Students Will Stay After School 20 Minutes Each Day to Make Up For Teacher Sick-Outs

Not trying to be an A-hole or anything but you really need to take a step back and look at what your saying. Because if you truly believe what your saying or you are saying it for pesonal gain(thats my take on it)I wouldnt want you teaching my children.
To put it bluntly ....your ethier a liar and all you care about is making more money and to hell with whats right. Or your incredibly stupid!(and I dont think thats the case here)
I truly dont believe that you think what your saying is right. You cant possibly think that,and the more you stretch the truth and the more you fabricate the less credibilty you have in everyones eyes.
Your doing more harm then good for teachers in the public eye.
Think about it!!!
And they are so eager when they start kindergarten.....unfortunately, they pick up from parents and peers that school is a drag, that teachers are lazy bums, and that staying a few minutes longer is a PUNISHMENT.

No thats called human nature.Do you really think that a kid would rather be at school then playing video games or swimming? And do you really think a kid has to be taught to like play more then work? And sure they like kindergarten at first,it's something new. And for you to blame parents is a joke....OOOOHH WOE IS ME,THE WHOLE WORLD IS OUT TO GET ME!!!! Your really grasping here.

And who buys the video games and ALLOWS their kids to play forever?

My brother tells of parent conference after parent conference where the parent admits the kid sits and plays video games or watches tv forever...he recommends the parents take away the video games/tv til the grades are up and the homework done and the parents are like "Oh no, we can't do that....little Johnny will get maaaaaad!"

Noting that our daughter does NOT have a tv in her room, is only allowed to use computer for homework and SOME facebook with friends (we have password) and we have NO video games at all...nor have we ever had them. Funny how she doesn't seem to miss them.

You dont have to TEACH anyone that play is more fun then work!!!! For gods sakes use a little honesty. If It wasnt video games it would be riding there bike or going fishing.
Stop going of on a tangent that has nothing to do with the discussion.
You decided it wasnt worth teaching for the amount of pay you recieved. Thats your choice.
But you knew going in what the pay scale was correct?
Thats the main thing that ticks me off!!! The teacher knew going in what they were to be paid. It's not like they were lead to believe something different.

And if our teachers are so smart then why where they stupid enough to take the job in the first place?
I'm tired of hearing the argument "but other people with the same education make more money" No one told them to be teachers!!!
It sounds to me they made a poor choice when it comes to career decisions. So who's fault is that?
We've been throwing money at education for a long time with crappy results.
It has nothing to do with money,it has to do with the lack of discipline in schools and at home.
You cant spank the little brats anymore so there are no repercusions when they act like little shits. THAT is the reason teachers cant teach!! And I dont blame them for hating there jobs when the classroom is uncontrollable.
But thats a whole nother topic(but I blame the libs for getting rid of school discipline)
So in closing.........If you dont like your job get into another line of work.
Yes, I knew what the pay was when I started teaching but what I didn’t know was how much additional work I would have to do every night. If I could have worked just 7 hours a day and do everything else in an hour, I probably would have continued teaching for several more years. I believe if students entering the College of Education had to spend a week in the classroom of a 1st year teacher, and saw the additional work and crap they had to do, there would be a lot less teachers.

I don’t agree with you that our results are crappy. It really depends on the school and district. The report of how badly our schools are doing compared to other countries is nonsense. It's like comparing apples and oranges.

I do agree that there is lack of discipline in the home and the schools and it’s taking its toll.

You say you don’t blame teachers for hating their job. Most teachers don’t hate teaching. They do hate most everything else that’s become part of job but has very little to do with teaching.

If we want better education we need to let teachers do their job, teach and stop the legislature, the DOE, the district, and the school from adding additional tasks to classroom teachers job that really doesn't have anything to do with teaching.

Why is it that it is well known, even to the layman, that teaching includes extra hours after school hours, but you did not know it when you opted to go into teaching?

When people opt to go into law, they are well aware that there will be late nights on a reglar basis without compensation when they are associates. Young accounting students are well aware that when they go into the real world they will be working 15 hour days from January to April and September through October.

Putting you aside, I believe that most that go into teaching are well aware of the demands of the position. They have exposure with student teaching and most speak with teching professionals well before hand to find out what to expect.

SO, again, I say....teachers accept the positions knowing what to expect. To complain about it and put themselves on a pedestal as something special is inappropriate. They could have always turned down the job.
That young lawyer or accountant that puts in 15 hour days has not just the opportunity to earn a very comfortable income but the opportunity to become very wealthy. A teacher's opportunity to advance is very limited. Of course teachers accept the fact they will never become wealthy teaching, but they do expect to be able to earn enough so they can afford a nice home, send their kids to college, and have a decent retirement. For someone who spends 4 to 6 years training to do one of the most important jobs in our country, I don't think that's too much to expect.
So, in conclusion bodeccer is fine with the teachers lying to call in sick, getting doctors to lie for them and then lying to the kids., she's fine with teachers teaching kids that lying is just fine.. she's so damn cool with that,

Did I say that? Or am I talking about students getting the impression that more school is PUNISHMENT from their parents....parents like you?

But, feel free to make stuff hasn't stopped you in the past, has it?

Yes, that's exactly what you are saying. You totally disregard the fact that the teachers lied to call in sick, got doctors to lie, and then lied to the kids. Now that the kids are being punished for the teachers actions you wish to blame the parents.. we got it.
Can someone explain to me why folks are upset that they're making up the lost time?

Yes, I know it wasn't the kids fault and I disagree that the teachers blew the kids off to go protest. BUT, that's what happened and now the time needs to be made up. How is 20 minutes a day for however long - end of school year? - going to be a problem? If the teachers extended the school year by xx days to make it up would that quiet people down? How about if they shortened spring break? The fact is the time needs to be made up . . . what am I missing?

Parents who teach their children that staying 20 minutes longer at school is somehow somehow a somehow something to get angry about. That's it.

Not only is it a punishment it's an unjust punishment. The kids didn't do a damn thing wrong. However. their teachers did. They left the classroom. They lied when they called in sick. They got doctors to lie for them. Our kids are supposed to look up to these assholes? Really?
I think you hit upon one of the major problems with education, adults who think of time in school as a punishment. No wonder so many kids regard it as such.
Not only is it a punishment it's an unjust punishment. The kids didn't do a damn thing wrong. However. their teachers did. They left the classroom. They lied when they called in sick. They got doctors to lie for them. Our kids are supposed to look up to these assholes? Really?

Would you prefer that they just bag the lost time altogether?

The children shouldn't spend one extra minute for what their teachers did. Not one extra minute.

The children aren't spending any "extra minutes" in class. They got time off, now they will be making up the minutes that were lost in accordance with the law of Wisconsin which mandates a certain amount of instructional time during the school year.

Wisconsin State Legislature
Wisconsin Statute 121.02(1)(f)2.

2. Annually, schedule at least 437 hours of direct pupil instruction in kindergarten, at least 1,050 hours of direct pupil instruction in grades 1 to 6 and at least 1,137 hours of direct pupil instruction in grades 7 to 12. Scheduled hours under this subdivision include recess and time for pupils to transfer between classes but do not include the lunch period.​

State law mandates the amount of instructional time. Are you suggesting the school division break the law?

[Disclaimer: Not defending the teachers who were wrong to abandon their classrooms. Just correcting the misconception that the students will be spending extra time in school. Over the course of the school year the amount of time spent will be the same.]

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Parents who teach their children that staying 20 minutes longer at school is somehow somehow a somehow something to get angry about. That's it.

Not only is it a punishment it's an unjust punishment. The kids didn't do a damn thing wrong. However. their teachers did. They left the classroom. They lied when they called in sick. They got doctors to lie for them. Our kids are supposed to look up to these assholes? Really?
I think you hit upon one of the major problems with education, adults who think of time in school as a punishment. No wonder so many kids regard it as such.

It is punishment. When they have to make up time wasted by their teachers. There's no other way to look at it. If it's such a good thing why don't we do it some more and make them make up more time. You good with that?
Yes, I knew what the pay was when I started teaching but what I didn’t know was how much additional work I would have to do every night. If I could have worked just 7 hours a day and do everything else in an hour, I probably would have continued teaching for several more years. I believe if students entering the College of Education had to spend a week in the classroom of a 1st year teacher, and saw the additional work and crap they had to do, there would be a lot less teachers.

I don’t agree with you that our results are crappy. It really depends on the school and district. The report of how badly our schools are doing compared to other countries is nonsense. It's like comparing apples and oranges.

I do agree that there is lack of discipline in the home and the schools and it’s taking its toll.

You say you don’t blame teachers for hating their job. Most teachers don’t hate teaching. They do hate most everything else that’s become part of job but has very little to do with teaching.

If we want better education we need to let teachers do their job, teach and stop the legislature, the DOE, the district, and the school from adding additional tasks to classroom teachers job that really doesn't have anything to do with teaching.

Why is it that it is well known, even to the layman, that teaching includes extra hours after school hours, but you did not know it when you opted to go into teaching?

When people opt to go into law, they are well aware that there will be late nights on a reglar basis without compensation when they are associates. Young accounting students are well aware that when they go into the real world they will be working 15 hour days from January to April and September through October.

Putting you aside, I believe that most that go into teaching are well aware of the demands of the position. They have exposure with student teaching and most speak with teching professionals well before hand to find out what to expect.

SO, again, I say....teachers accept the positions knowing what to expect. To complain about it and put themselves on a pedestal as something special is inappropriate. They could have always turned down the job.
That young lawyer or accountant that puts in 15 hour days has not just the opportunity to earn a very comfortable income but the opportunity to become very wealthy. A teacher's opportunity to advance is very limited. Of course teachers accept the fact they will never become wealthy teaching, but they do expect to be able to earn enough so they can afford a nice home, send their kids to college, and have a decent retirement. For someone who spends 4 to 6 years training to do one of the most important jobs in our country, I don't think that's too much to expect.


But that is not what I was saying...

They know what to expect...the long they should not be surprised by it.

They know the salaries...the ups and downs....the issues, the rewards.

It is their chopice to go for it anyway.

And as for saying "the most important jobs in our country"....

I would guess the cancer patient feels her surgeon is equally the business owner...his accountant is equally the elevator riders...the elevator inspector is equally important.

I do not place any trade above all...they are all important.

Thats half of my complaint in this debate.

For some reason teachers are placed on a pedestal....they are important just like every other piece in the puzzle of life.
Would you prefer that they just bag the lost time altogether?

The children shouldn't spend one extra minute for what their teachers did. Not one extra minute.

The children aren't spending any "extra minutes" in class. They got time off, now they will be making up the minutes that were lost in accordance with the law of Wisconsin which mandates a certain amount of instructional time during the school year.

[Disclaimer: Not defending the teachers who were wrong to abandon their classrooms. Just correcting the misconception that the students will be spending extra time in school. Over the course of the school year the amount of time spent will be the same.]


Nice try but no banana, The time they have to make up is added to time they ordinarily would have been off. It cuts into their vacation time. The teachers taught the kids that lying is just fine. And liberals agree with that. Bad Bad Bad.
Yes, I knew what the pay was when I started teaching but what I didn’t know was how much additional work I would have to do every night. If I could have worked just 7 hours a day and do everything else in an hour, I probably would have continued teaching for several more years. I believe if students entering the College of Education had to spend a week in the classroom of a 1st year teacher, and saw the additional work and crap they had to do, there would be a lot less teachers.

I don’t agree with you that our results are crappy. It really depends on the school and district. The report of how badly our schools are doing compared to other countries is nonsense. It's like comparing apples and oranges.

I do agree that there is lack of discipline in the home and the schools and it’s taking its toll.

You say you don’t blame teachers for hating their job. Most teachers don’t hate teaching. They do hate most everything else that’s become part of job but has very little to do with teaching.

If we want better education we need to let teachers do their job, teach and stop the legislature, the DOE, the district, and the school from adding additional tasks to classroom teachers job that really doesn't have anything to do with teaching.

Why is it that it is well known, even to the layman, that teaching includes extra hours after school hours, but you did not know it when you opted to go into teaching?

When people opt to go into law, they are well aware that there will be late nights on a reglar basis without compensation when they are associates. Young accounting students are well aware that when they go into the real world they will be working 15 hour days from January to April and September through October.

Putting you aside, I believe that most that go into teaching are well aware of the demands of the position. They have exposure with student teaching and most speak with teching professionals well before hand to find out what to expect.

SO, again, I say....teachers accept the positions knowing what to expect. To complain about it and put themselves on a pedestal as something special is inappropriate. They could have always turned down the job.
That young lawyer or accountant that puts in 15 hour days has not just the opportunity to earn a very comfortable income but the opportunity to become very wealthy. A teacher's opportunity to advance is very limited. Of course teachers accept the fact they will never become wealthy teaching, but they do expect to be able to earn enough so they can afford a nice home, send their kids to college, and have a decent retirement. For someone who spends 4 to 6 years training to do one of the most important jobs in our country, I don't think that's too much to expect.

Aaaahhh could maybe work a little harder and become a principal?
You know ....that thing you have to do to advance in your chosen career!!!
And getting rich and being anaccountant is pure BS. In order for that to happen you have to work your ass off and then maybe make controller. Which pays well but you wont get there without working your ass off.
Trust me,my wife did just that......and the hours a teacher works pale in comparision.
Soooooo.....bad example try again.
I'd like to see some reporters and camera crews from local and national news organizations, down at the school interviewing random kids as they are let out of classes for the day. I'd be interested in hearing what they have to say.
I'd like to see some reporters and camera crews from local and national news organizations, down at the school interviewing random kids as they are let out of classes for the day. I'd be interested in hearing what they have to say.

You know thats not gonna happen.....the lamestream media would never paint the teachers in such a light.
The children shouldn't spend one extra minute for what their teachers did. Not one extra minute.

The children aren't spending any "extra minutes" in class. They got time off, now they will be making up the minutes that were lost in accordance with the law of Wisconsin which mandates a certain amount of instructional time during the school year.

[Disclaimer: Not defending the teachers who were wrong to abandon their classrooms. Just correcting the misconception that the students will be spending extra time in school. Over the course of the school year the amount of time spent will be the same.]


Nice try but no banana, The time they have to make up is added to time they ordinarily would have been off. It cuts into their vacation time. The teachers taught the kids that lying is just fine. And liberals agree with that. Bad Bad Bad.

Mathematically you are wrong.

Students attend school 7 hours per day.
Students attend school 20 days per month.
Therefore students attend school 8400 minutes per month.

Scenario A:
  • Normal Schedule, students attend school 7 hours per day, 20 days per month completing 8400 minutes of time.

Scenario B:
  • For some reason (the specifics are unimportant), schools are closed for 2 of the normally 20 scheduled days.
  • The new number of days is now 18.
  • The number of minutes missed totals 840.
  • The school opts to increase the school day by 26.67 minutes for the remaining 18 days.
    [*]Old Schedule: 420 min/day * 20 days = 8400 minutes for the month.
    [*]New Schedule: 426.67 min/day * 18 days = 8400 minutes for the month.

Over the course of the school year the students will have not have spent more minutes in class. As the examples show, the amount of contact time remains the same as the kids already had their time off.

If the amount of school time remains the same, then the amount of "off time" over the year remains the same - it was however shifted.

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You really really hate parents don't ya? It's all their fault the teachers left the classroom, lied about being sick, got the doctors to lie and then turned around and lied to the kids.. Damn those parents to hell anyway! just damn them. You've officially gone over the rim.

I AM a parent who has taught my daughter that school is a blessing, a chance, an honor and that she is to take it seriously. She gets other messages from some of her peers (who probably get it from their parens), but it is made abundantly clear to her that education and school are ALL IMPORTANT and not something simply to be endured. Of course, my daughter is also aware of our family history and attitude. 3 generations of teachers (both great grandmothers were teachers)...aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. who are teachers. And a family that BELIEVES that education is the key to a better life with each generation EXPECTED to have the grades for college and go to college. Even her friends know to not knock school and their teachers around us.

If we lived in WI, I will tell my daughter be thankful that she has teachers who CARE about their own families and have the SELF ESTEEM to want to be recognised for what they do and NOT become a scapegoat and bulldozed. Teachers with self esteem, willing to stick up for their calling are to be respected....not blamed, not called lazy, not being used to say that more school is a PUNISHMENT. have any more excuses for what kids learn from their parents about school being PUNISHMENT?

I have never heard a parent tell their children that school was punishment. I've always heard them tell their children how important school was. So where you get the idea that parents teach their kids that schools are anything but positive is beyond me.

What the teachers did in WI was out of sheer greed and had nothing at all to do with the children and only an idiot would think otherwise.

Then you have not seen Willow's posts flat out calling more school punishment.

Of course, coming from a state where you bully your teachers and value good football players even above the law, I can understand you not wanting teachers who stand up for themselves. That doesn't surprise me at all.
How does this affect their budgets? I would like to get the numbers on that. If costs go up because of this,the bill should be sent to the Wisconsin Teacher Unions. Taxpayers better not be left with extra costs.
Not only is it a punishment it's an unjust punishment. The kids didn't do a damn thing wrong. However. their teachers did. They left the classroom. They lied when they called in sick. They got doctors to lie for them. Our kids are supposed to look up to these assholes? Really?
I think you hit upon one of the major problems with education, adults who think of time in school as a punishment. No wonder so many kids regard it as such.

It is punishment. When they have to make up time wasted by their teachers. There's no other way to look at it. If it's such a good thing why don't we do it some more and make them make up more time. You good with that?
My granddaughter loves school. Spending a half hour in school is not punishment to her and it shouldn't be for any kid. If parents think of time in school as punishment, the kids will also.
I think you hit upon one of the major problems with education, adults who think of time in school as a punishment. No wonder so many kids regard it as such.

It is punishment. When they have to make up time wasted by their teachers. There's no other way to look at it. If it's such a good thing why don't we do it some more and make them make up more time. You good with that?
My granddaughter loves school. Spending a half hour in school is not punishment to her and it shouldn't be for any kid. If parents think of time in school as punishment, the kids will also.

It 'shouldn't' be?
I don't think of time in school as punishment, but my youngest would prefer to spend his time outside the walls of his school.

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