Students Celebrate "Anti-Gay Day"

Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
What about the photo of those lesbians bullying the boys with those signs out front? One side can protest but the other can't? If your coming out of the closet fir a fight, what do you expect?

Those coming out of the closet are not looking for a fight. They are looking to stop having to fight against the bullies.
Yes, a creepy boy wearing a dress in the girls' restroom in school isn't looking for a fight.

Again none of this should be in school. One uniform that everybody wears and you pee what sex you were born with, end of story.

And yes some of the public schools here have uniforms. It's worked well with keeping gang colors under control and leveling the playing field between the rich and poor.
Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
What about the photo of those lesbians bullying the boys with those signs out front? One side can protest but the other can't? If your coming out of the closet fir a fight, what do you expect?

Those coming out of the closet are not looking for a fight. They are looking to stop having to fight against the bullies.
Yes, a creepy boy wearing a dress in the girls' restroom in school isn't looking for a fight.

Wow, taking it kinda far aren't you? Yes, I know some transgenders have been in the wrong bathrooms. Doesn't seem like to tough a thing to fix. But it is also a drop in the bucket compared to the harassment that gays hvae faced for years.
Taking it kind of far? That's exactly what they legalized in California. The freaks can now force everyone to cater to their sickness. One of the great lessons in life is how quickly the victim becomes the bully.

The sickness is yours. We won't hold that against you though as long as you pray it away.
Those coming out of the closet are not looking for a fight. They are looking to stop having to fight against the bullies.
Yes, a creepy boy wearing a dress in the girls' restroom in school isn't looking for a fight.

Wow, taking it kinda far aren't you? Yes, I know some transgenders have been in the wrong bathrooms. Doesn't seem like to tough a thing to fix. But it is also a drop in the bucket compared to the harassment that gays hvae faced for years.
Taking it kind of far? That's exactly what they legalized in California. The freaks can now force everyone to cater to their sickness. One of the great lessons in life is how quickly the victim becomes the bully.

Given the number of gays that have been murdered, beaten, and bullied for being gay, having a guy in a dress in the girls bathroom seems pretty mild. But it is still off topic.
Not as many as you claim. Americans have always been much more tolerant than the lying Left portrays.

Just not in your case.
Those coming out of the closet are not looking for a fight. They are looking to stop having to fight against the bullies.
Yes, a creepy boy wearing a dress in the girls' restroom in school isn't looking for a fight.

Wow, taking it kinda far aren't you? Yes, I know some transgenders have been in the wrong bathrooms. Doesn't seem like to tough a thing to fix. But it is also a drop in the bucket compared to the harassment that gays hvae faced for years.
Taking it kind of far? That's exactly what they legalized in California. The freaks can now force everyone to cater to their sickness. One of the great lessons in life is how quickly the victim becomes the bully.

Given the number of gays that have been murdered, beaten, and bullied for being gay, having a guy in a dress in the girls bathroom seems pretty mild. But it is still off topic.
Not as many as you claim. Americans have always been much more tolerant than the lying Left portrays.

Look, I am somewhat of an old guy. I am 55. And in my lifetime gays have been fired from jobs because they were gay, beaten to death because they were gay, beaten up for being gay, kicked out of the military and churches and social organizations because they were gay. They have lost custody of their children for being who they are. So you will forgive me if I am not particularly worked up about a handful of students who are offended in a high school in PA. I do find it funny that they all wore flannel. Which, as I have already said, is a hallmark of lesbians. But the fact that they want to protest a moment of silence is ridiculous.
Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
What about the photo of those lesbians bullying the boys with those signs out front? One side can protest but the other can't? If your coming out of the closet fir a fight, what do you expect?

Those coming out of the closet are not looking for a fight. They are looking to stop having to fight against the bullies.
Yes, a creepy boy wearing a dress in the girls' restroom in school isn't looking for a fight.

Again none of this should be in school. One uniform that everybody wears and you pee what sex you were born with, end of story.

And yes some of the public schools here have uniforms. It's worked well with keeping gang colors under control and leveling the playing field between the rich and poor.

Ok, make uniforms for the schools. No problem. I think students will still find a way to make their individuality known.
None of this shit should be allowed in school in the first place. Our kids are way behind in major area's like math and science and we are worrying about gays and straights? These events can be done after school in private. No days of silence, no flannel shirts, just a school uniform and a heavy dose of shut up and learn.

Sounds like a plan. So you went to a school with no social events likes a Homecoming dance or prom?

And exactly how do you propose they prevent a Day of Silence? The kids didn't speak during lunch. Are you going to make that against the rules?

And a school uniform is fine. But unless you do that, flannel shirts aren't a problem.
All those social events were done after school and prom was done off sight.
None of this shit should be allowed in school in the first place. Our kids are way behind in major area's like math and science and we are worrying about gays and straights? These events can be done after school in private. No days of silence, no flannel shirts, just a school uniform and a heavy dose of shut up and learn.

Sounds like a plan. So you went to a school with no social events likes a Homecoming dance or prom?

And exactly how do you propose they prevent a Day of Silence? The kids didn't speak during lunch. Are you going to make that against the rules?

And a school uniform is fine. But unless you do that, flannel shirts aren't a problem.
Social events were held after school hours and prom was held at a hall. These kids did this during school hours and that shouldn't be allowed. Dressing in black with rainbows painted on your face is a distraction in class. If the kid doesn't want to talk great, as long as they answer the teacher when called on. Neither should anyone have been wearing flannel with anti gay stuff being written or posted as a protest. It's a school, it's only job is to deliver the curriculum to it's students, not to decide gender issues.

My daughters went to GSA but all events were held after school. The yearly student prayer day was held at the flag pole before school started, with a prayer. No outside events were allowed during the school day. Once that bell rang, much like the real working world, all uniforms were on and down to business. School is to prepare the kids for working as adults. If you showed up at work dressed in black with a rainbow on your face and refused to talk what would happen? Same goes for Flannel shirts with anti gay stuff written on your hand. Your boss would tell you to change or you'd be fired. Kids should not be treated any differently.
What do you expect when homosexuals keep trying to force their values on kids
No one is 'forcing' anything on anyone – seeking one's comprehensive civil rights is not 'forcing.'

Of course you and other bigots on the right can't see that, blinded by your unwarranted hate.
Legal homo marriage is homo coercion.

WTF? Who is being coerced? No one. Both parties are willing, consenting adults. So it doesn't effect you at all.
Legal marriage involves coercion insofar as adoption, tax breaks and insurance subsidization. Unstructured families involve everyone as they contribute to social demise and community decay. That is more coercion. Homo marriage legally grants unstructured families.
Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
What about the photo of those lesbians bullying the boys with those signs out front? One side can protest but the other can't? If your coming out of the closet fir a fight, what do you expect?

Those coming out of the closet are not looking for a fight. They are looking to stop having to fight against the bullies.
Yes, a creepy boy wearing a dress in the girls' restroom in school isn't looking for a fight.

Again none of this should be in school. One uniform that everybody wears and you pee what sex you were born with, end of story.

And yes some of the public schools here have uniforms. It's worked well with keeping gang colors under control and leveling the playing field between the rich and poor.

Ok, make uniforms for the schools. No problem. I think students will still find a way to make their individuality known.
Nope the rules are very clear.

Navy or white polo shirts with sleeves, buttons and collars, plain no logo's, Kaki pants, white sweat shirts or sweaters are allowed but no hoodies, no hats, no bandana's or scarves unless for religious reasons and then it has to be plain no print or logos. If the school thinks something like jewelry is gang related you can't wear it. It works really well. All of the above can be bought at Walmart or Kmart. Girls are covered up properly and no sagging is allowed.
Yes, a creepy boy wearing a dress in the girls' restroom in school isn't looking for a fight.

Wow, taking it kinda far aren't you? Yes, I know some transgenders have been in the wrong bathrooms. Doesn't seem like to tough a thing to fix. But it is also a drop in the bucket compared to the harassment that gays hvae faced for years.
Taking it kind of far? That's exactly what they legalized in California. The freaks can now force everyone to cater to their sickness. One of the great lessons in life is how quickly the victim becomes the bully.

Given the number of gays that have been murdered, beaten, and bullied for being gay, having a guy in a dress in the girls bathroom seems pretty mild. But it is still off topic.
Not as many as you claim. Americans have always been much more tolerant than the lying Left portrays.

Look, I am somewhat of an old guy. I am 55. And in my lifetime gays have been fired from jobs because they were gay, beaten to death because they were gay, beaten up for being gay, kicked out of the military and churches and social organizations because they were gay. They have lost custody of their children for being who they are. So you will forgive me if I am not particularly worked up about a handful of students who are offended in a high school in PA. I do find it funny that they all wore flannel. Which, as I have already said, is a hallmark of lesbians. But the fact that they want to protest a moment of silence is ridiculous.
You don't see a difference between beating gays and kicking them out of a church or social club? Maybe that's your problem, you can't tell the difference between a crime that should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and freedom of voluntary association. 55 years and this simple distinction escapes you.

No boy is being persecuted for being made to use the boys room. You people are just silly.
Yes, a creepy boy wearing a dress in the girls' restroom in school isn't looking for a fight.

Wow, taking it kinda far aren't you? Yes, I know some transgenders have been in the wrong bathrooms. Doesn't seem like to tough a thing to fix. But it is also a drop in the bucket compared to the harassment that gays hvae faced for years.
Taking it kind of far? That's exactly what they legalized in California. The freaks can now force everyone to cater to their sickness. One of the great lessons in life is how quickly the victim becomes the bully.

Given the number of gays that have been murdered, beaten, and bullied for being gay, having a guy in a dress in the girls bathroom seems pretty mild. But it is still off topic.
Not as many as you claim. Americans have always been much more tolerant than the lying Left portrays.

Just not in your case.
I've never beat up a gay person in my life.
Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
What about the photo of those lesbians bullying the boys with those signs out front? One side can protest but the other can't? If your coming out of the closet fir a fight, what do you expect?

Those coming out of the closet are not looking for a fight. They are looking to stop having to fight against the bullies.
Yes, a creepy boy wearing a dress in the girls' restroom in school isn't looking for a fight.

Again none of this should be in school. One uniform that everybody wears and you pee what sex you were born with, end of story.

And yes some of the public schools here have uniforms. It's worked well with keeping gang colors under control and leveling the playing field between the rich and poor.
Don't I know it. I got two in Catholic school now. All the kids there are very well behaved and the uniforms are part of that.
Those coming out of the closet are not looking for a fight. They are looking to stop having to fight against the bullies.
Yes, a creepy boy wearing a dress in the girls' restroom in school isn't looking for a fight.

Wow, taking it kinda far aren't you? Yes, I know some transgenders have been in the wrong bathrooms. Doesn't seem like to tough a thing to fix. But it is also a drop in the bucket compared to the harassment that gays hvae faced for years.
Taking it kind of far? That's exactly what they legalized in California. The freaks can now force everyone to cater to their sickness. One of the great lessons in life is how quickly the victim becomes the bully.

Given the number of gays that have been murdered, beaten, and bullied for being gay, having a guy in a dress in the girls bathroom seems pretty mild. But it is still off topic.
Not as many as you claim. Americans have always been much more tolerant than the lying Left portrays.
And you said that lie with a smile.
Wow, taking it kinda far aren't you? Yes, I know some transgenders have been in the wrong bathrooms. Doesn't seem like to tough a thing to fix. But it is also a drop in the bucket compared to the harassment that gays hvae faced for years.
Taking it kind of far? That's exactly what they legalized in California. The freaks can now force everyone to cater to their sickness. One of the great lessons in life is how quickly the victim becomes the bully.

Given the number of gays that have been murdered, beaten, and bullied for being gay, having a guy in a dress in the girls bathroom seems pretty mild. But it is still off topic.
Not as many as you claim. Americans have always been much more tolerant than the lying Left portrays.

Just not in your case.
I've never beat up a gay person in my life.
Yup, you would have got your ass beat.
Taking it kind of far? That's exactly what they legalized in California. The freaks can now force everyone to cater to their sickness. One of the great lessons in life is how quickly the victim becomes the bully.

Given the number of gays that have been murdered, beaten, and bullied for being gay, having a guy in a dress in the girls bathroom seems pretty mild. But it is still off topic.
Not as many as you claim. Americans have always been much more tolerant than the lying Left portrays.

Just not in your case.
I've never beat up a gay person in my life.
Yup, you would have got your ass beat.
If by 'beat' you mean fucked.
The future is turning out to really suck ass. I thought we were going to go back to the moon then onto mars! I thought we'd cure a shit load of diseases. WTF? Everything is gay! This is the gay future that 60% of this country hates science at the same time as they talk about gay sex all day long.
Given the number of gays that have been murdered, beaten, and bullied for being gay, having a guy in a dress in the girls bathroom seems pretty mild. But it is still off topic.
Not as many as you claim. Americans have always been much more tolerant than the lying Left portrays.

Just not in your case.
I've never beat up a gay person in my life.
Yup, you would have got your ass beat.
If by 'beat' you mean fucked.
That would have been the treat after the beating. Your days of terrorizing gays are over, Rosh, just like terrorizing blacks. They will hurt you if you try it.
Let the hetero fascists stop the persecution, Matthew, and that will all stop.

What will not stop is $$$ going to neo-imperialists.

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