Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia


Bush Jr.

Yeah... I'll go with that. I've voted for him four times; twice as Governor and twice as President. And it's a fact that GW's greatest flaw is his deep seated personal belief that leftists are entitled to pursue their political agenda, despite that agenda being certain to lead directly to catastrophe...

My greatest disappointment with him came the day after I stood with my wife and kids, freezing our collective asses off in Midland, listening to GW give his last speech before the inauguration... I was almost positive that he would pledge his oath, turn and point to the Clinton's and command law enforcement to "SEIZE THEM!" But alas, it wasn't to be and instead he went to work putting Ted Kennedy in charge of the Education bill...

Man... that still hurts a little.

But hey, it's not like there was a viable alternative... so, life goes on...
That's the nature of delusion, sis.

I agree, it must be the nature of your delusion.

Oh, and the entire fucking Greek empire, not to mention Japanese Samurais and western cowboys, sure did notice that homosexual behavior tends to kill people@


for real.. Maybe there is a patch for your particular strain of stupid.
I agree, it must be the nature of your delusion.

Oh, and the entire fucking Greek empire, not to mention Japanese Samurais and western cowboys, sure did notice that homosexual behavior tends to kill people@


for real.. Maybe there is a patch for your particular strain of stupid.

Would you care to sharpen up your point here, sis?

Could you be advocating that these long extinct cultures were significantly populated with and otherwise highly tolerant of homosexuality?

And if so... you don't feel that this position is a rather poor choice for someone rising to deny their tendency toward delusion?

:clap2: BRAVO Scooter! You're just all OVER IT, aren'tcha! :rofl:

(Hey... if you want, you can go back and add the Roman Empire to your list of extinct cultures that were highly tolerant of homosexuality... It can't make things any worse for ya and it'll make your basis just that much more accurate and think what fun that will be >>> :dig:)
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Yeah... I'll go with that. I've voted for him four times; twice as Governor and twice as President. And it's a fact that GW's greatest flaw is his deep seated personal belief that leftists are entitled to pursue their political agenda, despite that agenda being certain to lead directly to catastrophe...

Didn't learn the first time did ya? Oh're excused, because Marines can't be expected to think.

And, I'm not advocating the "normalization" of it.....I'm just saying live and let live.
Would you care tosharpen up your point here sis?

Could you be advocating that these long extinct cultures were significantly populated with and otherwise highly tolerant of homosexuality?

And if so... you don't feel that this position is a rather poor choice for someone rising to deny their tendency toward delusion?

:clap2: BRAVO Scooter! You're just all OVER IT, aren'tcha! :rofl:

(Hey... if you want, you can go back and add the Roman Empire to your list of extinct cultures that were highly tolerant of homosexuality... It can't make things any worse for ya and it'll make your basis just that much more accurate and think what fun that will be >>> :dig:)

Ummmmm.....hey Jarhead......the Samurai didn't die out until the 1800's, and that was because of the Communists.
Would you care to sharpen up your point here, sis?
Could you be advocating that these long extinct cultures were significantly populated with and otherwise highly tolerant of homosexuality?
And if so... you don't feel that this position is a rather poor choice for someone rising to deny their tendency toward delusion?
:clap2: BRAVO Scooter! You're just all OVER IT, aren'tcha! :rofl:
(Hey... if you want, you can go back and add the Roman Empire to your list of extinct cultures that were highly tolerant of homosexuality... It can't make things any worse for ya and it'll make your basis just that much more accurate and think what fun that will be >>> :dig:)

Yes. In fact Greece is STILL around as is Japan. Seen any cowboys lately in the American southwest? Need to hear Willie Nelson, a man who has more knowledge of the west than you have in your clitoral hood, talk about it?

Indeed, I sure don't see either cowboys or samurais treated as HEROES!


Go ahead and challenge this point, pussy. I mean, I didn't want to bring up the Roman empire, the SPARTANS or any other civilization that has more face time on this earth that the entire western civ... who itself CAME from fucking Rome, but I guess when little schizophrenic bitches like yourself spend more time jacking off than reading books you are going to need a better education than you can get from doing barrel duty on the USS Assmaster..


You sure are a BAD internet cagefighter, lemme tellya!
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Didn't learn the first time did ya? Oh're excused, because Marines can't be expected to think.

And, I'm not advocating the "normalization" of it.....I'm just saying live and let live.

Well GW did a fine job as Governor of Texas. He beat the HELL out of the idiocy of Ann Richards and the Democrat Machine she operated.

Yeah, we get alot of that... Although I have to admit we don't much in person... but that's neither here nor there; especially since I've read what a bad ass swabby you are and all...

But I suppose hunting and killing heavily armed human beings and expecting to come out alive is not the vocation for the brightest amongst us, but it's somewhere sufficiently off the bottom that we're pretty comfortable with it.

I will say this though... we've always been happy in the certainty that driving around in the ocean and paiting rust wasn't an occupation that required a ton of smarts... given we're so dependent on such to get us where the goin' get's tough and the Navy turns around... :muahaha:
Would you care to sharpen up your point here, sis?

Could you be advocating that these long extinct cultures were significantly populated with and otherwise highly tolerant of homosexuality?

And if so... you don't feel that this position is a rather poor choice for someone rising to deny their tendency toward delusion?

:clap2: BRAVO Scooter! You're just all OVER IT, aren'tcha! :rofl:

(Hey... if you want, you can go back and add the Roman Empire to your list of extinct cultures that were highly tolerant of homosexuality... It can't make things any worse for ya and it'll make your basis just that much more accurate and think what fun that will be >>> :dig:)

All the Greeks died? When? I missed something.
Well GW did a fine job as Governor of Texas. He beat the HELL out of the idiocy of Ann Richards and the Democrat Machine she operated.

Yeah, we get alot of that... Although I have to admit we don't much in person... but that's neither here nor there; especially since I've read what a bad ass swabby you are and all...

But I suppose hunting and killing heavily armed human beings and expecting to come out alive is not the vocation for the brightest amongst us, but it's somewhere sufficiently off the bottom that we're pretty comfortable with it.

I will say this though... we've always been happy in the certainty that driving around in the ocean and paiting rust wasn't an occupation that required a ton of smarts... given we're so dependent on such to get us where the goin' get's tough and the Navy turns around... :muahaha:

It's not the painting that requires the smarts Devil Dog, it's the navigation that ya gotta think about.

Matter of fact, I didn't join the Army, because although I like camping and sleeping outdoors for a hobby, as a way of life, it ain't for me. I like showers.

Didn't join the Air Force, because most of 'em are pussies who run around like prima donnas.

Didn't join the Marines, because although I respect what they do and stand for, being a bullet sponge for a vocation wasn't for me.

Besides......if you can cuss like the Army, shoot like a Marine, and fly better than the Air Force, you're probably a Sailor.
Yes. In fact Greece is STILL around as is Japan. Seen any cowboys lately in the American southwest? Need to hear Willie Nelson, a man who has more knowledge of the west than you have in your clitoral hood, talk about it?

ROFLMNAO... Yes Greece and Japan are still around; but not the ancient cultures to which you referred...

Indeed, I sure don't see either cowboys or samurais treated as HEROES!

I don't see any cowboys or samurais being celebated for their queerness... What I DO see is a legend which illustrates both as being ruggedly independent and utterly HETERO... the histories of those cultures have erased their individual flaws, not the least of which is any homosexuality...


Go ahead and challenge this point, pussy. I mean, I didn't want to bring up the Roman empire, the SPARTANS or any other civilization that has more face time on this earth that the entire western civ... who itself CAME from fucking Rome, but I guess when little schizophrenic bitches like yourself spend more time jacking off than reading books you are going to need a better education than you can get from doing barrel duty on the USS Assmaster..

OK... Homosexuality did not become prevelant in the Greek culture until the very end of the Greek city state...; same with the Romans... not until the end of the 'Empire' do we find any significant reference to the queer lifestyle... with the most prevelent period being that of Caligula and Nero


You sure are a BAD internet cagefighter, lemme tellya!

Oh! Yeah you're a fierce opponent sis... to be sure. (Ain't delusion GRAND, kids?) You keep up the good work sport... Take all night...

Well it's Friday night and that means it's RACE NIGHT KIDS! SO I'm signing off for a bit to take some time to feed some Rice burners their ass... we'll pick this up tomorrow perhaps...

Just one more...

It's not the painting that requires the smarts Devil Dog, it's the navigation that ya gotta think about.
Oh yeah... That's right... of course, the nice thing about navigating on an ocean is if you screw up you'll eventually hit a continent and you can stop and ask for directions... I've noticed that Sailors don't mind that so much... :)

Matter of fact, I didn't join the Army, because although I like camping and sleeping outdoors for a hobby, as a way of life, it ain't for me. I like showers.

And don't think we don't appreciate THAT!

Didn't join the Air Force, because most of 'em are pussies who run around like prima donnas.

Shhh... :eusa_shhh: They're sensitive and some of them are around here... No telling how many tissues you've already burned with this insensitivty...

Didn't join the Marines...
Hey... don't hurt yourself... it's no secret why squids don't join the Corps... and its usually the same reason they're sisters joined the Air Force (No offense ladies, we love you fly boys! No shit! You're alright by us... Honest~)

Besides......if you can cuss like the Army, shoot like a Marine, and fly better than the Air Force, you're probably a Sailor.

ROFL... Oh I know... I mean I was on a Navy Base 30 years ago taking the SEAL test and we were treated to the level of intensity at which sailors train... We saw it all, the minutes of markmanship training you're exposed to, which no doubt explains your proficiancy with the small arms... and those "STRESS CARDS"! Man... they truly bespeak the purest essence of: "Walking wall of death"

You da' man Sailor... CYA tomorrow.
ROFLMNAO... Yes Greece and Japan are still around; but not the ancient cultures to which you referred...

Are you REALLY this fucking stupid? So, let me get this strait.. Japan and Greece are not of the same culture that was around a thousand years ago because, uh, you don't see fucking NINJAS hiding behind bushes and the Olympics in the fucking nude?


you've been served, cuntlips. I suggest you exit stage left while you have an iota of fucking pride left in that ass I'm about to stomp.

I don't see any cowboys or samurais being celebated for their queerness... What I DO see is a legend which illustrates both as being ruggedly independent and utterly HETERO... the histories of those cultures have erased their individual flaws, not the least of which is any homosexuality...

Uh, you really think Samurais were HETEROS? :lol:

The Beautiful Way
By James Hadfield
The ever-so-slightly hidden history of Japan's gay samurai
Seek Japan :: The Beautiful Way


Trust me, stupid.. Your sitcom education on world customs doesn't amount to shit outside of your suburban bubble. ERASED THE FLAWS? :lol: Just say the word pussy and I'll shower you with evidence that will give you bukkake flahsbacks from bootcamp.

OK... Homosexuality did not become prevelant in the Greek culture until the very end of the Greek city state...; same with the Romans... not until the end of the 'Empire' do we find any significant reference to the queer lifestyle... with the most prevelent period being that of Caligula and Nero

:lol: Oh yea! and SPARTA, the posterboys for BAD ASSES, sure were fucking boys AT THE NED OF THEIR CULTURE TOO! :lol: For real, dude. You are wrong. Your stupidity is like a clarion bell ringing from 50 miles away. Indeed, I'm pretty sure astronauts can see yous stupidity from space, dude.

Oh! Yeah you're a fierce opponent sis... to be sure. (Ain't delusion GRAND, kids?) You keep up the good work sport... Take all night...

Dude, I've got you by the neck and curbstomping you with facts.. Please.. I fucking dare you.. MAKE ME post the images of the gay samurai that the world knew about, apparently, longer than it took your power ranger education to catch up.

Well it's Friday night and that means it's RACE NIGHT KIDS! SO I'm signing off for a bit to take some time to feed some Rice burners their ass... we'll pick this up tomorrow perhaps...

Mondays, holmes. I don't waste my weekends on internet message boards.
ROFL... Oh I know... I mean I was on a Navy Base 30 years ago taking the SEAL test and we were treated to the level of intensity at which sailors train... We saw it all, the minutes of markmanship training you're exposed to, which no doubt explains your proficiancy with the small arms... and those "STRESS CARDS"! Man... they truly bespeak the purest essence of: "Walking wall of death"

Now wait a minute......don't lump me in with those pussies who used stress cards. I joined in '82 when it was still a real military.
ROFLMNAO... Yes Greece and Japan are still around; but not the ancient cultures to which you referred...

Are you REALLY this fucking stupid? So, let me get this strait.. Japan and Greece are not of the same culture that was around a thousand years ago because, uh, you don't see fucking NINJAS hiding behind bushes and the Olympics in the fucking nude?


you've been served, cuntlips. I suggest you exit stage left while you have an iota of fucking pride left in that ass I'm about to stomp.

I don't see any cowboys or samurais being celebated for their queerness... What I DO see is a legend which illustrates both as being ruggedly independent and utterly HETERO... the histories of those cultures have erased their individual flaws, not the least of which is any homosexuality...

Uh, you really think Samurais were HETEROS? :lol:

The Beautiful Way
By James Hadfield
The ever-so-slightly hidden history of Japan's gay samurai
Seek Japan :: The Beautiful Way


Trust me, stupid.. Your sitcom education on world customs doesn't amount to shit outside of your suburban bubble. ERASED THE FLAWS? :lol: Just say the word pussy and I'll shower you with evidence that will give you bukkake flahsbacks from bootcamp.

OK... Homosexuality did not become prevelant in the Greek culture until the very end of the Greek city state...; same with the Romans... not until the end of the 'Empire' do we find any significant reference to the queer lifestyle... with the most prevelent period being that of Caligula and Nero

:lol: Oh yea! and SPARTA, the posterboys for BAD ASSES, sure were fucking boys AT THE NED OF THEIR CULTURE TOO! :lol: For real, dude. You are wrong. Your stupidity is like a clarion bell ringing from 50 miles away. Indeed, I'm pretty sure astronauts can see yous stupidity from space, dude.

Oh! Yeah you're a fierce opponent sis... to be sure. (Ain't delusion GRAND, kids?) You keep up the good work sport... Take all night...

Dude, I've got you by the neck and curbstomping you with facts.. Please.. I fucking dare you.. MAKE ME post the images of the gay samurai that the world knew about, apparently, longer than it took your power ranger education to catch up.

Well it's Friday night and that means it's RACE NIGHT KIDS! SO I'm signing off for a bit to take some time to feed some Rice burners their ass... we'll pick this up tomorrow perhaps...

Mondays, holmes. I don't waste my weekends on internet message boards.

ROFL... Is there anyone else that would like to join this members position that the ancient cultures of the Greek City State, the Roman Empire and Imperial Japan can still be found on this earth, alive and well?


Anyone at all?
ROFL... Is there anyone else that would like to join this members position that the ancient cultures of the Greek City State, the Roman Empire and Imperial Japan can still be found on this earth, alive and well?


Anyone at all?

Yeah....the culture of Bushido still lives, even if it is underground. Where in the hell do you think the ideas of martial arts movies comes from?

There are still practicioners of the art of Samurai sword making, as well as practicioners of the art of Bushido.

Yeah....the culture of Bushido still lives, even if it is underground. Where in the hell do you think the ideas of martial arts movies comes from?

There are still practicioners of the art of Samurai sword making, as well as practicioners of the art of Bushido.


So are you trying to declare through this non sequitur that you believe that Imperial Japan and her Samurai culture still exist, as your comrade imbecile so clearly does?

Given these remarkable insights, I wonder how far we can be from leaning that the fraternities on college campuses are evidence of the ancient Greek civilization being alive and well?
Actually, there are lots of dojos over there, as well as certain clans of people that still practice, live and work in Bushido.

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