Student lending, campus liberalism and the overthrow of societal stability.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Fear and hatred are strong emotions. They can be used to lead a stable society into state of flux and undermine its equilibrium. Most Americans already suspect that our system of education has transitioned from legitimate scholarship to gaslighting indoctrination and the carnage in our streets bolsters those suspicions.

Even the smallest Liberal Arts colleges are staffed by administrations that use student loan funding to impoverish students with hopeless debt. Gone are the days when glorified Tupperware seminars like Women’s Studies, and Black history along with absurd distractions like safe spaces, speech codes and trigger warnings are laughed at and dismissed. Today they are increasingly seen as brainwashing slight-of-hand to provide material for a degree that leaves most of the kids ill-prepared to succeed in a competitive job market.

But those bogus courses are much more than that. They teach the kids to hate the world that requires actual talent and life skills to perform usefully in society. They accomplish two goals: They refocus culpability for failure from college administrations to the world at large and they encourage militant and often violent subversion of civil discourse. Conservative thought is driven underground and invited speakers that do not toe the liberal line are attacked and accosted on campuses.

This phenomenon was in full swing long before the unrest and outright bedlam plaguing democrat-run cities in America today. The historical failures of the Great Society and the War on Poverty are virtually ignored as storm troopers pour off college campuses into cities destroying businesses and killing innocent civilians.

It is a strategy for misdirected animosity covering for a breakdown in modern education that has become addicted to the scam of student lending. The numbers do no not add up and a standard college education today leaves most of the students in the red for a lifetime while it enriches administrators.

Inciting kids to go into the streets and commit atrocities is a tactic to run interference for a system that has become a national Ponzi scheme favoring the schools at the expense of the students. Systemic racism? That is just a scapegoated lifeboat modern higher education has concocted for itself to escape the scrutiny it deserves.

Will our democracy survive this assault by the wicked beneficiaries of an elite intelligentsia? Only time will tell. Most are optimistic that common sense will prevail among the people as it always has.
Even the smallest Liberal Arts colleges are staffed by administrations that use student loan funding to impoverish students with hopeless debt. Gone are the days when glorified Tupperware seminars like Women’s Studies, and Black history along with absurd distractions like safe spaces, speech codes and trigger warnings are laughed at and dismissed. Today they are increasingly seen as brainwashing slight-of-hand to provide material for a degree that leaves most of the kids ill-prepared to succeed in a competitive job market.

Every damn college grad has to be trained in their field by their employer because their employer has a plan already in place for the operation of their company...Liberal arts did provide me with training to us in a job after graduation and I did use it in the field of broadcasting and TV production. You are wrong to impose your suppositions upon a degree of study and a field of work you know absolutely nothing about..You are overly biased and a closed minded individual..
And if you think debt from college is bad just try buying a new house and a new truck they are several thousand a month not to mention the upkeep and maintenance along with insurance... that debt is supplied by corporate America and you don't seem to mind their burden in people's lives.
Same thing they were saying in the 1960's-1970's with the Vietnam war and colleges.
That was our peak era as a nation. Still had much foundation while making most of our products at home with a far lower tax structure. This is not the same thing. We are in a decline.
Same thing they were saying in the 1960's-1970's with the Vietnam war and colleges.
That was our peak era as a nation. Still had much foundation while making most of our products at home with a far lower tax structure. This is not the same thing. We are in a decline.
The capitalist are enabling the decline in the US economy.
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Even the smallest Liberal Arts colleges are staffed by administrations that use student loan funding to impoverish students with hopeless debt. Gone are the days when glorified Tupperware seminars like Women’s Studies, and Black history along with absurd distractions like safe spaces, speech codes and trigger warnings are laughed at and dismissed. Today they are increasingly seen as brainwashing slight-of-hand to provide material for a degree that leaves most of the kids ill-prepared to succeed in a competitive job market.

Every damn college grad has to be trained in their field by their employer because their employer has a plan already in place for the operation of their company...Liberal arts did provide me with training to us in a job after graduation and I did use it in the field of broadcasting and TV production. You are wrong to impose your suppositions upon a degree of study and a field of work you know absolutely nothing about..You are overly biased and a closed minded individual..
And if you think debt from college is bad just try buying a new house and a new truck they are several thousand a month not to mention the upkeep and maintenance along with insurance... that debt is supplied by corporate America and you don't seem to mind their burden in people's lives.

Try not not let emotions cloud your judgement. I had an editor at a college newspaper that hated students for getting GI Bill assistance in the 1970's. He believed the war in Vietnam was illegitmate. I covered a meeting of Vietman vets on campus and he purposely deleted sentences in my article to incriminate the leader of the group for saying things that someone else said.

I was accused of misquoting him until I showed him notes of the original piece. I went to the college administration and complained but the editor just blamed it on others in the newsroom that used poor methods.

I was cautioned not be a "muckraker" and a "troublemaker" They told me to just forget it. Bias was present way back then.
Same thing they were saying in the 1960's-1970's with the Vietnam war and colleges.
That was our peak era as a nation. Still had much foundation while making most of our products at home with a far lower tax structure. This is not the same thing. We are in a decline.
The capitalist are enabling the decline in the US economy.
Trade deals by our political class. The unions that helped to make us less competitive and produced less quality in our products did not help. A society that is overrepresented by government employees, monopoly employees, overpaid employees like port workers and more. And I would work in those jobs also.
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Even the smallest Liberal Arts colleges are staffed by administrations that use student loan funding to impoverish students with hopeless debt. Gone are the days when glorified Tupperware seminars like Women’s Studies, and Black history along with absurd distractions like safe spaces, speech codes and trigger warnings are laughed at and dismissed. Today they are increasingly seen as brainwashing slight-of-hand to provide material for a degree that leaves most of the kids ill-prepared to succeed in a competitive job market.

Every damn college grad has to be trained in their field by their employer because their employer has a plan already in place for the operation of their company...Liberal arts did provide me with training to us in a job after graduation and I did use it in the field of broadcasting and TV production. You are wrong to impose your suppositions upon a degree of study and a field of work you know absolutely nothing about..You are overly biased and a closed minded individual..
And if you think debt from college is bad just try buying a new house and a new truck they are several thousand a month not to mention the upkeep and maintenance along with insurance... that debt is supplied by corporate America and you don't seem to mind their burden in people's lives.

I know how we got here becuse I was there when it happened. I was always able to make a good living because I could avail myself of the benefits of a middle class that were still in place. I recognized the threat to the middle class as I watched maunfacturing gradually disappear overseas.

Only stockholders benefitted from the deal, the middle class American lifestyle has been whittled down to a sliver of what it once was. Company pensions and affordable health insurance were steadily removed as mutinational companies realized they didn't have to compete domestically for a workforce.

The country became flooded with cheap goods as the character and moral fiber of the population suffered under the illusion that government was responsible to feed them and their children.

Divorce rates and drug use soared leaving American businesses unable to cope. Then the borders became an issue as replacements for that workforce were saught. This created its own issues damaging the cultural foundations of the country, producing a divisive climate of identity politics.

American colleges and universities are part of the same dastardly machinery that has stolen a middle class existence from the population in order to foster globalization. The great lie is that a college education will provide a magic carpet back to the middle class.

The whole thing is a pig in a poke and they know it.

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