Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia

Are you high? I was trying to avoid being dragged into a discussion of the bible. Talk to Shogun about derailing the thread. I've been trying to get out of it.
NOAH was viewed uncovered by his SON. He didn't have sex with his daughters. He had a son see him naked, and the son was cursed for it.

Ringing any bells, biblical scholar?

"And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he
was uncovered within his tent.
And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness
of his father, and told his two brethren without.
And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon
both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness.
And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger
son had done unto him.
And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shern; and Canaan
shall be his servant.
God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant."

Unlike you, I can admit when I'm wrong. You're right. Congrats. One for you.
whatsa matter lil guy? Don't you want to keep insisting that I PROVE that FRED PHELPS IS NOT A VALUABLE ASSET TO THE APA?


myawwwww... did I hurt hims widdew feewins?

Wow, preschooler talk. Is that how you and biker converse during your trysts? :lol:
By the way, did anyone ever stop to think that if there is a link between gays and pedophilia, that there is ALSO one between religious nutjobs and pedophilia?

Warren Jeffs, the cult in Austin, and now yet another one led by some dirtbag named Alamo.

So.....I guess if you believe in the Bible, you're gonna be a pedophile then too, right?
By the way, did anyone ever stop to think that if there is a link between gays and pedophilia, that there is ALSO one between religious nutjobs and pedophilia?

Warren Jeffs, the cult in Austin, and now yet another one led by some dirtbag named Alamo.

So.....I guess if you believe in the Bible, you're gonna be a pedophile then too, right?
Actually, there is a statistically higher link between teachers and peds, so by your theory...
what can I say.. I enjoy thumping you nutters with your own holy book.

Where God actually approves of certain human acts -it specifically says so. Otherwise, particularly in the Old Testament -it is the recounting of an historical event. The good, bad and ugly. The Old Testament is an historical recounting of the Jewish story, historical events, the personal stories of individual Jews as well as the relationship between God and Jews as a people. The Old Testament is part of the Bible because it is the root of Christianity -without which there is no Christianity. But because it recounts bad acts or irresponsible behavior by a particular individual doesn't mean God has put His stamp of approval on that act! Talk about trying to put your own personal spin on why such things are even mentioned!

The Bible also recounts the story of how Moses got drunk and was seen naked by his sons who were embarassed for him as a result and covered his nakedness. Even though Moses was God's chosen instrument for so much, the recounting of this part of his story -only proves he remained the same sinful human no less prone to error and poor personal judgment at times -no different from any other human. Not one person in the Old Testament was a perfect person who never sinned and only a single person in the New Testament was -no others. So the fact you can find Old Testament stories about how these men and women, even while devoted to God, made all sorts of human errors or engaged in bad acts -so what?

Nowhere in the Bible does it promise that if I just have faith and belief in Christ that I would become a perfect human being. In fact, it specifically says that I can never be perfect or someone who never sins.

You seem to think you are somehow "disproving" Christianity or showing it to be some of "bad" religion simply because the Bible shows what every Christian already knows -that faith is never accompanied by perfection and a sinless life. While totally ignoring the real message it carries. So constantly dragging out the very examples that proves the Bible is correct that a sinless life was never attained even for those most devoted to God - you prove nothing at all except something not so fine about yourself.

Interesting how vigorously atheists work to try and get people to abandon their own faith. The notion that the more people who hold your same opinion about Christianity and Christians somehow makes you more "correct" is your own self-delusion. There is no safety in numbers on this one.
Actually, there is a statistically higher link between teachers and peds, so by your theory...

Really? Can you show me the link that teachers have more instances of pedophilia crimes than extreme religious nuts? I think when you count in the priests and such, it may not be true what you said after all, now will it?
I guess we're gonna have to include the homeless also......

Let the ethnic and lifestyle cleansing begin! Line up, don't push, there's plenty of room in the ovens.......
Really? Can you show me the link that teachers have more instances of pedophilia crimes than extreme religious nuts? I think when you count in the priests and such, it may not be true what you said after all, now will it?

In 2004, a report from the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights revealed that teachers are more likely than priests to sexually abuse minors. The report said that previous studies from the early 1980's to 1991 showed that one in four girls and one in six boys is sexually abused by a teacher by age 18. Another revealed that 17.7 per cent of males who graduated from high school and 82.2 per cent of females reported sexual harassment by faculty or staff during their years in school.
US School Districts Cover Up Teacher Sex Abuse with Confidential Agreements and Payouts

3.2 Prevalence in the United States. As a group, these studies present a wide range of estimates of the percentage of U.S. students subject to sexual misconduct by school staff and vary from 3.7 to 50.3 percent (Table 5). Because of its carefully drawn sample and survey methodology, the AAUW report that nearly 9.6 percent of students are targets of educator sexual misconduct sometime during their school career presents the most accurate data available at this time.
Here you go: Teachers and child molestation:

The Statistics of Teacher sexual abuse to Students
The best estimate is that 15% of students will be sexually abused by a member of the school staff during their school career.
Though, when the American Association of University Women Foundation surveyed more than 1,600 students in eighth through 11th grade, 25 percent of the girls and 10 percent of the boys who said they had been harassed or abused said the harasser was a school employee.
The number of K-12 public and private school students in 1996 who have been or will be sexually abused by a member of the school staff is nearly 7 million of 51,331,000.
Between 1% and 5% of teachers sexually abuse or harass students.
At least a quarter of all school districts in the United States have dealt with a case of staff sexual abuse in the past ten years.
Most cases of sexual abuse of students by teachers are never reported.
In nearly half of the cases, suspects were accused of abusing more than one student.
Only two cases were cases of false accusations; less than 1 percent of the cases studied.
No type of school was immune to abuse: public or private, religious or secular, rich or poor, urban or rural.
Responses to Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Students by Staff
38.7% of the teachers resigned, left the district, or retired
17.5% were spoken to informally
15% were terminated or not re-hired
11.3% received a formal verbal or written reprimand
8.1% were suspended and then resumed teaching
7.5% were cases where the superintendent determined that the teacher hadn’t meant to sexually abuse
Of the nearly 54% of abusers who resigned, weren’t rehired, retired, or were terminated, superintendents reported that 16% were teaching in other schools and that they didn’t know what had happened to the other 84%. All but 1% of these teachers retained their teaching license.
Teacher Student Sex Legalities
In 20 states, it is not a crime for school employees—including teachers, administrators, and coaches—to have sex with students aged 16 and over.
In 23 states, it is not a crime for school employees to have sex with students aged 17 and over.
In 45 states, it is not a crime for school employees to have sex with students aged 18 and over.
In 16 states, it is a crime for adults in a position of trust and authority—teachers, administrators, and coaches among them—to have sex with students under the age of 18.
CPIU Statistics

go ahead and find a study even remotely like that which shows that "right wing nutjobs" are more of a threat. Have fun, I don't expect to hear anything real soon.

Thank you glockmeister. Now, find some that's NOT from the Catholic League, since it was talking about priests and teachers, not all religious nuts that molest children.

Your other link was about sexual harrassment, not comparing it to religious nuts who molest children.

But thanks for the links anyway, it's interesting!

I guess you better keep your kids out of the Catholic Church and Schools then, the molesters are EVERYWHERE!
Thank you glockmeister. Now, find some that's NOT from the Catholic League, since it was talking about priests and teachers, not all religious nuts that molest children.

Your other link was about sexual harrassment, not comparing it to religious nuts who molest children.

But thanks for the links anyway, it's interesting!

I guess you better keep your kids out of the Catholic Church and Schools then, the molesters are EVERYWHERE!

Yeah....and don't let 'em become pages in DC.
Those Wacky Baptists!

Six pedophile preachers still listed on national Southern Baptist website

Convicted clergy were publicly exposed last week by ABC 20/20 program

Yet they remain on Southern Baptist Convention's list of 'serving' ministers

'Take them off & start separate list of credibly accused molesters,' victims urge

Predatory ministers are mostly from the South: AL, TN, TX, FL, MD, & VA

A support group for clergy molestation victims is urging officials of the nation's largest Protestant denomination to remove convicted child molesters from its registry of ministers.

Last Friday, ABC’s 20/20 program spotlighted "preacher predators" and pointed out that the Southern Baptist Convention has at least six convicted child molesters on its website's list of ministers.

"This is a frightening example of institutional denial," said David Clohessy of St. Louis , national director for the Chicago-based support group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests and other Clergy ( "Rather than getting those names off the ministerial registry and their website, Southern Baptist officials are blaming the messenger and ignoring the risk and the callous signal their inaction sends."

"Most ordinary, decent people would expect that religious figures would immediately take action after learning that their ministerial registry includes convicted child molesters," said SNAP-Baptist coordinator, Christa Brown of Austin, Texas , who heads a website called "Decent people might also expect that religious officials would care enough to make a public apology to the families who long endured the salt in the wound of seeing men who molested their kids continue to be publicly held forth as Southern Baptist ministers. But contrary to the reasonable expectations of decent people, Southern Baptist officials apparently don’t see the need."
Here is an article telling us that the pervs are in every walk of life. I don't think we should have a contest between what job has the most pervs, face it, they are everywhere.

Profile Of A Pedophile
Where God actually approves of certain human acts -it specifically says so. Otherwise, particularly in the Old Testament -it is the recounting of an historical event. The good, bad and ugly. The Old Testament is an historical recounting of the Jewish story, historical events, the personal stories of individual Jews as well as the relationship between God and Jews as a people. The Old Testament is part of the Bible because it is the root of Christianity -without which there is no Christianity. But because it recounts bad acts or irresponsible behavior by a particular individual doesn't mean God has put His stamp of approval on that act! Talk about trying to put your own personal spin on why such things are even mentioned!

The Bible also recounts the story of how Moses got drunk and was seen naked by his sons who were embarassed for him as a result and covered his nakedness. Even though Moses was God's chosen instrument for so much, the recounting of this part of his story -only proves he remained the same sinful human no less prone to error and poor personal judgment at times -no different from any other human. Not one person in the Old Testament was a perfect person who never sinned and only a single person in the New Testament was -no others. So the fact you can find Old Testament stories about how these men and women, even while devoted to God, made all sorts of human errors or engaged in bad acts -so what?

Nowhere in the Bible does it promise that if I just have faith and belief in Christ that I would become a perfect human being. In fact, it specifically says that I can never be perfect or someone who never sins.

You seem to think you are somehow "disproving" Christianity or showing it to be some of "bad" religion simply because the Bible shows what every Christian already knows -that faith is never accompanied by perfection and a sinless life. While totally ignoring the real message it carries. So constantly dragging out the very examples that proves the Bible is correct that a sinless life was never attained even for those most devoted to God - you prove nothing at all except something not so fine about yourself.

Interesting how vigorously atheists work to try and get people to abandon their own faith. The notion that the more people who hold your same opinion about Christianity and Christians somehow makes you more "correct" is your own self-delusion. There is no safety in numbers on this one.

You can spare me the lecture and your excuses for the OT. The fact remains that every OT occurance in the history of the jews is STILL supposedly validated by your same god. Yoo hooo.. did you forget that jebus was supposed to be the SON of that same god that allowed the tribes of israel to pillage canaan and send she bears after joke making kids? While you dogma junkies insist on raking everyone else accross your personal mores and values you'll have to forgive me for not giving a damn about your excuses for your own falling short of the glory of god. If you can't accept others then don't expect to be accepted. So what, indeed. You realize that you ARE posting in a thread demonizing the fuck out of gays fort the sake of posters who act like their christianity is some kind of national standard? Read the thread before you get your fucking martyr siut dirty on the end of my ass kicking foot. I, personally, don't care what you believe. If you want to believe in a dead jewish zombie in the sky then so be it. But, please, before you cry wolf about atheists at least have the goddamn capacity to realize the irony of your crocodile tears in a thread where dogma junkies are bashing gays.
Those Wacky Baptists!

Six pedophile preachers still listed on national Southern Baptist website

Convicted clergy were publicly exposed last week by ABC 20/20 program

Yet they remain on Southern Baptist Convention's list of 'serving' ministers

'Take them off & start separate list of credibly accused molesters,' victims urge

Predatory ministers are mostly from the South: AL, TN, TX, FL, MD, & VA

A support group for clergy molestation victims is urging officials of the nation's largest Protestant denomination to remove convicted child molesters from its registry of ministers.

Last Friday, ABC’s 20/20 program spotlighted "preacher predators" and pointed out that the Southern Baptist Convention has at least six convicted child molesters on its website's list of ministers.

"This is a frightening example of institutional denial," said David Clohessy of St. Louis , national director for the Chicago-based support group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests and other Clergy ( "Rather than getting those names off the ministerial registry and their website, Southern Baptist officials are blaming the messenger and ignoring the risk and the callous signal their inaction sends."

"Most ordinary, decent people would expect that religious figures would immediately take action after learning that their ministerial registry includes convicted child molesters," said SNAP-Baptist coordinator, Christa Brown of Austin, Texas , who heads a website called "Decent people might also expect that religious officials would care enough to make a public apology to the families who long endured the salt in the wound of seeing men who molested their kids continue to be publicly held forth as Southern Baptist ministers. But contrary to the reasonable expectations of decent people, Southern Baptist officials apparently don’t see the need."

Six pedophile preachers still listed on national Southern Baptist website

I see no stats. I see propoganda.

Lest you forgot: you think 15 percent of all Sunday school students are molested by church members?

Or 1-5 percent of all those affiliated with Baptist churches are molesting kids?

I don't think so.

Nice try, though. Teacher, heal thyself. If you assholes would pay more attention, maybe it wouldn't be such a problem.

The best estimate is that 15% of students will be sexually abused by a member of the school staff during their school career.
Though, when the American Association of University Women Foundation surveyed more than 1,600 students in eighth through 11th grade, 25 percent of the girls and 10 percent of the boys who said they had been harassed or abused said the harasser was a school employee. The number of K-12 public and private school students in 1996 who have been or will be sexually abused by a member of the school staff is nearly 7 million of 51,331,000.
Between 1% and 5% of teachers sexually abuse or harass students.
At least a quarter of all school districts in the United States have dealt with a case of staff sexual abuse in the past ten years.
Most cases of sexual abuse of students by teachers are never reported.
In nearly half of the cases, suspects were accused of abusing more than one student.
Only two cases were cases of false accusations; less than 1 percent of the cases studied.

You really think there are 7 million kids out there who are going to say their Baptist church elders were diddling them?

Pedophiles are ATTRACTED to the professions where they can victimize children. Teaching is a big one. The church is another.

However, the way the Baptist church is set up, thanks to the strictures we place on the church that you guys laugh at us's not really conducive to child molestation. I've no doubt it happens, but I don't believe the Baptist church actually is a magnet for child molesters.

The education field is.
You can spare me the lecture and your excuses for the OT. The fact remains that every OT occurance in the history of the jews is STILL supposedly validated by your same god. Yoo hooo.. did you forget that jebus was supposed to be the SON of that same god that allowed the tribes of israel to pillage canaan and send she bears after joke making kids? While you dogma junkies insist on raking everyone else accross your personal mores and values you'll have to forgive me for not giving a damn about your excuses for your own falling short of the glory of god. If you can't accept others then don't expect to be accepted. So what, indeed. You realize that you ARE posting in a thread demonizing the fuck out of gays fort the sake of posters who act like their christianity is some kind of national standard? Read the thread before you get your fucking martyr siut dirty on the end of my ass kicking foot. I, personally, don't care what you believe. If you want to believe in a dead jewish zombie in the sky then so be it. But, please, before you cry wolf about atheists at least have the goddamn capacity to realize the irony of your crocodile tears in a thread where dogma junkies are bashing gays.

Yeah, it's obvious you don't care. We can tell by the way you drag every single thread your in through this crap.

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