Studies Shows Stronger Men More Right Wing

No shock really. Just pointing out what everyone knows.

Stronger men are more right-wing - Telegraph

This liberal served in the US Marine Corps, climbs mountains, walked from Mexico to Lake Tahoe, spent a summer climbing in Yosemite, skis the back country, works as an aerial arborist, and considers a relaxing vacation backpacking deep in the wilderness. Yep, I'm really weak.
No shock really. Just pointing out what everyone knows.

Stronger men are more right-wing - Telegraph

This liberal served in the US Marine Corps, climbs mountains, walked from Mexico to Lake Tahoe, spent a summer climbing in Yosemite, skis the back country, works as an aerial arborist, and considers a relaxing vacation backpacking deep in the wilderness. Yep, I'm really weak.
I like how every liberal in the thread is a champion Weight Lifter or Marine, therefore that somehow disproves the study. :lol:
No shock really. Just pointing out what everyone knows.

Stronger men are more right-wing - Telegraph

This liberal served in the US Marine Corps, climbs mountains, walked from Mexico to Lake Tahoe, spent a summer climbing in Yosemite, skis the back country, works as an aerial arborist, and considers a relaxing vacation backpacking deep in the wilderness. Yep, I'm really weak.
I like how every liberal in the thread is a champion Weight Lifter or Marine, therefore that somehow disproves the study. :lol:

I can confirm I served. Ask me a question only someone who served in the Marine Corps could answer. Which branch of military did you serve?
Zimmerman was a brown **** and a obama voter who somewhat redeemed himself by limiting a nagger.

Zimmerman is a typical American; brown, chubby, likes guns, and is mildly socially dysfunctional.
Oh I thought since conservatives defended him he was one of them.
I am not American. But I am conservative and supported him because he took out a savage and future ward of the state. He saved you guys a lot of trouble and money down the road.

So the kid was a savage and a future ward of the state? You know this how?

I am still curious how you think you know the kid was a savage and a future ward of the state.
He was a savage because he attacked George Zimmerman, he would have been a future ward of the state because of his several criminal proclivities, from theft, to drug use/dealing, to violent assault. If he had survived that incident, he would have been arrested for assault against George Zimmerman.
He was woopin zimmermans ass. Its why pussy conservatives are so afraid theyre going to get beat up.

And again remember the toughest guys in school were never the smartest.. So we are like the characters from big bang. Smart nerdy geeks. And name 5 republican politicians you wouldnt beat in a fight. Our tough guys are barbie frank and harry Reid. Harry would kick your ass.
No shock really. Just pointing out what everyone knows.

Stronger men are more right-wing - Telegraph

This liberal served in the US Marine Corps, climbs mountains, walked from Mexico to Lake Tahoe, spent a summer climbing in Yosemite, skis the back country, works as an aerial arborist, and considers a relaxing vacation backpacking deep in the wilderness. Yep, I'm really weak.
I like how every liberal in the thread is a champion Weight Lifter or Marine, therefore that somehow disproves the study. :lol:
Just like your polls said mitt was gonna win we suspect your study is suspect.
No shock really. Just pointing out what everyone knows.

Stronger men are more right-wing - Telegraph

This liberal served in the US Marine Corps, climbs mountains, walked from Mexico to Lake Tahoe, spent a summer climbing in Yosemite, skis the back country, works as an aerial arborist, and considers a relaxing vacation backpacking deep in the wilderness. Yep, I'm really weak.
I like how every liberal in the thread is a champion Weight Lifter or Marine, therefore that somehow disproves the study. :lol:

I can confirm I served. Ask me a question only someone who served in the Marine Corps could answer. Which branch of military did you serve?
LOL, ok whatever you say. If you were in the Marines, I guess they didn't teach you about statistical outliers.
Oh I thought since conservatives defended him he was one of them.
I am not American. But I am conservative and supported him because he took out a savage and future ward of the state. He saved you guys a lot of trouble and money down the road.

So the kid was a savage and a future ward of the state? You know this how?

I am still curious how you think you know the kid was a savage and a future ward of the state.
He was a savage because he attacked George Zimmerman, he would have been a future ward of the state because of his several criminal proclivities, from theft, to drug use/dealing, to violent assault. If he had survived that incident, he would have been arrested for assault against George Zimmerman.
He was woopin zimmermans ass. Its why pussy conservatives are so afraid theyre going to get beat up.

And again remember the toughest guys in school were never the smartest.. So we are like the characters from big bang. Smart nerdy geeks. And name 5 republican politicians you wouldnt beat in a fight. Our tough guys are barbie frank and harry Reid. Harry would kick your ass.
You are bragging about that savage who assaulted the mexican neighborhood watch? You view that as some victory for liberalism? :lol:

I guess liberals lost since your precious little nagger got limited. He had to learn the hard way not to randomly assault people.
I think for liberal noodle armed pussies, this kind of struck a cord. They claim bicep size doesn't reflect strength, but have yet to give an example of this mythical person of strength with small arms like them.

I have given several examples of why measuring biceps is not an accurate representation of "strength". But if you choose to ignore it, that is fine with me.
No you haven't given a single example of these stronger individuals with small arms, not a single one. Even if you gave one exception, which you haven't, it doesn't disprove the general rule. Sure, there can be someone with freakish leg strength, that doesn't work their upper body at all, but generally those of greater strength by default will have larger biceps than those of lesser strength. Just a fact.

The problem along with liberals being weak in body and aesthetically unpleasing(like you), is they are autistic(like you). They don't understand studies that measure trends. They think one exception or outlier to the rule discounts the rule.

Actually, I have explained several ways that strength does not equate to bicep size.

Physically yes it does. It's impossible to develop pectorals, deltoids, and the trapezius without developing the arms as well through resistance exercise. A strong body, taut, well exercised, and fully developed, will invariably have enlarged biceps and triceps. Anyone with skinny arms bearing little muscle mass will be weak all over.

Which means you're wrong.

Of course, that is the only kind of strength? I can think of quite a few business tycoons and innovators that look far more like nerds than like athletes. They had the strength to build a business.

And, of course, there was all the ranting about stats for bench press, deadlift and squats. Those are apparently major indicators as well. Ok, so they were ignored by the study, but still they must be important, considering all the noise made about them.
I think for liberal noodle armed pussies, this kind of struck a cord. They claim bicep size doesn't reflect strength, but have yet to give an example of this mythical person of strength with small arms like them.

I have given several examples of why measuring biceps is not an accurate representation of "strength". But if you choose to ignore it, that is fine with me.
No you haven't given a single example of these stronger individuals with small arms, not a single one. Even if you gave one exception, which you haven't, it doesn't disprove the general rule. Sure, there can be someone with freakish leg strength, that doesn't work their upper body at all, but generally those of greater strength by default will have larger biceps than those of lesser strength. Just a fact.

The problem along with liberals being weak in body and aesthetically unpleasing(like you), is they are autistic(like you). They don't understand studies that measure trends. They think one exception or outlier to the rule discounts the rule.
No shock really. Just pointing out what everyone knows.

Stronger men are more right-wing - Telegraph

This liberal served in the US Marine Corps, climbs mountains, walked from Mexico to Lake Tahoe, spent a summer climbing in Yosemite, skis the back country, works as an aerial arborist, and considers a relaxing vacation backpacking deep in the wilderness. Yep, I'm really weak.
I like how every liberal in the thread is a champion Weight Lifter or Marine, therefore that somehow disproves the study. :lol:

I can confirm I served. Ask me a question only someone who served in the Marine Corps could answer. Which branch of military did you serve?
LOL, ok whatever you say. If you were in the Marines, I guess they didn't teach you about statistical outliers.
Actually one of the best things taught in the military is how to use an idiots strength against them.. I see you running your gums with no intelligence coming out. You can have all the strength in the world but if you are slow and don't know how to use it is not very beneficial. See its not all about strength, it's about the forces. When you combine agility strength and physics together it will always prevail against strength alone. Now since i'm not a huge fan of violence I would never throw the first punch and that takes more will power than actually throwing that punch, but when that punch is thrown its all downhill from there lol.
No shock really. Just pointing out what everyone knows.

Stronger men are more right-wing - Telegraph

This liberal served in the US Marine Corps, climbs mountains, walked from Mexico to Lake Tahoe, spent a summer climbing in Yosemite, skis the back country, works as an aerial arborist, and considers a relaxing vacation backpacking deep in the wilderness. Yep, I'm really weak.
I like how every liberal in the thread is a champion Weight Lifter or Marine, therefore that somehow disproves the study. :lol:

I can confirm I served. Ask me a question only someone who served in the Marine Corps could answer. Which branch of military did you serve?
LOL, ok whatever you say. If you were in the Marines, I guess they didn't teach you about statistical outliers.

No, they didn't. It was the Marine Corps, not Statistics class.
No shock really. Just pointing out what everyone knows.

Stronger men are more right-wing - Telegraph

This liberal served in the US Marine Corps, climbs mountains, walked from Mexico to Lake Tahoe, spent a summer climbing in Yosemite, skis the back country, works as an aerial arborist, and considers a relaxing vacation backpacking deep in the wilderness. Yep, I'm really weak.
I like how every liberal in the thread is a champion Weight Lifter or Marine, therefore that somehow disproves the study. :lol:

I like how you think measuring biceps of a group of wealthy men proves much of anything.
I am not American. But I am conservative and supported him because he took out a savage and future ward of the state. He saved you guys a lot of trouble and money down the road.

So the kid was a savage and a future ward of the state? You know this how?

I am still curious how you think you know the kid was a savage and a future ward of the state.
He was a savage because he attacked George Zimmerman, he would have been a future ward of the state because of his several criminal proclivities, from theft, to drug use/dealing, to violent assault. If he had survived that incident, he would have been arrested for assault against George Zimmerman.
He was woopin zimmermans ass. Its why pussy conservatives are so afraid theyre going to get beat up.

And again remember the toughest guys in school were never the smartest.. So we are like the characters from big bang. Smart nerdy geeks. And name 5 republican politicians you wouldnt beat in a fight. Our tough guys are barbie frank and harry Reid. Harry would kick your ass.
You are bragging about that savage who assaulted the mexican neighborhood watch? You view that as some victory for liberalism? :lol:

I guess liberals lost since your precious little nagger got limited. He had to learn the hard way not to randomly assault people.
While I would agree words should never cause violence they are actually starting to re think stand your ground because its possible pussies like you and zimmerman think it means you can go around acting hard and when you are on your back you get to murder the man because you bit off more than you could chew.

I've kicked so much ass I literally should or could have been murdered several times just because I happen to be tougher than you.

It all boils down to this. If I was scared of the situation I would have drawn my gun before the fight even started. And if I get in a fight I'll take the ass whipping before I murder a person. You right wingers are such pussies. None of my right winger pals are tough. I dont buy this bs
I think for liberal noodle armed pussies, this kind of struck a cord. They claim bicep size doesn't reflect strength, but have yet to give an example of this mythical person of strength with small arms like them.

I have given several examples of why measuring biceps is not an accurate representation of "strength". But if you choose to ignore it, that is fine with me.
No you haven't given a single example of these stronger individuals with small arms, not a single one. Even if you gave one exception, which you haven't, it doesn't disprove the general rule. Sure, there can be someone with freakish leg strength, that doesn't work their upper body at all, but generally those of greater strength by default will have larger biceps than those of lesser strength. Just a fact.

The problem along with liberals being weak in body and aesthetically unpleasing(like you), is they are autistic(like you). They don't understand studies that measure trends. They think one exception or outlier to the rule discounts the rule.

Actually, I have explained several ways that strength does not equate to bicep size.

Physically yes it does. It's impossible to develop pectorals, deltoids, and the trapezius without developing the arms as well through resistance exercise. A strong body, taut, well exercised, and fully developed, will invariably have enlarged biceps and triceps. Anyone with skinny arms bearing little muscle mass will be weak all over.

Which means you're wrong.

Of course, that is the only kind of strength? I can think of quite a few business tycoons and innovators that look far more like nerds than like athletes. They had the strength to build a business.

And, of course, there was all the ranting about stats for bench press, deadlift and squats. Those are apparently major indicators as well. Ok, so they were ignored by the study, but still they must be important, considering all the noise made about them.
I'd rather have small arms and a big dick than the other way around. Lol
I think for liberal noodle armed pussies, this kind of struck a cord. They claim bicep size doesn't reflect strength, but have yet to give an example of this mythical person of strength with small arms like them.

I have given several examples of why measuring biceps is not an accurate representation of "strength". But if you choose to ignore it, that is fine with me.
No you haven't given a single example of these stronger individuals with small arms, not a single one. Even if you gave one exception, which you haven't, it doesn't disprove the general rule. Sure, there can be someone with freakish leg strength, that doesn't work their upper body at all, but generally those of greater strength by default will have larger biceps than those of lesser strength. Just a fact.

The problem along with liberals being weak in body and aesthetically unpleasing(like you), is they are autistic(like you). They don't understand studies that measure trends. They think one exception or outlier to the rule discounts the rule.

Actually, I have explained several ways that strength does not equate to bicep size.

Physically yes it does. It's impossible to develop pectorals, deltoids, and the trapezius without developing the arms as well through resistance exercise. A strong body, taut, well exercised, and fully developed, will invariably have enlarged biceps and triceps. Anyone with skinny arms bearing little muscle mass will be weak all over.

Which means you're wrong.

Of course, that is the only kind of strength? I can think of quite a few business tycoons and innovators that look far more like nerds than like athletes. They had the strength to build a business.

And, of course, there was all the ranting about stats for bench press, deadlift and squats. Those are apparently major indicators as well. Ok, so they were ignored by the study, but still they must be important, considering all the noise made about them.

So then you missed the point of the OP and the source article, that conservative men are physically stronger than Leftist men.

And even missing the point you're wrong because conservative men also come out on top when measuring inner mettle and moral stamina. That's why they join the military and become firefighters and cops. It's why they won a desperate war against two global tyrants in World War 2 and it's why they were the ones who built the infrastructure of this nation. Conservative men are braver, more resilient, and stronger than their metrosexual Leftist counterparts by EVERY MEASURE of strength.
I have given several examples of why measuring biceps is not an accurate representation of "strength". But if you choose to ignore it, that is fine with me.
No you haven't given a single example of these stronger individuals with small arms, not a single one. Even if you gave one exception, which you haven't, it doesn't disprove the general rule. Sure, there can be someone with freakish leg strength, that doesn't work their upper body at all, but generally those of greater strength by default will have larger biceps than those of lesser strength. Just a fact.

The problem along with liberals being weak in body and aesthetically unpleasing(like you), is they are autistic(like you). They don't understand studies that measure trends. They think one exception or outlier to the rule discounts the rule.

Actually, I have explained several ways that strength does not equate to bicep size.

Physically yes it does. It's impossible to develop pectorals, deltoids, and the trapezius without developing the arms as well through resistance exercise. A strong body, taut, well exercised, and fully developed, will invariably have enlarged biceps and triceps. Anyone with skinny arms bearing little muscle mass will be weak all over.

Which means you're wrong.

Of course, that is the only kind of strength? I can think of quite a few business tycoons and innovators that look far more like nerds than like athletes. They had the strength to build a business.

And, of course, there was all the ranting about stats for bench press, deadlift and squats. Those are apparently major indicators as well. Ok, so they were ignored by the study, but still they must be important, considering all the noise made about them.

So then you missed the point of the OP and the source article, that conservative men are physically stronger than Leftist men.

And even missing the point you're wrong because conservative men also come out on top when measuring inner mettle and moral stamina. That's why they join the military and become firefighters and cops. It's why they won a desperate war against two global tyrants in World War 2 and it's why they were the ones who built the infrastructure of this nation. Conservative men are braver, more resilient, and stronger than their metrosexual Leftist counterparts by EVERY MEASURE of strength.
Why is there reference to gay or metro or weak for being leftist? Being more of a leftist myself this thread makes no sense whatsoever. All I see is a bunch of people arguing over how they are better than someone else.. It doesn't prove anything. It just proves you like to try to brag more. You cant sit there and say that all men who served were conservative. That is just speculation. This whole thread is speculation.
No you haven't given a single example of these stronger individuals with small arms, not a single one. Even if you gave one exception, which you haven't, it doesn't disprove the general rule. Sure, there can be someone with freakish leg strength, that doesn't work their upper body at all, but generally those of greater strength by default will have larger biceps than those of lesser strength. Just a fact.

The problem along with liberals being weak in body and aesthetically unpleasing(like you), is they are autistic(like you). They don't understand studies that measure trends. They think one exception or outlier to the rule discounts the rule.

Actually, I have explained several ways that strength does not equate to bicep size.

Physically yes it does. It's impossible to develop pectorals, deltoids, and the trapezius without developing the arms as well through resistance exercise. A strong body, taut, well exercised, and fully developed, will invariably have enlarged biceps and triceps. Anyone with skinny arms bearing little muscle mass will be weak all over.

Which means you're wrong.

Of course, that is the only kind of strength? I can think of quite a few business tycoons and innovators that look far more like nerds than like athletes. They had the strength to build a business.

And, of course, there was all the ranting about stats for bench press, deadlift and squats. Those are apparently major indicators as well. Ok, so they were ignored by the study, but still they must be important, considering all the noise made about them.

So then you missed the point of the OP and the source article, that conservative men are physically stronger than Leftist men.

And even missing the point you're wrong because conservative men also come out on top when measuring inner mettle and moral stamina. That's why they join the military and become firefighters and cops. It's why they won a desperate war against two global tyrants in World War 2 and it's why they were the ones who built the infrastructure of this nation. Conservative men are braver, more resilient, and stronger than their metrosexual Leftist counterparts by EVERY MEASURE of strength.
Why is there reference to gay or metro or weak for being leftist? Being more of a leftist myself this thread makes no sense whatsoever. All I see is a bunch of people arguing over how they are better than someone else.. It doesn't prove anything. It just proves you like to try to brag more. You cant sit there and say that all men who served were conservative. That is just speculation. This whole thread is speculation.

Wrong. It's based on a study referenced in the OP. That's not speculation. We are stronger on average by every measure than you pansy ass metrosexual shemales.

Oh yeah!
I think for liberal noodle armed pussies, this kind of struck a cord. They claim bicep size doesn't reflect strength, but have yet to give an example of this mythical person of strength with small arms like them.

I have given several examples of why measuring biceps is not an accurate representation of "strength". But if you choose to ignore it, that is fine with me.
No you haven't given a single example of these stronger individuals with small arms, not a single one. Even if you gave one exception, which you haven't, it doesn't disprove the general rule. Sure, there can be someone with freakish leg strength, that doesn't work their upper body at all, but generally those of greater strength by default will have larger biceps than those of lesser strength. Just a fact.

The problem along with liberals being weak in body and aesthetically unpleasing(like you), is they are autistic(like you). They don't understand studies that measure trends. They think one exception or outlier to the rule discounts the rule.
No shock really. Just pointing out what everyone knows.

Stronger men are more right-wing - Telegraph

This liberal served in the US Marine Corps, climbs mountains, walked from Mexico to Lake Tahoe, spent a summer climbing in Yosemite, skis the back country, works as an aerial arborist, and considers a relaxing vacation backpacking deep in the wilderness. Yep, I'm really weak.
I like how every liberal in the thread is a champion Weight Lifter or Marine, therefore that somehow disproves the study. :lol:

I can confirm I served. Ask me a question only someone who served in the Marine Corps could answer. Which branch of military did you serve?
LOL, ok whatever you say. If you were in the Marines, I guess they didn't teach you about statistical outliers.
Actually one of the best things taught in the military is how to use an idiots strength against them.. I see you running your gums with no intelligence coming out. You can have all the strength in the world but if you are slow and don't know how to use it is not very beneficial. See its not all about strength, it's about the forces. When you combine agility strength and physics together it will always prevail against strength alone. Now since i'm not a huge fan of violence I would never throw the first punch and that takes more will power than actually throwing that punch, but when that punch is thrown its all downhill from there lol.
So the kid was a savage and a future ward of the state? You know this how?

I am still curious how you think you know the kid was a savage and a future ward of the state.
He was a savage because he attacked George Zimmerman, he would have been a future ward of the state because of his several criminal proclivities, from theft, to drug use/dealing, to violent assault. If he had survived that incident, he would have been arrested for assault against George Zimmerman.
He was woopin zimmermans ass. Its why pussy conservatives are so afraid theyre going to get beat up.

And again remember the toughest guys in school were never the smartest.. So we are like the characters from big bang. Smart nerdy geeks. And name 5 republican politicians you wouldnt beat in a fight. Our tough guys are barbie frank and harry Reid. Harry would kick your ass.
You are bragging about that savage who assaulted the mexican neighborhood watch? You view that as some victory for liberalism? :lol:

I guess liberals lost since your precious little nagger got limited. He had to learn the hard way not to randomly assault people.
While I would agree words should never cause violence they are actually starting to re think stand your ground because its possible pussies like you and zimmerman think it means you can go around acting hard and when you are on your back you get to murder the man because you bit off more than you could chew.

I've kicked so much ass I literally should or could have been murdered several times just because I happen to be tougher than you.

It all boils down to this. If I was scared of the situation I would have drawn my gun before the fight even started. And if I get in a fight I'll take the ass whipping before I murder a person. You right wingers are such pussies. None of my right winger pals are tough. I dont buy this bs

Your rant reminds me of...
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Mod Edit - source: Navy Seal Copypasta Know Your Meme
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