Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia

Actually I've noticed that the liberals- you know the "nice" ones who are for tolerance and diversity- typically start out using gay as an insult to someone that they disagree with. :lol:

Oh the left has no respect for the queers... Homosexuals serve PURELY as a political sacred cow. As you've pointed out the left is quick to toss out the stigma associated with the feeble queer. The whole 'homophobe' thing is part and parcel of that farce. I mean IF the left truly believed that being queer was just fine... what would be the purpose of trotting out the projected stigma associated with accusing the opposition of being queer?

Once they've served their purpose and the left finds unchallenged power, they will be the first to be 'cleansed' along with anyone else which is seen as a hindrance to the smooth operation of the worker's paradise...
When have I ever used gay as an insult?

You, on the other hand, are one of those that speak in graphic terms about gay male sex.

Well let's see... you're projecting in this very post that those that speak in graphic terms against queerdom, MUST BE QUEERS...

Now what pray tell would be your point in advancing this projection, IF you're NOT trying to stick what YOU BELIEVE is a negative stigma, upon your opposition?
Well let's see... you're projecting in this very post that those that speak in graphic terms against queerdom, MUST BE QUEERS...

Now what pray tell would be your point in advancing this projection, IF you're NOT trying to stick what YOU BELIEVE is a negative stigma, upon your opposition?
I didn't actually say that, did I? I thought the question was pretty valid. Why on earth, if you are so against gays, do you go around describing in detail what they do in private? All you end up doing is making people desensitized to the issue.
And as is inevitably the case... the left comes to demand that their opposition prove the negative... LOL>.. nothing says "DUMBASS" like ad ignorantiam...

(Sally is demanding that because there is no evidence that the Samurai were not a club for sissies... that the homosexual propaganda that she provided is evidence that they were, thus the void of data which stands to establish otherwise... which would require that one establish the entire history of the Samurai and point out that nowhere in that history, except in the submission noted above, is there any evidence that the Samurai was an organization for homosexuals... It should be sufficient for the reasonable observer to note that in the whole of the history of the Samurai and with all that has been written on the subject, that there is ONE book which was written by a homosexual propagandist that even remotely suggests that such was the case.

It follows that IF homosexuality was the core element of that which the Samurai were comprised, that SOMEONE would have mentioned it at some point before it became fashionable to paint the history of the human species with a shitty dick.)



yea, dude... I'd go ahead and take your entire fucking historic perspective from movies! Hey, Val Kilmer looked JUST LIKE DOC HOLIDAY!


Gay Tales of the Samurai by Saikaku Ihara, translated by E. Powys Mathers.

Gay Tales of the Samurai was written by the renowned author Saikaku Ihara (1642-1693) who recounted many tales of Samurai life from this period. The tales are said to be real accounts from life, and certainly many of them, particularly the last, read more like gossip than a constructed story.

To understand this book, you have to understand how different the world it grew from was. To quote Henry M. Christman in the introduction:

The year was 1687.

In England, King James II was on the throne, shortly to be overthrown by William and Mary. The rising young author was Daniel Defoe, whose famous work was to beThe Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.

In America, a handful of English colonies were clinging precariously to the Atlantic coastline. William Penn had just concluded a peace treaty with the Indians.

In Japan a ten-volume illustrated work entitled Glorious Tales of Homosexualitywas published.

Japan had long had a tradition of homosexual love. As with the Greeks before them, if featured love between youths, past puberty, but before becoming official men, and their older lovers. While there was a definite physical component to the romances, they were viewed to be for the purpose of instructing the young men in matters of honor and excellence. Bravery and Ardor went hand in hand in the warrior society.

Another component of these romances was the very nature of their impermanence. Just as the cherry blossom bursts forth, exquisitely beautiful, more so because its beauty lasts three days and fades, so is the beauty of youth. A young man, when he cut his bangs (the sign of being under the age of Adulthood, might not be pursued any longer, and will in fact, join the ranks of the pursuers.

That said, there are many tales that do not focus on the cult of youth, but are among men of similar age.
Gay Tales of the Samurai - Associated Content

One more FOOT IN YOUR ASS, you nancy fucking soap dropper!

It was never a part of ancient African culture, that for sure is known, thats why blacks are the least homosexual of all races.

dude. shut the fuck up. You, of all people, don't impress anyone with that prison education of yours.
Oh the left has no respect for the queers... Homosexuals serve PURELY as a political sacred cow. As you've pointed out the left is quick to toss out the stigma associated with the feeble queer. The whole 'homophobe' thing is part and parcel of that farce. I mean IF the left truly believed that being queer was just fine... what would be the purpose of trotting out the projected stigma associated with accusing the opposition of being queer?

Once they've served their purpose and the left finds unchallenged power, they will be the first to be 'cleansed' along with anyone else which is seen as a hindrance to the smooth operation of the worker's paradise...

That's a good point. I'm wondering how long it will be before they start building gas chambers.
That's a good point. I'm wondering how long it will be before they start building gas chambers.

says the guy who would GLADLY throw gays in prison for such "vile, devious behaviour". You and that little cock hungry military monkey above are two peas in a "we sure the fuck can't prove our points with evidence" pod, dude.
[1]says the guy who would GLADLY throw gays in prison for such "vile, devious behaviour". [2]You and that little cock hungry military monkey above are two peas in a "we sure the fuck can't prove our points with evidence" pod, dude.
1. Show me where I've said that.
2. Thank you for proving my theory about liberals and their gay accusations.
1. Show me where I've said that.
2. Thank you for proving my theory about liberals and their gay accusations.

WHAT? cockmail asking for EVIDENCE!

now THATS rich... Naw.. I'll go ahead nad let your previous posts stand on their own and let you do you own homework given your usual tendency to avoid posting evidence in any given thread. And i've told you before, dude... I support your right to get hitched to your pool boy. You don't have to scream like a mouse hopped over your foot about the lingo that we both know applies to you like the lipstick in your mothers purse.
WHAT? cockmail asking for EVIDENCE!

now THATS rich... Naw.. I'll go ahead nad let your previous posts stand on their own and let you do you own homework given your usual tendency to avoid posting evidence in any given thread. And i've told you before, dude... I support your right to get hitched to your pool boy. You don't have to scream like a mouse hopped over your foot about the lingo that we both know applies to you like the lipstick in your mothers purse.

1. So you lose credibility yet again. Big surprise to all. :lol:
2. Again you prove my point, liberal. :badgrin:
trust me.. Losing cred to YOU only makes my cred everywhere else exponentially multiply.

I'm still laughing that you, of all people, are demanding evidence!

trust me.. Losing cred to YOU only makes my cred everywhere else exponentially multiply.

I'm still laughing that you, of all people, are demanding evidence!

Why would I trust you, one with so little credibility to begin with? Do I look like Freddie Mac?

I provide evidence when a credible person asks for it, at my discretion. I have yet to see you provide credible evidence any time that I have asked, instead just more excuses, spin and baseless accusations. :D
Why would I trust you, one with so little credibility to begin with? Do I look like Freddie Mac?

I provide evidence when a credible person asks for it, at my discretion. I have yet to see you provide credible evidence any time that I have asked, instead just more excuses, spin and baseless accusations. :D


yea... between the two of us here IM the one with no credibility!


dude.. i've had more rep from every side of the isle than you'd have minutes discovering what evidence is. You have a REPUTATION for not providing shit that even remotely looks like evidence, dude. Hell, It's a regular occurance for me to bitchslap you with EVIDENCE and then watch you gimp off into the ether ore hope that "post XX" works well enough. THATS WHY it's a knee slapping joke that you, of all people, are getting your panties bunched up about evidence.


yea... between the two of us here IM the one with no credibility!


dude.. i've had more rep from every side of the isle than you'd have minutes discovering what evidence is. You have a REPUTATION for not providing shit that even remotely looks like evidence, dude. Hell, It's a regular occurance for me to bitchslap you with EVIDENCE and then watch you gimp off into the ether ore hope that "post XX" works well enough. THATS WHY it's a knee slapping joke that you, of all people, are getting your panties bunched up about evidence.


Sure boy you're a legend in your own mind; that much is known and well documented. But the fact is that you rarely provide evidence to support your liberal views, yet routinely and falsely claim victory, backed up with nothing but your all too trendy wigger talk. :lol:
Sure boy you're a legend in your own mind; that much is known and well documented. But the fact is that you rarely provide evidence to support your liberal views, yet routinely and falsely claim victory, backed up with nothing but your all too trendy wigger talk. :lol:

oh yea.. I mean, it's SO RARE that I post at least three sources from places a mile more valid than www dot christian opinion dot com!


Face it, dude. YOU asking for evidence and crying like a bitch about not getting it is pretty fucking hilarious given your usual avoidance of anything remotely looking like evidence, dude.

for REALZ.
Gay Tales of the Samurai by Saikaku Ihara, translated by E. Powys Mathers.

Gay Tales of the Samurai was written by the renowned author Saikaku Ihara (1642-1693) who recounted many tales of Samurai life from this period. The tales are said to be real accounts from life, and certainly many of them, particularly the last, read more like gossip than a constructed story.

To understand this book, you have to understand how different the world it grew from was. To quote Henry M. Christman in the introduction:

The year was 1687.

In England, King James II was on the throne, shortly to be overthrown by William and Mary. The rising young author was Daniel Defoe, whose famous work was to be The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.

In America, a handful of English colonies were clinging precariously to the Atlantic coastline. William Penn had just concluded a peace treaty with the Indians.

In Japan a ten-volume illustrated work entitled Glorious Tales of Homosexuality was published.

Japan had long had a tradition of homosexual love. As with the Greeks before them, if featured love between youths, past puberty, but before becoming official men, and their older lovers. While there was a definite physical component to the romances, they were viewed to be for the purpose of instructing the young men in matters of honor and excellence. Bravery and Ardor went hand in hand in the warrior society.

Another component of these romances was the very nature of their impermanence. Just as the cherry blossom bursts forth, exquisitely beautiful, more so because its beauty lasts three days and fades, so is the beauty of youth. A young man, when he cut his bangs (the sign of being under the age of Adulthood, might not be pursued any longer, and will in fact, join the ranks of the pursuers.

That said, there are many tales that do not focus on the cult of youth, but are among men of similar age.

Gay Tales of the Samurai - Associated Content

This member truly IS the gift that just keeps on giving.

The OP asserts that a "Study shows link between homosexuality and Pedophilia" and this member has reeled at the notion THAT SOMEONE WOULD EVEN SUGGEST THAT HOMOSEXUALITY HAS EVER BEEN LINKED TO SEX WITH CHILDREN!

This member has consistently demanded that homosexuality is a perfectly NORMAL lifestyle with absolutely NO ties to any desire in queer men to have sexual relationships with young boys...

Above, this member has sourced a book, which she claims proves that the Japanese Samurai were a pack of homosexuals, that the entirety of the Samurai was founded upon the homosexual lifestyle... and FINALLY, when she gets around to posting the queer sites prelogue to the book which she has repeatedly advanced as evidence, we find that EVEN IN HER OWN SNIPPIT, it speaks to what we're lead to believe was the customary Japanese cultural pedophilia... celebrating such as being based upon "instructing the young men (Post pubescent but not yet adult BOYS, so 12-17 year old boys) in matters of honor and excellence.

The best part is that she seems absolutely oblivious to the fact that she has just advanced evidence which establishes the homosexual cultural need to seek young boys with which to satisfy their twisted deviant sexual desires...

Look back over my posts and you'll find where I've repeatedly spoken to the Clinton (oral sex isn't sex) era APA report which came out at the height of the US homosexual revolution; which stated in effect that: 'adult/child sex may actually be beneficial to some children.'

Friends, she didn't mean to but she was clearly oblivious to the fact that her own posted source spoke to the normalization of adult/child sex... but that is what she's done. This member clearly has absolutely NO PROBLEM with adult men engaging in sexual relationships with young boys... the only issue that stands between her and her ability to legally bed a pubescent 12 year old boy is the law that would land her queer ass in prison for 30 years...; a law which provides that a 12 year old boy can't consent to sex with anyone... so all she needs to do is to establish with a sufficient number of citizens to change the law on the basis of that that APA Report that states... 'adult/child sex can actually be GOOD for some children... and we know that is true because the Samurai culture provided teaching honor and excellence through temporary adult/child homosexual relationships...'

...which is in point of fact, yet another piece of evidence which readily indicates that homosexuals are intrinsically linked to pedophilia.
Shogun will continue with his redundant rants and insults for which there is no end in sight. Its useless and part of his retarded strategy to wear out the opponent and mask his inability to debate with facts.
Hey, you asked for an education on the historic FACT of homosexuality. Thanks for admitting that you were wrong. Now, regarding your sidestep accusation of homosexuality and pedophilia, AGAIN, feel free to take your goofy ass to Virginia.


Virginia Department of Health

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