Strzok To Testify Before Congress; No Immunity, Will Not Invoke 5th Amendment

Sing like a canary you traitor


Peter Strzok, the FBI counterintelligence agent removed from Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, says he will voluntarily testify to Congressional investigators in the House Judiciary Committee and any other Congressional committee that asks, his attorney said in a letter released on Sunday after Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) threatened to Subpoena Strzok.

We were wondering what the seemingly new "who's gonna play me in the movie" Strzok headshot was all about...

Peter Strzok, who was singled out in a recent Justice Department inspector general report for the politically charged messages, would be willing to testify without immunity, and he would not invoke his Fifth Amendment rights in response to any question, his attorney, Aitan Goelman, said in an interview Sunday. Strzok has become a special target of President Trump, who has used the texts to question the Russia investigation. -WaPo

The disgraced FBI agent “wants the chance to clear his name and tell his story,” says Goelman, adding "He thinks that his position, character and actions have all been misrepresented and caricatured, and he wants an opportunity to remedy that."

No dates have been discussed yet for testimony, however Goelman called Goodlatte's subpoena threat "wholly unnecessary."

“Special Agent Strzok, who has been fully cooperative with the DOJ Office of Inspector General, intends to voluntarily appear and testify before your committee and any other Congressional committee that invites him,” wrote the Goelman, adding that Strzok “intends to answer any question put to him, and he intends to defend the integrity of the Clinton email investigation, the Russia collusion investigation to the extent that that’s a topic, and his own integrity.

Strzok To Testify Before Congress; No Immunity, Will Not Invoke 5th Amendment
News in Brief
Kid Who Mowed White House Lawn To Flip On Trump
Sing like a canary you traitor


Peter Strzok, the FBI counterintelligence agent removed from Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, says he will voluntarily testify to Congressional investigators in the House Judiciary Committee and any other Congressional committee that asks, his attorney said in a letter released on Sunday after Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) threatened to Subpoena Strzok.

We were wondering what the seemingly new "who's gonna play me in the movie" Strzok headshot was all about...

Peter Strzok, who was singled out in a recent Justice Department inspector general report for the politically charged messages, would be willing to testify without immunity, and he would not invoke his Fifth Amendment rights in response to any question, his attorney, Aitan Goelman, said in an interview Sunday. Strzok has become a special target of President Trump, who has used the texts to question the Russia investigation. -WaPo

The disgraced FBI agent “wants the chance to clear his name and tell his story,” says Goelman, adding "He thinks that his position, character and actions have all been misrepresented and caricatured, and he wants an opportunity to remedy that."

No dates have been discussed yet for testimony, however Goelman called Goodlatte's subpoena threat "wholly unnecessary."

“Special Agent Strzok, who has been fully cooperative with the DOJ Office of Inspector General, intends to voluntarily appear and testify before your committee and any other Congressional committee that invites him,” wrote the Goelman, adding that Strzok “intends to answer any question put to him, and he intends to defend the integrity of the Clinton email investigation, the Russia collusion investigation to the extent that that’s a topic, and his own integrity.

Strzok To Testify Before Congress; No Immunity, Will Not Invoke 5th Amendment
That's because he didn't do anything illegal. He doesn't need immunity or to plead the fifth.

You act like he's one a tRump's accomplises.
I consider the source when they say he did nothing illegal. They also said there was no bias after 548 pages showing clear bias

They investigated very thoroughly, the report was exhaustive. I know it didn't say what you wanted it to but that doesn't mean it's not the truth. You kids were telling us how independent the IG office was and how they were gonna tell us the truth but just because it doesn't support your bias now they aren't trustworthy?

Fickle bastards aren't you?
I never said that.

Imagine, the FBI investigating the FBI...... which is just why an independent counsel was needed. The machine is corrupt and Sessions is the Swamp creature. Just why POTUS does not fire him is beyond me


Get the picture?
Sing like a canary you traitor


Peter Strzok, the FBI counterintelligence agent removed from Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, says he will voluntarily testify to Congressional investigators in the House Judiciary Committee and any other Congressional committee that asks, his attorney said in a letter released on Sunday after Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) threatened to Subpoena Strzok.

We were wondering what the seemingly new "who's gonna play me in the movie" Strzok headshot was all about...

Peter Strzok, who was singled out in a recent Justice Department inspector general report for the politically charged messages, would be willing to testify without immunity, and he would not invoke his Fifth Amendment rights in response to any question, his attorney, Aitan Goelman, said in an interview Sunday. Strzok has become a special target of President Trump, who has used the texts to question the Russia investigation. -WaPo

The disgraced FBI agent “wants the chance to clear his name and tell his story,” says Goelman, adding "He thinks that his position, character and actions have all been misrepresented and caricatured, and he wants an opportunity to remedy that."

No dates have been discussed yet for testimony, however Goelman called Goodlatte's subpoena threat "wholly unnecessary."

“Special Agent Strzok, who has been fully cooperative with the DOJ Office of Inspector General, intends to voluntarily appear and testify before your committee and any other Congressional committee that invites him,” wrote the Goelman, adding that Strzok “intends to answer any question put to him, and he intends to defend the integrity of the Clinton email investigation, the Russia collusion investigation to the extent that that’s a topic, and his own integrity.

Strzok To Testify Before Congress; No Immunity, Will Not Invoke 5th Amendment
That's because he didn't do anything illegal. He doesn't need immunity or to plead the fifth.

You act like he's one a tRump's accomplises.
I consider the source when they say he did nothing illegal. They also said there was no bias after 548 pages showing clear bias

They investigated very thoroughly, the report was exhaustive. I know it didn't say what you wanted it to but that doesn't mean it's not the truth. You kids were telling us how independent the IG office was and how they were gonna tell us the truth but just because it doesn't support your bias now they aren't trustworthy?

Fickle bastards aren't you?
I never said that.

Imagine, the FBI investigating the FBI...... which is just why an independent counsel was needed. The machine is corrupt and Sessions is the Swamp creature. Just why POTUS does not fire him is beyond me

Of course you didn't.

Go find the link genius and post if up where I said the IG report was going to be legit

I can wait

Strzok did nothing criminal is the point.
Yeah, vowing to take down a presidential candidate and then following through with it by corrupt means is perfectly legal... :lol:

What planet do you live on again, Jake?
Last edited:
Sing like a canary you traitor


Peter Strzok, the FBI counterintelligence agent removed from Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, says he will voluntarily testify to Congressional investigators in the House Judiciary Committee and any other Congressional committee that asks, his attorney said in a letter released on Sunday after Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) threatened to Subpoena Strzok.

We were wondering what the seemingly new "who's gonna play me in the movie" Strzok headshot was all about...

Peter Strzok, who was singled out in a recent Justice Department inspector general report for the politically charged messages, would be willing to testify without immunity, and he would not invoke his Fifth Amendment rights in response to any question, his attorney, Aitan Goelman, said in an interview Sunday. Strzok has become a special target of President Trump, who has used the texts to question the Russia investigation. -WaPo

The disgraced FBI agent “wants the chance to clear his name and tell his story,” says Goelman, adding "He thinks that his position, character and actions have all been misrepresented and caricatured, and he wants an opportunity to remedy that."

No dates have been discussed yet for testimony, however Goelman called Goodlatte's subpoena threat "wholly unnecessary."

“Special Agent Strzok, who has been fully cooperative with the DOJ Office of Inspector General, intends to voluntarily appear and testify before your committee and any other Congressional committee that invites him,” wrote the Goelman, adding that Strzok “intends to answer any question put to him, and he intends to defend the integrity of the Clinton email investigation, the Russia collusion investigation to the extent that that’s a topic, and his own integrity.

Strzok To Testify Before Congress; No Immunity, Will Not Invoke 5th Amendment
Ya... he's knows he's going to jail, but still, no immunity and won't take the fifth still doesn't mean he won't lie like a rug.

He knows that if he spills his guts he'll wind up like Vince Foster.
Sing like a canary you traitor


Peter Strzok, the FBI counterintelligence agent removed from Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, says he will voluntarily testify to Congressional investigators in the House Judiciary Committee and any other Congressional committee that asks, his attorney said in a letter released on Sunday after Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) threatened to Subpoena Strzok.

We were wondering what the seemingly new "who's gonna play me in the movie" Strzok headshot was all about...

Peter Strzok, who was singled out in a recent Justice Department inspector general report for the politically charged messages, would be willing to testify without immunity, and he would not invoke his Fifth Amendment rights in response to any question, his attorney, Aitan Goelman, said in an interview Sunday. Strzok has become a special target of President Trump, who has used the texts to question the Russia investigation. -WaPo

The disgraced FBI agent “wants the chance to clear his name and tell his story,” says Goelman, adding "He thinks that his position, character and actions have all been misrepresented and caricatured, and he wants an opportunity to remedy that."

No dates have been discussed yet for testimony, however Goelman called Goodlatte's subpoena threat "wholly unnecessary."

“Special Agent Strzok, who has been fully cooperative with the DOJ Office of Inspector General, intends to voluntarily appear and testify before your committee and any other Congressional committee that invites him,” wrote the Goelman, adding that Strzok “intends to answer any question put to him, and he intends to defend the integrity of the Clinton email investigation, the Russia collusion investigation to the extent that that’s a topic, and his own integrity.

Strzok To Testify Before Congress; No Immunity, Will Not Invoke 5th Amendment
Ya... he's knows he's going to jail, but still, no immunity and won't take the fifth still doesn't mean he won't lie like a rug.

He knows that if he spills his guts he'll wind up like Vince Foster.
Yep, he best stay away from park benches where one can get their head blown off with no blood present

Sing like a canary you traitor


Peter Strzok, the FBI counterintelligence agent removed from Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, says he will voluntarily testify to Congressional investigators in the House Judiciary Committee and any other Congressional committee that asks, his attorney said in a letter released on Sunday after Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) threatened to Subpoena Strzok.

We were wondering what the seemingly new "who's gonna play me in the movie" Strzok headshot was all about...

Peter Strzok, who was singled out in a recent Justice Department inspector general report for the politically charged messages, would be willing to testify without immunity, and he would not invoke his Fifth Amendment rights in response to any question, his attorney, Aitan Goelman, said in an interview Sunday. Strzok has become a special target of President Trump, who has used the texts to question the Russia investigation. -WaPo

The disgraced FBI agent “wants the chance to clear his name and tell his story,” says Goelman, adding "He thinks that his position, character and actions have all been misrepresented and caricatured, and he wants an opportunity to remedy that."

No dates have been discussed yet for testimony, however Goelman called Goodlatte's subpoena threat "wholly unnecessary."

“Special Agent Strzok, who has been fully cooperative with the DOJ Office of Inspector General, intends to voluntarily appear and testify before your committee and any other Congressional committee that invites him,” wrote the Goelman, adding that Strzok “intends to answer any question put to him, and he intends to defend the integrity of the Clinton email investigation, the Russia collusion investigation to the extent that that’s a topic, and his own integrity.

Strzok To Testify Before Congress; No Immunity, Will Not Invoke 5th Amendment
Ya... he's knows he's going to jail, but still, no immunity and won't take the fifth still doesn't mean he won't lie like a rug.

He knows that if he spills his guts he'll wind up like Vince Foster.
Yep, he best stay away from park benches where one can get their head blown off with no blood present

One more dead guy on the long clinton hit list won't mean squat.
Strzok did nothing criminal is the point.
Yeah, vowing to take down a presidential candidate and then following through with it by corrupt means is perfectly legal... :lol:

What planet do you live on again, Jake?

How did he "follow through with it"?

What "corrupt means"?
You have GOT to be SHTTIN' me.... REALLY?

Have you been in a COMMA the last 18 MONTHS?

Good God... give me a break.

No, I haven't been in any punctuation marks at all.

I'll ask again - what did Strozk do, "by corrupt means", to "follow through" with his plan to "stop Trump".
Strzok did nothing criminal is the point.
Yeah, vowing to take down a presidential candidate and then following through with it by corrupt means is perfectly legal... :lol:

What planet do you live on again, Jake?

How did he "follow through with it"?

What "corrupt means"?
You have GOT to be SHTTIN' me.... REALLY?

Have you been in a COMMA the last 18 MONTHS?

Good God... give me a break.

No, I haven't been in any punctuation marks at all.

I'll ask again - what did Strozk do, "by corrupt means", to "follow through" with his plan to "stop Trump".
Mueller threw him in the FBI basement for no reason. A wronged man.
Strzok did nothing criminal is the point.
Yeah, vowing to take down a presidential candidate and then following through with it by corrupt means is perfectly legal... :lol:

What planet do you live on again, Jake?

How did he "follow through with it"?

What "corrupt means"?
You have GOT to be SHTTIN' me.... REALLY?

Have you been in a COMMA the last 18 MONTHS?

Good God... give me a break.

No, I haven't been in any punctuation marks at all.

I'll ask again - what did Strozk do, "by corrupt means", to "follow through" with his plan to "stop Trump".
Mueller threw him in the FBI basement for no reason. A wronged man.

I don't think he was wronged. The FBI transferred him off the Mueller probe because of optics, and they made the right call.
Yeah, vowing to take down a presidential candidate and then following through with it by corrupt means is perfectly legal... :lol:

What planet do you live on again, Jake?

How did he "follow through with it"?

What "corrupt means"?
You have GOT to be SHTTIN' me.... REALLY?

Have you been in a COMMA the last 18 MONTHS?

Good God... give me a break.

No, I haven't been in any punctuation marks at all.

I'll ask again - what did Strozk do, "by corrupt means", to "follow through" with his plan to "stop Trump".
Mueller threw him in the FBI basement for no reason. A wronged man.

I don't think he was wronged. The FBI transferred him off the Mueller probe because of optics, and they made the right call.
His optics. Got a link?
How did he "follow through with it"?

What "corrupt means"?
You have GOT to be SHTTIN' me.... REALLY?

Have you been in a COMMA the last 18 MONTHS?

Good God... give me a break.

No, I haven't been in any punctuation marks at all.

I'll ask again - what did Strozk do, "by corrupt means", to "follow through" with his plan to "stop Trump".
Mueller threw him in the FBI basement for no reason. A wronged man.

I don't think he was wronged. The FBI transferred him off the Mueller probe because of optics, and they made the right call.
His optics. Got a link?


This is common sense. Do you require a link to think for yourself?
My question is why Strzok didn't get fired bringing discredit to the FBI.
You have GOT to be SHTTIN' me.... REALLY?

Have you been in a COMMA the last 18 MONTHS?

Good God... give me a break.

No, I haven't been in any punctuation marks at all.

I'll ask again - what did Strozk do, "by corrupt means", to "follow through" with his plan to "stop Trump".
Mueller threw him in the FBI basement for no reason. A wronged man.

I don't think he was wronged. The FBI transferred him off the Mueller probe because of optics, and they made the right call.
His optics. Got a link?


This is common sense. Do you require a link to think for yourself?
Hey it's your thought lol.

Bad optics. How so?

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