Strzok Admits To FISA Warrant Crimes...

Comey publicly declared Hillary broke laws ... Then declared she was too stupid to know she was doing it...

Strzok says he was so tired and mistakenly participated in a treasonous coup...

Flynn was ambushed, denied council, and f*ed by the guy who just admitted to treason...
Comey publicly declared Hillary broke laws ... Then declared she was too stupid to know she was doing it...

Strzok says he was so tired and mistakenly participated in a treasonous coup...

Flynn was ambushed, denied council, and f*ed by the guy who just admitted to treason...

A completely corrupt system.
Comey publicly declared Hillary broke laws ... Then declared she was too stupid to know she was doing it...

Strzok says he was so tired and mistakenly participated in a treasonous coup...

Flynn was ambushed, denied council, and f*ed by the guy who just admitted to treason...

A completely corrupt system.
Common denominator in these - DEMOCRATS
Comey publicly declared Hillary broke laws ... Then declared she was too stupid to know she was doing it...

Strzok says he was so tired and mistakenly participated in a treasonous coup...

Flynn was ambushed, denied council, and f*ed by the guy who just admitted to treason...

A completely corrupt system.
Common denominator in these - DEMOCRATS

There is plenty to blame them for but as you note, Comey admitted that Hillary broke the law but he would do nothing about it. That is also a part of the corruption.

deano clintons emails were hacked long before the President made that request jokingly

why make that request even jokingly, to his Russian pals, knowing he was under investigation?

stop being so fucking TDS hypersensitive it wasn't a request her emails had already been hacked

Why ask the Russians at all? Why not ask our allies.

It was said in joking dumbass

He was joking...joe biden stated that China will help him get elected...we already know that his son got a 1.5 billion dollar deal from China and he flew on Air Force 2 with his dad to get the money......soooo....

On second thought, we no longer need an investigation because the New York Post has found a bombshell video of Joe Biden asking Communist President Xi Jiniping to help make him president of the United States.

Cue apocalyptic commentary:
The walls are closing in! Today is a turning point! The day everything changed! The beginning of the end! A real tipping point! He's done! Finished!

Rosenstein testified under oath that anyone who committed FISA Court violations broke the law and should be punished...Clinesmith says altering / falsifying documents was a 'mistake'...Strzok says he engaged in treason because he was 'tired'...Rosenstein's excuse was that he signed the FISA Court coup documents but its ok because he never read them 1st....all of which he testified MEANS NOTHING and that they should still be punished...

He was joking...joe biden stated that China will help him get elected...we already know that his son got a 1.5 billion dollar deal from China and he flew on Air Force 2 with his dad to get the money......soooo....

On second thought, we no longer need an investigation because the New York Post has found a bombshell video of Joe Biden asking Communist President Xi Jiniping to help make him president of the United States.

Cue apocalyptic commentary: The walls are closing in! Today is a turning point! The day everything changed! The beginning of the end! A real tipping point! He's done! Finished!

I guess Biden was joking as well.
Claims it was due to 'overwork'

323 pages of text messages between Strzok, Page and other FBI officials tell a very different story!!!! This is just one text between Strzok and Page. Overwork, memory loss and "you misunderstood my intent" is not going save them.

Lisa Page: “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” the lawyer, Lisa Page, wrote to Strzok, according to The Post.

Peter Strzok: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Strzok responded, The Post says the IG report reveals. The text was sent in August 2016 only a few months before the presidential election, and after the FBI had started its investigation into Trump campaign aides, according to The Post.

Strzok explained to the IG investigators, “When asked about this text message, Strzok stated that he did not specifically recall sending it, but that he believed that it was intended to reassure Page that Trump would not be elected, not to suggest that he would do something to impact the investigation.”

Left out the part about "we have an insurance policy"
Rosenstein testified under oath that anyone who committed FISA Court violations broke the law and should be punished...Clinesmith says altering / falsifying documents was a 'mistake'...Strzok says he engaged in treason because he was 'tired'...Rosenstein's excuse was that he signed the FISA Court coup documents but its ok because he never read them 1st....all of which he testified MEANS NOTHING and that they should still be punished...

I think they should all be prosecuted, plus Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and others who were complicit. Gotta prove it in a court of law though, which may not be that easy. IMHO, there's gotta be some deterrent or this shit could happen again the next time a democrat gets elected to the WH.
Rosenstein testified under oath that anyone who committed FISA Court violations broke the law and should be punished...Clinesmith says altering / falsifying documents was a 'mistake'...Strzok says he engaged in treason because he was 'tired'...Rosenstein's excuse was that he signed the FISA Court coup documents but its ok because he never read them 1st....all of which he testified MEANS NOTHING and that they should still be punished...

I think they should all be prosecuted, plus Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and others who were complicit. Gotta prove it in a court of law though, which may not be that easy. IMHO, there's gotta be some deterrent or this shit could happen again the next time a democrat gets elected to the WH.

Yes, and if it points to obummer he needs to be impeached. Tried, and if convicted, sent to prison for the rest of his life. Or hung, either one is good with me.,
Rosenstein testified under oath that anyone who committed FISA Court violations broke the law and should be punished...Clinesmith says altering / falsifying documents was a 'mistake'...Strzok says he engaged in treason because he was 'tired'...Rosenstein's excuse was that he signed the FISA Court coup documents but its ok because he never read them 1st....all of which he testified MEANS NOTHING and that they should still be punished...

I think they should all be prosecuted, plus Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and others who were complicit. Gotta prove it in a court of law though, which may not be that easy. IMHO, there's gotta be some deterrent or this shit could happen again the next time a democrat gets elected to the WH.

It would have been extremely easy to prove Clapper committed perjury. He even admitted to it but they allowed the statutes of limitation run out.

He was joking...joe biden stated that China will help him get elected...we already know that his son got a 1.5 billion dollar deal from China and he flew on Air Force 2 with his dad to get the money......soooo....

On second thought, we no longer need an investigation because the New York Post has found a bombshell video of Joe Biden asking Communist President Xi Jiniping to help make him president of the United States.

Cue apocalyptic commentary: The walls are closing in! Today is a turning point! The day everything changed! The beginning of the end! A real tipping point! He's done! Finished!

Papadopoulos was interviewed by FBI agents on January 27, 2017, regarding any Trump campaign connections with Russia. After the interrogation, on the advice of his counsel, Papadopoulos deactivated his Facebook account, which contained correspondences with Russians, and created a new account.[65] On July 27, 2017, Papadopoulos was arrested upon landing at Washington-Dulles International Airport, placed in handcuffs and leg shackles, and put in a prison cell overnight for his arraignment the following day. He was released without bail and subsequently cooperated with Special Counsel Robert Mueller in his investigation.--

Yet, your guy asked the Russians for help not our traditional allies.

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