Students Will Stay After School 20 Minutes Each Day to Make Up For Teacher Sick-Outs

I think you hit upon one of the major problems with education, adults who think of time in school as a punishment. No wonder so many kids regard it as such.

It is punishment. When they have to make up time wasted by their teachers. There's no other way to look at it. If it's such a good thing why don't we do it some more and make them make up more time. You good with that?
My granddaughter loves school. Spending a half hour in school is not punishment to her and it shouldn't be for any kid. If parents think of time in school as punishment, the kids will also.


A 7th through 10th grader will see it as punishment no matter what the parents say.

This is not a perfect world flopper......
The unions have to go. They do not belong in government, ESPECIALLY the government of the USA.
It's not about the minutes,it's about why they have to make them up.Teachers lied and now the students have to make up that time through no fault of there own.
And the example the teachers set for the students? It's ok to lie to get what you want regardless of how it effects others.
In my book thats a bad thing.And I dont see how it can be spun any other way without being dishonest.
It's not about the minutes,it's about why they have to make them up.Teachers lied and now the students have to make up that time through no fault of there own.
And the example the teachers set for the students? It's ok to lie to get what you want regardless of how it effects others.
In my book thats a bad thing.And I dont see how it can be spun any other way without being dishonest.

Actually my posts have been about the incorrect claim that students will be spending extra minutes in the classroom.

Wisconsin State Legislature
Wisconsin Statute 121.02(1)(f)2.

2. Annually, schedule at least 437 hours of direct pupil instruction in kindergarten, at least 1,050 hours of direct pupil instruction in grades 1 to 6 and at least 1,137 hours of direct pupil instruction in grades 7 to 12. Scheduled hours under this subdivision include recess and time for pupils to transfer between classes but do not include the lunch period.​

The law requires a certain amount of hours. The school is making those hours up and the instructional time will remain the same.

I don't support the teachers leaving the classroom, however I'm correcting an incorrect statement.

[Lunch is over, gotta go.]

I think you hit upon one of the major problems with education, adults who think of time in school as a punishment. No wonder so many kids regard it as such.

It is punishment. When they have to make up time wasted by their teachers. There's no other way to look at it. If it's such a good thing why don't we do it some more and make them make up more time. You good with that?
My granddaughter loves school. Spending a half hour in school is not punishment to her and it shouldn't be for any kid. If parents think of time in school as punishment, the kids will also.

That's right. They need LOTS of extra time in school so the stupid teachers can teach em how to lie properly. I'm all for that. Then the kid gets punished for lying.
It's not about the minutes,it's about why they have to make them up.Teachers lied and now the students have to make up that time through no fault of there own.
And the example the teachers set for the students? It's ok to lie to get what you want regardless of how it effects others.
In my book thats a bad thing.And I dont see how it can be spun any other way without being dishonest.

Actually my posts have been about the incorrect claim that students will be spending extra minutes in the classroom.

Wisconsin State Legislature
Wisconsin Statute 121.02(1)(f)2.

2. Annually, schedule at least 437 hours of direct pupil instruction in kindergarten, at least 1,050 hours of direct pupil instruction in grades 1 to 6 and at least 1,137 hours of direct pupil instruction in grades 7 to 12. Scheduled hours under this subdivision include recess and time for pupils to transfer between classes but do not include the lunch period.​

The law requires a certain amount of hours. The school is making those hours up and the instructional time will remain the same.

I don't support the teachers leaving the classroom, however I'm correcting an incorrect statement.

[Lunch is over, gotta go.]


Gotcha. I dont have a prob with the kids making up the time.....I just want them to know whos at fault. I'd say thats fair.
So maybe the next time teachers pull this crap the students will be forwarned of the consequnce of the TEACHERS actions on them.
The fact that teachers used the students to further there goals is pure BS.
I AM a parent who has taught my daughter that school is a blessing, a chance, an honor and that she is to take it seriously. She gets other messages from some of her peers (who probably get it from their parens), but it is made abundantly clear to her that education and school are ALL IMPORTANT and not something simply to be endured. Of course, my daughter is also aware of our family history and attitude. 3 generations of teachers (both great grandmothers were teachers)...aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. who are teachers. And a family that BELIEVES that education is the key to a better life with each generation EXPECTED to have the grades for college and go to college. Even her friends know to not knock school and their teachers around us.

If we lived in WI, I will tell my daughter be thankful that she has teachers who CARE about their own families and have the SELF ESTEEM to want to be recognised for what they do and NOT become a scapegoat and bulldozed. Teachers with self esteem, willing to stick up for their calling are to be respected....not blamed, not called lazy, not being used to say that more school is a PUNISHMENT. have any more excuses for what kids learn from their parents about school being PUNISHMENT?

I have never heard a parent tell their children that school was punishment. I've always heard them tell their children how important school was. So where you get the idea that parents teach their kids that schools are anything but positive is beyond me.

What the teachers did in WI was out of sheer greed and had nothing at all to do with the children and only an idiot would think otherwise.

Then you have not seen Willow's posts flat out calling more school punishment.

Of course, coming from a state where you bully your teachers and value good football players even above the law, I can understand you not wanting teachers who stand up for themselves. That doesn't surprise me at all.

I never heard her tell her children that school is punishment and I doubt she ever would.

You asinine remark proves you know nothing of me or my state.
I think you hit upon one of the major problems with education, adults who think of time in school as a punishment. No wonder so many kids regard it as such.

It is punishment. When they have to make up time wasted by their teachers. There's no other way to look at it. If it's such a good thing why don't we do it some more and make them make up more time. You good with that?
My granddaughter loves school. Spending a half hour in school is not punishment to her and it shouldn't be for any kid. If parents think of time in school as punishment, the kids will also.

All of my children loved school also and all graduated with honors and full scholarships.
I have never heard a parent tell their children that school was punishment. I've always heard them tell their children how important school was. So where you get the idea that parents teach their kids that schools are anything but positive is beyond me.

What the teachers did in WI was out of sheer greed and had nothing at all to do with the children and only an idiot would think otherwise.

Then you have not seen Willow's posts flat out calling more school punishment.

Of course, coming from a state where you bully your teachers and value good football players even above the law, I can understand you not wanting teachers who stand up for themselves. That doesn't surprise me at all.

I never heard her tell her children that school is punishment and I doubt she ever would.

You asinine remark proves you know nothing of me or my state.

Yeah Lonestar I dont think she would understand the honesty that comes with being a Texan.....And I hope she stays up north we got enough yankees already.
(no offense to yankees with a brain)
Can someone explain to me why folks are upset that they're making up the lost time?

Yes, I know it wasn't the kids fault and I disagree that the teachers blew the kids off to go protest. BUT, that's what happened and now the time needs to be made up. How is 20 minutes a day for however long - end of school year? - going to be a problem? If the teachers extended the school year by xx days to make it up would that quiet people down? How about if they shortened spring break? The fact is the time needs to be made up . . . what am I missing?

Parents who teach their children that staying 20 minutes longer at school is somehow somehow a somehow something to get angry about. That's it.

Not only is it a punishment it's an unjust punishment. The kids didn't do a damn thing wrong. However. their teachers did. They left the classroom. They lied when they called in sick. They got doctors to lie for them. Our kids are supposed to look up to these assholes? Really?

Thought I'd bump this post since Lonestar_Logic couldn't find it on his own.
It is punishment. When they have to make up time wasted by their teachers. There's no other way to look at it. If it's such a good thing why don't we do it some more and make them make up more time. You good with that?
My granddaughter loves school. Spending a half hour in school is not punishment to her and it shouldn't be for any kid. If parents think of time in school as punishment, the kids will also.

All of my children loved school also and all graduated with honors and full scholarships.

Good. Too bad most parents don't impart that on their children. That attitude comes from the home much, much more than it does from school,
Parents who teach their children that staying 20 minutes longer at school is somehow somehow a somehow something to get angry about. That's it.

Not only is it a punishment it's an unjust punishment. The kids didn't do a damn thing wrong. However. their teachers did. They left the classroom. They lied when they called in sick. They got doctors to lie for them. Our kids are supposed to look up to these assholes? Really?

Thought I'd bump this post since Lonestar_Logic couldn't find it on his own.

I'm glad you did too. Cause it is the truth.

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