Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia

Many homosexuals suffer from physical and/or sexual abuse as children. Many suffer from Gender Identity Disorder. Most are very sick and need treatment, yet the gay lobby wants them to be treated as healthy, regular people who should be able to marry and adopt children. Hopefully there will be a cure for homosexuality soon so that this madness can just go away.

yea.. sure dude.. the same can be said for dogma junkies. You wanna remove homosexuality? Ok. The next status on the agenda is spirituality.
Like most libs, instead of actually viewing who conducts the studies and educating yourself about that, you see the site that has compiled them and stupidly assume that means they have something to do with the study themselves.

For ages Narth was the only one publicizing the results of the Human Genome of the most important scientific studies done in years and probably THE most important genetic study up to that time. Sadly, it didn't support the homosexual agenda, so the mainstream medial buried it.

But it's not a Narth study. None of the studies are. They just compile them.
yea.. sure dude.. the same can be said for dogma junkies. You wanna remove homosexuality? Ok. The next status on the agenda is spirituality.

I realize homosexuals like yourself do not like to hear the truth, but to deny it is worse.
I realize homosexuals like yourself do not like to hear the truth, but to deny it is worse.

Hearing a dogma junkie talk about "truth" is kinda like hearing a serial killer talk about "love". Indeed, go read up on David and Jonathan and lets resume this conversation about denial.
Hearing a dogma junkie talk about "truth" is kinda like hearing a serial killer talk about "love". Indeed, go read up on David and Jonathan and lets resume this conversation about denial.

At least you didn't deny your sexual orientation this time. That's a good first step.
At least you didn't deny your sexual orientation this time. That's a good first step.

because it's truly stupid for someone to assume that anyone who defends homosexuals must be sicking dick. Indeed, it's FAR MORE likely that you secretly want to be a Cock Goblin for Halloween with all the over-emphasized gay bashing you do. go ahead and use genetics to remove gays.. I'll remain unscathed and ready to apply the same genetic discretion to dogma junkies!
I realize homosexuals like yourself do not like to hear the truth, but to deny it is worse.

Shogun is trying his best to keep his homosexuality suppressed, but the deeper the topic goes the more gay he gets and the more virulent his attacks become, even more support for the notion that homosexuals are mentally sick.
because it's truly stupid for someone to assume that anyone who defends homosexuals must be sicking dick. !

Its even more retarded for someone to assume that anyone who is against homosexuality is a latent butt shagging , biker hat wearing leather daddy, yet that is precisely the argument your retard brain is making.
Neo-libs are so short-sighted and dimwitted because their overbearing neo-liberalism adversely affects whatever brain cells they have. Please explain how refusing to accept buttshagging in public places is "gay bashing" and homophobia?
Shogun is trying his best to keep his homosexuality suppressed, but the deeper the topic goes the more gay he gets and the more virulent his attacks become, even more support for the notion that homosexuals are mentally sick.

Thats pretty funny coming from a gay ranger like yourself.. Im telling you, dude.. it's OK with me if you LIKED being fucked in the ass in prison. I won't judge you any more than you already judge yourself.
Its even more retarded for someone to assume that anyone who is against homosexuality is a latent butt shagging , biker hat wearing leather daddy, yet that is precisely the argument your retard brain is making.

riiiiight.. whatever you say Larry Craig.
Shogun, whenever someone rejects homosexuality as normal

chuck Ass - Whenever someone points out that dogma junkies don't speak for the psych community:

because it's truly stupid for someone to assume that anyone who defends homosexuals must be sicking dick. Indeed, it's FAR MORE likely that you secretly want to be a Cock Goblin for Halloween with all the over-emphasized gay bashing you do. go ahead and use genetics to remove gays.. I'll remain unscathed and ready to apply the same genetic discretion to dogma junkies!

Genetics to remove gays? No no no. It's either a psychological problem that can be cured with therapy or a chemical imbalanced which will eventually be cured with medication.
Genetics to remove gays? No no no. It's either a psychological problem that can be cured with therapy or a chemical imbalanced which will eventually be cured with medication.

well, you are completely wrong... But.. what is new from dogma junkies..

What about therapy intended to change sexual orientation from gay to straight?

All major national mental health organizations have officially expressed concerns about therapies promoted to modify sexual orientation. To date, there has been no scientifically adequate research to show that therapy aimed at changing sexual orientation (sometimes called reparative or conversion therapy) is safe or effective. Furthermore, it seems likely that the promotion of change therapies reinforces stereotypes and contributes to a negative climate for lesbian, gay, and bisexual persons. This appears to be especially likely for lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals who grow up in more conservative religious settings.

Helpful responses of a therapist treating an individual who is troubled about her or his samesex attractions include helping that person actively cope with social prejudices against homosexuality, successfully resolve issues associated with and resulting from internal conflicts, and actively lead a happy and satisfying life. Mental health professional organizations call on their members to respect a person’s (client’s) right to selfdetermination; be sensitive to the client’s race, culture, ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, language, and disability status when working with that client; and eliminate biases based on these factors.

Answers to Your Questions For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality


fucking dogma junkies.. Im sure we can develop a therapy for your spirituality too.
You just did. Now show me how it is incorrect. :badgrin:

Sorry.. If you think the westborough baptist church is anything but a laughing farce then it's truly no wonder, again, why you hate science and the necessity of evidence so much.


show you how fred phelps is wrong! Oh damn thats a classic! We need a GREATEST QUOTES OF ALL TIME forum.

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