Students Demand Acknowledgement of Robert E. Lee's 'Racist and Dishonorable Conduct'

If Lee was so dishonorable why did Lincoln offer him command of the Union army just days before the war started? Until the war, states pretty much ruled themselves and the federal government had little power, which is what the founders intended and Lee certainly knew this. After the war the federal government usurped power from the states and look what we have today. Also remember Lee's heritage. His father was very close friends with George Washington. Lee's wife was the daughter of George Washington's adopted son. Lee knew as well as anyone the intent of the founders as did numerous descendants of the founders who fought for the South.
Lee wasa tragic figure in many ways. He had to take command against former West Point classmates and did not get his citizenship restored until the 1970s.
He had more nobility in his left testicle hair than these cocksuckers do in their collective bodies.
Lee wasa tragic figure in many ways. He had to take command against former West Point classmates and did not get his citizenship restored until the 1970s.
He had more nobility in his left testicle hair than these cocksuckers do in their collective bodies.

I have nothing against Lee...but nobility?
Lee wasa tragic figure in many ways. He had to take command against former West Point classmates and did not get his citizenship restored until the 1970s.
He had more nobility in his left testicle hair than these cocksuckers do in their collective bodies.

I have nothing against Lee...but nobility?

How else do you describe it? There was nothing in it for Lee. He knew the South stood at a very serious disadvantage going into the conflict. And yet he followed his conscience. That is nobility.
yeah, I am too tired of people trying to tear down American culture and I am part Native American..yet I don't do the war dance to destroy Andrew Jackson's legacy..
Do these people not know that blacks fought for the South also?

They don't know shit, spoiled little pricks. Lee fought for Virginia because he was a Virginian first and an American second. We have so screwed with the Republic that people do not even realize what that used to mean.

I still wonder why the fuck they are even attending a school named after Lee. Parents need to stop sparing the rod. The arrogance of the youth is astonishing.

It does seem ironic that they did attend the school since no one forced them and they are probably getting financial aid to boot..
But as my dear ol' Dad said, You must join into the system, to change the maybe that is what they are trying to accomplish??


I agree, I'm unsure if these students are part of the program the University just started a few years ago, either way the University sounds anything but racist.

Washington & Lee last fall announced W&L Promise, a program that covers tuition for students whose families earn less than $75,000 a year as a way to broaden the student body diversity along “social-economic, geographical, racial, ethnic — the widest possible use of the term,”

7 W&L students demand removal of Confederate flags, decry view of Lee's legacy - News - Mobile
Lee wasa tragic figure in many ways. He had to take command against former West Point classmates and did not get his citizenship restored until the 1970s.
He had more nobility in his left testicle hair than these cocksuckers do in their collective bodies.

I have nothing against Lee...but nobility?

How else do you describe it? There was nothing in it for Lee. He knew the South stood at a very serious disadvantage going into the conflict. And yet he followed his conscience. That is nobility.

Integrity? Wouldn't nobility have more to do with social class?
Lee wasa tragic figure in many ways. He had to take command against former West Point classmates and did not get his citizenship restored until the 1970s.
He had more nobility in his left testicle hair than these cocksuckers do in their collective bodies.

I have nothing against Lee...but nobility?

How else do you describe it? There was nothing in it for Lee. He knew the South stood at a very serious disadvantage going into the conflict. And yet he followed his conscience. That is nobility.

Libturds are congenitally incapable of attributing good motives to anyone who doesn't follow their agenda to the letter. That's why no libturd can rightly be called a gentlemen. That would require some detectable amount of honor, and they simply don't understand the concept.
CaféAuLait;8963014 said:
They don't know shit, spoiled little pricks. Lee fought for Virginia because he was a Virginian first and an American second. We have so screwed with the Republic that people do not even realize what that used to mean.

I still wonder why the fuck they are even attending a school named after Lee. Parents need to stop sparing the rod. The arrogance of the youth is astonishing.

It does seem ironic that they did attend the school since no one forced them and they are probably getting financial aid to boot..
But as my dear ol' Dad said, You must join into the system, to change the maybe that is what they are trying to accomplish??


I agree, I'm unsure if these students are part of the program the University just started a few years ago, either way the University sounds anything but racist.

Washington & Lee last fall announced W&L Promise, a program that covers tuition for students whose families earn less than $75,000 a year as a way to broaden the student body diversity along “social-economic, geographical, racial, ethnic — the widest possible use of the term,”

7 W&L students demand removal of Confederate flags, decry view of Lee's legacy - News - Mobile
It's not a racist school, it is a Southern school with Southern traditions. Outside of blatant racism, discrimination and one has the right to interrupt long standing tradition. (And no, the rebel flag is not racist to the true Southerner)
Abraham was a racist lol..thats a good one

You didn't know that? Lincoln wasn't even an abolitionist. He wanted blacks freed but freed to leave the country. He resettled thousands in Ghana. If Lincoln had lived we would not have any descendants of slaves in this country today.
I have nothing against Lee...but nobility?

How else do you describe it? There was nothing in it for Lee. He knew the South stood at a very serious disadvantage going into the conflict. And yet he followed his conscience. That is nobility.

Libturds are congenitally incapable of attributing good motives to anyone who doesn't follow their agenda to the letter. That's why no libturd can rightly be called a gentlemen. That would require some detectable amount of honor, and they simply don't understand the concept.
One, I am far from liberal. Two, nobility refers to a social class, and we do live in the US so the idea of nobility doesn't really fit here. Three, if you didn't have such a knee jerk reaction, you dumbass, you would see what I posted above.
How else do you describe it? There was nothing in it for Lee. He knew the South stood at a very serious disadvantage going into the conflict. And yet he followed his conscience. That is nobility.

Libturds are congenitally incapable of attributing good motives to anyone who doesn't follow their agenda to the letter. That's why no libturd can rightly be called a gentlemen. That would require some detectable amount of honor, and they simply don't understand the concept.
One, I am far from liberal. Two, nobility refers to a social class, and we do live in the US so the idea of nobility doesn't really fit here. Three, if you didn't have such a knee jerk reaction, you dumbass, you would see what I posted above.

It has another definition having to do with the quality of your behavior. I apologize for pegging you as a left-winger.
I would agree to that if they first acknowledge Abraham Lincoln's "racist and dishonorable conduct." Lincoln was a white supremacist who wanted to ship all the slaves back to Africa. He was busy working on his scheme almost until the day he died. General Grant was an overseer on a plantation before he became a general in the Union Army. Let's also have the university acknowledge his "racist and dishonorable conduct."

Students Demand Acknowledgement of Robert E. Lee's 'Racist and Dishonorable Conduct'

A group of seven multiracial Washington and Lee University (W&L) students are demanding the school remove all Confederate flags from campus and "acknowledge" General Robert E. Lee's "dishonorable side."

According to the Roanoke Times, "seven multiracial students, calling themselves 'The Committee,'" have also demanded the school "acknowledge and apologize for participating in chattel slavery." They want recognition of "Martin Luther King Jr. Day on the undergraduate campus" and an end to "neo-Confederates" marching across campus "to the Lee Chapel on Lee-Jackson Day."

The students say they will "engage in civil disobedience" if their demands are not met by September 1st.

They added: "The time has come for us, as students, to ask that the university hold itself responsible for its past and present dishonorable conduct and for the racist and dishonorable conduct of Robert E. Lee."​

My opinion is that those students need to get the fuck over it. For one; "Washington and Lee University (Washington and Lee or W&L) is a private liberal arts university in Lexington, Virginia, United States.", secondly, " In 1865, General Robert E. Lee served as president of the college until his death in 1870, prompting the college to be renamed as Washington and Lee University. ".

No one forced those students to attend a University that was named after Robert E. Lee. Did they not look into the history and culture of the University? Did they not take a tour and see this:


Give me a break! If they were so against it's "culture" and policies, why did they choose to attend that university in the first place?
Abraham was a racist lol..thats a good one

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."

- Abraham Lincoln, Debate with Stephen Douglas, Sept. 18, 1858, in Abraham Lincoln: Speeches and Writings, 1832-1858 (New York: Library of America, 1989), pp. 636-637. -​

What would you and your libturd cronies have to say about any conservative who uttered such words?
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Libturds are congenitally incapable of attributing good motives to anyone who doesn't follow their agenda to the letter. That's why no libturd can rightly be called a gentlemen. That would require some detectable amount of honor, and they simply don't understand the concept.
One, I am far from liberal. Two, nobility refers to a social class, and we do live in the US so the idea of nobility doesn't really fit here. Three, if you didn't have such a knee jerk reaction, you dumbass, you would see what I posted above.

It has another definition having to do with the quality of your behavior. I apologize for pegging you as a left-winger.

Yes, I can agree with that...but the quality of behavior is linked to a class. Therefore, I would say integrity is the better term simply because the ideal of America was against the idea of class. Not a big deal.
bripat has no objective evidence for "He was busy working on his scheme almost until the day he died"
bripat has no objective evidence for "He was busy working on his scheme almost until the day he died"

Both of these theories have been demolished in a monumental new book entitled Colonization after Emancipation: Lincoln and the Movement for Black Resettlement, by Phillip W. Magness of American University and Sebastian N. Page of Oxford University. Based on newly-rediscovered documents in the American and British National Archives, including letters signed by Lincoln himself, these researchers have established that Lincoln continued to pursue colonization right up to the days before his assassination, when he discussed plans with General Benjamin Butler to deport the freed slaves. There was no divine transformation; and McPherson's "lullaby" is in reality a fake alibi.

Magness and Page meticulously document how, during the last two years of Lincoln's presidency, work on various colonization plans "progressed . . . often aided by the president's direct encouragement and approval" (p. 10). Lengthy discussions took place with the British and Dutch governments, which were negotiating on behalf of business interests in their own countries that were experiencing labor shortages in such places as British Honduras, Guiana, and elsewhere.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Late in his life General Benjamin Butler recalled a "colonization interview" that he had with Lincoln two days before the assassination. "What shall we do with the negroes after they are free?", Lincoln is said to have asked the general. According to Butler, Lincoln then said, "I can hardly believe that the South and North can live in peace, unless we can get rid of the negroes" (p. 109). Butler then proposed deporting the freed slaves to Panama to dig a canal, decades before the actual Panama Canal was dug. "There is meat in that, General Butler, there is meat in that," Lincoln reportedly said.

Pawned again, eh Fakey?

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