Study: 6th mass extinction already underway -- and we're the cause

Ah, I can tell you didn't bother to read the study, let alone make an attempt to care.
"For example, about 477 vertebrate species have gone extinct since 1900, according to the study. Based on previous extinctions, only nine species would have been expected to die off in the same time frame had it not been for mankind's involvement.

"The number of species that have gone extinct in the last century would have taken ... between 800 and 10,000 years to disappear," the study reported. "These estimates reveal an exceptionally rapid loss of biodiversity over the last few centuries, indicating that a sixth mass extinction is already underway."
The old die to make room for the new to be born.
It's just the way it is.
We're contributing to the extinction of these species, and we have the power to save them, don't give me your idiocy.
Just because you have the power doesn't mean you should use it.
Nature insists that the old forms die to be replaced with new improved species. That is the way things work. It's called evolution. You aren't against evolution are you?

But what if we killed them?
Ah, I can tell you didn't bother to read the study, let alone make an attempt to care.
"For example, about 477 vertebrate species have gone extinct since 1900, according to the study. Based on previous extinctions, only nine species would have been expected to die off in the same time frame had it not been for mankind's involvement.

"The number of species that have gone extinct in the last century would have taken ... between 800 and 10,000 years to disappear," the study reported. "These estimates reveal an exceptionally rapid loss of biodiversity over the last few centuries, indicating that a sixth mass extinction is already underway."
The old die to make room for the new to be born.
It's just the way it is.
We're contributing to the extinction of these species, and we have the power to save them, don't give me your idiocy.
Just because you have the power doesn't mean you should use it.
Nature insists that the old forms die to be replaced with new improved species. That is the way things work. It's called evolution. You aren't against evolution are you?

But what if we killed them?
We are a part of nature, our killing them is a part of natures plan.
What if we relocated endangered species to Guam, this way when it tips over Progressives have 2 things to cry about
We could bring all these animals back with cloning. ;) Why not double our national forest and put them in them??
Would it be a good idea to double the size of our national parks and animal preserves in order to protect them? Maybe make damn sure people can't get in as they'd be arrested and fined big time for doing so.

We all know that a lot of animals are dying out....
Would it be a good idea to double the size of our national parks and animal preserves in order to protect them? Maybe make damn sure people can't get in as they'd be arrested and fined big time for doing so.

We all know that a lot of animals are dying out....

God really, really need some real responsibilities in your life!! Then you wont be worrying about stoopid stuff!!!:coffee:
We are the first apex species capable of understanding the damage we are causing.. it's a shame so many people don't care.
The Earth's sixth mass extinction is already underway — and humans are the driving force behind it, according to a new study.

"Recent extinction rates are unprecedented in human history and highly unusual in Earth's history," according to a study published Friday in the journalScience Advances. "Our global society has started to destroy species of other organisms at an accelerating rate, initiating a mass extinction episode unparalleled for 65 million years."

Researchers used "extremely conservative assumptions" to determine extinction rates that prevailed in the past five annihilation events. Still, they found the average rate of vertebrate species lost over the past century was up to 114 times higher than normal.


13 species we might have to say goodbye to in 2015

For example, about 477 vertebrate species have gone extinct since 1900, according to the study. Based on previous extinctions, only nine species would have been expected to die off in the same time frame had it not been for mankind's involvement.

"The number of species that have gone extinct in the last century would have taken ... between 800 and 10,000 years to disappear," the study reported. "These estimates reveal an exceptionally rapid loss of biodiversity over the last few centuries, indicating that a sixth mass extinction is already underway."

The previous five mass extinctions happened well before mankind walked the Earth, and are believed to have been mainly caused by natural disasters, such as asteroid impacts and volcanic eruptions.

The last mass extinction happened some 65 million years ago, killing off the dinosaurs. Overall, each mass extinction event has rid the planet of up to 96% of its species each time.


An elephant splashes at sunset in the waters of the Chobe river in Botswana Chobe National Park, in the northeastern part of the country on March 20, 2015. African elephants could be extinct in the wild within a few decades, experts warn. (Photo: Chris Jek, AFP/Getty Images)

In the past few decades, several animal species have been labeled extinct, including the Chinese paddlefish, Yangtze River dolphin, Pyrenean ibex and western black rhinoceros.
Study 6th mass extinction already underway -- and we re the cause

At 1st I was going to ask you senior members if his guy was serious, but then I seen this guy has about as much seniority as I do, so I will answer him myself!

Comrade/socialist/communist/liberal.....the only thing that has assumed room temperature recently is the USSR. I know you want to bring back command and control to the elites with your scare tactic nonsense, but Mr Socialist/communist/liberal elite, that just isn't going to happen!
We are the first apex species capable of understanding the damage we are causing.. it's a shame so many people don't care.
The Earth's sixth mass extinction is already underway — and humans are the driving force behind it, according to a new study.

"Recent extinction rates are unprecedented in human history and highly unusual in Earth's history," according to a study published Friday in the journalScience Advances. "Our global society has started to destroy species of other organisms at an accelerating rate, initiating a mass extinction episode unparalleled for 65 million years."

Researchers used "extremely conservative assumptions" to determine extinction rates that prevailed in the past five annihilation events. Still, they found the average rate of vertebrate species lost over the past century was up to 114 times higher than normal.


13 species we might have to say goodbye to in 2015

For example, about 477 vertebrate species have gone extinct since 1900, according to the study. Based on previous extinctions, only nine species would have been expected to die off in the same time frame had it not been for mankind's involvement.

"The number of species that have gone extinct in the last century would have taken ... between 800 and 10,000 years to disappear," the study reported. "These estimates reveal an exceptionally rapid loss of biodiversity over the last few centuries, indicating that a sixth mass extinction is already underway."

The previous five mass extinctions happened well before mankind walked the Earth, and are believed to have been mainly caused by natural disasters, such as asteroid impacts and volcanic eruptions.

The last mass extinction happened some 65 million years ago, killing off the dinosaurs. Overall, each mass extinction event has rid the planet of up to 96% of its species each time.


An elephant splashes at sunset in the waters of the Chobe river in Botswana Chobe National Park, in the northeastern part of the country on March 20, 2015. African elephants could be extinct in the wild within a few decades, experts warn. (Photo: Chris Jek, AFP/Getty Images)

In the past few decades, several animal species have been labeled extinct, including the Chinese paddlefish, Yangtze River dolphin, Pyrenean ibex and western black rhinoceros.
Study 6th mass extinction already underway -- and we re the cause

At 1st I was going to ask you senior members if his guy was serious, but then I seen this guy has about as much seniority as I do, so I will answer him myself!

Comrade/socialist/communist/liberal.....the only thing that has assumed room temperature recently is the USSR. I know you want to bring back command and control to the elites with your scare tactic nonsense, but Mr Socialist/communist/liberal elite, that just isn't going to happen!
OK, just what is Communist, socialist, or liberal about wishing to preserve the wonderful plant and animal life on this planet? The evidence for the fact that we are losing species at a rate that classifies the current period as a period of mass extinction is obvious to anybody that has studied the observations from the scientists around the world.

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