Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia

I know what it said. The homosexual community and those who champion its agenda do their damnedest to divorce homosexuality and pedophilia.

In its defense, there are those like Charlie's Ass that do their damnedest to tie pedophilia exclusively to the homosexual community.

IMO, the answer is rather obvious. A pedophile who exclusively targets children of the same sex is a homosexual and a pedophile. A pedophile who exclusively targets children of the opposite sex are heterosexual and a pedophile.

A true pedophile will target children regardless of gender.

So logical and so true.

Can I add, all pedophiles should be buried alive in hot, black tar?
And if one every does anything to my son I will help you light the fire! But I might torture them for awhile first!

Thus the diluted hydro-chloric acid. It would slowly burn them down to the bone. They would live through most of it. A bit messier, but longer pain than burning.
PI said:
It should also not come to anyone's surprise that the Advocates of Social Science will reject the study, out of hand as usual; and irrationally demand that those who adhere to the thesis it represents are reacting from a foundation of 'hate'. It's all they have...

Here we go again!:evil::ahole-1:

ROFLMNAO... This is just too easy... They truly can't help themselves.
PubliusInfinitum said:
ROFL... It's always the same, mindless, kneejerk, reactionary fascism...

There is absolutely no level of non sequitur that the Advocates of Social Science will not eagerly roll out in order that they may take a stand upon it...

ahh the irony of the invasion of Iraq... gosh.. "innocent" and "collateral damage" sure are interchangeable, eh? The concept of projection is probably a bit more applicable than your opinons. Just a guess.


And, please.. if you think you can keep some of us from the voting booth then come getcha some.

Well I'm just waiting on you gals to start it... so if you're in control of that call sis. My position today is what it has always been: BRING IT ON!

Now with regard to your flaccid little invitation: The good news here is that at some point, in what's looking like the not too distant future, the US government will become insolvent and when that happens there will be no entitlements, no day care, no medicare or medicaid, no AFDC, no WIC and no gubment check of any kind... now at that point there will be substantial discontent amongst the Advocates of Social Science and you girls will take to the streets; rioting, demanding what you have been erroneously lead to believe is yours... Those of you that are unfortunate enough to be on the same street as myself and other Americans, will cease to exist and we will commence on that day, in your absence, to rebuild this nation, with the FIRST law forbidding any speech which advoctes for left-think; as it was that very intellectual cancer which destroyed the United States.

Leftism has FINALLY come home to roost kids... now enjoy what you've earned and please, don't hesitate to take it to the streets; it's inevitable, why put it off?
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Ever worked at a restaurant? There are always gay guys that work at restaurants that seem to target teenage 'boys' who are vulnerable. What's up with that?
Yeah you did. I pointed it out for you too.:lol:

I'm calling bullshit here, I said a man that fucks little boys in the ass is a faggot and a pedophile, not just a pedophile and not a faggot. All pedophiles aren't faggots, I never said they were, way to spin the bullshit Gunny.
I know what it said. The homosexual community and those who champion its agenda do their damnedest to divorce homosexuality and pedophilia.

In its defense, there are those like Charlie's Ass that do their damnedest to tie pedophilia exclusively to the homosexual community.

IMO, the answer is rather obvious. A pedophile who exclusively targets children of the same sex is a homosexual and a pedophile. A pedophile who exclusively targets children of the opposite sex are heterosexual and a pedophile.

A true pedophile will target children regardless of gender.

Nonsense, please point out with evidence where the Bass has ever said that pedophilia is exclusive to homosexuals. Attack the Bass isn't attacking his position, so please quit with the straw arguments.
And where's that douche Charlie Ass who started this thread? The Black Supremist, Everything else-o-phobe of USMB?

Black Supremacist? LOL, what have you been smoking? The Bass is a Christian, not a black supremacist, when did the Bass ever say blacks are superior?

Studies have shown that you'd be much happier and not so damned afraid of everyone and everything if you'd just come out of the closet.

The Bass isn't a sodomite and thats a weak argument. Are you a closet Democrat because you constantly denounce Democrats?

Well I'm just waiting on you gals to start it... so if you're in control of that call sis. My position today is what it has always been: BRING IT ON!

Of course you'll sit back and wait.. it's what all GOP tough guys do when acting big and bad with the rhetoric.

Now with regard to your flaccid little invitation: The good news here is that at some point, in what's looking like the not too distant future, the US government will become insolvent and when that happens there will be no entitlements, no day care, no medicare or medicaid, no AFDC, no WIC and no gubment check of any kind...

riiiight.. good luck holding your breath until that happens, mr ruby ridge. You'd better start stocking your unibomber hole with canned goods now.

now at that point there will be substantial discontent amongst the Advocates of Social Science and you girls will take to the streets; rioting, demanding what you have been erroneously lead to believe is yours... Those of you that are unfortunate enough to be on the same street as myself and other Americans, will cease to exist and we will commence on that day, in your absence, to rebuild this nation, with the FIRST law forbidding any speech which advoctes for left-think; as it was that very intellectual cancer which destroyed the United States.


yea, internet tough guy.. you really are the only ones capable of defending their perspective! :lol: Trust me, dude.. you are about as impressive in your mirror-flexing as a quadriplegic in a boxing ring. Like I said.. don't just sit there and be a pussy.. come getcha some.

Leftism has FINALLY come home to roost kids... now enjoy what you've earned and please, don't hesitate to take it to the streets; it's inevitable, why put it off?

*yawn* did you say something? I mean.. I still have access to all those things you are crying about like a little girl with a skinned knee. If you are so bad ass then get your ruby ridge on, dude. See what happens to you. If anything, you are no more influential than the latest incarnation of nazis trying to remain relevant by ASKING to parade down the street.

poor guy.. I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't so much of a laugh riot joke.
PI said:
I'm just waiting on you gals to start it... so ... you're in control of that call sis. My position today is what it has always been: BRING IT ON!

Shogun said:
Of course you'll sit back and wait.. it's what all GOP tough guys do when acting big and bad with the rhetoric.

Who's acting sis? I'm just telling ya the way it is...

It's a question of principle... There is no valid justification in the taking of human life for political gain; the only valid moral justification for the taking of a human life is in the defense of one's own life and those within their immediate sphere of influence. Thus I spend an inordinate amount of my time advocating for my position, in hopes of swaying as many people as I am able that left-think is a cultural / intellectual cancer which can and MUST, due to its principle-less foundation, lead to nothing except catastrophe, calamity and chaos... now these arguments amount to all I personally can do to avoid the certain civil war which the left must inevitably bring, as explained in the post to which you're responding. In that civil war, which the left will initiate, thus bring a clear and present danger to myself, my family and my community at large, we; that which remains of the American people will, upon the incontestably valid principles of Jeffersonian Individual Human Rights destroy you to the last feminized male and masculated female.

PI said:

Now with regard to your flaccid little invitation: The good news here is that at some point, in what's looking like the not too distant future, the US government will become insolvent and when that happens there will be no entitlements, no day care, no medicare or medicaid, no AFDC, no WIC and no gubment check of any kind...

riiiight.. good luck holding your breath until that happens, mr ruby ridge. You'd better start stocking your unibomber hole with canned goods now.

ROFL... it's happening right now... that's reality sis and you're ignorance of that doesn't make it less real. The US government is in the process of nationalizing the US equity markets... those that wish to see the means of the federal government to manage equities need go no further than Fannie and Freddy and those who need more should take some time and consider that raging success known as AMTRAK...

With two leftists running for President, it's a certainty that a leftists of one level of severity or another will be sitting as President by the end of January and with both houses of congress presently realizing and likely to continue to realize leftist majorities, it is a certainty that the US economy will be subject to massive increases in economic drag through the MASSIVE Increases in Social Spending and the obligatory leftwing massive increases in taxation and deeper regulation... Hell it's not entirely outside of the scope of probability that the US economy could collapse entirely and damn soon...

Now sis, when that happens the US federal government is not going to be able to pay its obligations... and I've some bad news for ya here; part and parcel of the federal governments obligations are those Social Entitlements I listed... and what else besides ‘community organizing’ should we expect from you people? Will you suddenly become self sufficient individuals when the US government fails or is it reasonable to believe that you’ll continue to place the blame for your starvation onto someone else and through your organized ‘poor me; do for me’ community begin to make demands on those you see as having what you feel you need and when they refuse, try to take it by force? It’s what you’re doing now… why should anyone believe you’ll do anything different when you’re under pressure?

It’s common sense… there is only one potential fate for a culture which embraces left-think sis and that is failure. Socialism is not self sustaining; Socialism is a cultural parasite which requires a viable host to exist; and like all parasites, if it succeeds to the degree that it consumes the means of the host to survive… once the left destroys the means of the capitalist host to sustain economic life, the whole thing dies; it's the natural order and try like ya will girls... ya can fight nature and cry about how unfair she is all ya want... but when it's all said and done, ya just can't beat nature.
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I didn't even read your stupid post, dude. THAT is how relevant you and your ruby ridge mentality is to the rest of us. Again, WE have our voting rights and all those little things that drive you nuts. Don't like it? Bummer fucking days. Either man up and act like the big internet tough guy or just sit there in your moms basement and flex in the mirror some more. Your kind are a penny a dozen.

put that in your fucking unibomber den and smoke it.
Left or right faggots are just straight up nasty ass people, how can any sane man that isn't on drugs find a set of huge fucking tits, wet pussy and round ass not tantalizing and tasty?

Republicans probably have the most faggots as far as political parties, how many Larry Craigs are there really in the party?
Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted... Dude.

ROFL... Leftists.

concession to what? That you don't matter beyond your little hole in the ground out in the mountains? Hey, again.. Bring your ruby ridge pussy ass down from the wilderness and start trying to push your silliness around.. See what happens to ya.

Left or right faggots are just straight up nasty ass people, how can any sane man that isn't on drugs find a set of huge fucking tits, wet pussy and round ass not tantalizing and tasty?

Republicans probably have the most faggots as far as political parties, how many Larry Craigs are there really in the party?

You show a good reason for any intelligent women to be lesbians.

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