Students protest FOR 2nd Amendment Rights - Yeah Baby !!

the Second Amendment is about an archaic issue relevant to 1790. The Second Amendment reads as follows:

“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

The purpose of the Second Amendment was to prevent the new Federal Government established in 1789 from disarming the state militias and replacing them with a Federal standing army. It was a concern that was relevant perhaps for a few years around the birth of the country. It is irrelevant today. Americans do not rely on state militias in 2012 for our freedom from the federal government.

... only protects arms that would be used in a militia, not the weapons of a formal army. Its clear that “M-16 rifles and the like” have no Second Amendment protection and may be banned.

There is thus no constitutional protection whatsoever for the semiautomatic rifle

The Second Amendment is a relic :71: of the founding era more than two centuries ago. Its purpose is long past...the amendment should not block the ability of society to keep itself safe through gun control legislation. That was never its intent.

This amendment was about militias in the 1790s, and the fear of the anti-federalists of a federal army. Since that issue is long moot, we need not be governed in our national life by doctrines on now-extinct militias from the 18th century.

More basically, the idea that unregulated private gun ownership and trade protects us against tyranny, or that gun controls would threaten tyranny to us all, is baseless. Democracies around the world regulate guns, preserve their freedoms, and achieve firearm murder rates that are a tiny fraction of the rates suffered in the United States. Other countries, like Australia, have made themselves much safer from gun massacres. Only the U.S. has a political class, on the take from gun manufacturers owned by Wall Street, that stands by while the nation’s children are slaughtered. Yet perhaps the stench is getting even too great for some on Wall Street.

wake from the trap of ancient history and the gun-manufacturers.

Totally incorrect in every way.
The 2nd Amendment is about HUMAN NATURE and giving ordinary people the means to defend against tyrants and bad people who grab power.

However, being totally against human rights and all for oppression, you are clueless.
Go find a dictators boots to lick imbecile.

China JUST got a brand new dictator.
Russia recently got a new Dictator.
Venezuela got a Dictator...and with the help of morons like you that list will grow.

Yet you see absolutely no need for people in modern times to be able to defend themselves in stark contrast to people who actually dealt with government tyrants and are FAR more wise than you could ever hope to be.
If your post isn't evidence of stupidity, nothing is.

Liberty and Freedom NEVER are extinct issues as you want others to believe.

Yes, I live in a family of gun for the umpteenth time no one is taking "fweedom" away. I know of no one who wants to disarm all Americans OR let the gov do it.
Everything doesnt have to be a right wrong, black and white issue.
...but what can you expect from people who have always resort to the lefty righty bs and live by fear.

What is "fweedom?" The leftists are incrementally trying to ban guns and the 2nd amendment. They can deny it all day long, but everyone knows the truth. Calling the NRA and it's donors "terrorists" etc. It's all part of their plans to disarm Americans and make the 2nd amendment null and void. Never trust a leftist.

You're every bit as wacko as the extreme leftist. (extremists are frauds who live in fear and they cry "fweedom" without doing anything constructive)
So much for your claim of being a centrist huh? lol

Will you start babbling incoherently about planes again next? Holy shiite. :D Lol. Just don't start with the stalking again, please. Thanks in advance.
People don't even go out to vote and change the House of Representatives. How can we be expected to believe they would go out in the winter to confront an army of trained, fit young soldiers? That is an evident fantasy. The freedom to own some sort of effective firearm for simple self/home defense is one thing (I liked having my .357 around). That is not synonymous with anyone owning anything, anywhere, anytime. Of course there will be restrictions. The intransigence of firearms radicals is making the whole situation intolerable for all of us who just want the freedom.
IT is a fantasy to believe that our military would follow an illegal order to suppress the very people they are protecting.

At best, the American citizen with over 200 million arms will have to face a corrupt government using a limited law enforcement as a suppressing force.

75 to 100 million people all using weapons they trained for is a formidable army against any government.

The Second Amendment protects the citizens the right to own and keep arms from government. At the time that the Second was written, they envisioned the citizens having the same arms and equal technology as their government.

A removal of a specific type of weapon is nothing more than a misdirect and one step in a campaign of incrementalism to disarm the entire citizenry.

Not one inch will be yielded.

You will not take our guns and we do not have to justify having them. The right does NOT come from government.
the Second Amendment is about an archaic issue relevant to 1790. The Second Amendment reads as follows:

“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

The purpose of the Second Amendment was to prevent the new Federal Government established in 1789 from disarming the state militias and replacing them with a Federal standing army. It was a concern that was relevant perhaps for a few years around the birth of the country. It is irrelevant today. Americans do not rely on state militias in 2012 for our freedom from the federal government.

... only protects arms that would be used in a militia, not the weapons of a formal army. Its clear that “M-16 rifles and the like” have no Second Amendment protection and may be banned.

There is thus no constitutional protection whatsoever for the semiautomatic rifle

The Second Amendment is a relic :71: of the founding era more than two centuries ago. Its purpose is long past...the amendment should not block the ability of society to keep itself safe through gun control legislation. That was never its intent.

This amendment was about militias in the 1790s, and the fear of the anti-federalists of a federal army. Since that issue is long moot, we need not be governed in our national life by doctrines on now-extinct militias from the 18th century.

More basically, the idea that unregulated private gun ownership and trade protects us against tyranny, or that gun controls would threaten tyranny to us all, is baseless. Democracies around the world regulate guns, preserve their freedoms, and achieve firearm murder rates that are a tiny fraction of the rates suffered in the United States. Other countries, like Australia, have made themselves much safer from gun massacres. Only the U.S. has a political class, on the take from gun manufacturers owned by Wall Street, that stands by while the nation’s children are slaughtered. Yet perhaps the stench is getting even too great for some on Wall Street.

wake from the trap of ancient history and the gun-manufacturers.

Totally incorrect in every way.
The 2nd Amendment is about HUMAN NATURE and giving ordinary people the means to defend against tyrants and bad people who grab power.

However, being totally against human rights and all for oppression, you are clueless.
Go find a dictators boots to lick imbecile.

China JUST got a brand new dictator.
Russia recently got a new Dictator.
Venezuela got a Dictator...and with the help of morons like you that list will grow.

Yet you see absolutely no need for people in modern times to be able to defend themselves in stark contrast to people who actually dealt with government tyrants and are FAR more wise than you could ever hope to be.
If your post isn't evidence of stupidity, nothing is.

Liberty and Freedom NEVER are extinct issues as you want others to believe.

Yes, I live in a family of gun for the umpteenth time no one is taking "fweedom" away. I know of no one who wants to disarm all Americans OR let the gov do it.
Everything doesnt have to be a right wrong, black and white issue.
...but what can you expect from people who have always resort to the lefty righty bs and live by fear.

What is "fweedom?" The leftists are incrementally trying to ban guns and the 2nd amendment. They can deny it all day long, but everyone knows the truth. Calling the NRA and it's donors "terrorists" etc. It's all part of their plans to disarm Americans and make the 2nd amendment null and void. Never trust a leftist.

You're every bit as wacko as the extreme leftist. (extremists are frauds who live in fear and they cry "fweedom" without doing anything constructive)
So much for your claim of being a centrist huh? lol

Will you start babbling incoherently about planes again next? Holy shiite. :D Lol. Just don't start with the stalking again, please. Thanks in advance.

You're such a fraud
Totally incorrect in every way.
The 2nd Amendment is about HUMAN NATURE and giving ordinary people the means to defend against tyrants and bad people who grab power.

However, being totally against human rights and all for oppression, you are clueless.
Go find a dictators boots to lick imbecile.

China JUST got a brand new dictator.
Russia recently got a new Dictator.
Venezuela got a Dictator...and with the help of morons like you that list will grow.

Yet you see absolutely no need for people in modern times to be able to defend themselves in stark contrast to people who actually dealt with government tyrants and are FAR more wise than you could ever hope to be.
If your post isn't evidence of stupidity, nothing is.

Liberty and Freedom NEVER are extinct issues as you want others to believe.

Yes, I live in a family of gun for the umpteenth time no one is taking "fweedom" away. I know of no one who wants to disarm all Americans OR let the gov do it.
Everything doesnt have to be a right wrong, black and white issue.
...but what can you expect from people who have always resort to the lefty righty bs and live by fear.

What is "fweedom?" The leftists are incrementally trying to ban guns and the 2nd amendment. They can deny it all day long, but everyone knows the truth. Calling the NRA and it's donors "terrorists" etc. It's all part of their plans to disarm Americans and make the 2nd amendment null and void. Never trust a leftist.

You're every bit as wacko as the extreme leftist. (extremists are frauds who live in fear and they cry "fweedom" without doing anything constructive)
So much for your claim of being a centrist huh? lol

Will you start babbling incoherently about planes again next? Holy shiite. :D Lol. Just don't start with the stalking again, please. Thanks in advance.

You're such a fraud

Look, you obviously have some mental issues, so move along and go stalk someone else. :D Buh bye now, loser.
first and most importantly do not put yourself in the situation to begin with
One of the worst things you can do to a crime victim is tell them that what happened to them is because they didn't do something right, or good enough or weren't vigilant enough, etc. If a criminal decides to target someone the sole fault for what occurs rest with him/her. I'm sure we can all use a little more situational awareness however NO ONE can go through life being constantly at level orange, or at least not for long, it's exhausting, and while exhausted one becomes prone to errors and if you start messing up and forgetting to implement your safety measures you're defeating the purpose of having them in the first place. This is a known tactic of predators, particularly stalkers, everywhere. (

So you do what you can, you take precautions, practice situational awareness, but when a situation escalates from orange to red and you're unable to get away or defend yourself, then what? Good people minding their own business die everyday because someone else couldn't deal with life. You can't control their behavior but you can sure f up their day if they target the wrong person. That's an option I would prefer to have.
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People don't even go out to vote and change the House of Representatives. How can we be expected to believe they would go out in the winter to confront an army of trained, fit young soldiers? That is an evident fantasy. The freedom to own some sort of effective firearm for simple self/home defense is one thing (I liked having my .357 around). That is not synonymous with anyone owning anything, anywhere, anytime. Of course there will be restrictions. The intransigence of firearms radicals is making the whole situation intolerable for all of us who just want the freedom.
IT is a fantasy to believe that our military would follow an illegal order to suppress the very people they are protecting.

At best, the American citizen with over 200 million arms will have to face a corrupt government using a limited law enforcement as a suppressing force.

75 to 100 million people all using weapons they trained for is a formidable army against any government.

The Second Amendment protects the citizens the right to own and keep arms from government. At the time that the Second was written, they envisioned the citizens having the same arms and equal technology as their government.

A removal of a specific type of weapon is nothing more than a misdirect and one step in a campaign of incrementalism to disarm the entire citizenry.

Not one inch will be yielded.

You will not take our guns and we do not have to justify having them. The right does NOT come from government.
How did that work out when guns were being illegally seized after Katrina in New Orleans and surrounding areas?
t I don't blame my rights for the actions of criminal elements in our society. They would be criminals with or without rights.
But without your 2A rights you'd be deprived of the most efficient tool to use against them, for all intents and purposes left "defenseless", just like criminals like their victims.
People don't even go out to vote and change the House of Representatives. How can we be expected to believe they would go out in the winter to confront an army of trained, fit young soldiers? That is an evident fantasy. The freedom to own some sort of effective firearm for simple self/home defense is one thing (I liked having my .357 around). That is not synonymous with anyone owning anything, anywhere, anytime. Of course there will be restrictions. The intransigence of firearms radicals is making the whole situation intolerable for all of us who just want the freedom.
IT is a fantasy to believe that our military would follow an illegal order to suppress the very people they are protecting.

At best, the American citizen with over 200 million arms will have to face a corrupt government using a limited law enforcement as a suppressing force.

75 to 100 million people all using weapons they trained for is a formidable army against any government.

The Second Amendment protects the citizens the right to own and keep arms from government. At the time that the Second was written, they envisioned the citizens having the same arms and equal technology as their government.

A removal of a specific type of weapon is nothing more than a misdirect and one step in a campaign of incrementalism to disarm the entire citizenry.

Not one inch will be yielded.

You will not take our guns and we do not have to justify having them. The right does NOT come from government.
How did that work out when guns were being illegally seized after Katrina in New Orleans and surrounding areas?
Funny how you clowns show a single incident where the public is in shock from a natural disaster and then tout that as what will be the norm.

Try this instead..

Battle of Athens (1946) - Wikipedia

The full Movie based upon these true happenings

A shorter clip based on the Battle of Athens, TN

This is what would really happen, only on a larger scale.

So, how did it work out for that corrupt government?
Why do those people vandalize the American flag with a black and white replica of the American flag with a blue stripe on it?
t I don't blame my rights for the actions of criminal elements in our society. They would be criminals with or without rights.
But without your 2A rights you'd be deprived of the most efficient tool to use against them, for all intents and purposes left "defenseless", just like criminals like their victims.
When has that actually ever happened? Everytime....EVERYTIME our 1st and 4th amendment rights are threatened, it's organizations like the ACLU and our federal court rulings that protect us....not guns.
“Students protest FOR 2nd Amendment Rights - Yeah Baby !!”

Yes, conservatives are truly this childish.
t I don't blame my rights for the actions of criminal elements in our society. They would be criminals with or without rights.
But without your 2A rights you'd be deprived of the most efficient tool to use against them, for all intents and purposes left "defenseless", just like criminals like their victims.
When has that actually ever happened? Everytime....EVERYTIME our 1st and 4th amendment rights are threatened, it's organizations like the ACLU and our federal court rulings that protect us....not guns.
And who manifests as a threat to the rights enshrined in the First, Fourth, and 14th Amendments – that’s correct: conservative lawmakers.

Oh, the irony.
You are a complacent sheep who feels safe within your flock. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

No I just prefer to live in reality.

A reality where your government cares about you and nurtures and loves you? :D Too funny. Read some history books.

Just what the hell are you going to do. I sure hope you don't end up in prison.

There are many armed citizens and military members (who vowed to protect our CONSTITUTION and not our government) who would willingly fight for their rights. Don't fool yourself into thinking that the majority of us are sheep like yourself.
It has been suggested in previous posts that the armed citizens that so passionately hold to the second amendment indeed exercise their 'right' and patrol areas thought possible targets of 'bad guys with guns'. Where are they?
Most are in jail.
t I don't blame my rights for the actions of criminal elements in our society. They would be criminals with or without rights.
But without your 2A rights you'd be deprived of the most efficient tool to use against them, for all intents and purposes left "defenseless", just like criminals like their victims.
When has that actually ever happened? Everytime....EVERYTIME our 1st and 4th amendment rights are threatened, it's organizations like the ACLU and our federal court rulings that protect us....not guns.
And who manifests as a threat to the rights enshrined in the First, Fourth, and 14th Amendments – that’s correct: conservative lawmakers.

Oh, the irony.

Heres true Irony. Murderers Murder, its what they do. Take away one tool, they'll just use another, and there ain't nothing a document or a law will do about it.

Rapists rape, why do you want to make the rapists job easier by disarming many of their victims?

You people seriously don't think things through. This emotional stuff cracks me up.
When has that actually ever happened?

In Washington State several years ago there was a young teacher whom even if she had been able to obtain a weapon would not have been allowed to carry it because of where she worked. Knowing this, her stalker sought her out on her job and killed her in the school parking lot.

Chapter 7.92 RCW (Revised Code of Washington)

Chapter Listing
Stalking is a crime that affects 3.4 million people over the age of eighteen each year in the United States. Almost half of those victims experience at least one unwanted contact per week. Twenty-nine percent of stalking victims fear that the stalking will never stop. The prevalence of anxiety, insomnia, social dysfunction, and severe depression is much higher among stalking victims than the general population. Three in four stalking victims are stalked by someone they know, and at least thirty percent of stalking victims are stalked by a current or former intimate partner. For many of those victims, the domestic violence protection order is a tool they can access to help them stay safer. For those who have not had an intimate relationship with the person stalking them, there are few remedies for them under the law. Victims who do not report the crime still desire safety and protection from future interactions with the offender. Some cases in which the stalking is reported are not prosecuted. In these situations, the victim should be able to seek a civil remedy requiring that the offender stay away from the victim. It is the intent of the legislature that the stalking protection order created by this chapter be a remedy for victims who do not qualify for a domestic violence order of protection. Moreover, it is the intent of the legislature that courts specifically distinguish stalking conduct covered by the stalking protection order from common acts of harassment or nuisance covered by antiharassment orders. Law enforcement agencies need to be able to rely on orders that distinguish stalking conduct from common acts of harassment or nuisance. Victims of stalking conduct deserve the same protection and access to the court system as victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, and this protection can be accomplished without infringing on constitutionally protected speech or activity. The legislature finds that preventing the issuance of conflicting orders is in the interest of both petitioners and respondents.
[continued here]​

Everytime....EVERYTIME our 1st and 4th amendment rights are threatened, it's organizations like the ACLU and our federal court rulings that protect us....not guns.
Some actually do both. I am proud to say Yes I carry, I'm a card carrying member of the ACLU :)

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