Students hold bleed in to demand free menstrual products

They want a bleed in?
I say we give it to them.

Shame you would have to waste all that money, in making them bleed. I say we do like the French did, and build a few Slice and Dice, very quick very effective, and i bet many of those bleeding heart liberals would be swimming to Cuba....
They want a bleed in?
I say we give it to them.

Shame you would have to waste all that money, in making them bleed. I say we do like the French did, and build a few Slice and Dice, very quick very effective, and i bet many of those bleeding heart liberals would be swimming to Cuba....

Hell,they were willing to waste all that ammo into barrels and dirt piles.
Dirty hippies would be a far better use for it.
Here's another one pushing mental illness :


Yes, Men Need Pap Smears Too | Patient Care
Wow, what difference do they think that staining their pants is going to make?

God bless you always!!!

Next these college kid will have a shit in till they get free diapers and baby bottles.

Wow, what difference do they think that staining their pants is going to make?

God bless you always!!!


They think they're being edgy when in reality they just look like morons.
Hopefully some of them will grow up to be embarrassed of their antics in college.
Destroying America one step at a time and we are more than half way there : SOCIETY BREAKING DOWN

Destroying America one step at a time and we are more than half way there : SOCIETY BREAKING DOWN

View attachment 173585

Then along comes Trump to upset their apple cart....and boy are they PISSED!!!

Yes they are it's just to bad we can't get the Trump haters to understand why so , so many false articles are coming out on Trump.

That's not to say he is perfect Trump that is, but gawd dam they haven't given the guy a chance since day 1. Uuuuugh.
What trashy, walking wastes of fallopian tubes these whores are. The grossest, nightcrawling imitations of the female gender I've ever seen, they make the Jerry Springer show's human cock-fighting look like a Mensa meeting. It reminds me of when that creature Ashley Judd started publicly screaming that it's Trump's fault she gets menstrual blood on her jeans (even thought at over 50, I find it difficult to believe Ms. Judd still menstruates). What female garbage these pigs are.
Destroying America one step at a time and we are more than half way there : SOCIETY BREAKING DOWN

View attachment 173585

Then along comes Trump to upset their apple cart....and boy are they PISSED!!!

Yes they are it's just to bad we can't get the Trump haters to understand why so , so many false articles are coming out on Trump.

That's not to say he is perfect Trump that is, but gawd dam they haven't given the guy a chance since day 1. Uuuuugh.

Yep ....I wish they would get what the establishment is attempting to do and why Trump is trying to stop it.
Holy fuck did anyone read the OPs link?

Today I held a little protest for free menstrual protects...And I say menstrual not feminine because menstruation should not be gendered. Some men get periods." Tweet This

Students hold 'bleed-in' to demand free menstrual products
  • University of Florida students held a "bleed-in" demonstration Tuesday, going around campus with fake blood on their pants to protest the lack of free menstrual products.

Can we really stop thinking leftist feminist don't have a mental illness. they hate Trump , and America bank on it.
A few years ago they were doing a free bleeding, then there was an issue where it was cool to pee your pants this is society breaking down ............... you all ain't seen nothing yet but then there are some who don't see a g.d thing.
why do they think they deserve to have other people pay for a product that they use?
Students hold 'bleed-in' to demand free menstrual products
  • University of Florida students held a "bleed-in" demonstration Tuesday, going around campus with fake blood on their pants to protest the lack of free menstrual products.

Can we really stop thinking leftist feminist don't have a mental illness. they hate Trump , and America bank on it.
A few years ago they were doing a free bleeding, then there was an issue where it was cool to pee your pants this is society breaking down ............... you all ain't seen nothing yet but then there are some who don't see a g.d thing.
why do they think they deserve to have other people pay for a product that they use?

I drink a lot of Grey Goose and my truck sucks gas like a 400 dollar an hour hooker sucks dick.
Can't a poor white Dude get a little Gov assistance here!!!
Students hold 'bleed-in' to demand free menstrual products
  • University of Florida students held a "bleed-in" demonstration Tuesday, going around campus with fake blood on their pants to protest the lack of free menstrual products.

Can we really stop thinking leftist feminist don't have a mental illness. they hate Trump , and America bank on it.
A few years ago they were doing a free bleeding, then there was an issue where it was cool to pee your pants this is society breaking down ............... you all ain't seen nothing yet but then there are some who don't see a g.d thing.
why do they think they deserve to have other people pay for a product that they use?

It's called " ANTIFA syndrome. =) See what happened to Venezuela that's what these idiots want here. It doesn't work.

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