Students hold bleed in to demand free menstrual products

Students hold 'bleed-in' to demand free menstrual products
  • University of Florida students held a "bleed-in" demonstration Tuesday, going around campus with fake blood on their pants to protest the lack of free menstrual products.

Can we really stop thinking leftist feminist don't have a mental illness. they hate Trump , and America bank on it.
A few years ago they were doing a free bleeding, then there was an issue where it was cool to pee your pants this is society breaking down ............... you all ain't seen nothing yet but then there are some who don't see a g.d thing.
why do they think they deserve to have other people pay for a product that they use?

It's called " ANTIFA syndrome. =) See what happened to Venezuela that's what these idiots want here. It doesn't work.
Leftist ideals have killed continents

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