Study Reveals Near Half of Clinton’s ‘Deplorables’ Once Supported Her


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
So, they weren't always Deplorable or Unredeemable?

Hillary Clinton’s infamous “basket of deplorables” moment, where she attacked half of candidate Trump’s support base, was actually an attack on many people who would may have been considering voting for her.

Candidate Clinton’s elitist rhetoric throughout the campaign, as well as her perceived entitlement to the office of the President of the United States, will have no doubt turned many of these voters away.

The Democrats may have signed their own electoral death warrant when stacking the nomination in favour of Hillary Clinton, given that American Preservationists and the Anti-Elites are more Democratic-friendly, and considering:

While 78 percent [of Anti-Elites] have an unfavorable view of Clinton today, only 47 percent felt similarly toward Obama in 2012. Had a Democrat other than Clinton been on the ticket in 2016, Anti-Elites may have split their votes for him or her over Trump. Next to Trump, Anti-Elites were most likely to have voted for John Kasich (22 percent) in the early primaries.

The stark shift away from feeling favorable about Mrs. Clinton can perhaps be explained by the marked policy shifts she made over the period from 2012-16, as well as the number of botched events as Secretary of State, and scandals including Benghazi that she was either partly or wholly blamed for.


The Five Types of Trump Voters | Democracy Fund Voter Study Group

HOW SHE LOST: Study Reveals Near Half of Clinton's 'Deplorables' Once Supported Her
Listening to the MSM, one would draw the conclusion the temporary travel ban is unpopular.

Not so much:

Immigration concerns, of course, are a commonality across the Trump-supporting groups, with the disengaged voters stating they do not necessarily know what the answers are, but with all groups being broadly supportive of President Trump’s temporary travel ban.

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