Study 43% of Americans say supporting the first amendment is racist

American hating hypocrite, not really proud of being an American, you are right. Not since I saw Trump's rallys and Trump, well the Tea Party actually pissed me off.
so whoever the President is holds absolute sway in whether you are proud to be an American or not.

good lord, that is the most pathetic thing I have ever read from an adult.

Actually its what republicans have become and those who attended Trumps rallies, with chants of Lock her UP.
Trump is nothing but a charlatan and has been for decades.
the second most pathetic thing I have ever read from an adult.

you should really go back to your schools and beat the fuck out of every history teacher for giving you a passing grade.

History in HS , well we were always the good guys. I have learned a lot since then.
then learn what inspired the Anthem, once you understand that, you will understand my point of view.
The War of 1812 was a war won by nobody.
so whoever the President is holds absolute sway in whether you are proud to be an American or not.

good lord, that is the most pathetic thing I have ever read from an adult.

Actually its what republicans have become and those who attended Trumps rallies, with chants of Lock her UP.
Trump is nothing but a charlatan and has been for decades.
the second most pathetic thing I have ever read from an adult.

you should really go back to your schools and beat the fuck out of every history teacher for giving you a passing grade.

History in HS , well we were always the good guys. I have learned a lot since then.
then learn what inspired the Anthem, once you understand that, you will understand my point of view.

Wasn't it Ft. McHenry and water rights? War of 1812 against the British. Home of the brave and land of the free(not for blacks it wasn't)
It was a war won by nobody.
Some people that are leftist aren't always right or sane with their arguments. Doesn't mean that people on the right don't do the same thing.
That stupid woman is sending a message to blacks and Hispanics to avoid learning math. There is a pattern of dumbing down the youth from the Left. It has to do with gaining power over people. How anybody with two or more brain cells can support leftist ideology is beyond my understanding. The DNC needs to rid itself of these people.and start welcoming those with moderate views.
This is what happens when the media and the dnc run and push division.

you can't tell certain jokes anymore w/o getting screamed at
you can't check a woman out w/o her getting her twat twisted up

it's terrible, the PC nonsense should have been shut down in the 80's with changing he to he/she
So, you are against free speech for the media and the DNC?

they don't believe in free speech at all... unless its rightwingnut pond scum
Study: 43 Percent of Americans Say Supporting First Amendment is Racist

A study released Tuesday states 43 percent of Americans believe supporting someone’s right to make offensive statements is equivalent to holding those same views.

Released by the Cato Institute, the survey found a stark political and racial divide among Americans in regards to the First Amendment and free speech.


Unsurprisingly, Democrats and self-described liberals were most supportive of not only limiting speech but of using the government to

You brain dead leftist should be terrified of these results, if you are smart enough you will realize this is your free speech to dumbasses.
I understand the fear you racists have of not being about to spew your hate speak.

You certainly have the right to do it.
Look no further than the black football players taking a knee, those "SOB's" "fire them
Still running with that weak argument. This is about what you can do ON THE JOB.
If the people paying these assholes are ok with that, then the CONSUMER is under no obligation to SUPPORT THEM.
INFOwarts again. Hardly news, and not reliable.

Disinformation is why you sheep remain clueless and you never bothered to even go to the fkn link which proves how half ass you weak minds who can only debate with the "INFOWARS BS" is as weak as a wet pice of toilet paper.
Gawd get a fkn brain and click the LINKS PROVIDED by the ORIGINAL SOURCE!!

You are so weak
INFOwarts again. Hardly news, and not reliable.


You are their victim, anyone who can see where the research came from and still uses infowars to deny it...

The republican party appears to be anti-first amendment...

Look no further than the black football players taking a knee, those "SOB's" "fire them".

Look no further than leftist snowflakes rioting on a college campus because they don't like the scheduled speaker.
they don't believe in free speech at all... unless its rightwingnut pond scum
. Site ONE example where a liberal was prevented from speaking to a group on a college campus because conservatives rioted. Site one example a speaker was shouted down by campus republicans and prevented fro speaking.
Cato institute, biased source. But a certain percentage probably do agree about ignoring the 1st.
This is the result of people who have a higher intelligence than to use infowars as their denial point. Because, if you can click a link. those who can't figure that out yet might actually learn something because articles often put their original source.

We know that's a bit to hard for some weak minds to ever learn and those are the idiots bringing communism to this Country but to fkn stupid to realize that's what they're doing LMFAO.

The State of Free Speech and Tolerance in America


The republican party appears to be anti-first amendment...

Look no further than the black football players taking a knee, those "SOB's" "fire them".
yall hypocrites openly hate Tim Tebow for kneeling to pray, but fully support some racist idiots for shitting on the anthem

the lefts grasp of right and wrong is completely jacked

Maybe they are praying? Ever think of that, praying for racial justice. What do you think of when you stand for the NA? What. How nice of people who have died and were maimed to bring you freedom to peacefully protest, that is what you should be thinking about.
nope im thinking enough singing.....lets PLAY BALL!......

The republican party appears to be anti-first amendment...
We're only anti-press when the press can't tell the truth about Trump which is always.

We're only anti- protesting when the protesters block others freedom of speech while burning down a Hindu's 7-Eleven and crapping on cop cars.

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