Study says: people hesitate to shoot blacks...quicker to shoot whites


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
so...this blog links to information that shows that people hesitate before shooting blacks but shoot whites more quickly...discuss...

keep,in mind,,,,police shooting records do show more whites are killed by police than are blacks...

Another 8220 Progressive 8221 Meme Shot To 8211 Well Extrano s Alley a gun blog

Reason reports on a recent study published in the Journal of Experimental Criminology which found people, particularly police, are quicker to shoot white suspects than black.

Briefly quoting the Reason report linked above:

Participants in an innovative Washington State University study of deadly force were more likely to feel threatened in scenarios involving black people. But when it came time to shoot, participants were biased in favor of black suspects, taking longer to pull the trigger against them than against armed white or Hispanic suspects…

[WSU researcher Lois] James’ study is a follow-up to one in which she found active police officers, military personnel and the general public took longer to shoot black suspects than white or Hispanic suspects. Participants were also more likely to shoot unarmed white suspects than black or Hispanic ones and more likely to fail to fire at armed black suspects.

That agrees with observed reality, in that media reports suggest a white dude who mouths off to a cop is about as likely to contract fatal lead poisoning as a black guy who assaults a cop.

But it will take a few hundred confirming studies to make a dent in the Sinister Left and its complicit media to change public perception that cops always shoot black people while palefaces and Latinos y Indios get a free pass on everything.

If true, it will just make slimy racists redouble their lies about blacks/Hispanics in order to make people fear them.

Wouldn't it be nice if the scum would just go back to dressing up in bedsheets?
If true, it will just make slimy racists redouble their lies about blacks/Hispanics in order to make people fear them.

... and retards like you a reason to troll the Current Events forum. :badgrin:

luddly neddite said:
Wouldn't it be nice if the scum would just go back to dressing up in bedsheets?

Oh, but they do.

They're called gay pride parades now. :badgrin:
If true, it will just make slimy racists redouble their lies about blacks/Hispanics in order to make people fear them.

Wouldn't it be nice if the scum would just go back to dressing up in bedsheets?
It would be nicer, if the prison you currently reside in, revoked your computer privileges.
I think he resides in a gay brothel, and sits there all day hoping Obama will visit.
interesting study. one does wonder about the real world applicability. after all, 85 people facing a computer projection armed with a laser isn't exactly the same thing as the real world, and knowing that you're in an experiment can affect your behavior as well.

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