Studies Shows Stronger Men More Right Wing

Makes sense.

The strong go out there and get the job done and try to give as many as possible a hand up. The weak just sit there, arms outstretched, looking for a handout.
One time 3 guys at a party were talking republican shit and I just couldn't keep my mouth shut.


And soon they were all begging you for mercy and have voted democrat ever since. Right, clown?

Is that really your picture? I beat up a guy like that once. I called him a little bitch and he stood up and said I dare you to say that again and laughingly I said you little bitch bitch bitch and he punched me as hard as he could square in the nose. I couldn't see so I just grabbed him and trashed his entire place with him until I could see then I put him in a body sissors until he begged everyone else to get me off of him. Lol.

OMG you have no clue what an ass you sound like trying to convince everyone how tough you are with made up stories. Here's what the rest of us real men do, we go by the simple philosophy that weaklings talk about how tough they are, but real tough guys don't talk at all, we just take care of business as needed. You betray your own meager stature and inferiority complex. You are EXACTLY like this dog:

That is so funny and cute. Actually how I am is if you fuck with me what I do is say things to get you to attack me then I engage. I dont talk smack trying to talk you out of wanting to fight. I actually virbally add fuel to the fire. But you would never get me to strike you from anything you say. Even if you keep calling me precious. Then I just start talking about your mother. If that doesnt work then your father then your sister then your daughter. Whatever I can say to get you to lose it. Might even be a lick of the lips and a wink.

Right. With big badasses like you the tough talk stops as soon as somebody takes you up on it. Then you shit your pants.

So no I am the opposite of what you think. ...


You seem to be exactly the poseur clown I think you are, Precious.
That's only because I hurt your conservative feelings. I love it.

You've never hurt anything, Precious, including feelings.
Usmb makes rules about saying the shit I say. And you would say "you wouldn't say that to my face" but the truth is if you piss me off dont blame me for how I respond.
So no I am the opposite of what you think. ...


You seem to be exactly the poseur clown I think you are, Precious.
That's only because I hurt your conservative feelings. I love it.

You've never hurt anything, Precious, including feelings.
Usmb makes rules about saying the shit I say. And you would say "you wouldn't say that to my face" but the truth is if you piss me off dont blame me for how I respond.


Scary stuff, Precious.
One time 3 guys at a party were talking republican shit and I just couldn't keep my mouth shut.


And soon they were all begging you for mercy and have voted democrat ever since. Right, clown?

Is that really your picture? I beat up a guy like that once. I called him a little bitch and he stood up and said I dare you to say that again and laughingly I said you little bitch bitch bitch and he punched me as hard as he could square in the nose. I couldn't see so I just grabbed him and trashed his entire place with him until I could see then I put him in a body sissors until he begged everyone else to get me off of him. Lol.

OMG you have no clue what an ass you sound like trying to convince everyone how tough you are with made up stories. Here's what the rest of us real men do, we go by the simple philosophy that weaklings talk about how tough they are, but real tough guys don't talk at all, we just take care of business as needed. You betray your own meager stature and inferiority complex. You are EXACTLY like this dog:

That is so funny and cute. Actually how I am is if you fuck with me what I do is say things to get you to attack me then I engage. I dont talk smack trying to talk you out of wanting to fight. I actually virbally add fuel to the fire. But you would never get me to strike you from anything you say. Even if you keep calling me precious. Then I just start talking about your mother. If that doesnt work then your father then your sister then your daughter. Whatever I can say to get you to lose it. Might even be a lick of the lips and a wink.

Right. With big badasses like you the tough talk stops as soon as somebody takes you up on it. Then you shit your pants.


Never lost a fight since 5th grade. I was the toughest guy in my college. Long story short I was a wrestler and there was this boxing tournament. Needless to say I was well known at my college. But who cares? I graduated and have a great career and life. Luckily I didn't hurt anyone or get hurt or go to jail.

And soon they were all begging you for mercy and have voted democrat ever since. Right, clown?

Is that really your picture? I beat up a guy like that once. I called him a little bitch and he stood up and said I dare you to say that again and laughingly I said you little bitch bitch bitch and he punched me as hard as he could square in the nose. I couldn't see so I just grabbed him and trashed his entire place with him until I could see then I put him in a body sissors until he begged everyone else to get me off of him. Lol.

OMG you have no clue what an ass you sound like trying to convince everyone how tough you are with made up stories. Here's what the rest of us real men do, we go by the simple philosophy that weaklings talk about how tough they are, but real tough guys don't talk at all, we just take care of business as needed. You betray your own meager stature and inferiority complex. You are EXACTLY like this dog:

That is so funny and cute. Actually how I am is if you fuck with me what I do is say things to get you to attack me then I engage. I dont talk smack trying to talk you out of wanting to fight. I actually virbally add fuel to the fire. But you would never get me to strike you from anything you say. Even if you keep calling me precious. Then I just start talking about your mother. If that doesnt work then your father then your sister then your daughter. Whatever I can say to get you to lose it. Might even be a lick of the lips and a wink.

Right. With big badasses like you the tough talk stops as soon as somebody takes you up on it. Then you shit your pants.


Never lost a fight since 5th grade. I was the toughest guy in my college. Long story short I was a wrestler and there was this boxing tournament. Needless to say I was well known at my college. But who cares? I graduated and have a great career and life. Luckily I didn't hurt anyone or get hurt or go to jail.

Your on a futile quest. Your illative tough talk has already revealed you for a pussy who wants everyone to think he's tough. I've already concluded that you got beat up a lot all through school and you're still angry and will probably strike back by being the next BTK killer. You've already outed yourself and you can't unring that bell.
One time 3 guys at a party were talking republican shit and I just couldn't keep my mouth shut.


And soon they were all begging you for mercy and have voted democrat ever since. Right, clown?

Is that really your picture? I beat up a guy like that once. I called him a little bitch and he stood up and said I dare you to say that again and laughingly I said you little bitch bitch bitch and he punched me as hard as he could square in the nose. I couldn't see so I just grabbed him and trashed his entire place with him until I could see then I put him in a body sissors until he begged everyone else to get me off of him. Lol.

OMG you have no clue what an ass you sound like trying to convince everyone how tough you are with made up stories. Here's what the rest of us real men do, we go by the simple philosophy that weaklings talk about how tough they are, but real tough guys don't talk at all, we just take care of business as needed. You betray your own meager stature and inferiority complex. You are EXACTLY like this dog:

That is so funny and cute. Actually how I am is if you fuck with me what I do is say things to get you to attack me then I engage. I dont talk smack trying to talk you out of wanting to fight. I actually virbally add fuel to the fire. But you would never get me to strike you from anything you say. Even if you keep calling me precious. Then I just start talking about your mother. If that doesnt work then your father then your sister then your daughter. Whatever I can say to get you to lose it. Might even be a lick of the lips and a wink.

Right. With big badasses like you the tough talk stops as soon as somebody takes you up on it. Then you shit your pants.


You just dont want to believe I'm tough. If you wanted it to be true you'd believe it. The other guy too. I'll prove it that you two just dont want to believe it by telling you something you do wish were true. You ready?

I want to suck both of your cocks so bad right now. Or one of you in my ass and the other in my mouth. Both of you fucking me hard. You reach around and grab my hard cock.

Do you believe I'm gay? Why? Because you want it to be true? Why dont you believe I'm tough then? Maybe you dont want it as bad?

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