Strzok-Gate And The Mueller Cover-Up


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
This outstanding well-written article ought to be required readng for you Bolsheviks who are being shut out of the Truth as to what is really going the Clinton/Obama/New York Media.

Strzok-Gate And The Mueller Cover-Up | Zero Hedge

"Given the debacle the Justice Department, the FBI and the US intelligence community are facing, it is completely understandable why they should want to keep the Russiagate investigation alive in order to draw attention away from their own activities.

Put in this way it is Robert Mueller’s investigation which is the cover-up, and the surveillance which is the wrongdoing that the cover up is trying to excuse or conceal...."


Its a little long for the attention span of the average Bolshevik, but if any of you feel up to it, why don't you pick out any speculation, observation, representation, statement of fact, or conclusion contained therein....and take a run at disproving it or them.*

*Dodges, Deflections or Attacks on the person who wrote the article...which is pretty the entire Half-Wit Liberal Internet Repertoire will be deemed to mean: "I got nothing"

I really think that the cited article is such a compelling article, I hope the Liberals will read it. Just the FACTS alone, never mind the reasonable suppositions...are very important for those who will never get them from the Clinton/Obama/New York Media.

They are too Damning....just the first few paragraphs will melt a Snowflake.

So, if you will just read the article from a Safe Space...I'll waive the last part of the above post... and allow you to Dodge, Deflect, and Attack the Messenger---all you want...use you three basic defenses to intelligent political discourse.....if you will just read the Article.

Just sack up and read the article....and you can call me (or the writer of the article) a Racist, Bigot, Xenophobe, Islamophobe, Nutter, Dupe, Deplorable...and whatever other epitaphs your managers have taught you, and I promise I will not defend myself.
This outstanding well-written article ought to be required readng for you Bolsheviks who are being shut out of the Truth as to what is really going the Clinton/Obama/New York Media.

Strzok-Gate And The Mueller Cover-Up | Zero Hedge

"Given the debacle the Justice Department, the FBI and the US intelligence community are facing, it is completely understandable why they should want to keep the Russiagate investigation alive in order to draw attention away from their own activities.

Put in this way it is Robert Mueller’s investigation which is the cover-up, and the surveillance which is the wrongdoing that the cover up is trying to excuse or conceal...."


Its a little long for the attention span of the average Bolshevik, but if any of you feel up to it, why don't you pick out any speculation, observation, representation, statement of fact, or conclusion contained therein....and take a run at disproving it or them.*

*Dodges, Deflections or Attacks on the person who wrote the article...which is pretty the entire Half-Wit Liberal Internet Repertoire will be deemed to mean: "I got nothing"

You are right it is a little long winded and I haven't gone through the whole thing, so I will pick out a few things of the very beginning I have issue with.
First of your characterization of Democrat being Bolsheviks. Unless you can establish that Democrats have a problem with free market economy you are completely full of it.
Secondly this.
"Almost eighteen months after Obama’s Justice Department and the FBI launched the Russiagate investigation, and seven months after Special Counsel Robert Mueller took the investigation over"
This by omitting the fact that Mueller took over the investigation over because the president of the United States admitted on camera that he fired him at least partially because of that investigation, gives a very clear indication that the article in itself is not interested given a factual account. It's called a lie by omission.
Thirdly this
"(1) an indictment of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates which concerns entirely their prior financial dealings, and which makes no reference to the Russiagate collusion allegations;"
This omits that those prior financial dealing where with the former Russia backed Ukrainian president. Someone who does have a direct line to the Kremlin and who is in fact in exile in Russia as we speak. This at least make it stand to reason that if one would want to coordinate with Russia this man would have the required contacts. It's also a very unusual choice to want too have run your campaign.
"(2) an indictment for lying to the FBI of George Papadopoulos, the junior volunteer staffer of the Trump campaign, who during the 2016 Presidential election had certain contacts with members of a Moscow based Russian NGO, which he sought to pass off – falsely and unsuccessfully – as more important than they really were, and which also does not touch on the Russiagate collusion allegations; and"
This is first of a misrepresentation of Papadopolous' role in the campaign and it omits that those contacts explicitly were to find dirt on the Clinton campaign and this with full knowledge of the Trump campaign. And furthermore that Russian NGO represented themselves as representing the Russian government. If I buy powdered sugar but expect to have gotten cocaine I've still committed a crime.
"(3) an indictment for lying to the FBI of Michael Flynn arising from his perfectly legitimate and entirely legal contacts with the Russian ambassador after the 2016 Presidential election, which also does not touch on the Russiagate collusion allegations, and which looks as if it was brought about by an act of entrapment"
It is not legitimate or legal to talk to a foreign government concerning policy as a private citizen which Flynn was. Something Flynn knew since he lied about it and which lie led to him pleading GUILTY.
Oh and then we come to the author of this piece.
Disgraced barrister turned pro-Putin commentator investigated by police for fraud and misconduct
not only can I find issue with the first 4 paragraphs of this piece but your source litterally writes for RUSSIA.

Thank you for the response. I said I would take most anything.

I will just say that NO Conservative anywhere needs to be told:

"It's called a lie by omission."

That shit has been going on all the way be to the days of Huntley/Brinkley....when ever it suits the Liberals* to do so.


*Liberals think they have tweeked Marx and finally got it right this time. That's been true for Budding Bolsheviks for many years now.
Thank you for the response. I said I would take most anything.

I will just say that NO Conservative anywhere needs to be told:

"It's called a lie by omission."

That shit has been going on all the way be to the days of Huntley/Brinkley....when ever it suits the Liberals* to do so.


*Liberals think they have tweeked Marx and finally got it right this time. That's been true for Budding Bolsheviks for many years now.
Lol you put out your challenge, I'll put out mine. Address my points. I'm particularly interested in my last point. The one were your source is revealed as writing for Russia in an OP trying to disprove Russia connections? Ironic to say the least. This kind of begs the question. Did you use this source on purpose or are you simply someone who looks for stuff to fit him whatever the source(sorry I had to edit)? Not that I mind it would be cool, but I wonder.
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My opinion on your points is simple.

The indictments of the parties mentioned mean nothing at all to the original investigation...and are so fundamentally worthless that, as the articles pointed out so well----they're best use is to give a failed investigation a chance to hang on a little longer....hopefully until the corruption in the DOJ and FBI can be covered up, or forgotten.

I don't care one whit were the writer is alleged to be from; only that he makes sense...good sense...and nothing you have said changes my opinion of fact, I believe all you did was take advantage of my generous offer to Dodge and Deflect and Attack the Messenger...and I gave you immunity to do so and thus will not embarrass you further than you may have already embarrassed yourself.

You have helped keep a well-written article "up the line"...and I thank you for that.
My opinion on your points is simple.

The indictments of the parties mentioned mean nothing at all to the original investigation...and are so fundamentally worthless that, as the articles pointed out so well----they're best use is to give a failed investigation a chance to hang on a little longer....hopefully until the corruption in the DOJ and FBI can be covered up, or forgotten.

I don't care one whit were the writer is alleged to be from; only that he makes sense...good sense...and nothing you have said changes my opinion of fact, I believe all you did was take advantage of my generous offer to Dodge and Deflect and Attack the Messenger...and I gave you immunity to do so and thus will not embarrass you further than you may have already embarrassed yourself.

You have helped keep a well-written article "up the line"...and I thank you for that.
Let me "help" some more by replying.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections. This became looking if the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. And the Mueller mandate is even broader then that by not just looking for coordination of the Trump campaign with Russia but also matters that arise from that investigation. Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel, but I'll be gentle and just look at the collusion angle. Your job will be to give an actual argument why this isn't relevant to the investigation. And why these charges are out of bounds.
In order to build a criminal case, prosecutors use the categorical trinity, means, motive and opportunity.
-Manafort was indited for money laundering and failing to register as a foreign agent while working for Yanukovish the former Russian backed president for the Ukraine. This speaks to "means" . It establishes that Manafort had access to contacts high up in the Kremlin food chain.
-Papadopolous plead guilty too lying to the FBI about Russian contacts he had. Contacts that at least claimed too have contacts with the Kremlin. Contacts that people in the Trump campaign were eager to pursue. This again speaks to "means", specifically the use of backdoor channels. And "opportunity" the willingness to pursue contacts that represented themselves as speaking for the Russian government. Something that was confirmed by the E-mail chain Don Jr released.
- Then we come too Flynn. He also plead guilty to lying to the FBI about Russian contacts. Only this time not only was that contact an official representative of the Russian government, but he specifally asked for the Russian government to act in a certain way, bypassing the government. This speaks to "means", backdoor channels, " motive ", coordinating policy with Russia and "opportunity ".
- Your "well written" article has more holes than Swiss cheese and there is nothing "alleged" about the source and his loyalty. Russian Media Columnist Alexander Mercouris struck off over claim that senior law lord had him kidnapped.Alexander Mercouris It's like saying that the pope is alleged Roman Catholic.
- I also find it funny that A] You think you give me the "right' to question your source. Something that anyone who ever wants to reply to any argument should do, since it's so important too establish credibility. And B] That you think I am the one who embarrasses himself when pointing out that your source is a disbarred lawyer writing OP ed's for Russian online propaganda sites.
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Strzok-Page Texts Showing FBI Was 'Pulling Punches' In Clinton Probe

"A text message exchange between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page is evidence that the FBI was “pulling punches” in its investigation into Hillary Clinton, a top Republican senator is alleging.

“One more thing: she might be our next president. The last thing you need us going in there loaded for bear. You think she’s going to remember or care that it was more doj than fbi?” Page wrote.

Strzok said he agreed with that assessment."

The traitors had one thing right - had Hillary won the Presidency and they had gone after her, that vindictive bit@h would have remembered it and gone after THEM. History shows the Clintons rewarded their allies and (brutally) punished their enemies...

Grassley Releases Strzok-Page Texts Showing FBI Was ‘Pulling Punches’ In Clinton Probe
The President is giving Mueller, Comey, The FBI, and Clinton Cronies at the DOJ enough rope to hang themselves if they aren't already HUNG NOW.

In private conversations The FBI not only plotted a COUP but admitted that there was no RUSSIAN COLLUSION.


People need to pay for these crimes, hang even, and it is time to end THE WITCH HUNT!
Strzok-Page Texts Showing FBI Was 'Pulling Punches' In Clinton Probe

"A text message exchange between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page is evidence that the FBI was “pulling punches” in its investigation into Hillary Clinton, a top Republican senator is alleging.

“One more thing: she might be our next president. The last thing you need us going in there loaded for bear. You think she’s going to remember or care that it was more doj than fbi?” Page wrote.

Strzok said he agreed with that assessment."

The traitors had one thing right - had Hillary won the Presidency and they had gone after her, that vindictive bit@h would have remembered it and gone after THEM. History shows the Clintons rewarded their allies and (brutally) punished their enemies...

Grassley Releases Strzok-Page Texts Showing FBI Was ‘Pulling Punches’ In Clinton Probe

And the other thing that is Certain, NO MATTER HOW MANY PEOPLE THE CRIMINAL VINDICTIVE BITCH FIRED, NOT ONE FUCKING PERSON, IN THE MEDIA, IN CONGRESS, IN THE DOJ or FBI would have tried to launch an Investigation in to why SHE FIRED THEM!
My opinion on your points is simple.

The indictments of the parties mentioned mean nothing at all to the original investigation...and are so fundamentally worthless that, as the articles pointed out so well----they're best use is to give a failed investigation a chance to hang on a little longer....hopefully until the corruption in the DOJ and FBI can be covered up, or forgotten.

I don't care one whit were the writer is alleged to be from; only that he makes sense...good sense...and nothing you have said changes my opinion of fact, I believe all you did was take advantage of my generous offer to Dodge and Deflect and Attack the Messenger...and I gave you immunity to do so and thus will not embarrass you further than you may have already embarrassed yourself.

You have helped keep a well-written article "up the line"...and I thank you for that.
Let me "help" some more by replying.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections. This became looking if the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. And the Mueller mandate is even broader then that by not just looking for coordination of the Trump campaign with Russia but also matters that arise from that investigation. Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel, but I'll be gentle and just look at the collusion angle. Your job will be to give an actual argument why this isn't relevant to the investigation. And why these charges are out of bounds.
In order to build a criminal case, prosecutors use the categorical trinity, means, motive and opportunity.
-Manafort was indited for money laundering and failing to register as a foreign agent while working for Yanukovish the former Russian backed president for the Ukraine. This speaks to "means" . It establishes that Manafort had access to contacts high up in the Kremlin food chain.
-Papadopolous plead guilty too lying to the FBI about Russian contacts he had. Contacts that at least claimed too have contacts with the Kremlin. Contacts that people in the Trump campaign were eager to pursue. This again speaks to "means", specifically the use of backdoor channels. And "opportunity" the willingness to pursue contacts that represented themselves as speaking for the Russian government. Something that was confirmed by the E-mail chain Don Jr released.
- Then we come too Flynn. He also plead guilty to lying to the FBI about Russian contacts. Only this time not only was that contact an official representative of the Russian government, but he specifally asked for the Russian government to act in a certain way, bypassing the government. This speaks to "means", backdoor channels, " motive ", coordinating policy with Russia and "opportunity ".
- Your "well written" article has more holes than Swiss cheese and there is nothing "alleged" about the source and his loyalty. Russian Media Columnist Alexander Mercouris struck off over claim that senior law lord had him kidnapped.Alexander Mercouris It's like saying that the pope is alleged Roman Catholic.
- I also find it funny that A] You think you give me the "right' to question your source. Something that anyone who ever wants to reply to any argument should do, since it's so important too establish credibility. And B] That you think I am the one who embarrasses himself when pointing out that your source is a disbarred lawyer writing OP ed's for Russian online propaganda sites.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections

Firstly, what evidence did you have to kick that off?
'Adam Schiff, FBI, DOJ seem terrified of truth'

'Rep. Adam Schiff has many talents, though few compare to his ability to function as a human barometer of Democratic panic. The greater the level of Schiff hot, pressured air, the more trouble the party knows it’s in.

Mr. Schiff’s millibars have been popping ever since the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, on which he is ranking Democrat, last week voted to make a classified GOP memo about FBI election year abuses available to every House member. Mr. Schiff has spit and spun and apoplectically accused his Republican colleagues of everything short of treason. The memo, he insists, is “profoundly misleading,” not to mention “distorted” and “political,” and an attack on the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He initially tried to block his colleagues from reading it. Having failed, he’s now arguing Americans can know the full story only if they see the underlying classified documents.

This is highly convenient, given the Justice Department retains those documents and is as eager to make them public as a fox is to abandon the henhouse.

The Schiff pressure gauge is outmatched only by the Justice Department and the FBI, which are now mobilizing their big guns to squelch the truth.'

Kimberley Strassel: What are Adam Schiff, DOJ and the FBI trying to hide?
This is why the so called Investigation is a witch hunt and an act of Collusion, Treason, and Sedition, and Conspiracy.
Because The FBI and Members of Mueller's Hit Squad, most of whom have had to be fired, not only Conspired to Stage a Coup through FISA ABUSE, and a FAKE INVESTIGATION, but they KNOWINGLY Conspired to do this even despite admitting they KNEW beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was NO COLLUSION.

This is Political Interference from THE FBI in an Election, and represents TREASON, and Attack On America, and an Attack On Democracy.
'Adam Schiff, FBI, DOJ seem terrified of truth'

'Rep. Adam Schiff has many talents, though few compare to his ability to function as a human barometer of Democratic panic. The greater the level of Schiff hot, pressured air, the more trouble the party knows it’s in.

Mr. Schiff’s millibars have been popping ever since the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, on which he is ranking Democrat, last week voted to make a classified GOP memo about FBI election year abuses available to every House member. Mr. Schiff has spit and spun and apoplectically accused his Republican colleagues of everything short of treason. The memo, he insists, is “profoundly misleading,” not to mention “distorted” and “political,” and an attack on the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He initially tried to block his colleagues from reading it. Having failed, he’s now arguing Americans can know the full story only if they see the underlying classified documents.

This is highly convenient, given the Justice Department retains those documents and is as eager to make them public as a fox is to abandon the henhouse.

The Schiff pressure gauge is outmatched only by the Justice Department and the FBI, which are now mobilizing their big guns to squelch the truth.'

Kimberley Strassel: What are Adam Schiff, DOJ and the FBI trying to hide?

How much does anyone want to BET me, that ADAM Schiff, was KNOWINGLY PART of THE FBI COUP, and Plotted Treason with Comey, McCabe, Mueller, Strozk, Page Rosenstein Ohr, and Others?
It reminds me of Cummings' attempt to shutdown the IRS investigations during a Committee meeting....right before his e-mails to the IRS was found asking them to add specific partisan questions in their illegal / over-the-top scrutiny of Conservatives. It was exposed that they used Cumming's questions almost word-for-word....
And don't forget John McCain, I guarantee you is going to be caught up in this scandal and I would not be shocked to find out Waters, Schumer and Pelosi were sharpening their knives in this plot as well.
My opinion on your points is simple.

The indictments of the parties mentioned mean nothing at all to the original investigation...and are so fundamentally worthless that, as the articles pointed out so well----they're best use is to give a failed investigation a chance to hang on a little longer....hopefully until the corruption in the DOJ and FBI can be covered up, or forgotten.

I don't care one whit were the writer is alleged to be from; only that he makes sense...good sense...and nothing you have said changes my opinion of fact, I believe all you did was take advantage of my generous offer to Dodge and Deflect and Attack the Messenger...and I gave you immunity to do so and thus will not embarrass you further than you may have already embarrassed yourself.

You have helped keep a well-written article "up the line"...and I thank you for that.
Let me "help" some more by replying.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections. This became looking if the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. And the Mueller mandate is even broader then that by not just looking for coordination of the Trump campaign with Russia but also matters that arise from that investigation. Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel, but I'll be gentle and just look at the collusion angle. Your job will be to give an actual argument why this isn't relevant to the investigation. And why these charges are out of bounds.
In order to build a criminal case, prosecutors use the categorical trinity, means, motive and opportunity.
-Manafort was indited for money laundering and failing to register as a foreign agent while working for Yanukovish the former Russian backed president for the Ukraine. This speaks to "means" . It establishes that Manafort had access to contacts high up in the Kremlin food chain.
-Papadopolous plead guilty too lying to the FBI about Russian contacts he had. Contacts that at least claimed too have contacts with the Kremlin. Contacts that people in the Trump campaign were eager to pursue. This again speaks to "means", specifically the use of backdoor channels. And "opportunity" the willingness to pursue contacts that represented themselves as speaking for the Russian government. Something that was confirmed by the E-mail chain Don Jr released.
- Then we come too Flynn. He also plead guilty to lying to the FBI about Russian contacts. Only this time not only was that contact an official representative of the Russian government, but he specifally asked for the Russian government to act in a certain way, bypassing the government. This speaks to "means", backdoor channels, " motive ", coordinating policy with Russia and "opportunity ".
- Your "well written" article has more holes than Swiss cheese and there is nothing "alleged" about the source and his loyalty. Russian Media Columnist Alexander Mercouris struck off over claim that senior law lord had him kidnapped.Alexander Mercouris It's like saying that the pope is alleged Roman Catholic.
- I also find it funny that A] You think you give me the "right' to question your source. Something that anyone who ever wants to reply to any argument should do, since it's so important too establish credibility. And B] That you think I am the one who embarrasses himself when pointing out that your source is a disbarred lawyer writing OP ed's for Russian online propaganda sites.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections

Firstly, what evidence did you have to kick that off?
Prominent senators say Russian election interference should alarm all Americans
They worked on reports from the intelligence community who investigated. It's pretty undisputed except by people like you, who seem to develop memory loss whenever Russia is involved.
My opinion on your points is simple.

The indictments of the parties mentioned mean nothing at all to the original investigation...and are so fundamentally worthless that, as the articles pointed out so well----they're best use is to give a failed investigation a chance to hang on a little longer....hopefully until the corruption in the DOJ and FBI can be covered up, or forgotten.

I don't care one whit were the writer is alleged to be from; only that he makes sense...good sense...and nothing you have said changes my opinion of fact, I believe all you did was take advantage of my generous offer to Dodge and Deflect and Attack the Messenger...and I gave you immunity to do so and thus will not embarrass you further than you may have already embarrassed yourself.

You have helped keep a well-written article "up the line"...and I thank you for that.
Let me "help" some more by replying.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections. This became looking if the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. And the Mueller mandate is even broader then that by not just looking for coordination of the Trump campaign with Russia but also matters that arise from that investigation. Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel, but I'll be gentle and just look at the collusion angle. Your job will be to give an actual argument why this isn't relevant to the investigation. And why these charges are out of bounds.
In order to build a criminal case, prosecutors use the categorical trinity, means, motive and opportunity.
-Manafort was indited for money laundering and failing to register as a foreign agent while working for Yanukovish the former Russian backed president for the Ukraine. This speaks to "means" . It establishes that Manafort had access to contacts high up in the Kremlin food chain.
-Papadopolous plead guilty too lying to the FBI about Russian contacts he had. Contacts that at least claimed too have contacts with the Kremlin. Contacts that people in the Trump campaign were eager to pursue. This again speaks to "means", specifically the use of backdoor channels. And "opportunity" the willingness to pursue contacts that represented themselves as speaking for the Russian government. Something that was confirmed by the E-mail chain Don Jr released.
- Then we come too Flynn. He also plead guilty to lying to the FBI about Russian contacts. Only this time not only was that contact an official representative of the Russian government, but he specifally asked for the Russian government to act in a certain way, bypassing the government. This speaks to "means", backdoor channels, " motive ", coordinating policy with Russia and "opportunity ".
- Your "well written" article has more holes than Swiss cheese and there is nothing "alleged" about the source and his loyalty. Russian Media Columnist Alexander Mercouris struck off over claim that senior law lord had him kidnapped.Alexander Mercouris It's like saying that the pope is alleged Roman Catholic.
- I also find it funny that A] You think you give me the "right' to question your source. Something that anyone who ever wants to reply to any argument should do, since it's so important too establish credibility. And B] That you think I am the one who embarrasses himself when pointing out that your source is a disbarred lawyer writing OP ed's for Russian online propaganda sites.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections

Firstly, what evidence did you have to kick that off?
Prominent senators say Russian election interference should alarm all Americans
They worked on reports from the intelligence community who investigated. It's pretty undisputed except by people like you, who seem to develop memory loss whenever Russia is involved.
Dutch Spied on Russian Group Linked to 2016 U.S. Election Hacks
My opinion on your points is simple.

The indictments of the parties mentioned mean nothing at all to the original investigation...and are so fundamentally worthless that, as the articles pointed out so well----they're best use is to give a failed investigation a chance to hang on a little longer....hopefully until the corruption in the DOJ and FBI can be covered up, or forgotten.

I don't care one whit were the writer is alleged to be from; only that he makes sense...good sense...and nothing you have said changes my opinion of fact, I believe all you did was take advantage of my generous offer to Dodge and Deflect and Attack the Messenger...and I gave you immunity to do so and thus will not embarrass you further than you may have already embarrassed yourself.

You have helped keep a well-written article "up the line"...and I thank you for that.
Let me "help" some more by replying.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections. This became looking if the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. And the Mueller mandate is even broader then that by not just looking for coordination of the Trump campaign with Russia but also matters that arise from that investigation. Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel, but I'll be gentle and just look at the collusion angle. Your job will be to give an actual argument why this isn't relevant to the investigation. And why these charges are out of bounds.
In order to build a criminal case, prosecutors use the categorical trinity, means, motive and opportunity.
-Manafort was indited for money laundering and failing to register as a foreign agent while working for Yanukovish the former Russian backed president for the Ukraine. This speaks to "means" . It establishes that Manafort had access to contacts high up in the Kremlin food chain.
-Papadopolous plead guilty too lying to the FBI about Russian contacts he had. Contacts that at least claimed too have contacts with the Kremlin. Contacts that people in the Trump campaign were eager to pursue. This again speaks to "means", specifically the use of backdoor channels. And "opportunity" the willingness to pursue contacts that represented themselves as speaking for the Russian government. Something that was confirmed by the E-mail chain Don Jr released.
- Then we come too Flynn. He also plead guilty to lying to the FBI about Russian contacts. Only this time not only was that contact an official representative of the Russian government, but he specifally asked for the Russian government to act in a certain way, bypassing the government. This speaks to "means", backdoor channels, " motive ", coordinating policy with Russia and "opportunity ".
- Your "well written" article has more holes than Swiss cheese and there is nothing "alleged" about the source and his loyalty. Russian Media Columnist Alexander Mercouris struck off over claim that senior law lord had him kidnapped.Alexander Mercouris It's like saying that the pope is alleged Roman Catholic.
- I also find it funny that A] You think you give me the "right' to question your source. Something that anyone who ever wants to reply to any argument should do, since it's so important too establish credibility. And B] That you think I am the one who embarrasses himself when pointing out that your source is a disbarred lawyer writing OP ed's for Russian online propaganda sites.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections

Firstly, what evidence did you have to kick that off?
Prominent senators say Russian election interference should alarm all Americans
They worked on reports from the intelligence community who investigated. It's pretty undisputed except by people like you, who seem to develop memory loss whenever Russia is involved.
so why are you against us looking into the dossier? or the uranium one, and the deals cut. what about fusion GPS or peter steele? I mean all foreigners. so again, is it bad to interfere only if it's cause you said so or truly interference. you don't want to know the truth do you?
My opinion on your points is simple.

The indictments of the parties mentioned mean nothing at all to the original investigation...and are so fundamentally worthless that, as the articles pointed out so well----they're best use is to give a failed investigation a chance to hang on a little longer....hopefully until the corruption in the DOJ and FBI can be covered up, or forgotten.

I don't care one whit were the writer is alleged to be from; only that he makes sense...good sense...and nothing you have said changes my opinion of fact, I believe all you did was take advantage of my generous offer to Dodge and Deflect and Attack the Messenger...and I gave you immunity to do so and thus will not embarrass you further than you may have already embarrassed yourself.

You have helped keep a well-written article "up the line"...and I thank you for that.
Let me "help" some more by replying.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections. This became looking if the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. And the Mueller mandate is even broader then that by not just looking for coordination of the Trump campaign with Russia but also matters that arise from that investigation. Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel, but I'll be gentle and just look at the collusion angle. Your job will be to give an actual argument why this isn't relevant to the investigation. And why these charges are out of bounds.
In order to build a criminal case, prosecutors use the categorical trinity, means, motive and opportunity.
-Manafort was indited for money laundering and failing to register as a foreign agent while working for Yanukovish the former Russian backed president for the Ukraine. This speaks to "means" . It establishes that Manafort had access to contacts high up in the Kremlin food chain.
-Papadopolous plead guilty too lying to the FBI about Russian contacts he had. Contacts that at least claimed too have contacts with the Kremlin. Contacts that people in the Trump campaign were eager to pursue. This again speaks to "means", specifically the use of backdoor channels. And "opportunity" the willingness to pursue contacts that represented themselves as speaking for the Russian government. Something that was confirmed by the E-mail chain Don Jr released.
- Then we come too Flynn. He also plead guilty to lying to the FBI about Russian contacts. Only this time not only was that contact an official representative of the Russian government, but he specifally asked for the Russian government to act in a certain way, bypassing the government. This speaks to "means", backdoor channels, " motive ", coordinating policy with Russia and "opportunity ".
- Your "well written" article has more holes than Swiss cheese and there is nothing "alleged" about the source and his loyalty. Russian Media Columnist Alexander Mercouris struck off over claim that senior law lord had him kidnapped.Alexander Mercouris It's like saying that the pope is alleged Roman Catholic.
- I also find it funny that A] You think you give me the "right' to question your source. Something that anyone who ever wants to reply to any argument should do, since it's so important too establish credibility. And B] That you think I am the one who embarrasses himself when pointing out that your source is a disbarred lawyer writing OP ed's for Russian online propaganda sites.
-Firstly, the original investigation was to establish IF and HOW Russia interfered in the elections

Firstly, what evidence did you have to kick that off?
Prominent senators say Russian election interference should alarm all Americans
They worked on reports from the intelligence community who investigated. It's pretty undisputed except by people like you, who seem to develop memory loss whenever Russia is involved.
Dutch Spied on Russian Group Linked to 2016 U.S. Election Hacks

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