Students Demand Acknowledgement of Robert E. Lee's 'Racist and Dishonorable Conduct'

bripat and Ernie S. (secret idiot) have been pwnd again.

"that Lincoln continued to pursue colonization right up to the days before his assassination, when he discussed plans with General Benjamin Butler to deport the freed slaves" is a second hand account.

Empirical history is the twisting of the OP to fit the facts, where as Magness, Page, bripat, and Ernie S. twist the facts to fit the OP.

You are pathetic, boyos. :lol:
bripat and Ernie S. (secret idiot) have been pwnd again.

"that Lincoln continued to pursue colonization right up to the days before his assassination, when he discussed plans with General Benjamin Butler to deport the freed slaves" is a second hand account.

Empirical history is the twisting of the OP to fit the facts, where as Magness, Page, bripat, and Ernie S. twist the facts to fit the OP.

You are pathetic, boyos. :lol:

Step up to the plate Fakey.............

Did Lee fight for the South for Slavery or to protect his home.................

Do you think the students are right or wrong in trying to purge the history of the school.

I have nothing against Lee...but nobility?

How else do you describe it? There was nothing in it for Lee. He knew the South stood at a very serious disadvantage going into the conflict. And yet he followed his conscience. That is nobility.

Libturds are congenitally incapable of attributing good motives to anyone who doesn't follow their agenda to the letter. That's why no libturd can rightly be called a gentlemen. That would require some detectable amount of honor, and they simply don't understand the concept.

Dude, you need to get out of your rut of thinking all libs are the same...
bripat and Ernie S. (secret idiot) have been pwnd again.

"that Lincoln continued to pursue colonization right up to the days before his assassination, when he discussed plans with General Benjamin Butler to deport the freed slaves" is a second hand account.

Empirical history is the twisting of the OP to fit the facts, where as Magness, Page, bripat, and Ernie S. twist the facts to fit the OP.

You are pathetic, boyos. :lol:

Wrong, Fakey. It's not a second hand account. It's a first hand account by Benjamin Butler who spoke with Lincoln on the subject.

Furthermore, Fakey, we're dealing with history here, not a court of law. You claimed I had no evidence, not that I didn't have sufficient evidence to get a conviction from an O.J. jury.

BTW, have you tried this brand yet?

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bripat and Ernie S. (secret idiot) have been pwnd again.

"that Lincoln continued to pursue colonization right up to the days before his assassination, when he discussed plans with General Benjamin Butler to deport the freed slaves" is a second hand account.

Empirical history is the twisting of the OP to fit the facts, where as Magness, Page, bripat, and Ernie S. twist the facts to fit the OP.

You are pathetic, boyos. :lol:

Step up to the plate Fakey.............Did Lee fight for the South for Slavery or to protect his home.................Do you think the students are right or wrong in trying to purge the history of the school. MAN UP TOOL.

Do you understand, "Empirical history is the twisting of the OP to fit the facts"? Tools like you, eagle, low and no information fools like you and bripat and Ernie S., amuse me.
Lincoln was a white supremacist who wanted to ship all the slaves back to Africa.
Lincoln just wanted to free the blacks back into their natural habitat

There are some people I never would have met who have had a profound and mostly positive influence in my life had Lincoln had his way.

I refuse to dwell on the mistakes of dead men.

The deliberate actions of men in power who presently ruin the lives of anyone who stands in their despotic way are the problem.

Democrooks empower these sociopaths.
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bripat and Ernie S. (secret idiot) have been pwnd again.

"that Lincoln continued to pursue colonization right up to the days before his assassination, when he discussed plans with General Benjamin Butler to deport the freed slaves" is a second hand account.

Empirical history is the twisting of the OP to fit the facts, where as Magness, Page, bripat, and Ernie S. twist the facts to fit the OP.

You are pathetic, boyos. :lol:

Wrong, Fakey. It's not a second hand account. It's a first hand account by Benjamin Butler who spoke with Lincoln on the subject.
Go back and check the footnote and tell me who was speaking?

Careful, tool: I know the answer.
Lincoln was a white supremacist who wanted to ship all the slaves back to Africa.
Lincoln just wanted to free the blacks back into their natural habitat

There are some people I never would have met who have had a profound and mostly positive influence in my life had Lincoln had his way.

I refuse to dwell on the mistakes of dead men.

The deliberate actions of men in power who presently make the lives of anyone who stands in their despotic way are the problem.

Democrooks empower these sociopaths.

Pete, your writings indicate a sociopathology, meaning that you know right from wrong, but you don't care as long as you can get what youwant.
bripat and Ernie S. (secret idiot) have been pwnd again.

"that Lincoln continued to pursue colonization right up to the days before his assassination, when he discussed plans with General Benjamin Butler to deport the freed slaves" is a second hand account.

Empirical history is the twisting of the OP to fit the facts, where as Magness, Page, bripat, and Ernie S. twist the facts to fit the OP.

You are pathetic, boyos. :lol:

Wrong, Fakey. It's not a second hand account. It's a first hand account by Benjamin Butler who spoke with Lincoln on the subject.

Go back and check the footnote and tell me who was speaking?

Careful, tool: I know the answer.

They were both speaking, Fakey. That's what happens when you have a conversation with someone. General Butler relayed the details of a conversation he had with Lincoln. We can choose to believe the good general, or we can choose to believe you. Which do you think we are going to do?
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I would agree to that if they first acknowledge Abraham Lincoln's "racist and dishonorable conduct." Lincoln was a white supremacist who wanted to ship all the slaves back to Africa. He was busy working on his scheme almost until the day he died. General Grant was an overseer on a plantation before he became a general in the Union Army. Let's also have the university acknowledge his "racist and dishonorable conduct."

Students Demand Acknowledgement of Robert E. Lee's 'Racist and Dishonorable Conduct'

A group of seven multiracial Washington and Lee University (W&L) students are demanding the school remove all Confederate flags from campus and "acknowledge" General Robert E. Lee's "dishonorable side."

According to the Roanoke Times, "seven multiracial students, calling themselves 'The Committee,'" have also demanded the school "acknowledge and apologize for participating in chattel slavery." They want recognition of "Martin Luther King Jr. Day on the undergraduate campus" and an end to "neo-Confederates" marching across campus "to the Lee Chapel on Lee-Jackson Day."

The students say they will "engage in civil disobedience" if their demands are not met by September 1st.

They added: "The time has come for us, as students, to ask that the university hold itself responsible for its past and present dishonorable conduct and for the racist and dishonorable conduct of Robert E. Lee."​

If the university has 1) taught these little dimwits that this constitutes intelligent thought, and 2) allows them to get away with their "civil disobedience" without disciplinary action, they deserve the headaches.

Yes they do, but the rest of the students don't. That's always who gets hurt in these battles over political correctness. Oh yeah, and do you recall that thread where some libturd numskull claimed political correctness doesn't exist?
If nothing else, Lee was dishonorable in standing with and fighting for the traitorous confederacy when he could have led the Union army and brought far greater honor to his name than that very considerable amount which he had already accrued and subsequently squandered. He was against slavery and secession, but still chose to stand with traitors. A bad call of historical proportions.

All that having been said, these 'students' likely knew all this before they even applied to the college so they are probably just trying to pad their 'lefty' resume in preparation for careers as douchebags upon graduation, should they get that far.
Lincoln just wanted to free the blacks back into their natural habitat

There are some people I never would have met who have had a profound and mostly positive influence in my life had Lincoln had his way.

I refuse to dwell on the mistakes of dead men.

The deliberate actions of men in power who presently make the lives of anyone who stands in their despotic way are the problem.

Democrooks empower these sociopaths.

Pete, your writings indicate a sociopathology, meaning that you know right from wrong, but you don't care as long as you can get what youwant.

Bed wetter, your response indicates you have no reading comprehension skills.

The next time you feel indigestion, ignore the warning labels on the Drano and drink at least a quart.

I promise relief from all the pain you feel in life.

Lord knows bed wetters like you cause more pain than you're worth.
If nothing else, Lee was dishonorable in standing with and fighting for the traitorous confederacy when he could have led the Union army and brought far greater honor to his name than that very considerable amount which he had already accrued and subsequently squandered. He was against slavery and secession, but still chose to stand with traitors. A bad call of historical proportions.

All that having been said, these 'students' likely knew all this before they even applied to the college so they are probably just trying to pad their 'lefty' resume in preparation for careers as douchebags upon graduation, should they get that far.

Lincoln was the traitor, douchebag. Not only that, but he was a dictator and a mass murderer.
Abraham was a racist lol..thats a good one

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."

- Abraham Lincoln, Debate with Stephen Douglas, Sept. 18, 1858, in Abraham Lincoln: Speeches and Writings, 1832-1858 (New York: Library of America, 1989), pp. 636-637. -​

What would you and your libturd cronies have to say about any conservative who uttered such words?
He's right!
If nothing else, Lee was dishonorable in standing with and fighting for the traitorous confederacy when he could have led the Union army and brought far greater honor to his name than that very considerable amount which he had already accrued and subsequently squandered. He was against slavery and secession, but still chose to stand with traitors. A bad call of historical proportions.

All that having been said, these 'students' likely knew all this before they even applied to the college so they are probably just trying to pad their 'lefty' resume in preparation for careers as douchebags upon graduation, should they get that far.

I think perhaps your definition of "honor" in this case is a bit different than Lee's was.

I'm with you on the students starting their careers as professional douchebags early, though.
Robert E. Lee, the greatest general that the failed Confederacy ever had.

What a hero. Leader of Losers. Keep holding that worthless Southern pride close to your Christian hearts, because your God never said that pride is a sin.

Fucking idiots.
If nothing else, Lee was dishonorable in standing with and fighting for the traitorous confederacy when he could have led the Union army and brought far greater honor to his name than that very considerable amount which he had already accrued and subsequently squandered. He was against slavery and secession, but still chose to stand with traitors. A bad call of historical proportions.

All that having been said, these 'students' likely knew all this before they even applied to the college so they are probably just trying to pad their 'lefty' resume in preparation for careers as douchebags upon graduation, should they get that far.

Lincoln was the traitor...

President Lincoln brought the traitorous dogs of the confederacy to heel and preserved the Union. YOU spend your time tilting at windmills defending evil and losing all over again a war that was never yours to begin with. Pathetic.
If nothing else, Lee was dishonorable in standing with and fighting for the traitorous confederacy when he could have led the Union army and brought far greater honor to his name than that very considerable amount which he had already accrued and subsequently squandered. He was against slavery and secession, but still chose to stand with traitors. A bad call of historical proportions.

All that having been said, these 'students' likely knew all this before they even applied to the college so they are probably just trying to pad their 'lefty' resume in preparation for careers as douchebags upon graduation, should they get that far.

I think perhaps your definition of "honor" in this case is a bit different than Lee's was.

I don't think so.

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