Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia

I'm not sure if I'm a "neo-libtard" but I'll give this a shot...

How can anyone logically believe and support the notion that two men shagging each other in the rectum is "love-making" ?

Sex in the context of an intimate, loving relationship can fairly be called love-making.

Anal sex is a way for two men to be physically intimate in way that feels good to both of them at once.

So, in the specific instance of two men who are in love having anal sex with eachother in the context of that relationship, "two men shagging each other in the rectum is 'love-making.'"

And still no Neo-libetard has said anything about that link the Bass posted that stated homos were trying to lower the legal age limit for anal sex.

I will only point out that those Canadians are trying to lower it to the age of consent for all other types of sex in that country. They're not exactly asking for special rights.
I'm not sure if I'm a "neo-libtard" but I'll give this a shot...

Sex in the context of an intimate, loving relationship can fairly be called love-making.

Anal sex is a way for two men to be physically intimate in way that feels good to both of them at once.

So, in the specific instance of two men who are in love having anal sex with eachother in the context of that relationship, "two men shagging each other in the rectum is 'love-making.'"

This is pure BS, homosexuality is simply the fetish of having anal sex, it isn't lovemaking. Would two beating whipping each other with whips and chains be lovemaking in any context?

I will only point out that those Canadians are trying to lower it to the age of consent for all other types of sex in that country. They're not exactly asking for special rights.

Asking specifically to lower the legal age for anal sex and by the way its homos asking, lol, no what can that really mean?
what points? I assure you "the bass says this, the bass says that" is nothing worth the effort, dude..

Besides.. you'd probably fuck up and and state another "mississippi delta has no ghettos" if you DID try to make a point. And we saw what happened there, didn't we?
what points? I assure you "the bass says this, the bass says that" is nothing worth the effort, dude..

Besides.. you'd probably fuck up and and state another "mississippi delta has no ghettos" if you DID try to make a point. And we saw what happened there, didn't we?

until you posted some evidence and address the issues what don't you..

I'm not sure if I'm a "neo-libtard" but I'll give this a shot...

Sex in the context of an intimate, loving relationship can fairly be called love-making.

Anal sex is a way for two men to be physically intimate in way that feels good to both of them at once.

So, in the specific instance of two men who are in love having anal sex with eachother in the context of that relationship, "two men shagging each other in the rectum is 'love-making.'"

I will only point out that those Canadians are trying to lower it to the age of consent for all other types of sex in that country. They're not exactly asking for special rights.

:omg: :omg: :omg:

I'm going to hurl!
I always thought faggots like little kids for some strange reason with all those faggoty priests and teachers, cult of homosexuality.
This is pure BS, homosexuality is simply the fetish of having anal sex, it isn't lovemaking. Would two beating whipping each other with whips and chains be lovemaking in any context?

If it is geniunly an expression of eachothers' mutual love that they both actually enjoy, I'd be hard-pressed to say it wasn't love making.

That's a pretty big "if," though.

Note that I'm not coming anywhere close to saying that all anal sex is love-making. Any form of sex can range from love-making to abuse depending on the context.

Asking specifically to lower the legal age for anal sex and by the way its homos asking, lol, no what can that really mean?

Did you read the article you posted, or just the provocative title?

The age of consent for most forms of sex in Canada is 16 (up from 14). The age of consent for anal sex in Canada is 18. The 'homos' there want it to be the same as the age of consent for straight sex.

:omg: :omg: :omg:

I'm going to hurl!

Sorry. But he did ask.
I always thought faggots like little kids for some strange reason with all those faggoty priests and teachers, cult of homosexuality.
Heterosexuals are more like to molest children! phediphililia is seperate from homosexuality.
Bullshit, if some sick fuck of a man likes fucking little boys in the ass he's a faggot and a pedophile.

Clearly, you've never heard of the state of Virginia. I bet you are counting day days until you can talk about what you'd like to do to Miley Cyrus in the open...
if some sick fuck of a man likes fucking little boys in the ass he's a faggot and a pedophile.

True, but "pedophilia" means more than "men fucking boys," it also includes "men fucking girls" (which happens far more often) and "women fucking boys/girls."

You may argue, as some in this thread have, that homosexuals are more prone to do this (and expect a request for evidence if you do so; see the preceding dozen pages of posts), but it is simply false that pedophilia is purely a homosexual phenomenon.
Clearly, you've never heard of the state of Virginia. I bet you are counting day days until you can talk about what you'd like to do to Miley Cyrus in the open...

I don't even fathom the thought of fucking little girls, but a man who fucks little boys is a faggot, not just a pedophile.
I don't even fathom the thought of fucking little girls, but a man who fucks little boys is a faggot, not just a pedophile.

suuure, dude.. And no one remembers the whole whooplah we went through when Spears, the Olson twins, Aguilera, etc, all "became legal" either, eh dude? Pedophiles happen with more heteros than anyone else, dude. Again, I'll refer you to Virgina before I start posting the fucking PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS.

Being a fag, mush like you being a little bitch, is not a crime. enjoy.
True, but "pedophilia" means more than "men fucking boys," it also includes "men fucking girls" (which happens far more often) and "women fucking boys/girls."

You may argue, as some in this thread have, that homosexuals are more prone to do this (and expect a request for evidence if you do so; see the preceding dozen pages of posts), but it is simply false that pedophilia is purely a homosexual phenomenon.

Yeah, I know that and some of these sick fucks even go as far as explaining ways not to get caught.
I hate pedophiles, am I supposed to speak glowingly of those sick fucks when they should have the skin on their dicks burned off?

Not all gays are pedophiles. do you think Mr. Sulu is freshly married and looking for your 12 year old dick? Are you stupid enough to think that Virginia's hetero pedophile problem is just a figment of the health dept's imagination?


Im sure you are going to last longer than three weeks around here.
Not all gays are pedophiles. do you think Mr. Sulu is freshly married and looking for your 12 year old dick? Are you stupid enough to think that Virginia's hetero pedophile problem is just a figment of the health dept's imagination?


Im sure you are going to last longer than three weeks around here.

WTF are you talking about man? I never said all gays are fucking pedophiles.
Bullshit, if some sick fuck of a man likes fucking little boys in the ass he's a faggot and a pedophile.
"However, in a July 2002 report, USA Today noted numerous experts in psychotherapy, psychiatry, and child sex abuse who argued that figures showing "male pedophiles are more likely to molest boys than girls" are not evidence that gay men are more likely to abuse children than straight men, because they conflate men who abuse boys with gay men. For example, the article quoted David Finkelhor, director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, as saying that pedophilia is "kind of* a separate sexual orientation" from homosexuality, and that pedophiles "often* ... have no attraction to adults whatsoever." The article also reported that Berlin, who is described in the story as an expert on sexual disorders, believes that pedophiles are not "very* attracted to adults of either gender," and that a study by psychotherapist Richard Sipe found "no tie between sexual abuse and homosexuality"

Media Matters - Perkins claimed that "homosexual men are more likely to abuse children than straight men"; experts disagree

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