Student Suspended For Sexual Harrassment - Wearing A Costume To Another School's Prom

Shattered said:
Weren't you just the one saying that parents shouldn't have to go through such extreme measures to protect their children? Why are you coming up with unrealistic situations just to nitpick?

I am wondering who decides what is fit for public consumption and what should be regulated or banned. Are there limits or do we just tell people to close their eyes if they don't like it?
dilloduck said:
I am wondering who decides what is fit for public consumption and what should be regulated or banned. Are there limits or do we just tell people to close their eyes if they don't like it?

How about each individual decides for themselves? If they don't like what they see, they can move.

If it were NOT against the law, and P's neighbors were "busy" on their front lawn, he would have to decide whether he wants to continue to live next to someone so potentially offensive.. (Then again, he may go for free porn, if it's got the right "cootie clause" - who knows).

How can you jump to one extreme, and then state that <i>parents</i> (of all people) shouldn't have to go to any such "extremes" to protect their kids?
Shattered said:
How about each individual decides for themselves? If they don't like what they see, they can move.

If it were NOT against the law, and P's neighbors were "busy" on their front lawn, he would have to decide whether he wants to continue to live next to someone so potentially offensive.. (Then again, he may go for free porn - who knows).

How can you jump to one extreme, and then state that <i>parents</i> (of all people) shouldn't have to go to any such "extremes" to protect their kids?

I'm trying to make a point. That is why I used an extreme example. There is part of the world that everyone shares and is open for all to see. Some want to fill it with things and tell the rest to just fuck off if they don't like it. I find that to be an interesting collision of personal rights.
dilloduck said:
I'm trying to make a point. That is why I used an extreme example. There is part of the world that everyone shares and is open for all to see. Some want to fill it with things and tell the rest to just fuck off if they don't like it. I find that to be an interesting collision of personal rights.

Then try comparing apples to apples, and oranges to oranges. You see porn shops on the streets. This is legal. You do not see people ****ing on their front lawn. This is not legal.

You may say "Why do I have to walk past porn shops? I think they're sick."

I may say "Why do I have to walk past churches? Why do people need a public building to pray in?"

That would be a much better comparison, don't you think?
dilloduck said:
so if you neighbors decide it's cool to screw on the lawn you'll be happy to close all your windows so the kids can't see?
No I'll call the cops, just as any other reasonable person would do.
There are laws that prevent such acts in public.
Shattered said:
Then try comparing apples to apples, and oranges to oranges. You see porn shops on the streets. This is legal. You do not see people ****ing on their front lawn. This is not legal.

You may say "Why do I have to walk past porn shops? I think they're sick."

I may say "Why do I have to walk past churches? Why do people need a public building to pray in?"

That would be a much better comparison, don't you think?

no---because that is not what I'm trying to say.
dilloduck said:
no---because that is not what I'm trying to say.

Let's assume there is a public place----not owned by me--not owned by you--not government property---Who should decide what is allowable in this place? You or me ?
dilloduck said:
Let's assume there is a public place----not owned by me--not owned by you--not government property---Who should decide what is allowable in this place? You or me ?

If it's not yours, and it's not mine, and it's not government owned, then whose is it? That would be a good starting point.
Shattered said:
If it's not yours, and it's not mine, and it's not government owned, then whose is it? That would be a good starting point.
So am I correct to assume that you feel that whoever owns it should be able to do anything they want to with it?
dilloduck said:
So am I correct to assume that you feel that whoever owns it should be able to do anything they want to with it?

If it's not government owned, I'd pretty much assume at that point that it's private property. If it's private property, until you kiss the owners ass sufficiently, you have no say-so in what gets done with it. But, if you don't like what the ower does with it, I'd suggest you move.
Shattered said:
If it's not government owned, I'd pretty much assume at that point that it's private property. If it's private property, until you kiss the owners ass sufficiently, you have no say-so in what gets done with it. But, if you don't like what the ower does with it, I'd suggest you move.

so if I really like my home and neighborhood and a guy moves in next door and hangs porn all over his yard, I should move?
dilloduck said:
so if I really like my home and neighborhood and a guy moves in next door and hangs porn all over his yard, I should move?

Well, I suppose you could ask him to stop, and tell him you find it offensive. If he chooses not to, and what he's doing isn't against the law, then I'd suppose you'd better either close your windows, or move. :)
Shattered said:
Well, I suppose you could ask him to stop, and tell him you find it offensive. If he chooses not to, and what he's doing isn't against the law, then I'd suppose you'd better either close your windows, or move. :)

Why should the law have any say so on what this guy decides to do with his yard?
dilloduck said:
Why should the law have any say so on what this guy decides to do with his yard?

I'll be eager to read your response in the morning. nitey nite!
there was this dued at university that showed up in the middle of this one lecture....he was all huntched over.....then starts to stand up....then he stands up real straight.....then he starts shaking....then he pulls the trigger on this fire extingusiher.....he was dressed as a large penis.....we thought the prof was going to go balsitic....the due fell on the ground laughing and sends us home....he came ...we went
Shattered said:
Why should you?
non-responsive--Federal, state and local laws limit, regulate and censor sexually based material and behavior. You seem to be advocating that they look the other way and allow private citizens to do whatever they want.
Come on guys, lets be realistic here. The kid was making a penis joke.

Someone should have put him in a car and driven him home. Suspend him so he knows he did something wrong. But it's not sexual harrassment. He was at a high school dance, at least half the kids there have a penis and the other half have probably seen one.

I don't think you can blaim the parents in this case either. He's a 12-13 yr old boy, he and his friends probably got together and thought his up all on their own.
dilloduck said:
Used to be you didn't have to worry about porn and smut everywhere. Kids were not exposed to it as much because there was simply less of it and it was hidden, banned and regulated. Now it's ok for it to be everywhere. Why?

I guess the first thing you'll have to do is provide "your" definition of porn and smut. Then provide some examples of how it's "everywhere".
dilloduck said:
non-responsive--Federal, state and local laws limit, regulate and censor sexually based material and behavior. You seem to be advocating that they look the other way and allow private citizens to do whatever they want.

This is the perfect answer to your previous question about the neighbors getting busy on their lawn...if you knew the answer already, why did you ask the question?

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