Study: Majority of Americans believe U.S. losing it's culture and idenity


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A new study has found that 55% of the U.S. public believe America is in danger of losing its culture and identity.

Almost half (48%) of white working class Americans also feel that “things have changed so much that I often feel like a stranger in my own country,” while 62% believe that immigrants arriving from other countries threaten American culture...............................

Study: Majority of Americans Believe U.S. Losing its Culture and Identity


The msm has the uninformed totally believing the opposite . The average sheep bites their bait every time.
Well, in some ways I agree but consider our history with our wanting to fight for freedom of other members of our society and workers rights being as a corner stone of American society in the 19th through the mid 20th century...Mindwars that is just as important as baseball, apple pie and eating turkey with your family at Thanksgiving.

Giving the rich everything is the very thing white people fought against in the early 20th century and isn't our identity! It is true that our racial make up is changing and this is why I partly agree that other cultures are taking over but once again the college or the fight for personal freedom isn't our enemy.
Study: Majority of Americans believe U.S. losing it's [sic] culture and idenity

As demonstrated above --- we've already lost our language.
"Losing it is culture" doesn't make any sense, now does it?

The msm has the uninformed totally believing the opposite . The average sheep bites their bait every time.

Ummmm yeah. If that's true then how do you explain your own poll?

/Thread puts gun to own head, pulls trigger
If you were to ask the same people what it is they are losing I'd bet you'd get no intelligent answer. The very things that alienate people and cause them to dislike or distrust government are part of the very machine that has caused the problem. See 'Dark Money' for how government is lied about and demonized to give more power and money to the conservative and corporate rich. Government ain't perfect, but the crooks and robbers wanting reduced regulations and taxes are the real threat to America. Of course the average person will buy into the story it is the black or immigrant who are the problem, and oh those bad liberal dems causing all the problems. At that point one should wake up... and question how.

"Giving every man a vote has no more made men wise and free than Christianity has made them good." H. L. Mencken
Regardless of the poll, those who hate the country are thrilled to see the decay, and they're doing everything they can to exacerbate it.

When you hate a country's history, traditions and values, the decay can't happen quickly enough.
America is an ever changing culture , our best days are ahead

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