Yes I was and no it would not, idiot. You were nowhere near being alive then so stop guessing based on your own fears and weaknesses, punk. Your ignorance is nothing to be proud of kid, so feel free to let it go.
The immigrants today demand that Americans speak their language respect their culture. If anything it's Americans assimilating into their culture.

That is incorrect. That kind of nonsense is just a form of paranoia because you are buying into the crap a small group for far left, pasty, guilt-ridden dopes and their media dogs are pushing on you. Don't be a sucker.
You do understand this is why America conquered Mexico, Mexicans refused to assimilate with the Texans, ....

Ridiculously wrong.

You're as ignorant of History as you are of every other topic.
It is.. conflict, just like today, Latinos don’t assimilate to our culture
Not only do they not assimilate but they are quite proud of it. ......

That is simply not true. You are allowing yourself to be played for a sucker by the far left who wants your fears to be a reality. They are not.
...... Latinos don’t assimilate to our culture

They are doing so every day all across my beautiful nation. If anything, faster and more completely than most of those who came before them.
So you think speaking a foreign language, not assimilating to the customs of the natives ....l

Immigrants today ARE learning English and ARE assimilating culturally, socially, economically, politically, and academically. Just because YOU are a loser doesn't mean everyone else is.
My union rep was Spanish she spelled Joe “yo” I shit you not,, they don’t assimilate, they don’t folllow our customs..

Again I will keep asking you. We had bussing to give blacks a better education, instead we flooded there schools with non English speaking foreigners! How was this good for them? How many was to many? I await your answer you hack. Keep avoiding my question and I’ll come for your pension you little wussy
...... Latinos don’t assimilate to our culture

They are doing so every day all across my beautiful nation. If anything, faster and more completely than most of those who came before them.
So you think speaking a foreign language, not assimilating to the customs of the natives ....l

Immigrants today ARE learning English and ARE assimilating culturally, socially, economically, politically, and academically. Just because YOU are a loser doesn't mean everyone else is.
Lol they are not speaking English! They are not assimilating many are using us to take money back home! They are lowering our wages! You are mooorooon .. I want your pension .. I’m coming for it
You destroyed kids lives! You deserve to pay!
That is incorrect. That kind of nonsense is just a form of paranoia because you are buying into the crap a small group for far left, pasty, guilt-ridden dopes and their media dogs are pushing on you. Don't be a sucker.
You do understand this is why America conquered Mexico, Mexicans refused to assimilate with the Texans, ....

Ridiculously wrong.

You're as ignorant of History as you are of every other topic.
It is.. conflict, just like today, Latinos don’t assimilate to our culture
Not only do they not assimilate but they are quite proud of it. ......

That is simply not true. You are allowing yourself to be played for a sucker by the far left who wants your fears to be a reality. They are not.
We live around them you idiot ! You don’t ,, you are looking from the outside in,, go away..
Latinos are my neighbors, colleagues, clients, customers, associates and casual contacts. They have been so for decades. They are not unknown to me and I absolutely don't need third parties splainin to me how well they don't assimilate. To them this is Mexico. Its not the United States. It's Mexico. They aren't supposed to assimilate. You are supposed to assimilate.
I work with immigrant kids (and adults) every day. I have seen young people arrive here speaking almost no English at all soon engaging in academic work - in English - that most of you numbskulls would fail at miserably. I have seen such students go from very basic English to at or near the top of their class in a couple of years. They are active in student government, sports, clubs, and JrROTC among other things. I have seen students come to the US from China with absolutely no idea what football is become die-hard Patriots fans and/or try out for their school teams. Naturally, I have recruited a number of the more athletic to join the wrestling team.

I see many of their parents squeezing out the last drop of their energy after working all day to attend English classes at night in order to improve their positions at work (with American coworkers) and to be able to better support their children in their education. Not one parent has ever made a peep about preserving their native culture when discussing their children's education. All have emphasized the need for their children to learn English quickly and well in order to succeed in America.
I work with immigrant kids (and adults) every day. I have seen young people arrive here speaking almost no English at all soon engaging in academic work - in English - that most of you numbskulls would fail at miserably. I have seen such students go from very basic English to at or near the top of their class in a couple of years. They are active in student government, sports, clubs, and JrROTC among other things. I have seen students come to the US from China with absolutely no idea what football is become die-hard Patriots fans and/or try out for their school teams. Naturally, I have recruited a number of the more athletic to join the wrestling team.

I see many of their parents squeezing out the last drop of their energy after working all day to attend English classes at night in order to improve their positions at work (with American coworkers) and to be able to better support their children in their education. Not one parent has ever made a peep about preserving their native culture when discussing their children's education. All have emphasized the need for their children to learn English quickly and well in order to succeed in America.

That’s a great heart warming story, but they don’t assimilate,, they want to continue living in their former country when they left it.. WE CANT HAVE THAT. It’s disrespectful, it hurts a community and destroys poor American neighborhood schools.. enough of your Rhetoric that makes no sense
...... Latinos don’t assimilate to our culture

They are doing so every day all across my beautiful nation. If anything, faster and more completely than most of those who came before them.
So you think speaking a foreign language, not assimilating to the customs of the natives ....l

Immigrants today ARE learning English and ARE assimilating culturally, socially, economically, politically, and academically. Just because YOU are a loser doesn't mean everyone else is.
My union rep was Spanish.....

What part of SPAIN was she from, dumbass?
[....... but they don’t assimilate,.......

Yes, they do. I see it first hand every day, dumbass. You are just a frightened little bigot of the sort we have unfortunately been saddled with from time to time in my great nation's history. You Know Nothing (ask an adult to explain that to you).
...... Latinos don’t assimilate to our culture

They are doing so every day all across my beautiful nation. If anything, faster and more completely than most of those who came before them.
So you think speaking a foreign language, not assimilating to the customs of the natives ....l

Immigrants today ARE learning English and ARE assimilating culturally, socially, economically, politically, and academically. Just because YOU are a loser doesn't mean everyone else is.
My union rep was Spanish.....

What part of SPAIN was she from, dumbass?
Same place you will be redirected to for destroying my city.. you think it’s joke it’s.. shit is going to hit the fan and you enabler’s are going to pay dearly in court.
[....... but they don’t assimilate,.......

Yes, they do. I see it first hand every day, dumbass. You are just a frightened little bigot of the sort we have unfortunately been saddled with from time to time in my great nation's history. You Know Nothing (ask an adult to explain that to you).
Then you are clueless about what assimilating means
Many people will say anything to keep their cash flow , benefits going . Its all simple common sense .

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