Students Celebrate "Anti-Gay Day"

People making people obey a just law is not bullying, onion 83.

You are admitting that you are criminals.

You have every right to debate the subject in appropriate ways. Nothing else. You will pay a just price of victimizing victims.
Where is the law that says you can't debate,dislike,even HATE homosexuals? I must have missed that one.
You are deflecting, and that very poorly. You can debate, dislike, hate homos or heteros, but in the public space you have to follow the law. Just the way it is. That's how our Republic works, you know.
Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
I agree....I saw where they wore flannel and figured they were doing that in support of lesbians. As with many of their ilk, they aren't very bright.
You are so fucking stupid yhat facts mean nothing to you.

All of you clowns are idiots.

So nice of you to bring such a clear, concise argument to the thread. It is always refreshing when people, such as yourself, provide well thought out and fact filled discussions. :cool-45:
People making people obey a just law is not bullying, onion 83.

You are admitting that you are criminals.

You have every right to debate the subject in appropriate ways. Nothing else. You will pay a just price of victimizing victims.
Where is the law that says you can't debate,dislike,even HATE homosexuals? I must have missed that one.

You are welcome to dislike or even hate them. It is when you harass and bully them that the law comes into effect.
I already said I don't think that was a smart idea but its what happens you you assault people with propaganda over and over and over and never listen to their side of it. I don't blame them. The homosexuals have painted themselves into a corner and its not gonna be pretty now that people are fighting back.
You are once again victimizing the victims. You have tried for scores of years to propagandize over and over and over and have failed. That is not going to change. You break the law, you pay the price.
Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
I agree....I saw where they wore flannel and figured they were doing that in support of lesbians. As with many of their ilk, they aren't very bright.
You are so fucking stupid yhat facts mean nothing to you. All of you clowns are idiots.
So say the silly as far reactionary right. Your days are over. For good. You have to act normally. Going to be hard but try it.
I heard there is an investigation now. AKA no dissent is allowed you will be forced at point of gun if necessary to love everyone and tolerate everyone.

We've been through this with the n*****s.
Did you miss something?
Only the truly dopey will have to bang their heads over this.
Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
I agree....I saw where they wore flannel and figured they were doing that in support of lesbians. As with many of their ilk, they aren't very bright.
You are so fucking stupid yhat facts mean nothing to you. All of you clowns are idiots.
So say the silly as far reactionary right. Your days are over. For good. You have to act normally. Going to be hard but try it.

They argued against equality based on race and gender. Now they argue against equality based on sexual orientation. The claim is that the backlash will send gays back into the closet.

But has any group who achieved their equality been forced back?
Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
What about the photo of those lesbians bullying the boys with those signs out front? One side can protest but the other can't? If your coming out of the closet fir a fight, what do you expect?

Those coming out of the closet are not looking for a fight. They are looking to stop having to fight against the bullies.
Yes, a creepy boy wearing a dress in the girls' restroom in school isn't looking for a fight.
The far right haters will be whipped into the corner, cowering like the cowardly dogs they are. We would not allow the KKK, the John Birch, and we will not allow you to deny other Americans their rights equal to yours.
None of this shit should be allowed in school in the first place. Our kids are way behind in major area's like math and science and we are worrying about gays and straights? These events can be done after school in private. No days of silence, no flannel shirts, just a school uniform and a heavy dose of shut up and learn.
Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
What about the photo of those lesbians bullying the boys with those signs out front? One side can protest but the other can't? If your coming out of the closet fir a fight, what do you expect?

Those coming out of the closet are not looking for a fight. They are looking to stop having to fight against the bullies.
Yes, a creepy boy wearing a dress in the girls' restroom in school isn't looking for a fight.
Then don't wear dresses in the girls' room, you clown.
Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
What about the photo of those lesbians bullying the boys with those signs out front? One side can protest but the other can't? If your coming out of the closet fir a fight, what do you expect?

Those coming out of the closet are not looking for a fight. They are looking to stop having to fight against the bullies.
Yes, a creepy boy wearing a dress in the girls' restroom in school isn't looking for a fight.

Wow, taking it kinda far aren't you? Yes, I know some transgenders have been in the wrong bathrooms. Doesn't seem like to tough a thing to fix. But it is also a drop in the bucket compared to the harassment that gays hvae faced for years.
None of this shit should be allowed in school in the first place. Our kids are way behind in major area's like math and science and we are worrying about gays and straights? These events can be done after school in private. No days of silence, no flannel shirts, just a school uniform and a heavy dose of shut up and learn.

Sounds like a plan. So you went to a school with no social events likes a Homecoming dance or prom?

And exactly how do you propose they prevent a Day of Silence? The kids didn't speak during lunch. Are you going to make that against the rules?

And a school uniform is fine. But unless you do that, flannel shirts aren't a problem.
Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
I agree....I saw where they wore flannel and figured they were doing that in support of lesbians. As with many of their ilk, they aren't very bright.
You are so fucking stupid yhat facts mean nothing to you.

All of you clowns are idiots.

So nice of you to bring such a clear, concise argument to the thread. It is always refreshing when people, such as yourself, provide well thought out and fact filled discussions. :cool-45:
It is a good thing to have people like those kids and Muhammed to make themselves a skunk with a white stripe.
Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
What about the photo of those lesbians bullying the boys with those signs out front? One side can protest but the other can't? If your coming out of the closet fir a fight, what do you expect?

Those coming out of the closet are not looking for a fight. They are looking to stop having to fight against the bullies.
Yes, a creepy boy wearing a dress in the girls' restroom in school isn't looking for a fight.

Wow, taking it kinda far aren't you? Yes, I know some transgenders have been in the wrong bathrooms. Doesn't seem like to tough a thing to fix. But it is also a drop in the bucket compared to the harassment that gays hvae faced for years.
Taking it kind of far? That's exactly what they legalized in California. The freaks can now force everyone to cater to their sickness. One of the great lessons in life is how quickly the victim becomes the bully.
Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
What about the photo of those lesbians bullying the boys with those signs out front? One side can protest but the other can't? If your coming out of the closet fir a fight, what do you expect?

Those coming out of the closet are not looking for a fight. They are looking to stop having to fight against the bullies.
Yes, a creepy boy wearing a dress in the girls' restroom in school isn't looking for a fight.

Wow, taking it kinda far aren't you? Yes, I know some transgenders have been in the wrong bathrooms. Doesn't seem like to tough a thing to fix. But it is also a drop in the bucket compared to the harassment that gays hvae faced for years.
Taking it kind of far? That's exactly what they legalized in California. The freaks can now force everyone to cater to their sickness. One of the great lessons in life is how quickly the victim becomes the bully.
Hmm...I live in California and have missed the masses of boys in dresses in the girls' bathroom.
Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
What about the photo of those lesbians bullying the boys with those signs out front? One side can protest but the other can't? If your coming out of the closet fir a fight, what do you expect?

Those coming out of the closet are not looking for a fight. They are looking to stop having to fight against the bullies.
Yes, a creepy boy wearing a dress in the girls' restroom in school isn't looking for a fight.

Wow, taking it kinda far aren't you? Yes, I know some transgenders have been in the wrong bathrooms. Doesn't seem like to tough a thing to fix. But it is also a drop in the bucket compared to the harassment that gays hvae faced for years.
Taking it kind of far? That's exactly what they legalized in California. The freaks can now force everyone to cater to their sickness. One of the great lessons in life is how quickly the victim becomes the bully.
Says the former bully faced with his former victims, who are not taking it any more.

No sympathy here, sonny.
Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
What about the photo of those lesbians bullying the boys with those signs out front? One side can protest but the other can't? If your coming out of the closet fir a fight, what do you expect?

Those coming out of the closet are not looking for a fight. They are looking to stop having to fight against the bullies.
Yes, a creepy boy wearing a dress in the girls' restroom in school isn't looking for a fight.

Wow, taking it kinda far aren't you? Yes, I know some transgenders have been in the wrong bathrooms. Doesn't seem like to tough a thing to fix. But it is also a drop in the bucket compared to the harassment that gays hvae faced for years.
Taking it kind of far? That's exactly what they legalized in California. The freaks can now force everyone to cater to their sickness. One of the great lessons in life is how quickly the victim becomes the bully.

Given the number of gays that have been murdered, beaten, and bullied for being gay, having a guy in a dress in the girls bathroom seems pretty mild. But it is still off topic.
What about the photo of those lesbians bullying the boys with those signs out front? One side can protest but the other can't? If your coming out of the closet fir a fight, what do you expect?

Those coming out of the closet are not looking for a fight. They are looking to stop having to fight against the bullies.
Yes, a creepy boy wearing a dress in the girls' restroom in school isn't looking for a fight.

Wow, taking it kinda far aren't you? Yes, I know some transgenders have been in the wrong bathrooms. Doesn't seem like to tough a thing to fix. But it is also a drop in the bucket compared to the harassment that gays hvae faced for years.
Taking it kind of far? That's exactly what they legalized in California. The freaks can now force everyone to cater to their sickness. One of the great lessons in life is how quickly the victim becomes the bully.

Given the number of gays that have been murdered, beaten, and bullied for being gay, having a guy in a dress in the girls bathroom seems pretty mild. But it is still off topic.
Not as many as you claim. Americans have always been much more tolerant than the lying Left portrays.

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