Studies Shows Stronger Men More Right Wing

For all you "there's more than one kind of strength" Leftists:

We're seeing weakness on display right now with your hero, President Selfie advertising weakness to all our enemies and our allies too. Every despotic regime in the world is growing stronger in the wake of our limp dick lack of leadership. We are told to "lead from behind" and arm the Kurds to do our fighting for us. ISIS, Iran, and every other Islamic entity is emboldened by our paltry void of assertiveness. Conservatives identify the enemy and take the fight to the enemy. But now that Leftists are in charge, we won't even acknowledge who the enemy is.

So let the record show that we are stronger than you pansy ass gender-ambiguous Leftist pussies at the gym and on the battlefield. We beat you in every endeavor of strength there is.
So at the weight room you go around asking a person's political affiliation? Even if you did, a small survey like this, maybe 2 or 3 people before you're told to get lost or get your butt kicked, is not representative of what millions do.
One time 3 guys at a party were talking republican shit and I just couldn't keep my mouth shut.


And soon they were all begging you for mercy and have voted democrat ever since. Right, clown?


Right? Come on Precious, don't get shy now. Give with the details of your imagined badassery.


I'd rather talk about your wig.

If I wore one we could, Precious, but you "have kicked so much ass" that you must have lots more to say about it. Don't be shy, Precious.
I dont fight anymore. I got arrested maybe 5 years ago and had to hire a lawyer to prove it was self defense.

I was late 30s and I'm only 5'7 and the kid was 25 and a big guy over 6'. He never in a million years imagined I'd be on top that fast. Apparently the cop didn't like it that I didn't have a scratch on me. I tried to explain you dont have to be physically hit to defend yourself but he was just a dumb cop.

Precious. Lol youre so gay. Is that really your cheesy face?
For all you "there's more than one kind of strength" Leftists:

We're seeing weakness on display right now with your hero, President Selfie advertising weakness to all our enemies and our allies too. Every despotic regime in the world is growing stronger in the wake of our limp dick lack of leadership. We are told to "lead from behind" and arm the Kurds to do our fighting for us. ISIS, Iran, and every other Islamic entity is emboldened by our paltry void of assertiveness. Conservatives identify the enemy and take the fight to the enemy. But now that Leftists are in charge, we won't even acknowledge who the enemy is.

So let the record show that we are stronger than you pansy ass gender-ambiguous Leftist pussies at the gym and on the battlefield. We beat you in every endeavor of strength there is.
That was before bush broke our military. How many tours did our troops have to endure because George bush invaded Baghdad. Didn't even finish afganistan first. In fact let Osama get away. They loved using him as a boogyman while military contractors bankrupted us and offshored the profits. Republicans hate american workers and middle class and the poor. They fucked us all.

Really? The blame Bush card again?

Since you're mentioning military, yeah, blame that little sissy boy bush. She hid out in the national guard stateside while John Kerry and Oliver Stone did the fighting in Vietnam.
It also does not measure courage, will power, or discipline.

I would be curious what Lance Armstrong's bicep measurements are. He has relatively slim arms, despite the fact that he is the best cyclist to ever compete in the sport. His legs are strong as hell.
You are a fatbody with noodle arms. You don't even lift, or you wouldn't be freaking out about your small bicep size and trying to prove how strong you are.

I am not freaking out about anything. I am laughing at the idea that bicep measurements are the main measurement for strength.
You are laughing nervously because you are an insecure pussy. If you were so strong despite your small arms, why don't you post your lift stats to prove your point. But please, tell us more about all those people with bitch arms like you that are strong.
You're the only insecure pussy I see around here. And you seem to have an obsession with big arms and cocks. So, I can only assume you like guys with big arms to jack off on your weak chin.
Why do you liberal faggots talk about dick so much? Oh wait never mind.
Project much?
One time 3 guys at a party were talking republican shit and I just couldn't keep my mouth shut.


And soon they were all begging you for mercy and have voted democrat ever since. Right, clown?


Right? Come on Precious, don't get shy now. Give with the details of your imagined badassery.


I'd rather talk about your wig.

If I wore one we could, Precious, but you "have kicked so much ass" that you must have lots more to say about it. Don't be shy, Precious.
I dont fight anymore.

Ya don't say... :rolleyes:

It sure seems you're wrestling with reality - and losing.
I was late 30s and I'm only 5'7 and the kid was 25 and a big guy over 6'. He never in a million years imagined I'd be on top that fast. Apparently the cop didn't like it that I didn't have a scratch on me. I tried to explain you dont have to be physically hit to defend yourself but he was just a dumb cop.

Failed your creative writing class, huh Precious?
One time 3 guys at a party were talking republican shit and I just couldn't keep my mouth shut.


And soon they were all begging you for mercy and have voted democrat ever since. Right, clown?

Is that really your picture?.

Are you really that stupid, Precious?
I felt stupid meeting with a lawyer and risking being found guilty of assault and/or battery. Real stupid. Now I realize its not worth it. Doesnt matter how tough you are there will always be guys willing to test you and you get very little out of winning a fight. And you risk a lot.

But I never lost a fight. Well maybe one in 5th grade. Fucking john Rayha. My childhood friends and my brother still bring him up after all these years and it still bothers me. I was like Michael j fox in back to the future if you called him chicken.
You are a fatbody with noodle arms. You don't even lift, or you wouldn't be freaking out about your small bicep size and trying to prove how strong you are.

I am not freaking out about anything. I am laughing at the idea that bicep measurements are the main measurement for strength.
You are laughing nervously because you are an insecure pussy. If you were so strong despite your small arms, why don't you post your lift stats to prove your point. But please, tell us more about all those people with bitch arms like you that are strong.
You're the only insecure pussy I see around here. And you seem to have an obsession with big arms and cocks. So, I can only assume you like guys with big arms to jack off on your weak chin.
Why do you liberal faggots talk about dick so much? Oh wait never mind.
Project much?
Uh, no.

And soon they were all begging you for mercy and have voted democrat ever since. Right, clown?


Right? Come on Precious, don't get shy now. Give with the details of your imagined badassery.


I'd rather talk about your wig.

If I wore one we could, Precious, but you "have kicked so much ass" that you must have lots more to say about it. Don't be shy, Precious.
I dont fight anymore.

Ya don't say... :rolleyes:

It sure seems you're wrestling with reality - and losing.
Actually I had a huge scratch. My knuckle w
I was late 30s and I'm only 5'7 and the kid was 25 and a big guy over 6'. He never in a million years imagined I'd be on top that fast. Apparently the cop didn't like it that I didn't have a scratch on me. I tried to explain you dont have to be physically hit to defend yourself but he was just a dumb cop.

Failed your creative writing class, huh Precious?
I'm done your gay pic bothers me.
No shock really. Just pointing out what everyone knows.

Stronger men are more right-wing - Telegraph

This liberal served in the US Marine Corps, climbs mountains, walked from Mexico to Lake Tahoe, spent a summer climbing in Yosemite, skis the back country, works as an aerial arborist, and considers a relaxing vacation backpacking deep in the wilderness. Yep, I'm really weak.
I like how every liberal in the thread is a champion Weight Lifter or Marine, therefore that somehow disproves the study. :lol:
So funny Family Guy is airing the rush Limbaugh episode. Chuck norris and mickey Rourke were the two tough republicans they brought up in the song medly.
How much do you bench, deadlift, squat?

How much I curl would be the only measure that goes along with the ridiculous study. Bench pressing works the chest mostly, and squats are lower body.

I'm in the gym 4 or 5 days a week. And I am against wealth redistribution. But the idea that bicep size is the sole measure of "strength" is hilarious.
Answer the question faggot.

You just lost the argument.

No I didn't, this goon is just trying to say how strong he is despite his noodle arms, yet he won't even post his basic lift stats(bench, dead lift, squat).

Why don't you answer the question faggot. Post your stats. Or do you not even lift?

Look Sparky, let me try and explain this to you, and I'll type slow so you can keep up.

I am laughing at a study that uses bicep measurements as the sole measure of strength. What I bench, deadlift or squat has nothing to do with any of that. It ignores every type of strength except curls (and maybe tricep presses). That you think it has any really meaning is even funnier.

I laugh at "martial arts" dudes who thing a black belt trumps a Black Talon.
For all you "there's more than one kind of strength" Leftists:

We're seeing weakness on display right now with your hero, President Selfie advertising weakness to all our enemies and our allies too. Every despotic regime in the world is growing stronger in the wake of our limp dick lack of leadership. We are told to "lead from behind" and arm the Kurds to do our fighting for us. ISIS, Iran, and every other Islamic entity is emboldened by our paltry void of assertiveness. Conservatives identify the enemy and take the fight to the enemy. But now that Leftists are in charge, we won't even acknowledge who the enemy is.

So let the record show that we are stronger than you pansy ass gender-ambiguous Leftist pussies at the gym and on the battlefield. We beat you in every endeavor of strength there is.
So at the weight room you go around asking a person's political affiliation? Even if you did, a small survey like this, maybe 2 or 3 people before you're told to get lost or get your butt kicked, is not representative of what millions do.

The study is. The one in the OP you didn't read.
One time 3 guys at a party were talking republican shit and I just couldn't keep my mouth shut.


And soon they were all begging you for mercy and have voted democrat ever since. Right, clown?

Is that really your picture? I beat up a guy like that once. I called him a little bitch and he stood up and said I dare you to say that again and laughingly I said you little bitch bitch bitch and he punched me as hard as he could square in the nose. I couldn't see so I just grabbed him and trashed his entire place with him until I could see then I put him in a body sissors until he begged everyone else to get me off of him. Lol.

OMG you have no clue what an ass you sound like trying to convince everyone how tough you are with made up stories. Here's what the rest of us real men do, we go by the simple philosophy that weaklings talk about how tough they are, but real tough guys don't talk at all, we just take care of business as needed. You betray your own meager stature and inferiority complex. You are EXACTLY like this dog:

I'm done ....

You're overdone, Precious. Go dream up some new bullshit.
I bet you smell like dirty perfume.

Keep your sick fantasies to yourself, deviant.
Idk ur perdy
One time 3 guys at a party were talking republican shit and I just couldn't keep my mouth shut.


And soon they were all begging you for mercy and have voted democrat ever since. Right, clown?

Is that really your picture? I beat up a guy like that once. I called him a little bitch and he stood up and said I dare you to say that again and laughingly I said you little bitch bitch bitch and he punched me as hard as he could square in the nose. I couldn't see so I just grabbed him and trashed his entire place with him until I could see then I put him in a body sissors until he begged everyone else to get me off of him. Lol.

OMG you have no clue what an ass you sound like trying to convince everyone how tough you are with made up stories. Here's what the rest of us real men do, we go by the simple philosophy that weaklings talk about how tough they are, but real tough guys don't talk at all, we just take care of business as needed. You betray your own meager stature and inferiority complex. You are EXACTLY like this dog:

I'm only telling you because you're on the web. When people hear I'm tough from friends who know they are shocked because I'm so nice. Theyve never seen me upset. So no I am the opposite of what you think. People mistake my kindness for weakness.
It also does not measure courage, will power, or discipline.

I would be curious what Lance Armstrong's bicep measurements are. He has relatively slim arms, despite the fact that he is the best cyclist to ever compete in the sport. His legs are strong as hell.
You are a fatbody with noodle arms. You don't even lift, or you wouldn't be freaking out about your small bicep size and trying to prove how strong you are.

I am not freaking out about anything. I am laughing at the idea that bicep measurements are the main measurement for strength.
You are laughing nervously because you are an insecure pussy. If you were so strong despite your small arms, why don't you post your lift stats to prove your point. But please, tell us more about all those people with bitch arms like you that are strong.
You're the only insecure pussy I see around here. And you seem to have an obsession with big arms and cocks. So, I can only assume you like guys with big arms to jack off on your weak chin.
Why do you liberal faggots talk about dick so much? Oh wait never mind.

Why does ACORN's symbol look like a boy baby's junk?


There's some mysteries that will never be solved.

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