Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia

Congratulations. YOu guys have managed to attract some sort of porn freak to the room with this thread. You should be proud.
Congratulations. YOu guys have managed to attract some sort of porn freak to the room with this thread. You should be proud.

I'm not a porn freak, I jerk off like any other 18 year old man would and I like pussy now I'm a porn freak? I usually jerk off to porn but now I jerk off to Sara Palin MILF----falicious self because she's a woman, not because I'm a porn freak. You jerk off too don't you?
Not exactly, since I'm a woman, porn freak.

Likely a pedophile as well, since I'm going to assume you hit on this site when you did a search on the thread topic.
I'm not a porn freak, I jerk off like any other 18 year old man would and I like pussy now I'm a porn freak? I usually jerk off to porn but now I jerk off to Sara Palin MILF----falicious self because she's a woman, not because I'm a porn freak. You jerk off too don't you?

Another statement that causes more women to become lesbians.

Oh, and you do realize, lesbians HATE men, even gay men, most of the time. They'd be more likely to stab you, beat the shit out of you, etc. than give you the time of day. *knows a lot of them to*
This thread needs to be dynamited to smithereens, this is just outright disgusting talking about masturbation and explicit gay sex. The Bass is about to throw up his pork chops, yams and collard greens.
Another statement that causes more women to become lesbians.

Oh, and you do realize, lesbians HATE men, even gay men, most of the time. They'd be more likely to stab you, beat the shit out of you, etc. than give you the time of day. *knows a lot of them to*

Are you some lez going through cock withdrawal but pretending to hate men? I get alot of pussy for an 18 year old and women can beat me as long as its in the bedroom during sex but they can't stab me.
You of all people should get along with him, he is after all a straight moron who hates everyone else.

Look godamnit I don't give a flying shit about faggots, I don't even opposed fag marriage, they can married, fuck each other up the ass and live happily ever after, as long as they're not looking at my ass and trying to fuck me it doesn't bother me, I just find the shit disgusting.
This thread needs to be dynamited to smithereens, this is just outright disgusting talking about masturbation and explicit gay sex. The Bass is about to throw up his pork chops, yams and collard greens.

That explains why you're so homophobic. You're black AND gay!

Gotta be hard to be so self-loathing.
That explains why you're so homophobic. You're black AND gay!

Gotta be hard to be so self-loathing.

The Bass isn't flattered by gay fantasies from queer sailors, its so obvious that you want to see the Bass get shagged by a man, but the Bass is 200% straight with no gays in his family and no gays in his city. All wet dreams don't come true, sorry.
Are you some lez going through cock withdrawal but pretending to hate men? I get alot of pussy for an 18 year old and women can beat me as long as its in the bedroom during sex but they can't stab me.

You are just a dumbass .... and I thought morons like you couldn't get any less intelligent.
You are just a dumbass .... and I thought morons like you couldn't get any less intelligent.

Listen dipshit, just because you don't like having sex and I do doesn't make me a dumbass or unintelligent, it makes me a normal young, dumb and full of cum 18 year old man.
Originally Posted by Billy Bunny View Post
Are you some lez going through cock withdrawal but pretending to hate men? I get alot of pussy for an 18 year old and women can beat me as long as its in the bedroom during sex but they can't stab me.

You ripped that off of the previews of the movie "Choke" didn't you?
This thread needs to be dynamited to smithereens, this is just outright disgusting talking about masturbation and explicit gay sex. The Bass is about to throw up his pork chops, yams and collard greens.

Yeah this is getting a little out of hand, but do note that when it comes to mentioning "ass shagging" in posts you're at the top of the list.

But, that's the nature of the beast. Evidence about the original topic has been brought up and debated many pages ago, so now there's not much else to do but make a mess.

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