Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia

Sorry.. If you think the westborough baptist church is anything but a laughing farce then it's truly no wonder, again, why you hate science and the necessity of evidence so much.


show you how fred phelps is wrong! Oh damn thats a classic! We need a GREATEST QUOTES OF ALL TIME forum.

You're the one that cited them. Now show us their argument on the issue being discussed and show us how it's wrong. I don't think you'll be able to do that. :lol:
You can try to stop Scientific progress, but you'll eventually fail. Live in the dark ages if it makes you happy.


the dogma junkie said "scientific progress"! now THATS rich.. Your kind is no more scientific than the pope is a scientist. Bring your "progress" to the rest of the scientific community, nutter.. You'll be chastised and put out before you can cry martyr.
You're the one that cited them. Now show us their argument on the issue being discussed and show us how it's wrong. I don't think you'll be able to do that. :lol:

Hey Shogun, mind if I help out a bit?

Did you know?
* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.
* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.
* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.
* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality.
* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers.
* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage.
* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union.
* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.
* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.
* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.
* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality.
* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals.

LGBT Texts

I kinda think that is better than Fred Phelps' church. You know, something that you ultra conservative asses ought to learn, is that you can find ANYTHING to support your narrow views.

Unfortunately, for you, the Bible kinda differs with your screwed up understanding of it.

Y'all gay haters are a bunch of colon jousting freaks.
The mistreatment of strangers was actually a mob of depraved men who demanded that Lot turn out the strangers in his home (who happened to be angels) so they could rape them.
The Ancient World

The systematic persecution of LGBT people simply did not exist until comparatively recently in world history. LGBT people played important roles at all levels of classical Greek and Roman society. Alexander the Great is well-known to have been bisexual. The Emperor Hadrian attempted to deify his male life-companion, Antinous. In Greek mythology, we have the myth of Tiresias, who changed his gender from male to female and back; Zeus, among his other loves, took Ganymede; the nymph Hermaphrodite was transformed from a woman into an intersex being.

Shamanism in Siberia from Aboriginal Siberia, by M. A. Czaplicka. [1914]
Both male and female Siberian Shamans, healers and spiritual leaders, took on the roles and dress of the opposite gender to enhance their magical power. This was also widespread through North America and Polynesia.
The Poems of Sappho
English and Transliterated Greek
The Poems of Sappho (Unicode)
English and Greek
Sappho, called the 'Tenth Muse' by the ancients, left a huge body of amazing poetry, of which only fragments escaped the bonfires of the dark ages. She celebrated Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, and some of her love poetry is addressed to women. Through history, her life and works have been a prism through which each generation has viewed same-gender love.

The Symposium of Plato
In this colloquium on the nature of companionship, Plato proposed a theory of the origin of humanity in which Zeus created three genders: men, women and androgynes. The androgynes were split into two and since then each half has been searching for the other. This is actually not an unusual creation story.

The Syrian Goddess of Lucian of Samosata
This is an account of the worship of Astarte in late antiquity, in what is now Turkey. It includes an account of her cross-dressing, transgender priests.

Mimes of the Courtesans
This unexpurgated translation of Lucian's comic dialogues about the Hetaerae includes two pieces which illustrate late classical attitudes about LGBT people.

Us humans are interesting eh? Nothing like a recent invention of hatred of other people to put fear and intimidation into the rest.

But.......there's always gonna be a free thinker out there somewhere.

Incidentally, you should listen to this little quote............

"Minds are like parachutes, they work best when open".
The mistreatment of strangers was actually a mob of depraved men who demanded that Lot turn out the strangers in his home (who happened to be angels) so they could rape them.

and, did Lot not, in fact, offer his fucking daughters to be raped?

uh, who was it that was busy FUCKING THEIR DAUGHTERS in the OT, baba?

oh.. and im gonna whip out some scripture regarding David and Jonathan if you keep on with this.
Wasn't it his daughters who got him drunk and got pregnant when they were living in a cave? They wanted kids and there weren't any other men around.

Or maybe they were just p.o.ed because he tried to give them to the Sodomites. Not that the sodomites were particularly interested in them.
Wasn't it his daughters who got him drunk and got pregnant when they were living in a cave? They wanted kids and there weren't any other men around.

Or maybe they were just p.o.ed because he tried to give them to the Sodomites. Not that the sodomites were particularly interested in them.

well that certainly is what a paternally written passage would hope to convey.. Now, do you still want to rationalize the FACT of incest here?

OR MAYBE he just fucked his daughters and blamed it on the alcohol.. i mean.. he's probably the only person to blame alcohol for anything.
You're trying to derail the thread into a biblical discussion. I'm not interested. Go ahead and discuss your homosexual stuff, i don't feel like listening to you go off on a biblical tangent again.
You're trying to derail the thread into a biblical discussion. I'm not interested. Go ahead and discuss your homosexual stuff, i don't feel like listening to you go off on a biblical tangent again.

yea.. i kinda figured you'd shy away from the reality of David loving jonathan like a woman.
No, it's not really that. It's just you have this obsession about taking every thread and turning it into an anti-bible spasm once everyone gets bored with the actual topic.

Just let the thread die. If you want to go on a biblical rant, start another thread.
what can I say.. I enjoy thumping you nutters with your own holy book.
Dr. Timothy J. Dailey is a joke. He is a bible thumper who is willing to manipulate statistics and information to prove his religious beliefs. "Scientists" like him are an embarrassment to their fields. The correlation between gays and crimes committed is shaky at best. The study is a farce. Check out his credentials and have a laugh.

Family Research Council
Wasn't it his daughters who got him drunk and got pregnant when they were living in a cave? They wanted kids and there weren't any other men around.

Or maybe they were just p.o.ed because he tried to give them to the Sodomites. Not that the sodomites were particularly interested in them.

You sure as hell don't know much about your own book do you All I'm Dumb At? It wasn't Lot, it was NOAH! Matter of fact, as soon as the Ark set down, the first thing that Noah did was plant grapes to make wine with. It was HIS daughters that got him drunk and took advantage.

Nothing like schooling a nutjob like yourself.

Oh's some food for thought.....

The Bible

There are about half a dozen direct references to what we today term homosexuality in the Tanach and NT, and a few others which are relevant but not direct. Two of the most negative passages are found in the book of Leviticus, alongside a mass of ancient Jewish food and incest taboos, purification rituals and medical protocols. In the New Testament, there are several instances in the Epistles where Paul disparages homosexuality. Notably, at no point in the Gospel narrative does Jesus condemn homosexuality.

Another point to note is that there was no word for homosexuality, in the sense that we now use the term, in ancient Hebrew or Greek. So the text of the Tanach and NT uses circumlocutions or eumphemisms in these passages.

As far as lesbianism goes, the Bible is silent. There is no explicit mention (or condemnation) of female homosexuality in the Tanach, and it turns up only once (very tangentially) in the NT.
The King James Version

King James I, who commissioned the King James Version translation, was undoubtedly homosexual. It was whispered that "Elizabeth was King: Now James is Queen."

James I was responsible for reaffirming the Buggery Act of 1533, which criminalized sodomy in the UK. However, James I had several well-documented homosexual relationships. Although he had eight children with his wife, Anne of Denmark, they eventually decided to live apart. In 1607 he met Robert Carr, then age 17, at a joust, and had an on-going relationship with him for nearly a decade, which ended in a messy breakup. In 1614, he started a relationship with George Villiers, a commoner, eventually making him Duke of Buckingham in 1623. In 1624, James wrote Villiers a letter in which he asked "whether you loved me now...better than at the time I shall never forget at Farham, where the bed's head could not be found between the master and his dog."

Nothing like working from a lie eh Allie?

I am using the terminology currently in vogue.

Find a 17 yes 364 day old person sexually attractive, and you're a pedophile.

Find that same person sexually alluring the next day and you're just a dirty old man or woman.

Many (most?) kids are sexually active (or want to be?) when they're 16.

They certainly aren't adults, but they're not innocent children, either.

So because some old fart finds them sexually attractive, they should be allowed to manipulate and bribe them into giving them sexual gratification -because they are not as likely to engage in sex with these old farts without that kind of manipulation and bribery. The old farts don't like the looks of the bodies of those their own age -and look to teens instead. But you think teens find those old bodies more sexually attractive than the old farts themselves do? LOL

Even though teens typically find others of their OWN age to be sexually attractive and are frequently sexually active with those people of their OWN age -if some flabby old fart wants to manipulate and bribe them in exchange for sex -and esstentially turn them into whores -so what, right?

There is a reason conservatives in general are more satisfied with their sex lives than liberals. Liberals see sex as little more than a body function like a sneeze or throwing up -and thereby divorce themselves from the best of it entirely. LOL
Apparently you agree that Shogun would be unable to rise to yet another simple challenge. :lol:

Nope Nailed Cock. Just saw the ass kicking going on and wanted to have a little bit of fun myself.

Nice to see you've painted a target on your forehead for me.

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