Studies confirm: Trump voters were motivated by racial prejudice — not ‘economic anxiety’

It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.

What were his views on Blacks, exactly? And immigrants? And muslims? And since when has anything been politically incorrect for democrats to accuse Trump and his supporters of racism and hate.....? That is all they have done since he started running.....

Trump only became a racist when he decided to run for President....decades in public life and no evidence of racism till then.

Trump supports legal immigration.....he just wants to stop illegal immigrants who commit crimes here, over and over again and who are still not deported.

Muslims......he wants to actually vet muslim immigrants from countries that actually are terrorist havens and training areas.....he put a temporary hold on immigrants from 6 muslim majority countries....there are 50 muslim majority countries in the world...and if you come from one of those countries, and are have no problem entering this country...

So please, genius....explain how this thread isn't really fucking stupid....
The way I see it, this 'president' needs to be delegitimized at every turn. He has turned this office into a disgraceful caricature. It isn't funny anymore. He is unfit and needs to go. Flyover country made a grave mistake.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion on this, and I'm sure that Mrs. Clinton will give it another try in 4 years and we'll see what happens.

But unless she gets off the false narrative that people in Flyover Country are "racist""Deplorables clinging to the guns and religion" instead of serious individuals that need respect, the 2020 election results will look the same as last year's.

She'll be dead before then. I'll applaud it.

I do not support Hillary Clinton.
And bigotry against the poor too. The dupes believe it's their fault they're poor, despite 50 years of the GOP party of the rich pandering to the rich and wrecking opportunity (expensive public u's even and college loans, cutting training programs etc etc...) and don't KNOW the rich aren't paying their fair share and are laughing all the way to the bank.

Define fair share.
Quite a bit higher than now (about 29% in ALL TAXES- same as the middle class), and enough so infrastructure and the nonrich can be invested in so we stop becoming a Reaganist banana republic.

Note figure 17 at the link, the top three income brackets 100,000+ pay 77.8% of all income taxes. You don't think thats enough?

You haven't been keeping up.

I suggest you start paying attention.

For example, when The cheeto says he's signing an "executive order" to get miners their jobs back, you need to look behind the curtain.

When he says he's improving education choices, you know that's a red frag and really means he's doing just the opposite.

Lots more examples of that and all you need to do is











Assumptions without facts, is that all you got?
Until there is a study about how racist Democrats and Hillary supporters are, you can take this and all the other "studies" of this nature and shove it back up your ass.

the democrat party has always been the party of racism and hate...every core group of the democrat party is based on raza, black lives matter, the naacp....on and on they are all openly and proudly racist....and barak obama sat in an openly and proudly racist church for 20 years......

racism and hate are all part of the democrat party...
And bigotry against the poor too. The dupes believe it's their fault they're poor, despite 50 years of the GOP party of the rich pandering to the rich and wrecking opportunity (expensive public u's even and college loans, cutting training programs etc etc...) and don't KNOW the rich aren't paying their fair share and are laughing all the way to the bank.

Define fair share.
Quite a bit higher than now (about 29% in ALL TAXES- same as the middle class), and enough so infrastructure and the nonrich can be invested in so we stop becoming a Reaganist banana republic.
We already pay far more than that, dumbass.
The OP, bumblebutt, seems a bit perturbed...

He is young and it's easy to get into his head.

What with living in his head and all, do you pay rent?

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Right over your head.

As usual.

RWNJs are fine with paying for what they don't get. Otherwise, they would never vote for such criminals as Ronnie RayGun, Nixon. the Bushes and now, the King of the Krookds, King TrumpleThinSkin.

View attachment 120604

I wish we could...but then whose money would you steal to fund all the democrat policies that wreck people's lives?
I can confirm that a big part of my decision to vote for a major party candidate for the first time in my life was the extreme racial prejudice coming from the left not just against white people, but also against asian people.
White liberal cucks think they are more manly than Asian men who actually love their own people and cultures.

Why do they deserve respect? Do they not do those very things? Are you trying to me that the stereotypes have no basis in reality? Seems a bit delusional, don't you think?

I don't care whether or not ultraliberal coastal democrats give the people in flyover country respect or not.

This is where the focus of power is in America now, this is where the votes are, and the Main Stream Media and the Liberal Elite can continue to wonder in the political desert for all eternity for all I care.

I'm just mentioning what they want to do, if they want to return to respectability. If they don't , that's their choice too.
All liberals shitpiles have is their little labels to deflect the spotlight from their OWN vile disgusting actions, and ideas. THEY are the definition of the things they call others, and the most vile disgusting vomit to ever be puked out. Since they love murdering children so much, I think we should enable RETROACTIVE abortion on demand by suction abortion done by anyone who hates a liberal.

Here is something for you stupid liberals to ponder< Trump voters were motivated by YOU, no matter what color, creed, race sexual orientation, or religion you are. We are tired of shit like you taking OUR MONEY, STEALING OUR LANDS, INFIRINGING ON OUR RIGHTS, INDOCTRINATING, and DESTROYING OUR CHILDREN and their FUTURES, INTIMIDATING, EXTORTING, and THREATENING US and OUR FAMILIES. BUT MOST OF ALL we are tired of the most stupid shallow disgusting people on earth talking down to us while holding out YOUR hand for a percentage of OUR LIVES. So be warned, IT HAS NOT EVEN started yet. WE ARE COMING for you and we will not be stopped by any of your BS.
What studies? The entire post is based on an editorial by a Brit left winger, Mindi Hasan, who works for the left wing Al Jazeera political blog.
Real tough guys lol. Actually old white curmudgeon hater dupes. Know nothings. Ugly Americans. Dying off, especially in the age of info. Trump will be an Obama clone soon as he learns you dupes and Fox Rush etc etc and he himself are just FOS minions of greedy idiot GOP brainwashing lying billionaires...
WOW! What seems to be the problem? I guess the Russian and Trump collusion story has fallen apart and you guys are fit to be tied. :itsok:
Still being investigated. Sorry the real world doesn't run on FoxRush time, superdupe. -As related by Dana Perino, the only RWer on the Five who's not a sell out moron...perhaps the only GOPer on the propaganda machine who's not...oh Shep recently.
She's a neverTrumper, moron.

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So is everyone who doesn't believe all the RW fake news...
All liberals shitpiles have is their little labels to deflect the spotlight from their OWN vile disgusting actions, and ideas. THEY are the definition of the things they call others, and the most vile disgusting vomit to ever be puked out. Since they love murdering children so much, I think we should enable RETROACTIVE abortion on demand by suction abortion done by anyone who hates a liberal.

Here is something for you stupid liberals to ponder< Trump voters were motivated by YOU, no matter what color, creed, race sexual orientation, or religion you are. We are tired of shit like you taking OUR MONEY, STEALING OUR LANDS, INFIRINGING ON OUR RIGHTS, INDOCTRINATING, and DESTROYING OUR CHILDREN and their FUTURES, INTIMIDATING, EXTORTING, and THREATENING US and OUR FAMILIES. BUT MOST OF ALL we are tired of the most stupid shallow disgusting people on earth talking down to us while holding out YOUR hand for a percentage of OUR LIVES. So be warned, IT HAS NOT EVEN started yet. WE ARE COMING for you and we will not be stopped by any of your BS.
For what disgusting actions? Allowing choice on abortion according to Supreme Court limits? Good guaranteed affordable as possible health care with savings coming FINALLY? Failed attempts to end ridiculous GOP pandering to the rich and corruption. Silly dupes...see sig-ALL PROVEN FACT.
And bigotry against the poor too. The dupes believe it's their fault they're poor, despite 50 years of the GOP party of the rich pandering to the rich and wrecking opportunity (expensive public u's even and college loans, cutting training programs etc etc...) and don't KNOW the rich aren't paying their fair share and are laughing all the way to the bank.

Define fair share.
Quite a bit higher than now (about 29% in ALL TAXES- same as the middle class), and enough so infrastructure and the nonrich can be invested in so we stop becoming a Reaganist banana republic.
We already pay far more than that, dumbass.
The OP, bumblebutt, seems a bit perturbed...

He is young and it's easy to get into his head.

What with living in his head and all, do you pay rent?

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The rich don't.
How stupid! Being anti-terrorist and/or anti-criminal is not bigotry and never has been.
It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.
/---- You mean Trump voters hate White People and that's why they didn't vote for Hildabeast? WOWZA
It became conventional wisdom during the presidential campaign that Donald Trump supporters were motivated by bigotry, until the Republican candidate won and it became politically incorrect for Democrats to say that.

But the problem with that forgiving logic is, it’s just not really true, reported The Intercept.

“Whether it’s good politics to say so or not, the evidence from the 2016 election is very clear that attitudes about blacks, immigrants, and Muslims were a key component of Trump’s appeal,” Philip Klinkner, a political scientist at Hamilton College, told the website.

An entire genre of newspaper reports has profiled Trump supporters who regret their votes, now that programs they use are on the chopping block, or still back the president — but a common theme is their disdain for “illegal” immigrants and changing U.S. demographics.

No one asked me why I voted for Trump.

It had nothing to do with Hillary Clinton's skin color.
/---- You mean Trump voters hate White People and that's why they didn't vote for Hildabeast? WOWZA
View attachment 120617

I don't know what our liberal friends could be thinking.

I don't see how the Dawg's Defeat could be attributed to "racism" at all. President Trump won Trumbull County by 6 points, Obama took the county by 23. How is it racism to vote for black guy by landslide proportions?

Trump lost Mahoning by 3, Obama won it 4 years previously by 28. Another 25 point swing in favor of the black guy.

The argument that Trump won because of "racism" is pretty specious, and probably made by someone who never heard of Trumbull County or Mahoning, or any of the other small to medium sized cities throughout the heartland. The "analyst" in question probably knows no one who owns an F150. But Trump's secret to victory was that the F150 is the best selling vehicle in North America. The smaller burgs added up for the Trumpster.
Studies confirm: Trump voters were motivated by racial prejudice — not ‘economic anxiety’
Anyone with more than two brain cells, which rules out Trump's Chumps, can only have one response to this news:


It was all about Mexicans and Muslims, and nothing but Mexican and Muslims.

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