Studies Shows Stronger Men More Right Wing

No shock really. Just pointing out what everyone knows.

Stronger men are more right-wing - Telegraph
I doubt that's true. Me and my ju jit su buddy are the toughest guy I know and we're not come. I bet all the black men who vote democratic would have something to say about that.
>internet nerd talking about martial arts
>talking like some cuck about black guys
>liberal faggot
You cons are such blow hards. Here is what I've noticed about conservatives. They are oussies. When I threaten them with violence what's the first thing they bring up? Their guns. Zimmerman is a great example. Pussy.
Zimmerman was a brown **** and a obama voter who somewhat redeemed himself by limiting a nagger.

Zimmerman is a typical American; brown, chubby, likes guns, and is mildly socially dysfunctional.
No shock really. Just pointing out what everyone knows.

Stronger men are more right-wing - Telegraph
I doubt that's true. Me and my ju jit su buddy are the toughest guy I know and we're not come. I bet all the black men who vote democratic would have something to say about that.
>internet nerd talking about martial arts
>talking like some cuck about black guys
>liberal faggot
You cons are such blow hards. Here is what I've noticed about conservatives. They are oussies. When I threaten them with violence what's the first thing they bring up? Their guns. Zimmerman is a great example. Pussy.
Zimmerman was a brown **** and a obama voter who somewhat redeemed himself by limiting a nagger.

Zimmerman is a typical American; brown, chubby, likes guns, and is mildly socially dysfunctional.
Oh I thought since conservatives defended him he was one of them.
No shock really. Just pointing out what everyone knows.

Stronger men are more right-wing - Telegraph
I doubt that's true. Me and my ju jit su buddy are the toughest guy I know and we're not come. I bet all the black men who vote democratic would have something to say about that.
>internet nerd talking about martial arts
>talking like some cuck about black guys
>liberal faggot
You cons are such blow hards. Here is what I've noticed about conservatives. They are oussies. When I threaten them with violence what's the first thing they bring up? Their guns. Zimmerman is a great example. Pussy.
Zimmerman was a brown **** and a obama voter who somewhat redeemed himself by limiting a nagger.

Zimmerman is a typical American; brown, chubby, likes guns, and is mildly socially dysfunctional.
Oh I thought since conservatives defended him he was one of them.
I am not American. But I am conservative and supported him because he took out a savage and future ward of the state. He saved you guys a lot of trouble and money down the road.
I doubt that's true. Me and my ju jit su buddy are the toughest guy I know and we're not come. I bet all the black men who vote democratic would have something to say about that.
>internet nerd talking about martial arts
>talking like some cuck about black guys
>liberal faggot
You cons are such blow hards. Here is what I've noticed about conservatives. They are oussies. When I threaten them with violence what's the first thing they bring up? Their guns. Zimmerman is a great example. Pussy.
Zimmerman was a brown **** and a obama voter who somewhat redeemed himself by limiting a nagger.

Zimmerman is a typical American; brown, chubby, likes guns, and is mildly socially dysfunctional.
Oh I thought since conservatives defended him he was one of them.
I am not American. But I am conservative and supported him because he took out a savage and future ward of the state. He saved you guys a lot of trouble and money down the road.

So the kid was a savage and a future ward of the state? You know this how?
I doubt that's true. Me and my ju jit su buddy are the toughest guy I know and we're not come. I bet all the black men who vote democratic would have something to say about that.
>internet nerd talking about martial arts
>talking like some cuck about black guys
>liberal faggot
You cons are such blow hards. Here is what I've noticed about conservatives. They are oussies. When I threaten them with violence what's the first thing they bring up? Their guns. Zimmerman is a great example. Pussy.
Zimmerman was a brown **** and a obama voter who somewhat redeemed himself by limiting a nagger.

Zimmerman is a typical American; brown, chubby, likes guns, and is mildly socially dysfunctional.
Oh I thought since conservatives defended him he was one of them.
I am not American. But I am conservative and supported him because he took out a savage and future ward of the state. He saved you guys a lot of trouble and money down the road.
When something bad happens to you soon and it will trust me. Will you please think of me when it does? Think about how your attitude makes people root against you. Not a good way to go through life. And if we feel this way about you I bet the people in your real life do too.
lol. Claiming bicep size as a sign of strength is like that claiming intelligence is based on the size of your head. What total poppycock.
No shock really. Just pointing out what everyone knows.

Stronger men are more right-wing - Telegraph
I doubt that's true. Me and my ju jit su buddy are the toughest guy I know and we're not come. I bet all the black men who vote democratic would have something to say about that.
>internet nerd talking about martial arts
>talking like some cuck about black guys
>liberal faggot
You cons are such blow hards. Here is what I've noticed about conservatives. They are oussies. When I threaten them with violence what's the first thing they bring up? Their guns. Zimmerman is a great example. Pussy.
Zimmerman was a brown **** and a obama voter who somewhat redeemed himself by limiting a nagger.

Zimmerman is a typical American; brown, chubby, likes guns, and is mildly socially dysfunctional.
Oh I thought since conservatives defended him he was one of them.

Conservatives defend the facts, something that doesn't exist in the Leftwatisphere.
Another typically misleading psychological "study" where just two variables are taken into account and a weak hypothesis developed from it.
I think for liberal noodle armed pussies, this kind of struck a cord. They claim bicep size doesn't reflect strength, but have yet to give an example of this mythical person of strength with small arms like them.
I think for liberal noodle armed pussies, this kind of struck a cord. They claim bicep size doesn't reflect strength, but have yet to give an example of this mythical person of strength with small arms like them.

I have given several examples of why measuring biceps is not an accurate representation of "strength". But if you choose to ignore it, that is fine with me.
>internet nerd talking about martial arts
>talking like some cuck about black guys
>liberal faggot
You cons are such blow hards. Here is what I've noticed about conservatives. They are oussies. When I threaten them with violence what's the first thing they bring up? Their guns. Zimmerman is a great example. Pussy.
Zimmerman was a brown **** and a obama voter who somewhat redeemed himself by limiting a nagger.

Zimmerman is a typical American; brown, chubby, likes guns, and is mildly socially dysfunctional.
Oh I thought since conservatives defended him he was one of them.
I am not American. But I am conservative and supported him because he took out a savage and future ward of the state. He saved you guys a lot of trouble and money down the road.

So the kid was a savage and a future ward of the state? You know this how?

I am still curious how you think you know the kid was a savage and a future ward of the state.
I think for liberal noodle armed pussies, this kind of struck a cord. They claim bicep size doesn't reflect strength, but have yet to give an example of this mythical person of strength with small arms like them.

I have given several examples of why measuring biceps is not an accurate representation of "strength". But if you choose to ignore it, that is fine with me.
No you haven't given a single example of these stronger individuals with small arms, not a single one. Even if you gave one exception, which you haven't, it doesn't disprove the general rule. Sure, there can be someone with freakish leg strength, that doesn't work their upper body at all, but generally those of greater strength by default will have larger biceps than those of lesser strength. Just a fact.

The problem along with liberals being weak in body and aesthetically unpleasing(like you), is they are autistic(like you). They don't understand studies that measure trends. They think one exception or outlier to the rule discounts the rule.
You cons are such blow hards. Here is what I've noticed about conservatives. They are oussies. When I threaten them with violence what's the first thing they bring up? Their guns. Zimmerman is a great example. Pussy.
Zimmerman was a brown **** and a obama voter who somewhat redeemed himself by limiting a nagger.

Zimmerman is a typical American; brown, chubby, likes guns, and is mildly socially dysfunctional.
Oh I thought since conservatives defended him he was one of them.
I am not American. But I am conservative and supported him because he took out a savage and future ward of the state. He saved you guys a lot of trouble and money down the road.

So the kid was a savage and a future ward of the state? You know this how?

I am still curious how you think you know the kid was a savage and a future ward of the state.
He was a savage because he attacked George Zimmerman, he would have been a future ward of the state because of his several criminal proclivities, from theft, to drug use/dealing, to violent assault. If he had survived that incident, he would have been arrested for assault against George Zimmerman.
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I think for liberal noodle armed pussies, this kind of struck a cord. They claim bicep size doesn't reflect strength, but have yet to give an example of this mythical person of strength with small arms like them.

I have given several examples of why measuring biceps is not an accurate representation of "strength". But if you choose to ignore it, that is fine with me.
No you haven't given a single example of these stronger individuals with small arms, not a single one. Even if you gave one exception, which you haven't, it doesn't disprove the general rule. Sure, there can be someone with freakish leg strength, that doesn't work their upper body at all, but generally those of greater strength by default will have larger biceps than those of lesser strength. Just a fact.

The problem along with liberals being weak in body and aesthetically unpleasing(like you), is they are autistic(like you). They don't understand studies that measure trends. They think one exception or outlier to the rule discounts the rule.

This was so apparent when Obama had a meeting with Arnold Swarzenegger who himself said that Obama needs to pump some iron. The asshat David Brookes said he was really impressed with the up and coming Obama because of the sharp crease in his pants. What he didn't seem to understand is that a sharp crease in suit pants is caused by very skinny legs and says nothing about a man's character. Since Obama is the Democrat Mascot, it's fitting that he be the perfect visual aid for the physical weakness of the average Leftist, the womanly body, the effeminate limbs, oh yeah, and the crease in his pants.
I think for liberal noodle armed pussies, this kind of struck a cord. They claim bicep size doesn't reflect strength, but have yet to give an example of this mythical person of strength with small arms like them.

I have given several examples of why measuring biceps is not an accurate representation of "strength". But if you choose to ignore it, that is fine with me.
No you haven't given a single example of these stronger individuals with small arms, not a single one. Even if you gave one exception, which you haven't, it doesn't disprove the general rule. Sure, there can be someone with freakish leg strength, that doesn't work their upper body at all, but generally those of greater strength by default will have larger biceps than those of lesser strength. Just a fact.

The problem along with liberals being weak in body and aesthetically unpleasing(like you), is they are autistic(like you). They don't understand studies that measure trends. They think one exception or outlier to the rule discounts the rule.

Actually, I have explained several ways that strength does not equate to bicep size.
I think for liberal noodle armed pussies, this kind of struck a cord. They claim bicep size doesn't reflect strength, but have yet to give an example of this mythical person of strength with small arms like them.

I have given several examples of why measuring biceps is not an accurate representation of "strength". But if you choose to ignore it, that is fine with me.
No you haven't given a single example of these stronger individuals with small arms, not a single one. Even if you gave one exception, which you haven't, it doesn't disprove the general rule. Sure, there can be someone with freakish leg strength, that doesn't work their upper body at all, but generally those of greater strength by default will have larger biceps than those of lesser strength. Just a fact.

The problem along with liberals being weak in body and aesthetically unpleasing(like you), is they are autistic(like you). They don't understand studies that measure trends. They think one exception or outlier to the rule discounts the rule.

Actually, I have explained several ways that strength does not equate to bicep size.

Physically yes it does. It's impossible to develop pectorals, deltoids, and the trapezius without developing the arms as well through resistance exercise. A strong body, taut, well exercised, and fully developed, will invariably have enlarged biceps and triceps. Anyone with skinny arms bearing little muscle mass will be weak all over.

Which means you're wrong.
I think for liberal noodle armed pussies, this kind of struck a cord. They claim bicep size doesn't reflect strength, but have yet to give an example of this mythical person of strength with small arms like them.

I have given several examples of why measuring biceps is not an accurate representation of "strength". But if you choose to ignore it, that is fine with me.
No you haven't given a single example of these stronger individuals with small arms, not a single one. Even if you gave one exception, which you haven't, it doesn't disprove the general rule. Sure, there can be someone with freakish leg strength, that doesn't work their upper body at all, but generally those of greater strength by default will have larger biceps than those of lesser strength. Just a fact.

The problem along with liberals being weak in body and aesthetically unpleasing(like you), is they are autistic(like you). They don't understand studies that measure trends. They think one exception or outlier to the rule discounts the rule.

This was so apparent when Obama had a meeting with Arnold Swarzenegger who himself said that Obama needs to pump some iron. The asshat David Brookes said he was really impressed with the up and coming Obama because of the sharp crease in his pants. What he didn't seem to understand is that a sharp crease in suit pants is caused by very skinny legs and says nothing about a man's character. Since Obama is the Democrat Mascot, it's fitting that he be the perfect visual aid for the physical weakness of the average Leftist, the womanly body, the effeminate limbs, oh yeah, and the crease in his pants.

No surprise of course.
Lib men are affected much more by emotions, thus their ideological thinking is highly compromised by "feelings" and logic therefore ends up playing a secondary role.

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