Study links Prozac, Paxil use with birth defects


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
Study links Prozac Paxil use with birth defects Reuters
So that's why our kids get dumber with every passing year. It's because everyone in the country consumes antidepressants which lead to birth defects. Maybe it's time to stop trying to solve your problems with some magic pills? Are our lives really that miserable to stay depressed 24/7? There are much better ways to become happy. Sport, love, family, healthy food. All these things are proven to work.
Study links Prozac Paxil use with birth defects Reuters
So that's why our kids get dumber with every passing year. It's because everyone in the country consumes antidepressants which lead to birth defects. Maybe it's time to stop trying to solve your problems with some magic pills? Are our lives really that miserable to stay depressed 24/7? There are much better ways to become happy. Sport, love, family, healthy food. All these things are proven to work.

Jesus Christ is the answer. The drugs you mentioned have also been linked to liver cancer because they also they may taken in very small doses they are cumulative. These synthetic SSRI's do not leave the body. They stay there.

There are times that people get depressed. King David got depressed. He also came out of it by encouraging himself in the LORD. We've become a society that has bought that lie that we need a pill for everything. The consequences have yet to be realized because many of these drugs are relatively new.
There are times that people get depressed. King David got depressed. He also came out of it by encouraging himself in the LORD. We've become a society that has bought that lie that we need a pill for everything. The consequences have yet to be realized because many of these drugs are relatively new.
I don't think that religion is the answer though it can help to cope with depression. The worst thing is that marijuana is getting legalized everywhere. It may lead even to even worse consequences.
Ironfist, Jesus didn't come to bring us "religion". That is what man brought us because they didn't want to do it God's way - they wanted control over the laity. That is where the term Nicolaitans comes from. Nico means controller and laitans - laity. Controller of the laity - it is the perfect picture of what Roman Catholicism (the whore of Babylon Church) does to it's people. Controls them and keeps them bound up in rituals, dead religion, pagan customs and ceremonies while warning them not to read the King James Bible - which would set them free from their grip. Jesus Christ came to bring us deliverance, healing, salvation, to set at liberty the captives -there is true liberty in Christ and none in man made religion.

That's the difference.
Ironfist, Jesus didn't come to bring us "religion". That is what man brought us because they didn't want to do it God's way - they wanted control over the laity. That is where the term Nicolaitans comes from. Nico means controller and laitans - laity. Controller of the laity - it is the perfect picture of what Roman Catholicism (the whore of Babylon Church) does to it's people. Controls them and keeps them bound up in rituals, dead religion, pagan customs and ceremonies while warning them not to read the King James Bible - which would set them free from their grip. Jesus Christ came to bring us deliverance, healing, salvation, to set at liberty the captives -there is true liberty in Christ and none in man made religion.

That's the difference.
I agree with you. People must believe in Jesus deep inside their souls. The only true faith is the faith you bring in your heart. Bible was not about churches and rituals, it was about compassion and hope.
Ironfist, Jesus didn't come to bring us "religion". That is what man brought us because they didn't want to do it God's way - they wanted control over the laity. That is where the term Nicolaitans comes from. Nico means controller and laitans - laity. Controller of the laity - it is the perfect picture of what Roman Catholicism (the whore of Babylon Church) does to it's people. Controls them and keeps them bound up in rituals, dead religion, pagan customs and ceremonies while warning them not to read the King James Bible - which would set them free from their grip. Jesus Christ came to bring us deliverance, healing, salvation, to set at liberty the captives -there is true liberty in Christ and none in man made religion.

That's the difference.
I agree with you. People must believe in Jesus deep inside their souls. The only true faith is the faith you bring in your heart. Bible was not about churches and rituals, it was about compassion and hope.

The Bible is a 2,000 yr old (plus) arrow pointing straight at Jesus Christ. Every Book - all 66 of them - is a picture - a revelation of Jesus Christ. The only true faith is the faith that has placed its hope in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and no man can come to the Father except through the Son. If there was no need for the plan of redemption God would not have sent His Only Begotten Son to the Calvary for our sins. He would have spared Him. He didn't and if we neglect so great a salvation? We will remain condemned in our sins and find ourselves eternally separated from God. It was through God's Son that He chose to reconcile us back to Him. Through Jesus Christ alone we can be reconciled back to God. Without Jesus Christ? It is impossible and we remain condemned in our sins. (which means we cannot enter into heaven when we die but will be spending eternity in hell).
69% is more than 2/3's...

Study: 69% of Patients on Antidepressants Are Not Clinically Depressed
October 22, 2015 | Sixty-nine percent, or more than two-thirds of patients currently using the most commonly prescribed antidepressant medications, “never met the criteria for major depressive disorder,” according to a recent study published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
“Many individuals who are prescribed and use antidepressant medications may not have met criteria for mental disorders. Our data indicate that antidepressants are commonly used in the absence of clear evidence-based indications,” according to the study. Researchers also found that besides not having a major depressive disorder, 38 percent of patients who had been prescribed anti-depressants known as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft) never met the criteria for “obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social phobia, or generalized anxiety disorder” either.


However, anti-depressants were prescribed for conditions unrelated to major depressive disorder, including “female gender, Caucasian ethnicity, recent or current physical problems (e.g. loss of bladder control, hypertension, and back pain), and recent mental health facility visits were associated with antidepressant use in addition to mental disorders.” “Nearly one in five women in the U.S. takes an antidepressant,” according to an article in Scientific American, even though SSRIs “are particularly likely to cause sexual dysfunction.” “Many individuals prescribed antidepressants may not have met the criteria for mental disorders. We all experience periods of stress, periods of sadness, and periods of self-doubt. These don’t make us mentally ill, they define us as human,” the study authors noted.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC), anti-depressants are among the three most frequently prescribed therapeutic drugs. The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) states that “clinical depression should be diagnosed if a person has five or more depressive symptoms over a two week period, most of the day, nearly every day.”

These symptoms include:

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