Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia

Uhhh......yeah there is.

The notion that there are Samurai presently working out in Japanese dojos and that this proves that Imperial Japan remains alive and well, is the equivalent to the ideas that one can find air slashing morons that enjoy referring to themselves as NAZIS, shows us that the Third Reich can still be found experimenting with Progressive Governance; or that the common Toga parties on any given US Frat house proves that the Greek City state is likewise, alive and well; or similarly that Civil War rein-actors or Colonial reinactment villages in some way suggest that the Grand Old South still exists or the socialist collectives of the Pilgrims can still be found slaving away on contract with the London Company as they seek to establish religious liberty; the simple fact is that there is no link to these long dead cultures in any of these examples, beyond nostalgia and their means to illustrate to the degree that they're able, that which each respective effort holds as significant.

But setting that aside; let the record reflect that the desperate queer historical revision regarding the notion that the Samurai represented some grand example of what homosexuality, supposedly, is all about… are no more accurate than the similar effort to ascribe faggery to every noteworthy historical reference... The Spartans were not queer; Abe Lincoln wasn't a fag; Alexander didn't take it in the ass by his ardent male lover, and so on... these are merely desperate myths; attempts advanced by belligerent mordern fudge packers to establish something akin to credibility, a frantic effort to obfuscate the fatal flaw in their own characters. It's roughly the same psychological farce which projects that one's 'past life' found them as Cleopatra or Julius Caesar... these people never seem to find a ‘past life’ where they were a common person who struggled with their own existence, distinct from their present life only by the span of time... they were always someone of major historical significance, 'back then...'

Now, it should also be noted that I don’t give a damn who does what to whom… as long as they do it quietly and do not project their own shortcomings onto the culture at large, in an attempt to validate what is otherwise a poor choice. The simple fact is that IF the issue was IN FACT a private matter; in fact were the issue limited to the scope of one’s personal bed chamber, it is most likely that NO ONE WOULD GIVE A DAMN.

My problem with the queers is that they are not content to keep their sexuality private; quite to the contrary; the queers are determined to make their sexuality as public as is humanly possible… They want to CELEBRATE their queerness in the face of the cultural conscience; expand the scope of their queer ‘rights;’ they demand that homosexuality is overtly NOT CONTENT with being a private activity between consenting pervs… but a genuine lifestyle CHOICE that is to be CELEBRATED and recognized as something analogous to preferred. The only time the fag community EVER even speaks of privacy anymore is when the queer cacophony has stirred a public contest, whereupon they rush to accuse those who oppose their ‘cause de jour’ of trying to regulate their private lives… declaring that ‘government has no business in the privacy of their bedroom…’

Of course, any rights a person has with regard to that which they consider private, rests wholly upon their RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP THAT ACTIVITY PRIVATE! It does not follow that what an activity to which one demands is protected by their inherent right to privacy, can be such WHEN THEY ARE DETERMINED TO MAKE IT A MATTER OF PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE, thus a topic for public discourse; thus a valid issue of concern for the community at large; thus a proper subject to be considered by the legislature as they determine rules which stand as the accepted threshold of behavior …

The queer lobby is not about privacy rights, it is about changing the culture; changing the standards of acceptable behavior… I stand steadfastly against changing the cultural standards to accept deviant behavior as something other than that which deviates from the norm… I believe that a queer person is an odd and unusual person; just as a queer house is an odd and unusual house; a queer car an odd and unusual car and so on… I know to a certainty that simply demanding that the odd or unusual house or car be referred to as something NORMAL, something that is NOT unusual, will not change that the oddity is, IN FACT: QUEER. I recognize that positions that pronounce that the queer house, car, or human being is normal, is a positive indication of delusion… and that holding delusion up as the standard of acceptable public behavior is a positive sign of a culture on the sharp decline.

What’s more; while it may seem a point of enlightenment to project a ‘live and let live’ attitude towards these wretched freaks; this too is a point of delusion. “Live and let live” is an approach which works fine where one becomes aware of private behavior which does not meet the parameters of acceptable public behavior… as by doing so, one keeps private behavior concealed; it remains where it belongs: CONFIDENTIAL and in so doing you maintain your OWN right to your OWN PRIVACY. But the issue here is NOT about that which is private; we’re talking about behavior which on one hand is said to be personal and that SHOULD BE kept ‘hush-hush’, but is actually behavior which is OVERTLY BEING MADE PUBLIC for the purposes of changing public policy.

It is at this point where one cannot allow the two separate issues (that which is private and that which is public) to be confused… in that by doing so, one fails to meet the responsibility inherent in their own rights, to their own privacy; this by undermining the very notion of that which is truly personal and that which is only uses ‘privacy’ as a means to a nefarious and overtly public end. You have no right to make what a person does in their private life public; as long as their private behavior is not usurping the rights of another.

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yea, dude.... I mean.. I ONLY linked to a fucking article from JAPAN about the homosexual history of the Samurai! :lol: Shit, who WOULDN'T take YOUR retarded fucking opinion over that nation's own culture? HAHAHAHAHA! some crotch goblin INSISTS that greece is ancient history so, despite the fucking evidence, THEY MUST NOT HAVE ENJOYED THE BUTTFUCKING LIKE THE SPARTANS!

I mean, He saw 300! No one claimed to be GAY is the movie 300!


Ya, dude! You keep being such the fucking scholar! :lol:
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So this fudge packer soothes his own conscience through the pretense thatfaggery is found throughout histories greatness.

That such is a myth with absolutely no peer reviewed historical basis and stands solely in the realm of homosexual propaganda is of absolutely no interest to this cock-smoker.

LOL and how freakin' sad is that?

So this fudge packer soothes his own conscience through the pretense thatfaggery is found throughout histories greatness.

That such is a myth with absolutely no peer reviewed historical basis and stands solely in the realm of homosexual propaganda is of absolutely no interest to this cock-smoker.

LOL and how freakin' sad is that?

go ahead and google Shudo, Bido, or "The Beautiful Way", dude.. go ahead and find out why you've become a fucking farce with your jokester input.

Homosexuality in Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shud? - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Hey, dude.. take your Bob Jones University education on down the road.
go ahead and google Shudo, Bido, or "The Beautiful Way", dude.. go ahead and find out why you've become a fucking farce with your jokester input.

Homosexuality in Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shud? - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Hey, dude.. take your Bob Jones University education on down the road.

Hey Sally, we get it... You believe with every fiber of your being that everything in history revolves around men with shit on their dicks and no amount of actual history is going to convince you otherwise...

ROFLMNAO... You gals are absolutely helpless...

This tool reminds me of a black activist I used to debate that SWORE that whitey had stolen everything from the homies... He believed with every fiber of HIS BEING that the ancient Egyptians were the first aviators, but that whitey had stolen flight from them and hidden it for centuries... to get the credit.

The same intellectual forces are at work with these imbeciles... They NEED history to be repleat with queers doing great things and where there is no such history, they'll happily invent it and SCREW YOU if you aren't buying it; because 'IT'S ON WIKIPEDIA: thus it MUST be true...

It's hysterical in an incomprehensibly sad way...
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Hey Sally, we get it... You believe with every fiber of your being that everything in history revolves around men with shit on their dicks and no amount of actual history is going to convince you otherwise...

ROFLMNAO... You gals are absolutely helpless...

This tool reminds me of a black activist I used to debate that SWORE that whitey had stolen everything from the homies... He believed with every fiber of HIS BEING that the ancient Egyptians were the first aviators, but that whitey had stolen flight from them and hidden it for centuries... to get the credit.

The same intellectual forces are at work with these imbeciles... They NEED history to be repleat with queers doing great things and where there is no such history, they'll happily invent it and SCREW YOU if you aren't buying it; because 'IT'S ON WIKIPEDIA: thus it MUST be true...

It's hysterical in an incomprehensibly sad way...

Im relaying historic fact. If you are too much of a pink little vagina to deal with the facts then it's no wonder why you get stuck with barrel duty each weekend. Say, have YOU provided even the slightest iota of evidence that japan and greece are no longer a modern civilization with an ancient GAY past? no. HAve YOU provided any evidence that homosexuality was NOT prevelant in a plethora of societies and cultures? no. Indeed, swinging into this thread on the flaccid dick of your military shower buddies like Zorro the gay blade doesn't really impress me. If you have anything to add besides hiding your man-loving gayness behind calling people womens names then go ahead and show your cards.. Otherwise, it's back to the barrel for you!

Something I've never understood--why do the rabidly anti-gay people spend so much time on message boards talking about gay male sex in graphic terms?
Something I've never understood--why do the rabidly anti-gay people spend so much time on message boards talking about gay male sex in graphic terms?

Well that is a wonderful question... and I'm sure its just one item on an infinite list of simple things you aren't capable of understanding.

The reason is that you rabid proponents of sexual deviancy, such as homosexuality, spend so much time on internet message boards advocating or otherwise promoting queerdom, often in graphic terms...

Now it serves reason that those oppose a given policy will be found where those policies are being advocated... and isn't it interesting that such elementary reasoning is utterly beyond you?

Perhaps you can answer why that is? Why are the advocates of homosexuality always so throughly ignorant of valid reasoning?
come on, pussy.. don't sit there like a crying little girl with a skinned knee looking all mad at me and shit. SHOW ME YOUR EVIDENCE. If you are so sure of your goddamn education in history then you should have NO PROBLEM finding good sources that can validate that homosexuality was never a part of Japan, Greece or any other ancient culture, yo.

heeeer kitty kitty kitty... Come get this foot up your ass, kitty.
I've posted my evidence.. where is yours, barrel boy?


And as is inevitably the case... the left comes to demand that their opposition prove the negative... LOL>.. nothing says "DUMBASS" like ad ignorantiam...

(Sally is demanding that because there is no evidence that the Samurai were not a club for sissies... that the homosexual propaganda that she provided is evidence that they were, thus the void of data which stands to establish otherwise... which would require that one establish the entire history of the Samurai and point out that nowhere in that history, except in the submission noted above, is there any evidence that the Samurai was an organization for homosexuals... It should be sufficient for the reasonable observer to note that in the whole of the history of the Samurai and with all that has been written on the subject, that there is ONE book which was written by a homosexual propagandist that even remotely suggests that such was the case.

It follows that IF homosexuality was the core element of that which the Samurai were comprised, that SOMEONE would have mentioned it at some point before it became fashionable to paint the history of the human species with a shitty dick.)
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...If you are so sure of your goddamn education in history then you should have NO PROBLEM finding good sources that can validate that homosexuality was never a part of Japan, Greece or any other ancient culture,

Two noteworthy points here...

The first is the perfect illustration of where Sally isdemanding that her opposition prove the negative... as noted above, this is an invalid species of reasoning, specifically its a classic example of the logical fallacy "Argumentun ad ignorantiam... or the appeal to ignorance. In this circumstance, Sally is demanding that the lack of negative evidence is proof that her position is correct; with the lack of evidence of the negative being the void of data or the required source of ignorance.

The Second is that she is now modifying her position to reduce the degree of faggery... where initially she has implied that the Samurai were purely a function comrised solely of and purely for the homosexual; she has reduced the fag implication to merely being 'a part' of the respective issues.

No one that I know of has ever stated that homosexuals were not to be found in Japan, the Samurai or otherwise... and I'm certainly no exception. There are always a few bad apples in every barrel; my position is simply that the Samurai were not a barrel dedicated to the bad apples; same with the Spartans and any other organization.
come on, pussy.. don't sit there like a crying little girl with a skinned knee looking all mad at me and shit. SHOW ME YOUR EVIDENCE. If you are so sure of your goddamn education in history then you should have NO PROBLEM finding good sources that can validate that homosexuality was never a part of Japan, Greece or any other ancient culture, yo.

heeeer kitty kitty kitty... Come get this foot up your ass, kitty.

It was never a part of ancient African culture, that for sure is known, thats why blacks are the least homosexual of all races.
It was never a part of ancient African culture, that for sure is known, thats why blacks are the least homosexual of all races.

LOL... Say what?

Man African men (I'm speaking of actual men that actually live in Africa...) are major league bi-sexuals... preferring anal sex to that of the vaginal variety; there is an erroneous rumor going around in the African male circles, that they can engage in anal sex with an effiminate male and they are free to not consider themselves queers because in effect they 'feel' that an 'asshole is an asshole'... That they are the fucker and not the fuckee, to them; that they're pitching and not catching; giving and not taking (get the idea...) that they avoid the stigma associated with the lowly pathetic sexual deviant... of course they're dead wrong but that seems to be what Africa does best...

AIDs didn't become the African Continental Flower because Blacks in Africa were not prone to bustin' each other in the ass...

Sorry to bust your bubble, but there ya have it.

If it makes you feel any better, that was the same reasoning behind the Ancient Greek and Roman rationalizations on homosexual sex. They were just as hard on queers as any other culture, but they felt that the pitcher was just gettin' laid and the catcher (when it was a male) was the fag. The idea being that the stigma was purely related to who was being penetrated... effiminate males were somewhere down the ladder below women, but they would apparently do in a pinch. Of course, we have to recognize that this fallacious species of reasoning was only prevelant at the tail end of the respective cultures... a sign of the times so to speak.

And yes... that's not a good sign for present day Western civilization...
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Something I've never understood--why do the rabidly anti-gay people spend so much time on message boards talking about gay male sex in graphic terms?
Actually I've noticed that the liberals- you know the "nice" ones who are for tolerance and diversity- typically start out using gay as an insult to someone that they disagree with. :lol:
Actually I've noticed that the liberals- you know the "nice" ones who are for tolerance and diversity- typically start out using gay as an insult to someone that they disagree with. :lol:
When have I ever used gay as an insult?

You, on the other hand, are one of those that speak in graphic terms about gay male sex.

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