Students Will Stay After School 20 Minutes Each Day to Make Up For Teacher Sick-Outs

All Weekends Off,Several Weeks of Holiday Time Off,and Entire Summers Off? Oh my,the horror of it all! Seriously,Teachers just bitch too much. The Teacher Unions only encourage this whiny Entitlement attitude. Most people are pretty sick of all the complaining. Just shut up and do your jobs Teachers! Nuff said.
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No, true shit. Most public schools DO have excellent teachers. Bad teachers ARE the exception to the rule and unions don't prevent schools from getting rid of bad teachers, you just have be diligent in documenting poor teacher performance. These rules also help good teachers not be targeted by bad administrators.

Well our public schools do poorly compared to other industrialized nations so I don't know what the problem is, if there are alot of excellent teachers like you say this shouldn't be the case no?
Regarding that comparison, it makes good talking points for left and right but the real truth is ignored. Most of the countries such as China administers high school entrance exams. Students that do not get a high score are funneled into vocational schools. Of course schools that eliminate the weaker students will have better scores.

In most of these countries, the kids spend a lot more hours in class. Student are punished for not doing their work. Education is treated more as a privilege than a right.

Lower test scores are not the fault of our teachers or even the unions. The fault lies with those that are most interested in keeping taxes low and parents who believe their child should be able to graduate from high school regardless of their capabilities.

Nice right wing talking point, but SOOOO untrue. If it were the "unions" to blame, then Finland would not be outperforming...everybody (which they are).
All Weekends Off,Several Weeks of Holiday Time Off,and Entire Summers Off? Oh my,the horror of it all! Seriously,Teachers just bitch too much. The Teacher Unions only encourage this whiny Entitlement attitude. Most people are pretty sick of all the complaining. Just shut up and do your jobs Teachers! Nuff said.

It has already been pointed out what a fallacy your "sweet deal" claims are. Thank you for so well illustrating my point about how teachers have a right to bitch considering the vilification they are subject to.
Teacher Unions have promoted that "Woe is Me" Entitlement attitude for many years. Teachers don't have it nearly as bad as they claim. So they want to make more money? Gee who doesn't? Just take a close look at the benefits they enjoy. No other Professions in America enjoy the kinds of benefits Teachers enjoy. For example,how many workers will be enjoying a fully paid entire Summer off this year? No one but Teachers. So they don't have it so bad. The Teacher Unions just keep on promoting that "Woe is Me" attitude so they can rape the Taxpayers some more and get their Democrats elected. I'm completely sick of their whiny Entitlement attitude. Many other workers in America have it much worse than Teachers. Yet no one whines more than Teachers do. Time to boot the Teacher Unions from our Public Schools. Their time has passed.
Not so, most teachers work 10 months out of the year and are paid for 10 months work not 12. The only way these teachers get paid in summer is if the district spreads their 10 month's pay over 12.
No, true shit. Most public schools DO have excellent teachers. Bad teachers ARE the exception to the rule and unions don't prevent schools from getting rid of bad teachers, you just have be diligent in documenting poor teacher performance. These rules also help good teachers not be targeted by bad administrators.

Well our public schools do poorly compared to other industrialized nations so I don't know what the problem is, if there are alot of excellent teachers like you say this shouldn't be the case no?
Regarding that comparison, it makes good talking points for left and right but the real truth is ignored. Most of the countries such as China administers high school entrance exams. Students that do not get a high score are funneled into vocational schools. Of course schools that eliminate the weaker students will have better scores.

In most of these countries, the kids spend a lot more hours in class. Student are punished for not doing their work. Education is treated more as a privilege than a right.

Lower test scores are not the fault of our teachers or even the unions. The fault lies with those that are most interested in keeping taxes low and parents who believe their child should be able to graduate from high school regardless of their capabilities.

Its the same way in India also, education is a privilege not a right, if you can't pass the exams to get into high school than you just don't go.
All Weekends Off,Several Weeks of Holiday Time Off,and Entire Summers Off? Oh my,the horror of it all! Seriously,Teachers just bitch too much. The Teacher Unions only encourage this whiny Entitlement attitude. Most people are pretty sick of all the complaining. Just shut up and do your jobs Teachers! Nuff said.

It has already been pointed out what a fallacy your "sweet deal" claims are. Thank you for so well illustrating my point about how teachers have a right to bitch considering the vilification they are subject to.

I fear you are making this a cart befoire the horse thing.

No one was villifying them.

To the contrary, they were not even a subject of conversation other than the whole "tenure" issue...

However, when a few governors said "teachers need to be like everyone else and not continually get raises in recessions and all benefits and pensions paid for becuase we cant afford to do it anymore"....people on the left started to put them on a pedestal...saying that teachers are our future....and teachers make great sacrifices...and teachers work harder than anyone...and so on and so on...

So we just simply said...teachers are important and so are so many other trades in our republic....stop making them out to be the end all.

But no one is villifying them.
Teacher Unions have promoted that "Woe is Me" Entitlement attitude for many years. Teachers don't have it nearly as bad as they claim. So they want to make more money? Gee who doesn't? Just take a close look at the benefits they enjoy. No other Professions in America enjoy the kinds of benefits Teachers enjoy. For example,how many workers will be enjoying a fully paid entire Summer off this year? No one but Teachers. So they don't have it so bad. The Teacher Unions just keep on promoting that "Woe is Me" attitude so they can rape the Taxpayers some more and get their Democrats elected. I'm completely sick of their whiny Entitlement attitude. Many other workers in America have it much worse than Teachers. Yet no one whines more than Teachers do. Time to boot the Teacher Unions from our Public Schools. Their time has passed.
Not so, most teachers work 10 months out of the year and are paid for 10 months work not 12. The only way these teachers get paid in summer is if the district spreads their 10 month's pay over 12.

Teachers are not paid an hour salary...they are deemed as exempt...they are paid annual salaries.

SO I do not know where you get that whole 10 months a year/12 months a year thing.

They are paid an annual it is irrelevant.
All Weekends Off,Several Weeks of Holiday Time Off,and Entire Summers Off? Oh my,the horror of it all! Seriously,Teachers just bitch too much. The Teacher Unions only encourage this whiny Entitlement attitude. Most people are pretty sick of all the complaining. Just shut up and do your jobs Teachers! Nuff said.

It has already been pointed out what a fallacy your "sweet deal" claims are. Thank you for so well illustrating my point about how teachers have a right to bitch considering the vilification they are subject to.

They probably wouldn't be vilified so much if they didn't bitch & whine so much. The Taxpayers are sick of all their constant bitching. Most other American Workers would love to have all Weekends Off,Several Weeks of Holiday Time Off,and Entire Summers Off. And they certainly wouldn't bitch as much as Teacher Unions do. In fact,they would be incredibly happy & grateful.

And no one is entitled to anything. The Taxpayer is the Boss in the end. The greedy Teacher Unions have apparently forgotten this. They answer to us,we don't answer to them. So their demands are Bullshit. You don't want to be a Teacher,than quit. Many others need jobs. Someone will gladly replace you. Seriously,it's true. You are replaceable despite what the Teacher Unions have told you. Either enjoy your job or just quit. Period,end of story.
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Teacher Unions have promoted that "Woe is Me" Entitlement attitude for many years. Teachers don't have it nearly as bad as they claim. So they want to make more money? Gee who doesn't? Just take a close look at the benefits they enjoy. No other Professions in America enjoy the kinds of benefits Teachers enjoy. For example,how many workers will be enjoying a fully paid entire Summer off this year? No one but Teachers. So they don't have it so bad. The Teacher Unions just keep on promoting that "Woe is Me" attitude so they can rape the Taxpayers some more and get their Democrats elected. I'm completely sick of their whiny Entitlement attitude. Many other workers in America have it much worse than Teachers. Yet no one whines more than Teachers do. Time to boot the Teacher Unions from our Public Schools. Their time has passed.
Not so, most teachers work 10 months out of the year and are paid for 10 months work not 12. The only way these teachers get paid in summer is if the district spreads their 10 month's pay over 12.

Teachers are not paid an hour salary...they are deemed as exempt...they are paid annual salaries.

SO I do not know where you get that whole 10 months a year/12 months a year thing.

They are paid an annual it is irrelevant.

No, it isn't irrelevant. They get the same salary whether it is spread out over 10 or 12 months. If 12 months, they get less per month. If 10 months, they get more for 10 months and nothing for two. They still get paid shit.
All Weekends Off,Several Weeks of Holiday Time Off,and Entire Summers Off? Oh my,the horror of it all! Seriously,Teachers just bitch too much. The Teacher Unions only encourage this whiny Entitlement attitude. Most people are pretty sick of all the complaining. Just shut up and do your jobs Teachers! Nuff said.

It has already been pointed out what a fallacy your "sweet deal" claims are. Thank you for so well illustrating my point about how teachers have a right to bitch considering the vilification they are subject to.

I fear you are making this a cart befoire the horse thing.

No one was villifying them.

To the contrary, they were not even a subject of conversation other than the whole "tenure" issue...

However, when a few governors said "teachers need to be like everyone else and not continually get raises in recessions and all benefits and pensions paid for becuase we cant afford to do it anymore"....people on the left started to put them on a pedestal...saying that teachers are our future....and teachers make great sacrifices...and teachers work harder than anyone...and so on and so on...

So we just simply said...teachers are important and so are so many other trades in our republic....stop making them out to be the end all.

But no one is villifying them., it seems "some" governors are saying that the teachers are not worth as much as big business so we must cut the taxes to businesses (which we know they pay little of anyway) and make the public employees pay more. They are making the working class pay for the maleficence of greedy corporations and banks...that's what "some" really Koch sucking governors are doing.
Not so, most teachers work 10 months out of the year and are paid for 10 months work not 12. The only way these teachers get paid in summer is if the district spreads their 10 month's pay over 12.

Teachers are not paid an hour salary...they are deemed as exempt...they are paid annual salaries.

SO I do not know where you get that whole 10 months a year/12 months a year thing.

They are paid an annual it is irrelevant.

No, it isn't irrelevant. They get the same salary whether it is spread out over 10 or 12 months. If 12 months, they get less per month. If 10 months, they get more for 10 months and nothing for two. They still get paid shit.

Are you serious?
You really see it as a difference?

Please tell me that you are just arguing for the sake of arguing.....

72,000 a year over ten months is 7200 a month...over 12 months is 6K a month...and low and behold...after a year, you still have 72000 salary...same taxes, same spedning power...
The only need to be a little disciplined if you get it over 10 months.

Are you saying that may be a tough thing for a teacher? To know how much to save for the 2 dry months?
It has already been pointed out what a fallacy your "sweet deal" claims are. Thank you for so well illustrating my point about how teachers have a right to bitch considering the vilification they are subject to.

I fear you are making this a cart befoire the horse thing.

No one was villifying them.

To the contrary, they were not even a subject of conversation other than the whole "tenure" issue...

However, when a few governors said "teachers need to be like everyone else and not continually get raises in recessions and all benefits and pensions paid for becuase we cant afford to do it anymore"....people on the left started to put them on a pedestal...saying that teachers are our future....and teachers make great sacrifices...and teachers work harder than anyone...and so on and so on...

So we just simply said...teachers are important and so are so many other trades in our republic....stop making them out to be the end all.

But no one is villifying them., it seems "some" governors are saying that the teachers are not worth as much as big business so we must cut the taxes to businesses (which we know they pay little of anyway) and make the public employees pay more. They are making the working class pay for the maleficence of greedy corporations and banks...that's what "some" really Koch sucking governors are doing. I see your angle.

You are another one who is cluelsss about tax credits for corporations and why they exist...and tax dedcuctions for corporations and why they exist...and operating costs and how taxes are part of them....and how headcount is based on operating costs...

In other only know what those left wing talking heads want you to know.
The Taxpayers run the show,not the Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have obviously forgotten this. You don't like being a Teacher than simply quit. Someone will gladly replace you. People need jobs. But for God's sake,just stop with all the whiny entitlement shit. You're not entitled to anything. The days of Teacher Unions raping the Taxpayer are now over. It's time for Teacher Unions to accept this. They don't run this shit. The Taxpayers do! Have a nice day. :)
Just a couple of quick questions...Who on this Board will be receiving a fully paid Week off for Easter/Spring Break? Who on this Board will be receiving a fully paid entire Summer off this year? Just curious. Thanks.

What teachers get paid vacations? None I know. What teachers get a fully paid summer off? None I know.
It's ALL FOR THE KIDS don't you know?

The viagra, high wages, time off, sick pay, health care.....ALL BENEFIT the students...right?

It does, benefits are what keep workers happy and productive at their jobs. Productive teachers equal better students. But you haven't had a job so you wouldn't know benefits t all. Thanks for playing.
Just a couple of quick questions...Who on this Board will be receiving a fully paid Week off for Easter/Spring Break? Who on this Board will be receiving a fully paid entire Summer off this year? Just curious. Thanks.

What teachers get paid vacations? None I know. What teachers get a fully paid summer off? None I know.

Every one of them do.

Wrong again.

They get 2 options. Spread out their salary for 12 months or just for when they are in school. They do not get paid extra in the summer. They get paid nothing because they aren't working.

You lose but thanks for playing the "Do you have a brain game!"
They're making up the time so people are bitching about that.

If they didn't make up the time people would bitch about that.

Bitch, bitch, bitch . . . .
Just a couple of quick questions...Who on this Board will be receiving a fully paid Week off for Easter/Spring Break? Who on this Board will be receiving a fully paid entire Summer off this year? Just curious. Thanks.

What teachers get paid vacations? None I know. What teachers get a fully paid summer off? None I know.

You must be an hourly employee becuase you think like an hourly employee.

Teachers are not hourly. They are annual.

They get paid a salary and included in that is the right to take a vacation when they are not needed in the school without a deduction from their salary.

The same holds true for any exempt employee in any company.

The only differecne is a teachers vacation is decided by the school calendar.
The Taxpayers run the show,not the Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have obviously forgotten this. You don't like being a Teacher than simply quit. Someone will gladly replace you. People need jobs. But for God's sake,just stop with all the whiny entitlement shit. You're not entitled to anything. The days of Teacher Unions raping the Taxpayer are now over. It's time for Teacher Unions to accept this. They don't run this shit. The Taxpayers do! Have a nice day. :)

Oh yeah those horrible fat cat teachers. I mean lets not forget how we had to bail out your favorite people, the bankers. But bankers deserve the taxpayer money and profiting of that.

No, its those EVIL EVIL teachers.

You lose but thanks for playing the "Do you have a brain game!"

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