Students Will Stay After School 20 Minutes Each Day to Make Up For Teacher Sick-Outs

I just want to see how this affects Public School budgets in Wisconsin. The Taxpayers better not be left holding the bag if this added time adversely affects budgets. The tab better be picked up by the Wisconsin Teacher Unions.
Why is it that it is well known, even to the layman, that teaching includes extra hours after school hours, but you did not know it when you opted to go into teaching?

When people opt to go into law, they are well aware that there will be late nights on a reglar basis without compensation when they are associates. Young accounting students are well aware that when they go into the real world they will be working 15 hour days from January to April and September through October.

Putting you aside, I believe that most that go into teaching are well aware of the demands of the position. They have exposure with student teaching and most speak with teching professionals well before hand to find out what to expect.

SO, again, I say....teachers accept the positions knowing what to expect. To complain about it and put themselves on a pedestal as something special is inappropriate. They could have always turned down the job.
That young lawyer or accountant that puts in 15 hour days has not just the opportunity to earn a very comfortable income but the opportunity to become very wealthy. A teacher's opportunity to advance is very limited. Of course teachers accept the fact they will never become wealthy teaching, but they do expect to be able to earn enough so they can afford a nice home, send their kids to college, and have a decent retirement. For someone who spends 4 to 6 years training to do one of the most important jobs in our country, I don't think that's too much to expect.


But that is not what I was saying...

They know what to expect...the long they should not be surprised by it.

They know the salaries...the ups and downs....the issues, the rewards.

It is their chopice to go for it anyway.

And as for saying "the most important jobs in our country"....

I would guess the cancer patient feels her surgeon is equally the business owner...his accountant is equally the elevator riders...the elevator inspector is equally important.

I do not place any trade above all...they are all important.

Thats half of my complaint in this debate.

For some reason teachers are placed on a pedestal....they are important just like every other piece in the puzzle of life.
I didn't say teaching was the most important job in the country. I said it was one of the most important jobs. Education forms the foundation for all careers. If a child does not master reading and communication skills in the first 6 years in school, chance of success in any field is very limited. That surgeon would probably have never made it through med school, if some teacher had not spent the time and effort to see that he or she the mastered basic skills.
Parents who teach their children that staying 20 minutes longer at school is somehow somehow a somehow something to get angry about. That's it.

Not only is it a punishment it's an unjust punishment. The kids didn't do a damn thing wrong. However. their teachers did. They left the classroom. They lied when they called in sick. They got doctors to lie for them. Our kids are supposed to look up to these assholes? Really?

Thought I'd bump this post since Lonestar_Logic couldn't find it on his own.

I read every word in this thread and at no time have I heard Willow even suggest she teaches her children that school is punishment.
You realy need to stop with the "parents teaching the kids that school is punishment crap"
Your useing parents as the scapegoat for your own shortcomings. After all you cant blame the students that would reflect badly on the teachers. And you sure as hell wont take the couldnt demand more money if you did.
I have never in all my 45 years have heard a parent tell a child that school was punishment!
So just shut up about sound ridiculous.:cuckoo:
You realy need to stop with the "parents teaching the kids that school is punishment crap"
Your useing parents as the scapegoat for your own shortcomings. After all you cant blame the students that would reflect badly on the teachers. And you sure as hell wont take the couldnt demand more money if you did.
I have never in all my 45 years have heard a parent tell a child that school was punishment!
So just shut up about sound ridiculous.:cuckoo:

My own shortcomings? I'm teaching MY kid to respect school and education. School is not a drag to her, nor is it punishment.

But, tell find it acceptable for those parents to impart on their children that school is a chore and that teachers are lazy adversaries? Do you find that 'helpful' in kids getting a good education?
Not only is it a punishment it's an unjust punishment. The kids didn't do a damn thing wrong. However. their teachers did. They left the classroom. They lied when they called in sick. They got doctors to lie for them. Our kids are supposed to look up to these assholes? Really?

Thought I'd bump this post since Lonestar_Logic couldn't find it on his own.

I read every word in this thread and at no time have I heard Willow even suggest she teaches her children that school is punishment.

So, you think a person can have that attitude that school is punishment...but their kids and grandkids will never pick up on that attitude? Really?
Thought I'd bump this post since Lonestar_Logic couldn't find it on his own.

I read every word in this thread and at no time have I heard Willow even suggest she teaches her children that school is punishment.

So, you think a person can have that attitude that school is punishment...but their kids and grandkids will never pick up on that attitude? Really?

The only attitude I have is that the stupid teachers are flat out liars.
You realy need to stop with the "parents teaching the kids that school is punishment crap"
Your useing parents as the scapegoat for your own shortcomings. After all you cant blame the students that would reflect badly on the teachers. And you sure as hell wont take the couldnt demand more money if you did.
I have never in all my 45 years have heard a parent tell a child that school was punishment!
So just shut up about sound ridiculous.:cuckoo:

My own shortcomings? I'm teaching MY kid to respect school and education. School is not a drag to her, nor is it punishment.

But, tell find it acceptable for those parents to impart on their children that school is a chore and that teachers are lazy adversaries? Do you find that 'helpful' in kids getting a good education?

We know. You support lying teachers. They are to be commended for their excellence in teaching kids how to lie. Yay you.
I read every word in this thread and at no time have I heard Willow even suggest she teaches her children that school is punishment.

So, you think a person can have that attitude that school is punishment...but their kids and grandkids will never pick up on that attitude? Really?

The only attitude I have is that the stupid teachers are flat out liars.

And of course, you don't pass that attitude (and the attitude that you think school is punishment) off on your children and grandchildren.........:eusa_whistle:
You realy need to stop with the "parents teaching the kids that school is punishment crap"
Your useing parents as the scapegoat for your own shortcomings. After all you cant blame the students that would reflect badly on the teachers. And you sure as hell wont take the couldnt demand more money if you did.
I have never in all my 45 years have heard a parent tell a child that school was punishment!
So just shut up about sound ridiculous.:cuckoo:

My own shortcomings? I'm teaching MY kid to respect school and education. School is not a drag to her, nor is it punishment.

But, tell find it acceptable for those parents to impart on their children that school is a chore and that teachers are lazy adversaries? Do you find that 'helpful' in kids getting a good education?

We know. You support lying teachers. They are to be commended for their excellence in teaching kids how to lie. Yay you.

I support TEACHERS. I support SCHOOLS. I support EDUCATION. I do everything in my power to impart their importance on my child. Period.

You......not so much. :eusa_whistle:
So, you think a person can have that attitude that school is punishment...but their kids and grandkids will never pick up on that attitude? Really?

The only attitude I have is that the stupid teachers are flat out liars.

And of course, you don't pass that attitude (and the attitude that you think school is punishment) off on your children and grandchildren.........:eusa_whistle:

You don't think they picked that information up from watching the news regarding the protests in Wisconsin. You think the kids are deaf and dumb? They might be but they'll be excellent liars.
My own shortcomings? I'm teaching MY kid to respect school and education. School is not a drag to her, nor is it punishment.

But, tell find it acceptable for those parents to impart on their children that school is a chore and that teachers are lazy adversaries? Do you find that 'helpful' in kids getting a good education?

We know. You support lying teachers. They are to be commended for their excellence in teaching kids how to lie. Yay you.

I support TEACHERS. I support SCHOOLS. I support EDUCATION. I do everything in my power to impart their importance on my child. Period.

You......not so much. :eusa_whistle:

so it doesn't matter to you that teachers lie to your kid. lucky kid.
20 minutes?

That's rough. I hope there is no lasting emotional damage

You know...if the kids had learned at home that education is important, they wouldn't think of 20 extra minutes as some kind of punishment, as something to get angry at "those lazy, commie teachers" over. But, for many, they are learning at home that education is to be looked down on, to be disdained.

I have to disagree. I've never, ever in my life heard of a parent talking about school or teachers that way. I know we never have. Why would a parent teach their kids to look down up their teacher, upon education? What good would that do?

You're giving kids too much credit in this too. The kids wouldn't want to stay an extra 20 minutes or shorten their spring break or have the school year extended because of this lost time any more than they would if they went beyond their snow day limit. Kids, generally speaking, don't like school because they're kids. What kid wouldn't rather be hanging out with their friends and such than sitting in a classroom learning what x is?

As for some of the posts in here talking about the teachers lying and kids admiring them, etc. . . . this is a perfect opportunity for parents to teach their kids about the consequences of lying and to explain to them what happened, regardless of what a teacher may or may not have told them.
You realy need to stop with the "parents teaching the kids that school is punishment crap"
Your useing parents as the scapegoat for your own shortcomings. After all you cant blame the students that would reflect badly on the teachers. And you sure as hell wont take the couldnt demand more money if you did.
I have never in all my 45 years have heard a parent tell a child that school was punishment!
So just shut up about sound ridiculous.:cuckoo:

My own shortcomings? I'm teaching MY kid to respect school and education. School is not a drag to her, nor is it punishment.

But, tell find it acceptable for those parents to impart on their children that school is a chore and that teachers are lazy adversaries? Do you find that 'helpful' in kids getting a good education?

Prove to me where a parent has called school punishment. You cant do it because it doesnt happen!!!! So you contend that a parent,against all parental instinct to further there childs future would tell them something as important as school is punishment? Total BULLSHIT!!!
I have never heard it in my 45 years!!!!! It goes against every parental's BULLSHIT and you know it.
Find someone else to blame because the parent thing ain't worken..
Like maybe the teachers!!!! Now I will give you this,parents need to be more involved with there childs education! But there is no way in hell you can convince me or anyone else that a parent would call school punishment.
Thats just a pathetic attempt to blame anyone but yourself or your students which would reflect badly on .......yep you guessed it .....the teachers!!!!!!
Your dishonesty is realy starting to get disturbing.....that you teach children is frightening.
Thought I'd bump this post since Lonestar_Logic couldn't find it on his own.

I read every word in this thread and at no time have I heard Willow even suggest she teaches her children that school is punishment.

So, you think a person can have that attitude that school is punishment...but their kids and grandkids will never pick up on that attitude? Really?

I think that a person can have an opinion on a forum such as this without it reflecting on their children.
I support TEACHERS. I support SCHOOLS. I support EDUCATION. I do everything in my power to impart their importance on my child. Period.

You......not so much. :eusa_whistle:

I support EDUCATION and do everything in my power to impart it's importance to my children in spite of teachers and the schools.
I read every word in this thread and at no time have I heard Willow even suggest she teaches her children that school is punishment.

So, you think a person can have that attitude that school is punishment...but their kids and grandkids will never pick up on that attitude? Really?

I think that a person can have an opinion on a forum such as this without it reflecting on their children.

A prevalent opinion about a group of people or a career or a system....I disagree....unless they are just bloviating here without convictions....that too is possible, I suppose.
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I support TEACHERS. I support SCHOOLS. I support EDUCATION. I do everything in my power to impart their importance on my child. Period.

You......not so much. :eusa_whistle:

I support EDUCATION and do everything in my power to impart it's importance to my children in spite of teachers and the schools.

You got the "in spite of" part right for damn sure!!! And I have to say I agree with the rest of your statement.
You realy need to stop with the "parents teaching the kids that school is punishment crap"
Your useing parents as the scapegoat for your own shortcomings. After all you cant blame the students that would reflect badly on the teachers. And you sure as hell wont take the couldnt demand more money if you did.
I have never in all my 45 years have heard a parent tell a child that school was punishment!
So just shut up about sound ridiculous.:cuckoo:

My own shortcomings? I'm teaching MY kid to respect school and education. School is not a drag to her, nor is it punishment.

But, tell find it acceptable for those parents to impart on their children that school is a chore and that teachers are lazy adversaries? Do you find that 'helpful' in kids getting a good education?

Actually, your post showed us how you are teaching your daughter to admire employees for walking off the job when they are not happy with something. Youre teaching your daughter that there are times where it is rtight to lie to your emplyer if you feel you are being wronged...and use false documents to support your lie.

That may be appropriate to you...but it is not to me and I would never tell my children to admire such actions.

I teach my children that elections have consequences...and that not all people think as they do. And what may seem wrong to you seems right to others....and if you want to be heard, do it in an ethical proper way.

My son wanted to drop his poli sci course becuase he did not like his "liberal" professor. I tralked him into keeping the course and learning how the other side thinks.

I told him something I have said on this board many can not respect your adversary if you do not understand why they think as they do. You see...I dont agree with Reid and Pelosi and Obama...but I wll never call them idiots...or retards....or morons...or socialists.....I understand why they think as they do. I dont agree with them...but I understand their logic...

Can you say the same about those that you disagree with?
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