Students Demand Acknowledgement of Robert E. Lee's 'Racist and Dishonorable Conduct'

Lee fought because his home was to be invaded. He never wanted the War, but very well could not invade and kill his own neighbors.

He didn't like slavery, and his actions are documented. Most who fought didn't own slaves, although some were very much so into slavery. Nathan Bedford Forest being one.

Lee was about as close to an abolitionist as existed in 1860 Virginia.
How else do you describe it? There was nothing in it for Lee. He knew the South stood at a very serious disadvantage going into the conflict. And yet he followed his conscience. That is nobility.

Libturds are congenitally incapable of attributing good motives to anyone who doesn't follow their agenda to the letter. That's why no libturd can rightly be called a gentlemen. That would require some detectable amount of honor, and they simply don't understand the concept.

Dude, you need to get out of your rut of thinking all libs are the same...

Correct, one of the most despicable, sorriest, vermin ridden, low life sacks of shit to post on these boards does so as a righty. No more contemptible individual can be found here, regardless of ideology. I speak, of course, of unkotare. In this cretin' s view, there is nothing more worthy of worship than centralised state power.
Robert E. Lee was a disgusting and despicable traitor. He committed treason and deserved to be hung. His head should have been placed on a pike until it was flyblown. And the confederate flag is suitable for one purpose. Toilet paper.
How about the racist and dishonorable present actions of sociopaths here in the US?

Eric Holder?

Alice Walker?

Louis Farrakhan?

Cornel West?

Martin Luther King III? (NOT MLK JR bed wetters)

Al Sharpton?

Jesse Jackass?

Malik Zulu Shabazz?

These bed wetters have their assholes in a knot about dead people? Fuck these people.

They're poster children for the end of using child proof lids on potentially lethal household products.

^^^^wets the bed.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
But the students are idiots.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
If they so object to racism why did they go to a school in racist-land?

They must have known that Lee was a traitor before they went there, eh?
I wish whites would bond together as a race like blacks do

Why would you think they don't? If the black population of this this country was more united than it is now, the following would happen:

*Black business ownership would increase, and be more successful through the support of black citizens.

*Black on black crime would decline

*Biack family units would be a greater catalyst for the development and success of black youth.

And before you say it, it is solely the responsibility of black citizens to enact these improvements.
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Robert E. Lee was a disgusting and despicable traitor. He committed treason and deserved to be hung. His head should have been placed on a pike until it was flyblown. And the confederate flag is suitable for one purpose. Toilet paper.

Constantly repeating the same borderline-psychotic idiocy does not make it less stupid, only more psychotic. You should probably be sent to a high-security mental ward for a few decades.
I wish whites would bond together as a race like blacks do

Why would you think they don't? If the black population of this this country was more united than it is now, the following would happen:

*Black business ownership would increase, and be more successful through the support of black citizens.

*Black on black crime would decline

*Biack family units would be a greater catalyst for the development and success of black youth.

And before you say it, it is solely the responsibility of black citizens to enact these improvements.

But then Al Sharpton and the rest of the race pimps would have to get real JOBS!

Wait...that's not a bad thing.
I wish whites would bond together as a race like blacks do

Why would you think they don't? If the black population of this this country was more united than it is now, the following would happen:

*Black business ownership would increase, and be more successful through the support of black citizens.

*Black on black crime would decline

*Biack family units would be a greater catalyst for the development and success of black youth.

And before you say it, it is solely the responsibility of black citizens to enact these improvements.

But then Al Sharpton and the rest of the race pimps would have to get real JOBS!

Wait...that's not a bad thing.

Al Sharpton does not speak for the majority of the the black population.

That is an ASSumption by way too many who spend very little if any time at all in predominately black communities..........except through their television sets, or the eyes of tabloid talk-radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh.
I wish whites would bond together as a race like blacks do

Why would you think they don't? If the black population of this this country was more united than it is now, the following would happen:

*Black business ownership would increase, and be more successful through the support of black citizens.

*Black on black crime would decline

*Biack family units would be a greater catalyst for the development and success of black youth.

And before you say it, it is solely the responsibility of black citizens to enact these improvements.

But then Al Sharpton and the rest of the race pimps would have to get real JOBS!

Wait...that's not a bad thing.

Al Sharpton does not speak for the majority of the the black population.

That is an ASSumption by way too many who spend very little if any time at all in predominately black communities..........except through their television sets, or the eyes of tabloid talk-radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh, who is probably one of the most prolific racial, homophobic and chauvenist "pimps" ever.
I would agree to that if they first acknowledge Abraham Lincoln's "racist and dishonorable conduct." Lincoln was a white supremacist who wanted to ship all the slaves back to Africa. He was busy working on his scheme almost until the day he died. General Grant was an overseer on a plantation before he became a general in the Union Army. Let's also have the university acknowledge his "racist and dishonorable conduct."

Students Demand Acknowledgement of Robert E. Lee's 'Racist and Dishonorable Conduct'

A group of seven multiracial Washington and Lee University (W&L) students are demanding the school remove all Confederate flags from campus and "acknowledge" General Robert E. Lee's "dishonorable side."

According to the Roanoke Times, "seven multiracial students, calling themselves 'The Committee,'" have also demanded the school "acknowledge and apologize for participating in chattel slavery." They want recognition of "Martin Luther King Jr. Day on the undergraduate campus" and an end to "neo-Confederates" marching across campus "to the Lee Chapel on Lee-Jackson Day."

The students say they will "engage in civil disobedience" if their demands are not met by September 1st.

They added: "The time has come for us, as students, to ask that the university hold itself responsible for its past and present dishonorable conduct and for the racist and dishonorable conduct of Robert E. Lee."​

Republicans are so back and forth on Lincoln. First he's a great Republican hero who ended slavery and then he's a white supremacist who wanted to ship all the slaves back to Africa. It demonstrates why it's a mistake for right wingers to teach history.
Wrong, Fakey. It's not a second hand account. It's a first hand account by Benjamin Butler who spoke with Lincoln on the subject.

Go back and check the footnote and tell me who was speaking?

Careful, tool: I know the answer.

They were both speaking, Fakey. That's what happens when you have a conversation with someone. General Butler relayed the details of a conversation he had with Lincoln. We can choose to believe the good general, or we can choose to believe you. Which do you think we are going to do?

Thought so. You have no idea who recorded the "conversation."
There are some people I never would have met who have had a profound and mostly positive influence in my life had Lincoln had his way.

I refuse to dwell on the mistakes of dead men.

The deliberate actions of men in power who presently make the lives of anyone who stands in their despotic way are the problem.

Democrooks empower these sociopaths.

Pete, your writings indicate a sociopathology, meaning that you know right from wrong, but you don't care as long as you can get what youwant.

Bed wetter, your response indicates you have no reading comprehension skills. The next time you feel indigestion, ignore the warning labels on the Drano and drink at least a quart. I promise relief from all the pain you feel in life. Lord knows bed wetters like you cause more pain than you're worth.

Pete demonstrates the typical sociopath's behavior: ignore the data and attack personality. :lol:
I would agree to that if they first acknowledge Abraham Lincoln's "racist and dishonorable conduct." Lincoln was a white supremacist who wanted to ship all the slaves back to Africa. He was busy working on his scheme almost until the day he died. General Grant was an overseer on a plantation before he became a general in the Union Army. Let's also have the university acknowledge his "racist and dishonorable conduct."

Students Demand Acknowledgement of Robert E. Lee's 'Racist and Dishonorable Conduct'

A group of seven multiracial Washington and Lee University (W&L) students are demanding the school remove all Confederate flags from campus and "acknowledge" General Robert E. Lee's "dishonorable side."

According to the Roanoke Times, "seven multiracial students, calling themselves 'The Committee,'" have also demanded the school "acknowledge and apologize for participating in chattel slavery." They want recognition of "Martin Luther King Jr. Day on the undergraduate campus" and an end to "neo-Confederates" marching across campus "to the Lee Chapel on Lee-Jackson Day."

The students say they will "engage in civil disobedience" if their demands are not met by September 1st.

They added: "The time has come for us, as students, to ask that the university hold itself responsible for its past and present dishonorable conduct and for the racist and dishonorable conduct of Robert E. Lee."​

Republicans are so back and forth on Lincoln. First he's a great Republican hero who ended slavery and then he's a white supremacist who wanted to ship all the slaves back to Africa. It demonstrates why it's a mistake for right wingers to teach history.

Republicans who love America acknowledge Lincoln's greatness while admitting his flaws.

No good Pub approves the completely far right reactionary and libertarian and anarchist propaganda.
Students should learn an historical concept: one should not import the values, beliefs and practices of the present into the past.
I wonder if these students realize that the majority of the people of that era both North and South would have by today's standards been displaying racist and dishonorable conduct?
How about the racist and dishonorable present actions of sociopaths here in the US?

Eric Holder?

Alice Walker?

Louis Farrakhan?

Cornel West?

Martin Luther King III? (NOT MLK JR bed wetters)

Al Sharpton?

Jesse Jackass?

Malik Zulu Shabazz?

These bed wetters have their assholes in a knot about dead people? Fuck these people.

They're poster children for the end of using child proof lids on potentially lethal household products.

^^^^wets the bed.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

A list of bed wetters, great job Captain Obvious!!!


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