Students Celebrate "Anti-Gay Day"

We told you, keep pushing and there will be push back. You're outnumbered also
The push back will be America's boot on the back of your neck grinding your face into the dirt.

Bullying is criminal. You will pay for victimizing victims.
Spoken like a true bully! Were you being fisted when you typed that?

Oh dear did I upset a pillow biter?

A pillow biter? lmao

Come on, SassyLass. Are you saying you've never had your man do you doggy-style? Unless he was lousy at it, that would make you a pillow biter too.
Hell, she sticks her head under a pillow and moans like a doggy.

Or does he stick her head under a pillow so he doesn't lose his erection? (and will to live?)
We told you, keep pushing and there will be push back. You're outnumbered also
The push back will be America's boot on the back of your neck grinding your face into the dirt.

Bullying is criminal. You will pay for victimizing victims.
Spoken like a true bully! Were you being fisted when you typed that?

Oh dear did I upset a pillow biter?

A pillow biter? lmao

Come on, SassyLass. Are you saying you've never had your man do you doggy-style? Unless he was lousy at it, that would make you a pillow biter too.

Listen up, pervert. That's crass, invasive and uncalled for. Try it again and off to ignore you go, freakazoid

Oh please!! You call someone else a pillow biter and then get all indignant when someone puts it back on you?

If you can't take those kinds of insults, perhaps you shouldn't spew them?
We told you, keep pushing and there will be push back. You're outnumbered also
The push back will be America's boot on the back of your neck grinding your face into the dirt.

Bullying is criminal. You will pay for victimizing victims.
Spoken like a true bully! Were you being fisted when you typed that?

Oh dear did I upset a pillow biter?

A pillow biter? lmao

Come on, SassyLass. Are you saying you've never had your man do you doggy-style? Unless he was lousy at it, that would make you a pillow biter too.

Listen up, pervert. That's crass, invasive and uncalled for. Try it again and off to ignore you go, freakazoid
Who was it who was using the term "pillow-biter"? But that image of doggy-style was a tad harsh......when applied to you, most definitely. Poor dogs.
We told you, keep pushing and there will be push back. You're outnumbered also
The push back will be America's boot on the back of your neck grinding your face into the dirt.

Bullying is criminal. You will pay for victimizing victims.
Spoken like a true bully! Were you being fisted when you typed that?

Oh dear did I upset a pillow biter?

A pillow biter? lmao

Come on, SassyLass. Are you saying you've never had your man do you doggy-style? Unless he was lousy at it, that would make you a pillow biter too.

Listen up, pervert. That's crass, invasive and uncalled for. Try it again and off to ignore you go, freakazoid
Since you were involved in the crass, invasive, and name calling, fuck off.

Have you captured RouteIrish yet.
The push back will be America's boot on the back of your neck grinding your face into the dirt.

Bullying is criminal. You will pay for victimizing victims.
Spoken like a true bully! Were you being fisted when you typed that?

Oh dear did I upset a pillow biter?

A pillow biter? lmao

Come on, SassyLass. Are you saying you've never had your man do you doggy-style? Unless he was lousy at it, that would make you a pillow biter too.
Hell, she sticks her head under a pillow and moans like a doggy.

Or does he stick her head under a pillow so he doesn't lose his erection? (and will to live?)
She has her own monogramed pillow cases for hiding her face saying "make me howl."

Notice how she whines when she gets dealt with how she deals with others.
She will run away now, as she always does.

In any of her monikers, she is unable to take what she dishes, which is typical of the far right.
It's good to see that kids today are not falling for the liberal lies, hope this becomes popular in more schools.

Pennsylvania High School Students Organize Anti-Gay Day - BuzzFeed News

And when their parents ( who they learned this from) are dead and gone, how are these kids going to survive in the America of the future? I am sure the pictures of these kids will follow them around when trying to get employment especially with major corporations that foster diversity. Maybe they will be relegated to working for some fundy christian church and be marginalized for the rest of their lives
Spoken like a true bully! Were you being fisted when you typed that?

Oh dear did I upset a pillow biter?

A pillow biter? lmao

Come on, SassyLass. Are you saying you've never had your man do you doggy-style? Unless he was lousy at it, that would make you a pillow biter too.
Hell, she sticks her head under a pillow and moans like a doggy.

Or does he stick her head under a pillow so he doesn't lose his erection? (and will to live?)

Ignored....and you look like someone that should never be allowed around children...if that's your real pic. Mothers know these things :) Bye, freak

LMAO!! I have raised 4 children. All are upstanding, productive members of society. 3 graduated from college (1 with a masters in aero-space engineering), and the last one is in college. Best kids I know.

You know squat about me, lady. You are just laughably hypocritical.
What do you expect when homosexuals keep trying to force their values on kids

Force their values? You mean values like "Don't Bully" or something?

Yeah, I guess we should have expected threats and name-calling. But that isn't blowback. Because it existed long before LGBT groups were out.
If gays would keep their sex practices private they would have nothing to worry about.

Bullshit. Gay and lesbian kis in high school are bullied because of what people THINK they do or because of rumors. It is not about what they actually do sexually. It is about hostility from bullies.

it's not rumors dipshit

what they do is disgusting

gays also need to understand that if they draw attention to themselves they will get attention

that being said I really don't care what they do as long as they don't try to change me, or my perceptions of their activities

their rights begin at the end of their nose and I will respect that and their choice
I heard there is an investigation now. AKA no dissent is allowed you will be forced at point of gun if necessary to love everyone and tolerate everyone.

More bullshit. No one is forcing you to love anything. But they are requiring that you not bully or threaten others. I'm sorry if that takes away the neanderthal's favorite hobby.
The simple fact these brilliant young folks held an anti homosexual day is enough for the cultural marxists to get pissed off and whine about and start an investigation like I said no dissent is allowed.
There is no cultural marxism: justanothermadeupRubshononsense.

However, the heterofascists like onion83 will not frame the debate.

Sassy was dealt with appropriately here and hopefully by the mods.
There is no cultural marxism: justanothermadeupRubshononsense.

However, the heterofascists like onion83 will not frame the debate.

Sassy was dealt with appropriately here and hopefully by the mods.
The fascists are the ones not allowing dissent or debate or other opinions on homosexuality. Not the bright young folks standing up to the marxism they are bashed with every day.
The fascists are the ones who think they can bully.

It's a crime.

You may debate all you want within the limits of the law.

Your culturalfascism is failing, onion83.
The fascists are the ones who think they can bully.

It's a crime.

You may debate all you want within the limits of the law.

Your culturalfascism is failing, onion83.
So the homosexuals bullying businesses are bullies? I don't agree with the bullying but I do agree with their right to hold an anti gay day as pro homosexual filth is pushed on them every day at school but I bet that's not allowed either...once again NO DISSENT is allowed.
People making people obey a just law is not bullying, onion 83.

You are admitting that you are criminals.

You have every right to debate the subject in appropriate ways. Nothing else. You will pay a just price of victimizing victims.
It's good to see that kids today are not falling for the liberal lies, hope this becomes popular in more schools.

Pennsylvania High School Students Organize Anti-Gay Day - BuzzFeed News
I don't know if I would have called it anti gay day. Maybe straight pride day would have been better, but still, why is any of this in school in the first place? Gay or straight keep it to yourself and organize events outside school. Kids are there to learn subjects not protest for or against other peoples sex lives.

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