Student To Jeb: 'Your Brother Created ISIS'


The fact that you believe Saddam never had WMD despite the fact that he killed hundreds of thousands of Kurds with WMD proves you are an idiot.

As if further proof was needed.
A college student told likely GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Wednesday that his brother, former President George W. Bush, was to blame for the rise of the Islamic State.

The heated confrontation took place at a town hall meeting in Reno, Nevada, according to The New York Times. Ivy Ziedrich, 19, a student at the University of Nevada, approached the former Florida governor to question him about comments he had made during the event. Bush had argued that the Obama administration's weak foreign policy was responsible for the rise of the terrorist group, also known as ISIS, in the Middle East.

Ziedrich countered that Obama wasn't to blame -- and that it was his predecessor's decision to disband the Iraqi army that made the group's formation possible.

"Your brother created ISIS," she told Bush.

What followed was a contentious exchange, according to the Times. Ziedrich accused Bush of "spouting nationalist rhetoric to get us involved in more wars," pointing out that under his brother, the U.S. had spent years in the Middle East, waging "pointless wars where we send young American men to die for the idea of American exceptionalism."

Bush responded by defending the war in Iraq. "When we left Iraq, security had been arranged, al Qaeda had been taken out," he said. "There was a fragile system that could have been brought up to eliminate the sectarian violence."

Read the full Times report here.

More: Jeb Bush Confronted By College Student: 'Your Brother Created ISIS'

I totally agree! The student is 100% correct. Jeb can't escape the truth. In fact, the ISIS mess can even be traced back to former President George H.W. Bush when he suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait.

Our President has stated that ISIS is JV. Why are you making a big deal of them?
The Bush team undoubtably understood that any strong, high-body-count-intervention would inspire the growth of Islamic radicalism (which would form behind the project of expelling the infidels).

Consider the CIA's removal of Mossadeq (and his subsequent replacement by the brutal Shah) which lead to the Iranian Revolution. Al Qaeda (which sprang from the Afghan mujahideen) was formed as a response to the Soviet intervention in the 80s.

Intervention by Superpowers always furthers Islamic radicalism.

But here is what people don't understand. We benefit from the instability created by Islamic radicalism because it gives us a context for further intervention, so we can establish a bigger footprint near the energy assets upon which we depend.

A college student told likely GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Wednesday that his brother, former President George W. Bush, was to blame for the rise of the Islamic State.

The heated confrontation took place at a town hall meeting in Reno, Nevada, according to The New York Times. Ivy Ziedrich, 19, a student at the University of Nevada, approached the former Florida governor to question him about comments he had made during the event. Bush had argued that the Obama administration's weak foreign policy was responsible for the rise of the terrorist group, also known as ISIS, in the Middle East.

Ziedrich countered that Obama wasn't to blame -- and that it was his predecessor's decision to disband the Iraqi army that made the group's formation possible.

"Your brother created ISIS," she told Bush.

What followed was a contentious exchange, according to the Times. Ziedrich accused Bush of "spouting nationalist rhetoric to get us involved in more wars," pointing out that under his brother, the U.S. had spent years in the Middle East, waging "pointless wars where we send young American men to die for the idea of American exceptionalism."

Bush responded by defending the war in Iraq. "When we left Iraq, security had been arranged, al Qaeda had been taken out," he said. "There was a fragile system that could have been brought up to eliminate the sectarian violence."

Read the full Times report here.

More: Jeb Bush Confronted By College Student: 'Your Brother Created ISIS'

I totally agree! The student is 100% correct. Jeb can't escape the truth. In fact, the ISIS mess can even be traced back to former President George H.W. Bush when he suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait.


i fixed it for you....
This kid was about six years old when the Iraq war started. At 19 he's still wet behind the ears

Yet she seems to see the problem a lot more clearly than Most Republicans do.

Seriously, how can anyone think a THIRD Bush Presidency is a good idea?

Your fallacy is believing I think Jeb Bush is presidential. Back up, regroup and try again. Oh and your new little moon bat darling is simply a victim of progressive education aka indoctrination. She will enter the real world and think differently and if not she will end up as you are, dumber than a sack of hammers
A few? It's estimated it was 50,000 --180,000, you stupid son of a bitch.

Oh, most Kurds that were slaughtered by Saddam were slaughtered with bullets, not gas. And frankly, no one had a problem with it. Not the Reagan Administration, which kept selling weapons to Saddam and kept saying he was a guy we could work with.

Dude, sit down, you're sort of the board idiot and I DO NOT take you serious
Your fallacy is believing I think Jeb Bush is presidential. Back up, regroup and try again. Oh and your new little moon bat darling is simply a victim of progressive education aka indoctrination. She will enter the real world and think differently and if not she will end up as you are, dumber than a sack of hammers

Actually, I was pretty right wing until 2008 and Bush fucked everything up.

But here's the thing. the GOP establishment will FORCE Bush into the nomination, and you will be on here singing his praises because Hillary scares the pants off of you.

As bad as Jeb is, he's probably more presidential than anyone else in the GOP Clown Car.
Your fallacy is believing I think Jeb Bush is presidential. Back up, regroup and try again. Oh and your new little moon bat darling is simply a victim of progressive education aka indoctrination. She will enter the real world and think differently and if not she will end up as you are, dumber than a sack of hammers

Actually, I was pretty right wing until 2008 and Bush fucked everything up.

But here's the thing. the GOP establishment will FORCE Bush into the nomination, and you will be on here singing his praises because Hillary scares the pants off of you.

As bad as Jeb is, he's probably more presidential than anyone else in the GOP Clown Car.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz you said that before and I didn't believe you then. Go bother someone else

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