Students Celebrate "Anti-Gay Day"

Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
I agree....I saw where they wore flannel and figured they were doing that in support of lesbians. As with many of their ilk, they aren't very bright.
fuckers..hijack rainbows now they want flannel..fuck that ,they get the word gay cuz its a gay word anyway but thats it
Rainbows used to mean something very different than they do today. It used to be understood as the sign God put in the sky to remind us that even when He’s angry about sin, He’d never again destroy the earth with a global flood. But of course, that’s not what most people associate a rainbow with today.The guy who puts a rainbow sticker on the back of his Prius is sending a slightly different message: He’s got a co-pilot, and it isn’t God

Read more at Let s take back the rainbow
I heard there is an investigation now. AKA no dissent is allowed you will be forced at point of gun if necessary to love everyone and tolerate everyone.

More bullshit. No one is forcing you to love anything. But they are requiring that you not bully or threaten others. I'm sorry if that takes away the neanderthal's favorite hobby.
The simple fact these brilliant young folks held an anti homosexual day is enough for the cultural marxists to get pissed off and whine about and start an investigation like I said no dissent is allowed.
They want to indoctrinate without any repercussions. NBC I see is running stories this week forcing the filth on us, tonight it was about a girl who says she wants to be a boy and the parents are too scared to do the right thing, they enable her instead.
What do you expect when homosexuals keep trying to force their values on kids

Force their values? You mean values like "Don't Bully" or something?

Yeah, I guess we should have expected threats and name-calling. But that isn't blowback. Because it existed long before LGBT groups were out.
If gays would keep their sex practices private they would have nothing to worry about.

Bullshit. Gay and lesbian kis in high school are bullied because of what people THINK they do or because of rumors. It is not about what they actually do sexually. It is about hostility from bullies.

it's not rumors dipshit

what they do is disgusting

gays also need to understand that if they draw attention to themselves they will get attention

that being said I really don't care what they do as long as they don't try to change me, or my perceptions of their activities

their rights begin at the end of their nose and I will respect that and their choice

There have been many times that high school kids were bullied or harassed because of rumors. I am not saying that gays are all governed by rumors.

And actually, in a high school setting, no student's sexual acts should be on display. Period.
Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
What about the photo of those lesbians bullying the boys with those signs out front? One side can protest but the other can't? If your coming out of the closet fir a fight, what do you expect?

People making people obey a just law is not bullying, onion 83.

You are admitting that you are criminals.

You have every right to debate the subject in appropriate ways. Nothing else. You will pay a just price of victimizing victims.
Where is the law that says you can't debate,dislike,even HATE homosexuals? I must have missed that one.
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People making people obey a just law is not bullying, onion 83.

You are admitting that you are criminals.

You have every right to debate the subject in appropriate ways. Nothing else. You will pay a just price of victimizing victims.
Where is the law that says you can't debate,dislike,even HATE homosexuals? I must have missed that one.

You are welcome to dislike or even hate them. It is when you harass and bully them that the law comes into effect.
People making people obey a just law is not bullying, onion 83.

You are admitting that you are criminals.

You have every right to debate the subject in appropriate ways. Nothing else. You will pay a just price of victimizing victims.
Where is the law that says you can't debate,dislike,even HATE homosexuals? I must have missed that one.

You are welcome to dislike or even hate them. It is when you harass and bully them that the law comes into effect.
I already said I don't think that was a smart idea but its what happens you you assault people with propaganda over and over and over and never listen to their side of it. I don't blame them. The homosexuals have painted themselves into a corner and its not gonna be pretty now that people are fighting back.
What do you expect when homosexuals keep trying to force their values on kids
No one is 'forcing' anything on anyone – seeking one's comprehensive civil rights is not 'forcing.'

Of course you and other bigots on the right can't see that, blinded by your unwarranted hate.
Legal homo marriage is homo coercion.

WTF? Who is being coerced? No one. Both parties are willing, consenting adults. So it doesn't effect you at all.
People making people obey a just law is not bullying, onion 83.

You are admitting that you are criminals.

You have every right to debate the subject in appropriate ways. Nothing else. You will pay a just price of victimizing victims.
Where is the law that says you can't debate,dislike,even HATE homosexuals? I must have missed that one.

You are welcome to dislike or even hate them. It is when you harass and bully them that the law comes into effect.
I already said I don't think that was a smart idea but its what happens you you assault people with propaganda over and over and over and never listen to their side of it. I don't blame them. The homosexuals have painted themselves into a corner and its not gonna be pretty now that people are fighting back.

Fighting back against what? Allowing people to live without harassment? Allowing people to live as equals? Yeah, those are some horrible things to demand, huh? Better get right on that fight. lmao
People making people obey a just law is not bullying, onion 83.

You are admitting that you are criminals.

You have every right to debate the subject in appropriate ways. Nothing else. You will pay a just price of victimizing victims.
Where is the law that says you can't debate,dislike,even HATE homosexuals? I must have missed that one.

You are welcome to dislike or even hate them. It is when you harass and bully them that the law comes into effect.
I already said I don't think that was a smart idea but its what happens you you assault people with propaganda over and over and over and never listen to their side of it. I don't blame them. The homosexuals have painted themselves into a corner and its not gonna be pretty now that people are fighting back.

Fighting back against what? Allowing people to live without harassment? Allowing people to live as equals? Yeah, those are some horrible things to demand, huh? Better get right on that fight. lmao
Some are more equal than others. Blacks,Jews,Latinos,Women,Asians,Homosexuals,Transqueers,Bisexuals....did I miss any?
People making people obey a just law is not bullying, onion 83.

You are admitting that you are criminals.

You have every right to debate the subject in appropriate ways. Nothing else. You will pay a just price of victimizing victims.
Where is the law that says you can't debate,dislike,even HATE homosexuals? I must have missed that one.

You are welcome to dislike or even hate them. It is when you harass and bully them that the law comes into effect.
I already said I don't think that was a smart idea but its what happens you you assault people with propaganda over and over and over and never listen to their side of it. I don't blame them. The homosexuals have painted themselves into a corner and its not gonna be pretty now that people are fighting back.

Fighting back against what? Allowing people to live without harassment? Allowing people to live as equals? Yeah, those are some horrible things to demand, huh? Better get right on that fight. lmao
Some are more equal than others. Blacks,Jews,Latinos,Women,Asians,Homosexuals,Transqueers,Bisexuals....did I miss any?

If you think they have advantages or are given special rights, go argue against them. That is not what I am discussing and I do not agree with anyone being better than anyone else, at least in the eyes of the gov't.

But then, you did list some groups that have historically been mistreated or treated as second class citizens, until they demanded equality. I guess the fight was worth the backlash.
Yeah, organized bullying is something to be so proud of, isn't it?

I do think its funny that they all wore flannel. Nice for them to wear the unofficial uniform of lesbians everywhere.
I agree....I saw where they wore flannel and figured they were doing that in support of lesbians. As with many of their ilk, they aren't very bright.
You are so fucking stupid yhat facts mean nothing to you.

All of you clowns are idiots.

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