Student To Jeb: 'Your Brother Created ISIS'

Obama made them strong and trained them in Syria. So it isn't just Georges fault.
The college kid said Bush CREATED Isis. And she is correct.

I know some tards like to retroactively blame Obama for the economic crash which occurred before he was President, but trying now to blame him for the creation of ISIS which formed before he was President is getting really deep into mental retardation territory.

I said he helped strengthen them by training the Syrian rebels because many joined the isis. NOT created them which has been around since the early 2000's.

Sen. John McCain says the lack of U.S. aid to Syrian rebels is "shameful," and that helping the opposition would be the biggest blow to Iran in 25 years.

McCain calls lack of US aid to Syrian rebels shameful Fox News
Obama made them strong and trained them in Syria. So it isn't just Georges fault.
The college kid said Bush CREATED Isis. And she is correct.

I know some tards like to retroactively blame Obama for the economic crash which occurred before he was President, but trying now to blame him for the creation of ISIS which formed before he was President is getting really deep into mental retardation territory.

I said he helped strengthen them by training the Syrian rebels because many joined the isis. NOT created them which has been around since the early 2000's.

Sen. John McCain says the lack of U.S. aid to Syrian rebels is "shameful," and that helping the opposition would be the biggest blow to Iran in 25 years.

McCain calls lack of US aid to Syrian rebels shameful Fox News

Yet ISIS started in Syria!

Far left drones will never admit their messiah was the cause with his red line in the sand. That action alone started many such downfalls around the world as the far left leadership watches the world burn instead of admitting they were wrong!

CIA begins weapons delivery to Syrian rebels - The Washington Post
Both Bush presidents gave us ISIS - especially Bush 43. Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than fifteen years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

You forget that Clinton was in between the Bush's and did nothing to stop Saddam.
Yet ISIS started in Syria!

It has been irrefutably shown that ISIS was created in Iraq during the Bush Administration, Koshbot. You are now deep in Willful Idiot territory.

"Faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof."
You got to love the RWers criisising a 19 yr old student...

The student just handed the leading GOP contender is ass... What will he be like when the democrats bring out the big guns....

So keep on crtizing the student... The opinion polls are against Bush and the more people understand about it the more he gets creamed...

GOP are big loosers on foreign policy, scaremongering can only get ye so far.
Well, i can understand them!
Bush really created negative image of the United States and he also was always hated by Muslims.
But i can't understand why they're blaming Jeb(of course he's not perfect), he's not guilty in this
Well, i can understand them!
Bush really created negative image of the United States and he also was always hated by Muslims.
But i can't understand why they're blaming Jeb(of course he's not perfect), he's not guilty in this

Would you want another Bush retard in the White House?
Well, i can understand them!
Bush really created negative image of the United States and he also was always hated by Muslims.
But i can't understand why they're blaming Jeb(of course he's not perfect), he's not guilty in this

Would you want another Bush retard in the White House?

The far left drones have voted for worse than Bush twice and about to be three times with Hilary, so do you have a real point to make?

The fact that you believe Saddam never had WMD despite the fact that he killed hundreds of thousands of Kurds with WMD proves you are an idiot.

As if further proof was needed.

Saddam simply gassed a few Kurds who were trying to topple him - with gas provided by President Reagan. What's the big deal?

He used gas extensively on Iranian troops during the Iran Iraq war. He was a monster that never should have been taken off the list of Nations who support terrorism in the first place. With out western aid and technology I think his demise would have come early during his reign.
You got to love the RWers criisising a 19 yr old student...

The student just handed the leading GOP contender is ass... What will he be like when the democrats bring out the big guns....

So keep on crtizing the student... The opinion polls are against Bush and the more people understand about it the more he gets creamed...

GOP are big loosers on foreign policy, scaremongering can only get ye so far.
At least Jeb is willing to take unscripted questions.
Hillary? Not so much, hunh?!

The fact that you believe Saddam never had WMD despite the fact that he killed hundreds of thousands of Kurds with WMD proves you are an idiot.

As if further proof was needed.

Saddam simply gassed a few Kurds who were trying to topple him - with gas provided by President Reagan. What's the big deal?

He used gas extensively on Iranian troops during the Iran Iraq war. He was a monster that never should have been taken off the list of Nations who support terrorism in the first place. With out western aid and technology I think his demise would have come early during his reign.

Darn those Germans!

The fact that you believe Saddam never had WMD despite the fact that he killed hundreds of thousands of Kurds with WMD proves you are an idiot.

As if further proof was needed.

Saddam simply gassed a few Kurds who were trying to topple him - with gas provided by President Reagan. What's the big deal?

He used gas extensively on Iranian troops during the Iran Iraq war. He was a monster that never should have been taken off the list of Nations who support terrorism in the first place. With out western aid and technology I think his demise would have come early during his reign.

Darn those Germans!

The German State Department was not the agency who had the power to approve or deny the sale of duel use Western technology to Iraq. Although a German company did sell Iraq lots and lots of precursor chemicals, the approval for those transactions came from Rayguns' State Department.

The fact that you believe Saddam never had WMD despite the fact that he killed hundreds of thousands of Kurds with WMD proves you are an idiot.

As if further proof was needed.

Saddam simply gassed a few Kurds who were trying to topple him - with gas provided by President Reagan. What's the big deal?

He used gas extensively on Iranian troops during the Iran Iraq war. He was a monster that never should have been taken off the list of Nations who support terrorism in the first place. With out western aid and technology I think his demise would have come early during his reign.

Darn those Germans!

The German State Department was not the agency who had the power to approve or deny the sale of duel use Western technology to Iraq. Although a German company did sell Iraq lots and lots of precursor chemicals, the approval for those transactions came from Rayguns' State Department.

Once again the far left rewrite history to fit their religious narrative..

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