Strzok Admits To FISA Warrant Crimes...

Peter Strzok, the former FBI deputy chief of counterintelligence, noted that while the mistakes and failures found in the Justice Department inspector general’s report were “inexcusable,” he added that they were not improper.

That makes absolutely no sense to me.

That's because you have been listening to the Fake News MSM.

This just furthers my case that the entire system is corrupt.
Not the entire system ....

But, apparently the upper levels.

No, the entire system. And I have no idea what the news has to do with my statement. Errors no matter what the reason is improper. What does that have to do with the news?
Peter Strzok, the former FBI deputy chief of counterintelligence, noted that while the mistakes and failures found in the Justice Department inspector general’s report were “inexcusable,” he added that they were not improper.

That makes absolutely no sense to me.

This just furthers my case that the entire system is corrupt.

Wow, aren't we surprised, you're a fricken liberal, nothing makes sense to you.

I'm Pro-Life. I support the 2nd. I believe we need to balance the budget.

Now explain to me how this wasn't improper.

Sure, soon as you can explain what pro-life, or the 2nd, or a balanced budget has to do with Strzok.

I was dismissing your dismissal of my question. Now can you answer?

Sit down and STFU.

Right, you just wanted to say something stupid.

Peter Strzok, the former FBI deputy chief of counterintelligence, noted that while the mistakes and failures found in the Justice Department inspector general’s report were “inexcusable,” he added that they were not improper.

That makes absolutely no sense to me.

That's because you have been listening to the Fake News MSM.

This just furthers my case that the entire system is corrupt.
Not the entire system ....

But, apparently the upper levels.

No, the entire system. And I have no idea what the news has to do with my statement. Errors no matter what the reason is improper. What does that have to do with the news?
The news was part of the failed coup attempt, providing cover and pushing lies they knew to be you already know.
Peter Strzok, the former FBI deputy chief of counterintelligence, noted that while the mistakes and failures found in the Justice Department inspector general’s report were “inexcusable,” he added that they were not improper.

That makes absolutely no sense to me.

That's because you have been listening to the Fake News MSM.

This just furthers my case that the entire system is corrupt.
Not the entire system ....

But, apparently the upper levels.

No, the entire system. And I have no idea what the news has to do with my statement. Errors no matter what the reason is improper. What does that have to do with the news?
The news was part of the failed coup attempt, providing cover and pushing lies they knew to be you already know.

Which has what to do with what I said?
Great fake news BS story... Ever wonder why an Afghan soldier was added to the manifest / flight at the last minute as well. Gee, Biden's ass is covered as he runs for President..just like Hillary...just like Barry. If the Democrats did not run terrorist buddies, criminals, and traitors they would not have to do that all the time.
Peter Strzok, the former FBI deputy chief of counterintelligence, noted that while the mistakes and failures found in the Justice Department inspector general’s report were “inexcusable,” he added that they were not improper.

That makes absolutely no sense to me.

This just furthers my case that the entire system is corrupt.

Wow, aren't we surprised, you're a fricken liberal, nothing makes sense to you.

I'm Pro-Life. I support the 2nd. I believe we need to balance the budget.

Now explain to me how this wasn't improper.
It's beyond improper, it's illegal and needs to be stepped on harshly. High ranking people need to go to jail for this to set an example for the future.
Peter Strzok, the former FBI deputy chief of counterintelligence, noted that while the mistakes and failures found in the Justice Department inspector general’s report were “inexcusable,” he added that they were not improper.

That makes absolutely no sense to me.

This just furthers my case that the entire system is corrupt.

Wow, aren't we surprised, you're a fricken liberal, nothing makes sense to you.

I'm Pro-Life. I support the 2nd. I believe we need to balance the budget.

Now explain to me how this wasn't improper.
It's beyond improper, it's illegal and needs to be stepped on harshly. High ranking people need to go to jail for this to set an example for the future.

I've long argued the entire Fisa system needs dismantled.
Claims it was due to 'overwork'

Right! and why couldnt they say that General Flynn simply made a mistake instead of lying? I believe they handed Hillary that excuse in her favor.
Claims it was due to 'overwork'

323 pages of text messages between Strzok, Page and other FBI officials tell a very different story!!!! This is just one text between Strzok and Page. Overwork, memory loss and "you misunderstood my intent" is not going save them.

Lisa Page: “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” the lawyer, Lisa Page, wrote to Strzok, according to The Post.

Peter Strzok: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Strzok responded, The Post says the IG report reveals. The text was sent in August 2016 only a few months before the presidential election, and after the FBI had started its investigation into Trump campaign aides, according to The Post.

Strzok explained to the IG investigators, “When asked about this text message, Strzok stated that he did not specifically recall sending it, but that he believed that it was intended to reassure Page that Trump would not be elected, not to suggest that he would do something to impact the investigation.”

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