Student Arrested For Not Deleting Video From Phone

Children shouldn't be allowed to carry cell phones in school in the first place. We certainly couldn't do that when I was in school.

Parents should just give their kids a dime so they can use a pay phone if they need to call home during the day.
No student had a cell phone when I was in school. Too expensive.
The people I am referring to are the people on this very message board and most likely in this very thread...

Are you saying these people exist in a vacuum and are not real?
Who declared them my friends? I don't know anyone on this board, I know of people but I don't know them. It seems you have this handled.

I’m a liberal conservative mix. I am prochoice as long as their is education required before the procedure and recently became opposed to the death penalty. For legalization of drugs and prostitution, I am pro religious rights, Christianity, Muslim, and others. Fiscally, I am very conservative and against government spending money for no real purpose other than buying votes. Racism is wrong, and should not be tolerated. I am prochoice on vaccines as I don’t fully trust the government. I am anti-mask. I vaccinated and will not go to any event requiring proof of a vaccination, it is no one’s business but mine. I am pro gun even though I don’t own one. I don’t believe that many conservatives or liberals exist, they are mostly right and left and sway to the party. I dislike Republicans and Democrats, too greedy and divisive.

Many on the left call me conservative and many on the right call me a liberal, so I figured I’m doing something right.
They wouldn't be needed if parents actually parented their children these days.
I agree, but only to a certain degree. Even when the parents do all that they can, it is always going to be the parents versus the rest of the planet where their kids are concerned. In other words, a kid can go in either direction no matter how good their parents may be.

God bless you always!!!


"When a fight erupted in the courtyard of Palm View K-8 School in September, one 12-year-old student took out her cellphone and recorded video of the melee. School administrators ended the fight. Then, they quickly shifted their attention to the girl, demanding she delete the video and give up her phone.

The student refused, setting off a chain of events that ended with a deputy twice forcing the seventh-grader to the ground and arresting her. School staff repeatedly said they wanted the video deleted from the girl’s phone, alleging the student committed a crime by recording school employees as they broke up the fight — a statement refuted by experts and the county sheriff.

Assistant principal, Michelle Clark, after they repeatedly stood in front of her and demanded her phone. And it was in that room where the deputy twice forced the student to the ground, charging her with battery on a law enforcement officer, battery on a school employee and resisting arrest."

Now, some may say the student had it coming and she should have been slammed to the ground and arrested for recording a video that the staff wanted her to delete....but.....she broke no law by doing this....before you condemn this little girl, else will students be able to expose teachers for teaching CRT if they aren't allowed to record...and if we aren't willing to condemn the way this student was treated for her recording -- what if this is how they treat other students who record CRT being taught??

That is flat-out illegal.

Not only a blatant violation of the First Amendment, but a criminal assault, attempted robbery, and false imprisonment against the student, and then a false charge of “assault” against the victim of an actual assault.

Mary Dietrick, a counselor at Palm View K-8 in Palmetto, later said the school should use the girl “as an example.”

An example certainly needs to be made, all right.

A serious lawsuit against everyone involved in the crimes against this child, and serious criminal charges against those who actually assaulted her, tried to rob her, and illegally imprisoned her.

An example needs to be made to clearly demonstrate that such abuses on the part of those whose job it is to educate and protect our children will absolutely not be tolerated; ever.
Children shouldn't be allowed to carry cell phones in school in the first place. We certainly couldn't do that when I was in school.

Parents should just give their kids a dime so they can use a pay phone if they need to call home during the day.
There are no pay phones.
School screwed up.

Mom wants to sue.

Nobody was hurt.

That's about the whole story.

A girl was illegally assaulted, illegally imprisoned, and an attempt was made illegally to take her rightful property from her by force.

Only a LIbtARd describes that as “Nobody was hurt.”
When the light comes on, the roaches scurry.
Is that why the cops and school staff did what they did to this 12 year old little girl??

The motive appears to have stemmed from this girl recording an incident that she had witnessed, and concerns about this account of that incident being made public.

That's exactly what “freedom of the press” is about as affirmed in our First Amendment. The intent to suppress reporting of this event is possibly more serious a matter than the actual physical crimes committed against this girl for that purpose.

MObile phones will lead to the death of order in our society. Many a good man has been brought low by selective highlights on a phone.
I am thinking about the victims in the Arbery and Floyd arrests here.

Freedom of the Press was explicitly included in our First Amendment, because that is one of the rights that was suppressed under the degenerate monarchy of which you are a relic; and against which we had to violently rebel in order to found this nation.

Than you, once again, for helping to demonstrate why we Americans had to kick you British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago.
Children shouldn't be allowed to carry cell phones in school in the first place. We certainly couldn't do that when I was in school.

Parents should just give their kids a dime so they can use a pay phone if they need to call home during the day.
Normally I would agree but in this day and age I think it's important for the school officials to realize that the horrible mistakes they make when I was in the name of education and totalitarianism might be recorded and shown to authorities. They sure as hell are not going to tattle on themselves.
Children shouldn't be allowed to carry cell phones in school in the first place. We certainly couldn't do that when I was in school.
No student had a cell phone when I was in school. Too expensive.

And in those days, they were called “car phones”. They'd only be found on large, expensive luxury cars, typically limousines, and there would be no trunk space because the trunk would be filled up with the equipment for the phone.

The first person that I personally knew who had a cell phone was a fellow that I worked for in the mid 1980s through mid 2000s. In the late 1980s, with his own company reduced, for the time, to bare minimum, he took another job, and he bought a cell phone to use to conduct his own business, considering it unethical to use his employer's phone for his own business' purposes. By this time, cell phones were down to about the size of a lunch box.

I somehow missed the point where cell phones became a middle-class thing. At a very low point in my career, mid 2000s, I was working in a setting where many of my colleagues were homeless or barely above there, and was startled to realize that many of them had cell phones.
Pretty sad when a kid who wasn't involved in the fight gets treated like a criminal

Makes me glad I don't have kids and I wonder how any parent can in good conscience put their kids in public schools
Well my kids both thrive(d) in public schools. So you get out what you put in.

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