Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia

Yeah, it's obvious you don't care. We can tell by the way you drag every single thread your in through this crap.

hey.. for you he brought a sword, remember, puss? Don your fucking armor and lets dance. If you can't hang against the likes of me then welcome to the failure of your personal faith. Wearing the t shirt just makes you a poser.
:eusa_shhh: Just wait a few minutes for we all are about to be enlightened.

The Ten Commandments are being re-written as we wait.

The eleventh Commandment is going to be the Commandent of Allie.

The text will be as follows:
11) "Do as I say or shut the fuck up!" :doubt:
I get bored with dancing with you, Shogun. You drag every single thread you're in through the same old steps. You start out on a good topic, you go back and forth, then eventually it becomes about you and your fave five calling each other faggots, and then you start bible bashing.

It's always the same. It's boring. It's depressing. It makes me feel guilty for entering into it, because I know it demeans the bible and Christianity, and I know I end up saying things I really shouldn't say, but at the same time I feel guilty if I DON'T enter into it, because I think I should defend the word.
:eusa_shhh: Just wait a few minutes for we all are about to be enlightened.

The Ten Commandments are being re-written as we wait.

The eleventh Commandment is going to be the Commandent of Allie.

The text will be as follows:
11) "Do as I say or shut the fuck up!" :doubt:

What did I tell you to do, exactly?
I see no stats. I see propoganda.

Lest you forgot: you think 15 percent of all Sunday school students are molested by church members?

Or 1-5 percent of all those affiliated with Baptist churches are molesting kids?

I don't think so.

Nice try, though. Teacher, heal thyself. If you assholes would pay more attention, maybe it wouldn't be such a problem.

The best estimate is that 15% of students will be sexually abused by a member of the school staff during their school career.
Though, when the American Association of University Women Foundation surveyed more than 1,600 students in eighth through 11th grade, 25 percent of the girls and 10 percent of the boys who said they had been harassed or abused said the harasser was a school employee. The number of K-12 public and private school students in 1996 who have been or will be sexually abused by a member of the school staff is nearly 7 million of 51,331,000.
Between 1% and 5% of teachers sexually abuse or harass students.
At least a quarter of all school districts in the United States have dealt with a case of staff sexual abuse in the past ten years.
Most cases of sexual abuse of students by teachers are never reported.
In nearly half of the cases, suspects were accused of abusing more than one student.
Only two cases were cases of false accusations; less than 1 percent of the cases studied.

You really think there are 7 million kids out there who are going to say their Baptist church elders were diddling them?

Pedophiles are ATTRACTED to the professions where they can victimize children. Teaching is a big one. The church is another.

However, the way the Baptist church is set up, thanks to the strictures we place on the church that you guys laugh at us's not really conducive to child molestation. I've no doubt it happens, but I don't believe the Baptist church actually is a magnet for child molesters.

The education field is.

You're a BAPTIST? Geez, now I get it.

Let's see Alliebubba, there are how many SCHOOL EMPLOYEES in the USA? And how many Baptist, and other religious "types" working with children.

Don't you think the ODDS are a bit higher, because their are more to choose from in the SCHOOL STAFF? (as your post pointed out)

I know you hate teachers, but if I were you I'd watch my back and my kids in your Baptist Church if I were you...just in case. For someone who doesn't let their kids wash their hands after they go to the restroom, you can never be to sure about things, right?
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And you wonder why I think teachers are, by and large, idiots.

25 percent of students have been molested by school employees, dimwit. It doesn't matter how many there are. It's a fraction of the whole.

The stupid article on the Baptist convention is a result of ABC's anti-Christian grubbing, and they don't provide any stats, any numbers other than the fact that there were sex offenders there, and no way to back up their story.

25 percent of your students have been abused by school employees. 1-5 percent of all teachers are molesters.

Those are numbers you can do something with.

And if you want to slop around in public restrooms behind drug addicts, hepatitis carriers, and various and assorted scumbags, and laugh at me for waiting until we get to the car to wash, you go right ahead.

Like I said, the fact that you're teaching kids scares me.
You didn't say it to directly me. You say it to everyone. You have zero middle ground tolorance. It's either Allies way or it is the way of we "PEON'S". :eusa_shifty:

Oh ... btw thanks for the rep point. I loved it! :lol:

In other words, you're talking out your ass again. I love to be accused of something, and then have the poster who makes the shit up admit to it.

Why don't you come up with a quote, peon?
And you wonder why I think teachers are, by and large, idiots.

25 percent of students have been molested by school employees, dimwit. It doesn't matter how many there are. It's a fraction of the whole.

The stupid article on the Baptist convention is a result of ABC's anti-Christian grubbing, and they don't provide any stats, any numbers other than the fact that there were sex offenders there, and no way to back up their story.

25 percent of your students have been abused by school employees. 1-5 percent of all teachers are molesters.

Those are numbers you can do something with.

And if you want to slop around in public restrooms behind drug addicts, hepatitis carriers, and various and assorted scumbags, and laugh at me for waiting until we get to the car to wash, you go right ahead.

Like I said, the fact that you're teaching kids scares me.

Hmm, this isn't "made up shit" from ABC:

anguage of Foley Report Might Also Apply to Baptist Leaders

Christa Brown
A bipartisan House committee just released its investigatory results. It found that speaker Dennis Hastert and other congressional leaders were negligent in failing to protect teenagers from inappropriate advances by former Representative Mark Foley.

Much of the language in that report might also apply to Southern Baptist leaders who have failed to protect teens from clergy child molesters.

"A pattern of conduct was exhibited among many individuals to remain willfully ignorant of the potential consequences" of Foley's behavior, said the House committee's report.

Baptist leaders have shown a similar "pattern of conduct." When a man can remain in ministry even after 18 Baptist leaders receive notice of a substantiated report involving his sexual abuse of a teen--abuse far more serious than e-mails--then too many leaders are remaining "willfully ignorant of the potential consequences."

As professor Marci Hamilton explained, "Members of Congress should know by now that sex crimes against children (even when they are in their teens) are extremely serious--and that child predators are typically serial perpetrators."

This appears to be a lesson that Baptist leaders have yet to learn. By remaining "willfully ignorant," they leave kids at risk of extremely serious harm.

See any numbers?
See any names?
It's shoddy journalism, it proves nothing. Hence the repeated use of the word "MIGHT"

You're a fucking idiot. Honestly, you need to quit teaching because you don't have the skills or the discernment God gave a duck.
So Alliebubba, we can both go on the internet and find sexual abusers from the baptist and other churches, and from school staff. But I'm going to go make dinner now, and frankly I'm bored and kinda grossed out from reading about these pervs.

Always a pleasure with you on here.

See any numbers?
See any names?
It's shoddy journalism, it proves nothing. Hence the repeated use of the word "MIGHT"

You're a fucking idiot. Honestly, you need to quit teaching because you don't have the skills or the discernment God gave a duck.

Ah, always the lady, aren't you?
So Alliebubba, we can both go on the internet and find sexual abusers from the baptist and other churches, and from school staff. But I'm going to go make dinner now, and frankly I'm bored and kinda grossed out from reading about these pervs.

Always a pleasure with you on here.

I accept your surrender, loser.
Hey Any Bimbo, where did you get the stats of 25 percent of school kids are molested by teachers? I personally think that is way too high, but, just like everything else, right wing blogs are NOT facts.

Are you telling me that 1 out of every 4 kids in America today has been molested by a teacher? If that was the case, there would be a hell of a lot less teachers.
And you wonder why I think teachers are, by and large, idiots.

25 percent of students have been molested by school employees, dimwit. It doesn't matter how many there are. It's a fraction of the whole.

The stupid article on the Baptist convention is a result of ABC's anti-Christian grubbing, and they don't provide any stats, any numbers other than the fact that there were sex offenders there, and no way to back up their story.

25 percent of your students have been abused by school employees. 1-5 percent of all teachers are molesters.

Those are numbers you can do something with.

And if you want to slop around in public restrooms behind drug addicts, hepatitis carriers, and various and assorted scumbags, and laugh at me for waiting until we get to the car to wash, you go right ahead.

Like I said, the fact that you're teaching kids scares me.

Where are those numbers from exactly? It would nice to see some hard proof to back up your claims.

Honestly, it scares me that there are people as arrogant and elitist as you wandering around out there every day. Your no better then the rest of us, and sooner you realize that, the better off you will be.
You can spare me the lecture and your excuses for the OT. The fact remains that every OT occurance in the history of the jews is STILL supposedly validated by your same god. Yoo hooo.. did you forget that jebus was supposed to be the SON of that same god that allowed the tribes of israel to pillage canaan and send she bears after joke making kids? While you dogma junkies insist on raking everyone else accross your personal mores and values you'll have to forgive me for not giving a damn about your excuses for your own falling short of the glory of god. If you can't accept others then don't expect to be accepted. So what, indeed. You realize that you ARE posting in a thread demonizing the fuck out of gays fort the sake of posters who act like their christianity is some kind of national standard? Read the thread before you get your fucking martyr siut dirty on the end of my ass kicking foot. I, personally, don't care what you believe. If you want to believe in a dead jewish zombie in the sky then so be it. But, please, before you cry wolf about atheists at least have the goddamn capacity to realize the irony of your crocodile tears in a thread where dogma junkies are bashing gays.

That you want to present your own pro-gay bias as if it were "reality" in order to refuse to face up to the real facts is your own problem. Still doesn't change reality. It is what it is.

Aside from the relationship between homosexuality and preying on boys, being a homosexual is extremely dangerous to one's health and reduces life expectancy by about 20 years. Some studies have shown an even shorter life expectancy. Several years ago a pro-gay Canadian group carried out a study on men's health issues which resulted in that conclusion (even after removing AIDS from the equation) -much to their dismay. It has since been confirmed by other studies, including ones carried out in Amsterdam and the UK.

Busybody liberals go nuts about smoking when it reduces life expectancy by an average of 6 years, want government to ban a legal food product from restaurants and any kind of pre-packaged food when there is no known relationship to that food product reducing the life expectancy of people who eat it as part of a well-rounded diet, force people to live the kind of lifestyle THEY want to see imposed on everyone else. But have no problem indoctrinating kids to believe homosexuality is equally valuable to society, something entirely normal and healthy? Something that knocks off a couple of decades from a person's life expectancy?

We teach kids about the dangers of smoking, the dangers of unhealthy eating habits, etc. - but THIS is information that will never find its way into a public school. In fact, it is something the left wants buried and kept from becoming general knowledge.

Canada Family Action Coalition - CFAC This one quotes from several studies.

Yet Another Study Confirms Gay Life Expectancy 20 Years Shorter

And these studies reveal more differences between gay couples and heterosexual couples that reveal the gay activist lie that gay couples are the full equivalent of normal, stable heterosexual couples. Which should become general knowledge before people can make a fully informed decision on all sorts of subjects -from health insurance to gay marriage to gay adoption.

The norm is what the vast majority of people people do. What small fractions of the population do that differs from that are all the possible aberrations from the norm -and on this topic, homosexuality is one of those aberrations. "Aberration" is not a pejorative.

Homosexuality can be tolerated and homosexuals not persecuted for it with a society that simply ignores it. But that isn't any part of the gay activist agenda which is a demand that society not only pretend it is equally valuable to society, but that society CELEBRATE it and GLORIFY it. But it cannot ever be equally valuable to any society. Something that is likely to kill a person at the very time they should be a very productive citizen -by definition -can never be equally valuable to society.

As for the first part of your rant -how about saving your anti-Christian diatribes for some other forum. You must really think you are "proving" something when you do it. The level of sheer hatred is only revealing about you though. All you are proving is what a hatefilled bigot you are. And not a darn thing about those you are spewing all that venom about.

See any numbers?
See any names?
It's shoddy journalism, it proves nothing. Hence the repeated use of the word "MIGHT"

You're a fucking idiot. Honestly, you need to quit teaching because you don't have the skills or the discernment God gave a duck.

Ten Commandents #3 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

I'm sure some of your other colorful language used in the above post would be questionalble too?
Thank you glockmeister. Now, find some that's NOT from the Catholic League, since it was talking about priests and teachers, not all religious nuts that molest children.

Your other link was about sexual harrassment, not comparing it to religious nuts who molest children.

But thanks for the links anyway, it's interesting!

I guess you better keep your kids out of the Catholic Church and Schools then, the molesters are EVERYWHERE!

Harassment is a form of molestation. Also I have proven that my kids are far safer in church then at school.

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