Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia

Apparently you agree that Shogun would be unable to rise to yet another simple challenge. :lol:

dude.. given as many times as i've handed you YOUR ass you probably should make those kinds of statements..

You sure as hell don't know much about your own book do you All I'm Dumb At? It wasn't Lot, it was NOAH! Matter of fact, as soon as the Ark set down, the first thing that Noah did was plant grapes to make wine with. It was HIS daughters that got him drunk and took advantage.

Nothing like schooling a nutjob like yourself.

Oh's some food for thought.....

Nothing like working from a lie eh Allie?

Fucking idiot.

"Father-daughter incest near the town of Tzo'ar: In verses 30 to 38, the second story describes how Lot's two daughters got their father drunk on wine, engaged in sexual intercourse with him on two successive nights, became pregnant, and eventually gave birth to two sons Moab and Benammi. Their sons are described as founding the Moabite and Ammonite nations.
The incestuous relations between Lot and his daughters
No, you enjoy attacking the faith of believers by spouting sacriligious, disrespecful and cruel garbage. There's a difference.

Hey, i'm quoting YOUR bible. deal with it. Your faith and a dollar will get you something from the value menu. And, even less for the rest of us. But, please.. tell me more about being cruel, CHRISTIAN.
No, you enjoy attacking the faith of believers by spouting sacriligious, disrespecful and cruel garbage. There's a difference.

Shit Allie Babble, if you're too stupid to know that it was Noah and not Lot, it's not called being cruel and disrespectful, it's correcting your own aberrant interpretation.

And......if anyone is being sacreligious, it's you, because you're spewing lies about what you THINK you know.

Go babble elsewhere. Adults are talking.

In other words......go away kid, ya bother me.
Nope Nailed Cock. Just saw the ass kicking going on and wanted to have a little bit of fun myself.

Nice to see you've painted a target on your forehead for me.

dude.. given as many times as i've handed you YOUR ass you probably should make those kinds of statements..


You too should get a room. That is, unless you're already in it. You seem to have the same delusions. :badgrin:
Its only sacrilege if it were actual coherent sentences. As I see it it is merely the rantings of a deranged child. :D

hey, I manage to school you EVERY time we clash in a thread. But, please, feel free to keep insisting that Fred Phelps has something valid to say about Psychology! That's gotta be the funniest shit I've seen today!
No, it's not the biblical recitation I object to. It's the nastiness, the added content, the jeering attitude, and the foul language when referring to a book that Christians consider holy. It's a personal thing, it's meant in a hateful way, and you engage in it, as I said, every time one of your threads fizzles. It's your stand by. Apparently you never get bored with it.

It bores me, though.
Shit Allie Babble, if you're too stupid to know that it was Noah and not Lot, it's not called being cruel and disrespectful, it's correcting your own aberrant interpretation.

And......if anyone is being sacreligious, it's you, because you're spewing lies about what you THINK you know.

Go babble elsewhere. Adults are talking.

In other words......go away kid, ya bother me.

You must not have read my previous post. go back. You're making an idiot of yourself.
No, it's not the biblical recitation I object to. It's the nastiness, the added content, the jeering attitude, and the foul language when referring to a book that Christians consider holy. It's a personal thing, it's meant in a hateful way, and you engage in it, as I said, every time one of your threads fizzles. It's your stand by. Apparently you never get bored with it.

It bores me, though.

I've states that it never gets old to thump dogma junkies with their own holy book. do you need be to write that in hebrew or something? consider me retribution for your dogma's bonfire solution to pagans. enjoy.
No, it's not the biblical recitation I object to. It's the nastiness, the added content, the jeering attitude, and the foul language when referring to a book that Christians consider holy. It's a personal thing, it's meant in a hateful way, and you engage in it, as I said, every time one of your threads fizzles. It's your stand by. Apparently you never get bored with it.

It bores me, though.

Interesting.....most Christians get all bent out of shape when people refer to their book as something they consider disrespectful.

Too bad it doesn't count for the Q'aran. How many "good christians" have destroyed, defaced, or defiled the holy book of another? Lots.
NOAH was viewed uncovered by his SON. He didn't have sex with his daughters. He had a son see him naked, and the son was cursed for it.

Ringing any bells, biblical scholar?

"And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he
was uncovered within his tent.
And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness
of his father, and told his two brethren without.
And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon
both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness.
And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger
son had done unto him.
And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shern; and Canaan
shall be his servant.
God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant."
I've states that it never gets old to thump dogma junkies with their own holy book. do you need be to write that in hebrew or something? consider me retribution for your dogma's bonfire solution to pagans. enjoy.

Still trying to figure out what mental illness it is that compels you to turn to bible bashing when you've exhausted other subjects.
hey, I manage to school you EVERY time we clash in a thread. But, please, feel free to keep insisting that Fred Phelps has something valid to say about Psychology! That's gotta be the funniest shit I've seen today!
The only thing that you've managed to school me in is your complete lack of logic and integrity. This latest example with you and Fred Phelps is up there with your fixation on rectums.
Interesting.....most Christians get all bent out of shape when people refer to their book as something they consider disrespectful.

Too bad it doesn't count for the Q'aran. How many "good christians" have destroyed, defaced, or defiled the holy book of another? Lots.

Actually, it's the double standard we find objectionable. And the mean-spiritedness of it.

You aren't worthy of discussing the topic, though, since you obviously have no knowledge of it.
No, it's not the biblical recitation I object to. It's the nastiness, the added content, the jeering attitude, and the foul language when referring to a book that Christians consider holy. It's a personal thing, it's meant in a hateful way, and you engage in it, as I said, every time one of your threads fizzles. It's your stand by. Apparently you never get bored with it.

It bores me, though.

Allie at her best again ... USMB Thread derail'er queen. :eusa_whistle:

You're trying to derail the thread into a biblical discussion. I'm not interested. Go ahead and discuss your homosexual stuff, i don't feel like listening to you go off on a biblical tangent again.
The only thing that you've managed to school me in is your complete lack of logic and integrity. This latest example with you and Fred Phelps is up there with your fixation on rectums.

whatsa matter lil guy? Don't you want to keep insisting that I PROVE that FRED PHELPS IS NOT A VALUABLE ASSET TO THE APA?


myawwwww... did I hurt hims widdew feewins?

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