Students protest FOR 2nd Amendment Rights - Yeah Baby !!

Dear oh dear, I was in the NG for 4 years and trained on the M16.

lies. How convenient.
Probably not even a US citizen.

Imbeciles claiming to be such freedom loving Republicans etc....
when in fact, they're communists sitting at a computer in Bejing
You are a complacent sheep who feels safe within your flock. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

No I just prefer to live in reality.

Then here's reality, and I am so sorry to break it to you.

Murderers murder, it's what they do

Rapists rape, it's what they do

They don't care if a tool is legally available to them or not, Murderers will figure out how to murder and rapists will figure out how to rape.

You get a choice, prepare for it by gathering the tools needed to repel them, or just let it happen.

How profound of you. Most people with a gun I would not trust. Chances are the crook will use it on them. There are much smarter ways of being safe. That takes brains, being alert and being prepared without an almighty gun.

The chances of surviving an attack while in possession of a gun is increased exponentially. So tell us Sherlock, your plan please. We all await this profound way that a 5'2", 95 lb woman is going to fight off a 6'3" 240 lbs man that wants to rape her and dump her nearless lifeless body in a dumpster.

We await your wisdom. The woman that I know that this happened to, carries. I promise you, it won't happen to her again, unless you paranoid fucks take her right to feel safe away.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with arming all women. They very very very rarely commit mass shootings anyways. (yes, this week was an exception and it looks like she was crazy and upset about losing her livelihood by YouTube's changed requirements)

Likely because most mass shootings are done while the shooter is on anti-depressants. Anti-depressants work differently on males than on women. Men and women both, if having the suicidal or violent side effects, act out, but women normally take less violent paths (suicide and mass killing by car, overdose or hanging), while men will use more violent methods.

Banning antidepressants would go far further in dropping the number of mass murder than banning guns.
Tell us what having the 2nd has actively done to keep the 1st and the 4th us examples of the 2nd actively being used to save the 1st and 4th.

I don't change diapers on grown Leftists who can't lift a finger to help themselves.
SHOW YOURSELF the examples.

If you ever intend to shed your ignorance, you'll first need to learn to do for yourself and think for yourself.
Why the Second Amendment is our Most important Right | Teen Politics Essay


A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

The Second Amendment is the most important right, because the Second Amendment keeps the government from being able to impose tyranny. Also the Second Amendment gives people the right to protect themselves, without the government being able to take the right away. Last without the Second Amendment all the others are useless, it is a guarantee to the people that we have the right to bear arms, it keeps the government from taking a way our rights, because we can resist.

The Second Amendment gives us the power to oppose tyranny. It does so because no dictatorship would want to come to a country that can resist. Stated in the Cuba Constitution, “When no other recourse is possible, all citizens have the right to struggle through all means, including armed struggle, against anyone who tries to overthrow the political, social and economic order established in this Constitution." This is what our Second amendment gives us the right to do—protect our government. With the second amendment we can fight tyranny, but without it our government could be over thrown.

The Second amendment also gives us the power to protect ourselves, without the government being able to take it away. Stated in Article 10 of the Mexican Constitution, “The inhabitants of the United Mexican States have the right to possess arms within their domicile, for their safety and legitimate defense.” This is the same as our second amendment; it gives us the right to protect ourselves when our government cannot. The Second Amendment gives us the right to form a militia as protection, as well. Militias are used to protect our rights, security’s, and keeping the Constitution the law of our land. The second amendment is a way to protect us from foreign and domestic attacks, if the government won’t. Thomas Jefferson said, “For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well organized and armed militia is their best security.” This clearly shows that to remain free we must have the second amendment, as protection.

History is filled with stories of governments taking over unarmed people, without the second amendment this could happen to us, Germany is a clear example of this. With us armed we cannot be taken over. If gun control advocates win and only the police have weapons, then we could live in a dictatorship. Without the second amendment what will we be able to do, protest? If we are taken over and don’t have weapons, how will we resist. The Second Amendment is insurance against anything like this ever happening.
The right to maintain our freedom is the most important right; this is what the 2nd Amendment is making it the most important right.

When is a militia going to attack Congress and the White House, I will put it on my calendar.

the Second Amendment is about an archaic issue relevant to 1790. The Second Amendment reads as follows:

“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

The purpose of the Second Amendment was to prevent the new Federal Government established in 1789 from disarming the state militias and replacing them with a Federal standing army. It was a concern that was relevant perhaps for a few years around the birth of the country. It is irrelevant today. Americans do not rely on state militias in 2012 for our freedom from the federal government.

... only protects arms that would be used in a militia, not the weapons of a formal army. Its clear that “M-16 rifles and the like” have no Second Amendment protection and may be banned.

There is thus no constitutional protection whatsoever for the semiautomatic rifle

The Second Amendment is a relic :71: of the founding era more than two centuries ago. Its purpose is long past...the amendment should not block the ability of society to keep itself safe through gun control legislation. That was never its intent.

This amendment was about militias in the 1790s, and the fear of the anti-federalists of a federal army. Since that issue is long moot, we need not be governed in our national life by doctrines on now-extinct militias from the 18th century.

More basically, the idea that unregulated private gun ownership and trade protects us against tyranny, or that gun controls would threaten tyranny to us all, is baseless. Democracies around the world regulate guns, preserve their freedoms, and achieve firearm murder rates that are a tiny fraction of the rates suffered in the United States. Other countries, like Australia, have made themselves much safer from gun massacres. Only the U.S. has a political class, on the take from gun manufacturers owned by Wall Street, that stands by while the nation’s children are slaughtered. Yet perhaps the stench is getting even too great for some on Wall Street.

wake from the trap of ancient history and the gun-manufacturers.
You are a complacent sheep who feels safe within your flock. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

No I just prefer to live in reality.

Then here's reality, and I am so sorry to break it to you.

Murderers murder, it's what they do

Rapists rape, it's what they do

They don't care if a tool is legally available to them or not, Murderers will figure out how to murder and rapists will figure out how to rape.

You get a choice, prepare for it by gathering the tools needed to repel them, or just let it happen.

How profound of you. Most people with a gun I would not trust. Chances are the crook will use it on them. There are much smarter ways of being safe. That takes brains, being alert and being prepared without an almighty gun.

A 200-lb man breaks into your house and starts punching you in the face. What do you do? Pee your pants?
In one movie he had his eye taken out by a spoon wielded by the victim...

Well, thanks moonglow, we expected something as profound as how to protect yourself at a soup restaurant, from you.
Gun control legislation has done nothing to "keep us safe." If anything, things have gotten far worse since gun control legislation has gone into effect. Besides that, laws do not keep us "safe" from criminals. The very definition of the word "criminal" defies that "logic" if that is what you would call it. There is nothing logical about thinking that any laws would keep you safe from criminals. And if the biggest deterrent of all (the death penalty) is not deterring them from shooting up schools, then I don't think any silly gun control legislation will do it either.
If you don't want to own a gun, then that's no problem. Don't own one. You do not have any right to tell me what I can and cannot own, especially when it comes to one of my constitutional rights. The Bill of Rights is all about the LIMITATIONS on the government and the rights of the people that are inherent and natural, such as the ability to defend yourself against someone who wants to violate you or your property or your family with the most modern equipment available.
OOoohh, darn it. I can't shoot up that school because the law tells me that the gun I wanted to use is illegal! Damn! Foiled again! :D I mean seriously, all you can do is laugh at these jokers. :heehee:
OOoohh, darn it. I can't shoot up that school because the law tells me that the gun I wanted to use is illegal! Damn! Foiled again! :D I mean seriously, all you can do is laugh at these jokers. :heehee:

The funny part of your post is how true it is.

The Sandy Hook killer KILLED the gun owner, stole the guns, and used those to kill.

Murderers Murder, they don't care if it's legal or not, they do it anyway.
Good people are capable of doing bad things without being a sociopath.
OOoohh, darn it. I can't shoot up that school because the law tells me that the gun I wanted to use is illegal! Damn! Foiled again! :D I mean seriously, all you can do is laugh at these jokers. :heehee:

The funny part of your post is how true it is.

The Sandy Hook killer KILLED the gun owner, stole the guns, and used those to kill.

Murderers Murder, they don't care if it's legal or not, they do it anyway.

Most people (who aren't leftists) realize this fact of life. They will tell you that the death penalty is NOT a deterrent, yet at the same time, gun control legislation is this great deterrent. Lol. There is no one more contradictory than a leftist. Their ideology is just . . . insanity. Lol.
Good people are capable of doing bad things without being a sociopath.

Governments and criminals are well known for doing very bad things without being sociopathic. That is why your self defense is on you and not the government. You protect yourself and your own domain. The police don't show until after the crime has already been committed in the vast majority of cases.
The whole IDEA behind our constitution is that we are not the peons of our government. WE ARE the government. We call the shots and we make the rules for the government. The government doesn't keep us safe from other citizens. We do that. We have jails and laws and other things to punish, separate from society, and house those who were caught because they already committed crimes.

The government is not above the average US citizen in any case. They are just as fallible as anyone else, in fact even more so, looking at history.
Good people are capable of doing bad things without being a sociopath.

Care to clue us in on what the hell that means?

She is really trying hard to make sense. Unfortunately, most leftists posters here cannot see past their own knee jerk reactions. I feel that people who are against their 2nd amendment rights or want to restrict their own rights are severely lacking in any type of critical thinking skills. Maybe they smoke too much dope or something? :D
These are the same people who want "sin taxes" and other such governmental intrusions on your freedoms and your own bodily sovereignty.
the Second Amendment is about an archaic issue relevant to 1790. The Second Amendment reads as follows:

“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

The purpose of the Second Amendment was to prevent the new Federal Government established in 1789 from disarming the state militias and replacing them with a Federal standing army. It was a concern that was relevant perhaps for a few years around the birth of the country. It is irrelevant today. Americans do not rely on state militias in 2012 for our freedom from the federal government.

... only protects arms that would be used in a militia, not the weapons of a formal army. Its clear that “M-16 rifles and the like” have no Second Amendment protection and may be banned.

There is thus no constitutional protection whatsoever for the semiautomatic rifle

The Second Amendment is a relic :71: of the founding era more than two centuries ago. Its purpose is long past...the amendment should not block the ability of society to keep itself safe through gun control legislation. That was never its intent.

This amendment was about militias in the 1790s, and the fear of the anti-federalists of a federal army. Since that issue is long moot, we need not be governed in our national life by doctrines on now-extinct militias from the 18th century.

More basically, the idea that unregulated private gun ownership and trade protects us against tyranny, or that gun controls would threaten tyranny to us all, is baseless. Democracies around the world regulate guns, preserve their freedoms, and achieve firearm murder rates that are a tiny fraction of the rates suffered in the United States. Other countries, like Australia, have made themselves much safer from gun massacres. Only the U.S. has a political class, on the take from gun manufacturers owned by Wall Street, that stands by while the nation’s children are slaughtered. Yet perhaps the stench is getting even too great for some on Wall Street.

wake from the trap of ancient history and the gun-manufacturers.

Totally incorrect in every way.
The 2nd Amendment is about HUMAN NATURE and giving ordinary people the means to defend against tyrants and bad people who grab power.

However, being totally against human rights and all for oppression, you are clueless.
Go find a dictators boots to lick imbecile.

China JUST got a brand new dictator.
Russia recently got a new Dictator.
Venezuela got a Dictator...and with the help of morons like you that list will grow.

Yet you see absolutely no need for people in modern times to be able to defend themselves in stark contrast to people who actually dealt with government tyrants and are FAR more wise than you could ever hope to be.
If your post isn't evidence of stupidity, nothing is.

Liberty and Freedom NEVER are extinct issues as you want others to believe.
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